Page 20 The INDEPENDENT, December 15, 2005 Did You Know… By Chief Matthew Workman Vernonia Police Department T h e Ve r n o n i a P o l i c e D e p a r t- m e n t w o u l d like to w i s h e v e r y o n e a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! In soliciting topics for my article I was asked to talk about children causing damage to property with their bicycles. In particular, riding across or on someone’s property damaging grass, land- scaping, or other items. A citi- zen told me they repeatedly asked the children not to ride on the property where there was newly planted grass. They did and damage was done. This is actually the crime of Criminal Mischief and possibly even Trespassing, but more- over, this is a lack of respect for a n o t h e r’s property and their wishes. This citizen chose not to file a report but was disap- pointed in the lack of respect for the kids and parents. I think we all need to respect our neighbors and their property. Accidents and damage can happen, but it is another matter when damage is done purpose- ly out of disrespect. The new year brings with it a number of new laws. Here are a few highlights of some of the new laws. For a more exhaus- tive list check the VPD website: • SB 78 requires all drivers to submit accident reports to the Dept. of Transportation not to law enforcement. • HB 2361 allows for perma- nent license suspension for felony DUII convictions and other convictions. • SB 76 allows a parent or guardian of a person under 18 to request cancellation of driv- ing privilege. • SB 568 increases fines and suspension for persons who exceed the speed limit by more then 30 mph or persons con- victed of driving 100 mph or greater. • SB 1067 expands Te l e- phonic Harassment to include email and text messaging. There are additional new laws pertaining to Driving Privil- See page 27