The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current, February 16, 2006, Page Page 13, Image 13

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    The INDEPENDENT, February 16, 2006
47J Fingerprint program started Feb.13
Vernonia High School Princi-
pal Curt Scholl told the District
47J board of directors about a
new class offering during the
February 9 board meeting.
A Study Foundation class
will now be offered to help stu-
dents improve their study skills.
He also told the board that the
leadership class decided to
move the Winter Formal to
February 25 so members of the
wrestling team will be able to
attend. The original date con-
flicted with a scheduled
wrestling meet. The Winter For-
mal will be held this year in the
Washington Grade School
gymnasium because the high
school gym was already sched-
uled for another use.
High school student, Jona-
than Kintz told of a new project,
Pennies for Patients, where a
milk jug will be placed in each
classroom to be filled with
change. The class collecting
the most money will get a pizza
party. Kintz also announced
that there will be a Red Cross
blood drive in front of the high
school on February 22. The
public can donate blood at this
drive, too.
Nate Underwood, Vernonia
Middle School principal, told
the board that the cafeteria fin-
gerprint project will start for
middle school students, only,
on Monday, February 13, and
that only two students have
opted out of the program. Un-
derwood asked for and re-
ceived board approval to use
remaining QZAB and FlexFund
monies to purchase computers
and lockers or hooks for the
middle school.
Middle School students
Zach Shaw and Brandon
Gilbertson announced that the
students of the month were
Alex Lende (grade 8), Nora Hi-
eronimus (grade 7), and
Vanessa Ortiz-Torres (grade 6).
An upcoming event is the
Close-up rummage sale on
February 18. In health class,
the three grades plus Mrs.
Ward walked a total of 4,646.75
miles in the first semester. One
seventh grader, eleven sixth
graders and Mrs. Ward made it
into the 100 mile club.
The board unanimously ac-
cepted the resignation of volun-
teer head football coach, Mike
The board is looking for
three members from the public
to serve on the Superintendent
Search Committee. The com-
mittee will be made up of three
board members, three public
members, and three represen-
tatives from each school for a
total of 15 members. The com-
mittee will review the applica-
tions received by the March 3
deadline and recommend
about 12 candidates to the
board for interviews. Members
of the public interested in serv-
ing on this committee must be
able to attend a training work-
shop on the evening of March
8, plus commit to six to eight
hours of reviewing and grading
applications. These reviews will
need to take place during hours
when the district office is open
(daytime). Interested parties
should call Barb Carr at the dis-
trict office, 503-429-5891, by
February 17.
See page 19 for related story
on the Long Range Planning
Committee activities.
Page 13
VHS Honor Roll for first semester
From page 12
da Rogol, Allison Schilling, By-
ron Schorzman, Jessica Shaw,
Sahrina Smith, Sam Thornton,
Nicholas Welch.
Honors, 3.25-3.49 – Amber
Abney, Ben Bamburg, Heather
Bassett, Alex Bittinger, Nicole
Bridge, Alee Chadek, Yolande
Gendron, Nick Hammons,
Alyssa Hauser, Kevin John-
ston, Tarrah Johnston, Kristin
Kelly, Jonathan Kintz, Keli
Krieger, Lindsay Lennen,
Nicole Moss, Burdette Robb,
Lia Sebring, Amanda Sliger,
Ashton Yontz.
Honorable Mention, 3.00-
3.24 – Kahli Anderson, Jolene
Botchie, Jeffrey Brewington,
Christina Cavett, Gillian Ch-
eney, Tyler Clines, Colton De-
Witt, Ashley Eastlick, Elliott
Nicholas King, Jeramey Lende,
Russell Lende, Karina Nelsen,
Phillip Peerson, Tim Prpich,
Roberts, James Rode, Zachary
Serafin, Lindsay Shaw, Joshua
Tong, Joshua Vanderzanden,
Alisha Warren.
C a ll i g ra ph y fo r B eg i nn e rs
L e ar n th e b a si c s t r ok es
of t h e I ta l i c al p ha be t.
March 11th 9am - noon at Vernonia High School
Room #8 Ages 12 & up. Cost is $30.
Price Includes all supplies. Each person will
receive a calligraphy pen & ink to keep.
To pre-register Call Kim Morrison
at 429-0154 or just show up!