The INDEPENDENT, February 16, 2006 Page 21 Life isn’t about finding yourself – life is about creat- ing yourself. C r o s s w o rd Pu z z l e GEORGE BERNARD SHAW Irish playwright (1856-1950) OREGON TRIVIA Answer to February 2 puzzle Here’s a different way for a beaver to bring down a tree. Add some color. 1. Crater Lake was formed in the caldera of what volcano that erupted in pre- historic times? 2. How may Portland High Schools send representa- tives t the Rose Festival Court? 3. What U.S. government post did Neil Goldschmidt hold after serving as mayor of Portland? 4. Who, on visiting foggy San Francisco, said to his guide, “In Fort Rock, [Ore- gon] we don’t have bridges, islands, or harbors at all, but if we had ‘em, we could see ‘em.”? 5. When did the Portland Memorial Coliseum open? 6. Chemist Linus Pauling was born in what Oregon city? Answers on page 24 Forest Resources Directory BIGHORN LOGGING CORPORATION SINCE 1981 CONTRACT LOGGING IN OREGON & WASHINGTON WE BUY TIMBER • 503-324-2422 VERNONIA, OREGON T’N’T TOPPING MIKE PIHL LOGGING CO., INC. SPECIALIZING IN PRIVATE TIMBER FREE ESTIMATES 503-429-1470 Mobile: 503-789-1268 • Fax: 503-429-0252 1010 Bridge Street • P.O. Box 321 Vernonia, OR 97064 TURNER LOGGING, INC. SPECIALIZING IN THINNING OPERATIONS No job too big No job too small We log ’em all T REE S ERVICES Marvin Nelsen 503-429-4963 Over 20 Years Experience 503-369-3200 See these professionals for… Equipment & Supplies Contract Logging – Thinning Site Preparation Road Building Timber Buying / Selling Complete Forest Management P.O. Box 715 Banks, OR 97106 503-324-0229 L. JEPSON & SONS, L.L.C C ONTRACT L OGGING H AULING • R OAD B UILDING 503-324-2786 Office Chip Yard 503-728-2817 503-324-2787 F AX F AX 503-728-2627 P.O. B OX 369 • B ANKS , OR 97106 TRIPLE S SERVICE JONSERED • HUSQVARNA • TROY-BILT Sales & Service Saws • Mowers • Trimmers • Tillers Accessories & Logger Supplies 503-429-1011 717 Rose Ave., Vernonia 503-429-6783 34515 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy • Cornelius 503-648-1254 • Fax 503-640-5858 TVI is your equipment headquarters offering sales, parts and services for all your power equipment needs. 854 Grant Ave. • P.O. Box 127 • Vernonia, OR 97064