Page 18 The INDEPENDENT, December 15, 2005 Land use classes for those who wonder how it works Ever wondered about local land-use planning and how it works? What’s being done to make sure our communities are livable – now and in the future? What you can do to make a dif- ference? Washington County’s Department of Land Use and Transportation and Oregon State University’s Citizen Par- ticipation Organizations (CPOs) are offering a six-part citizen education seminar on basic land use issues on the third Wednesday of each month from January through June 2006. The series will be free to the first 20 people who sign up to be in the studio audi- ence. Presenters will be county and city staff along with a Metro Commissioner, a county Plan- ning Commissioner, and a CPO leader. The sessions will be of- fered Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm at TVC-TV Studio A, Arts and Communication Acad- e m y, 11375 SW Center St., Beaverton. The dates are: January 18: Oregon Plan- ning History Feb. 15: The Development Process March 15: Citizens’ Role in Planning April 19: Growth Manage- ment in Washington County May 17: Cities Look Ahead June 21: Livability Impacts of Growth “Post graduate” tours will also be arranged. To sign up to attend some or all of the ses- sions, call or email Joann Hoff- man, 503-846-3823, Banks Fire District #13 Ab b rev i a t i o n s : E M S , Em e rg e n cy Medical Service; MVA, Motor Vehicle Accident NOVEMBER 2005 Park master planning to resume From page 16 view the application and submit a recommendation to council. Council voted to engage American Legal to conduct codification of the city’s ordi- nances. The process will cost approximately $9500 and will take 6-9 months to complete. Codification ensures that ordi- nances are consistent with each other and with state laws. Council also discussed re- suming work on the Park Mas- ter Plan. City engineer LDC had started the project. They will be asked to present a price and time table for completing the plan at the next council meeting. Council had second read- ings of two ordinances and adopted them both. One was the comprehensive plan text amendment to update long term housing and residential land needs. The other was to establish a business license for non-profit organizations. They also passed a resolu- tion setting a city fee schedule for such things as copies of documents, research and fax- ing. These fees have been in place, but there hadn’t been a resolution providing for them. Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 4 Nov 5 Nov 6 Nov 11 Nov 14 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 19 Nov 20 Nov 21 Nov 22 Nov 23 Nov 24 Nov 25 Nov 27 Nov 28 Nov 29 Nov 30 – MVA Hwy 26 @ MP 52 – EMS assist – sick – EMS assist – invalid vehicle fire – Wires down – Wires down – EMS assist – seizures wires down – EMS assist – chest pain fires (2) – oven & chimney – MVA Hwy 47 @ Nowa- kowski – MVA Cochran/Timber Rd. – Illegal burn – EMS assist – fall – EMS assist – seizures – MVA Hwy 26 @ MP 34 – Smoke investigation – EMS assist – seizures Mutual aid/F. Grove – Illegal burn – EMS assist – fall Misc. call – no fire – EMS assist – stroke – EMS assist – back pain MVA 5 calls different locations – MVA Hwy 26 @ MP 32