Page 10 The INDEPENDENT, February 16, 2006 VMS/VHS new cell phone policy Many have expertise to share – so Taekwon-do to hold tournament Because of concerns raised They may be used during non- volunteer at Vernonia High School about test security, text mes- saging, theft, and classroom in- terruptions, Principals Curt Scholl and Nate Underwood have found it necessary to es- tablish a guideline for appropri- ate cell phone use at Vernonia Middle School and Vernonia High School. For the remainder of the school year, the guideline is as follows: Cell phone use during class time is strictly prohibited. instructional times (before and after school, during passing time, and at lunch). Use during class time will result in confis- cation and forwarding to the Principal’s office. Documenta- tion of the incident will be made in the event of repeated viola- tions, which will result in disci- plinary action. Subsequent vio- lations will require a parent to come to school to retrieve the cell phone. Agriculture scholarships available The Oregon Agricultural Ed- ucation Foundation (OAEF) Memorial Scholarship is avail- able to students attending a two-year or a four-year college or university with an agricul- ture-related major. The OAEF scholarship is open to new and continuing full-time students (12 or more hours per quarter or the se- mester equivalent). Scholar- ship awards may vary, depend- ing on available funds, but are usually $750 to $1300, with eight to 10 being awarded each year. It is possible to reapply for the scholarship annually. A current application must be used to when applying (Aca- demic Year 06-07). The appli- cation deadline is April 1. Appli- cations postmarked or deliv- ered after that date will not be considered. Applications are available online at (under “Programs” – “Oregon Agricultural Education Founda- tion” – “OAEF Memorial Schol- arship”) or by contacting Betty Brose at 503-399-1701, ext. 327, or e-mail: . For more information about OAEF, visit, and look under “Programs” on the menu bar. CORRECTION The January 19 issue in- correctly identified Aaron Miller as the principal of Ver- nonia Middle School. Aaron Miller is the principal at Washington Grade School. The Independent regrets this error and any inconvenience it may have caused. SPECIAL OCCASION COMING UP? Dianna’s Formal Affair New Arrivals – Great Selection Best Prices & Don’t Forget We Rent Tuxedos, too! 33555 E. Columbia Ave. Lorelei Village, Suite 211 Scappoose 503-543-0291 Hrs: Tues-Fri 10-5:30 Sat 10-4 N o w Of f er i ng W e d d in g I nv it at io ns & M or e TUXEDO RENTAL, FORMAL & CASUAL DRESSES, JEWELRY & MORE Computer Counselors Doug Tesdal and Glenda Delemos • • • • • New Systems, Upgrades and Desktop Support Virus Prevention & Protection Digital Camera Support and Operation Applications for both Home and Business DSL and Wireless Network Set Up 503-429-4074 503-522-9663 E-mail: E-mail: VHS is recruiting volunteers to help out at the high school. Research shows school volun- teerism is much more common at elementary schools than in secondary schools. Vernonia High School would like to change that trend in this com- munity. The high school has identi- fied many areas in which they could use help. These include guest speakers and presenta- tion topics, individuals to help read to students or to assist them in typing projects and pa- pers, the publications classes (yearbook and journalism) can utilize readers and editors, the office staff can use help with a variety of tasks including cleri- cal work, publishing materials, and parent/community con- tacts, several teachers have expressed their willingness to work with individuals who might have specific subject matter expertise. This is not a com- prehensive list, because other skills would also be beneficial. Research has shown that many community members are willing to help, but do not partic- ipate because they haven’t been asked, or because they aren’t sure they have some- thing to offer. Now, the school is asking, and if you think you may have something to offer, you probably do. A volunteer coordinator will help get people involved, and place them in assignments that are meaningful to both the indi- vidual and the school. Anyone who is interested is asked to call the high school at 503-429- 3521. Taekwon-do students from Oregon, Washington and Ida- ho will be participating in com- petition at Kim’s Taekwon-Do Friendship Tournament, Febru- ary 25, from noon until 6:00 p.m. at the Vernonia High School gymnasium. Vernonia Mayor Sally Harri- son will give the welcome speech. The tournament is a non-contact competition, in or- der for the students to be able to spar with one another with- out injury. Kim’s Taekwon-Do classes have been held in Vernonia since 1980 and tournaments have been held here since 1982. The cost for spectators is $5; children under 10 are free. First Vernonia Middle School honor roll The following students were named to the Vernonia Middle School academic Honor Roll for the 2005-2006 school year first semester. Principal’s Honors, 4.00 – Chris Bamburg, Tim Brown, Kaytee Burghard, Kaitlyn Carr, Karly DeWitt, Adrienne East, Laura Hein, Jackson Miller, Vanessa Ortiz-Torres, Christian Schilling, Natalie Wallace. High Honors, 3.50-3.99 – Bonnie Birkmaier, Rachel Brown, Joshua Butcher, Brian- na Carr, Genesis Castro, Holly Cavett, Chris Dass, Natasha Duyck, Katie Ellington, Nora Hi- eronimus, Kayleigh Johnston, Alex Lende, Jonathan Marks, Tasia Pond, Sierra Roberts, Sean Solbert, McKenna Stasi- ak, Kathryn Stevens, Kacy Strand, McKenzie Tarkalson, Ryan Taylor, Nicole Thompson, Shyla Tungenuk, Steve White- man, Katie Wilson, Bethany Workman. Honors, 3.25-3.74 – Andrew Graf, Kristina Halverson, Bre- onna Maldonado, Mickell Maller, Joseph Martinez, Amy Rethwill, Levi Taylor, Dylan Vaughn. Honorable Mention – Jacob Alf, Joseph Benes, Kaylee Dalebroux, Jacob Dixon, Sarah Dupree, Zachery Dyer, Robin Elliott, Mackenzie Frantz, Ivory Garrymore, Chelsea Gritz, Tr- ever Gwin, Calie Johnston, Jer- rid Johnston, Collin Moeller, Sara Reynolds, Parker Roach, Preston Roach, Mason Roberts, Dalton Rumbolz, Sici- ly Scott, Daniel Shaw, Zachary Shaw, Zachary Smith, Emily Thompson, Levi Timmerman, V ALLEY V ETERINARY C LINIC R ABIES S PECIAL 8 $ 50 T HURS 10 AM -5 PM • 58376 N EHALEM H WY . S. V ERNONIA Anthony Traverso, Mikael Wal- ter, Travis White. Progressive Honors, in- creased GPA by .5 or more – Britanny Bridge, David Bridge, Chris Dass, Dillon Dethlefs, Austin Edgar, Tanner Faber, Mackenzie Frantz, Tiffany Mc- Neill, Anthony Traverso, Ron Vanderzanden. P re s id en ts Da y Fe b r ua r y 2 0, 2 00 6 Donkeys return on February 17 Don’t miss Donkey Basket- ball, Friday, February 17, at the Vernonia High School gymna- sium. The games start at 7:00 p.m., tickets are $6 for adults, $5 for students and $4 for chil- dren. Sponsored by the Junior class, the proceeds will benefit the prom fund. There will also be a Taco Feed from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Vernonia Middle School cafeteria. The proceeds from the taco feed will benefit the Zack Rumbolz Memorial Scholarship fund.