The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current, April 21, 2005, Page Page 10, Image 10

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The INDEPENDENT, April 21, 2005
Health Notes
2005 West Nile Virus Update
Most cases of West Nile Virus infection result in no symptoms or mild, flu-like
symptoms that last from a few days to several weeks. In rare cases (less than 1
percent of cases), the virus can cause inflammation of the brain (encephalitis or
meningitis). Encephalitis and meningitis interfere with brain and spinal cord func-
tions. Even in these severe cases, the virus is only fatal in 3 percent of cases.
West Nile Virus did reach Oregon in 2004. The first Oregon case was identified
in Vale (Malheur County) on August 13, 2004. No cases have yet been reported
from Columbia or Washington Counties.
The virus is transmitted to humans from mosquitoes that become infected by
feeding on birds that are already infected by West Nile Virus. The virus can also in-
fect horses, though humans cannot get the virus directly from horses or birds.
In 1999, when the virus was first identified in the United States,
there were 62 cases with seven deaths in the New York area. In
2004, there were 2,470 cases in the U.S. with 88 deaths report-
ed. As of January 11, 2005, Oregon has had three cases with no
The key to preventing West Nile Virus is to reduce or eliminate
contact with mosquitoes:
• Eliminate standing water in tires, buckets, tree stumps, or
even clogged gutters.
• Replace water weekly in outdoor containers, including bird baths.
• Plant mosquito eating fish in ponds and water troughs.
• Maintain screens on windows and doors.
• Wear long sleeves and long pants.
• Use an insect repellent with DEET (N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide).
• Mosquitoes are most active from dusk to dawn and from April through October.
• Vitamin B and “ultrasonic” devices are NOT effective in preventing mosquito
The likelihood of being infected continues to be very low. Most mosquitoes
don’t have the virus. Even if a mosquito is infected, less than 1 percent of people
who get infected get severely ill. The best defense continues to be avoiding mos-
quito bites as much as possible.
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Above, the start of the Ore-
gon Road Runners Club 1/2
Marathon on April 9 from An-
derson Park to Buxton, 13.1
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Evening Chat on new yoga therapy
On Monday, April 25 from 6
to 7:30 p.m. Marie Pielage, PT
and Brant Rogers, RYT, will re-
view research that reflects
yoga’s value as a complement
to medical treatment for many
physical and psychological
Yoga therapy is a new con-
cept that differs from the recre-
ational yoga typically available
in the community. Participants
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ed from therapeutic yoga
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