The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current, October 06, 2005, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    The INDEPENDENT, October 6, 2005
Page 7
Museum now open fall/winter hours
The Vernonia Historical Mu-
seum will be open during the
fall, winter, and spring months
on Saturdays and Sundays
from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
The next museum talk will
be October 16 at 2:00 p.m. with
the Thompson girls. Enjoy the
conversation as Eleanor, Dee
Dee, Joyce and Jan share their
memories of Vernonia.
The hedge has been re-
moved and outside improve-
ments continue. Thanks to Bill
Sword, in advance, for furnish-
ing the split rail fence that will
enclose the museum grounds.
The next museum meeting
will be on October 12 at 7:00
p.m. at the museum. Everyone
is welcome.
Register now for Couples retreat
A couples retreat will be held
October 14 and 15 at Cedar
Ridge, sponsored by Columbia
County Christian Men’s Group.
Cost of the retreat is $50 per
couple without lodging, or $80
with one night’s lodging.
Call Pastor Grant Williams at
503-429-6790 for information
or to register.
Col. Humane Society Garage Sale
Columbia Humane Society
will hold a fund raising garage
sale October 7 and 8 from 9:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The sale will be in Scap-
poose at 50925 SW Old Port-
land Road.
Senior News
By Karen Miller
ma Mia!!!
What a
fun time
we had
here Fri-
d a y ,
ber 19,
for our
successful Spaghetti Extrava-
ganza for Cycle Oregon! Every-
one who ate here raved over
Connie the cook’s “famous”
spaghetti sauce, and yes, we
catered to the vegetarian
crowd, too; serenaded by our
Italian music on top of it all. We
owe a great big thank you to
our volunteers: In the kitchen
Connie King,
Roberts, Jeri Cropp, Christina
McCord, Georgia Pelletier, Art
Isakson. Servers — Dorothy
Howard, Vonna Schwilke,
Gladys Gans. Promoters —
Romanna Manusos (Romanna
– do you still have a voice
left?). Romanna also brought a
pink Schwinn Hollywood “50s”
bicycle which, by the way, is for
sale. Thanks also to Patty
Lloyd who made our advertis-
ing signs, and Sharon Gibson.
Thanks to Bill James who or-
ganized this event. Everyone
worked hard, yet, I must admit
the hardest thing I did that
whole day was trying to
squeeze my size ___ (fill in the
blank) into a size 6. Thanks
Georgia for lending me your
Italian ensemble. Thank you to
one and all and hurray Cycle
Oregon…see you next time!
Community Action Team is
looking for two willing, depend-
able, volunteers, 45 or over, to
be trained to provide confiden-
tial, personal, and supportive
mentoring. Senior Peer Coun-
selors receive on-going super-
vision and training from quali-
fied professionals. Please, if
this sounds like something you
might enjoy and feel good
about helping others, come in
to see me in my office here at
the Senior Center – Karen
Miller, Senior Advocate.
We still could use some help
in the thrift store!
Community Action Team has
also contracted with several lo-
cal attorneys to provide certain
legal help for low income sen-
iors. My office number is 429-
9112. Call to see if we may be
of assistance to you.
We are enjoying the beauti-
ful bench out in front of our
building. Once again, thank you
to Vernonia Pride; you ladies
do a great job with all you do.
Large Homey
For all you senior losers out
there. That is, for you seniors
who want to lose some weight.
Seniors, if you want to do some
Jazzercise, get a hold of Penny
Costley, Jazzercise instructor,
at 429-0196. Penny would love
to accommodate you; it’s great
fun and a definite “win/lose” sit-
protecting health, safety and
Foot care is now just once a
month. Next foot care day, Oc-
tober 28. Judy does a great job,
so slots fill up fast. Call for an
If you know of a senior who
would like a visit from the Se-
nior Advocate or has any senior
needs and concerns, call our
• Pastries and bread
Wednesday and Saturday a.m.
• Bingo, Mondays at lunch.
• Music with the Golden
Oldies on Wednesdays.
• Games on Thursdays.
• Willoughby Hearing every
second Friday at 11:00 a.m.
• Jazzercise class at 2:00
p.m. on Tuesdays.
• Sign language class at
9:00 a.m. on Mondays.
Senior Advocate...429-9112
Senior Center.......429-3912
3336 19th Avenue, Forest Grove (503) 359-1129
For your adult residential needs.
Unscheduled entertainment at the Giles Family Benefit Barbeque, held on September 24 at
Shay Park, was provided by the pseudo vocal stylings of Scott Rethwill and Mark Hall to the
sounds provided by Tommy Disco.
55 Safe Driving class offered in Hillsboro
55 Safe Driving classes will
be held at the Tuality Health
and Education Center on
Eighth and Baseline in Hillsboro
on October 10 and 11, from
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The eight hour, two day class
covers new rules of the road, lo-
cal problem areas, safety sug-
gestions and tips from students.
Upon completion, an insurance
discount may be available.
For more information, call 1-
3300 19th Avenue,
Forest Grove
• Skilled Nursing Care
• Rehabilitation
• Long Term Care
• Adult Day Care
Call 503-357-7119 for information