Page 12 The INDEPENDENT, October 7, 2004 Salmon Festival Treasure Hunt winner Dale Webb Dale Webb was the Salmon Fest Treasure Hunt winner for 2004. The treasure was a 4X6 inch metal plate with a picture of a salmon in red on a blue background. Had Webb regis- tered for the hunt by paying $5.00, he would also have re- ceived prizes estimated at $250. About finding the treasure, Webb said “I was clueless, but willing to get down and dirty.” In explanation, he stated that his wife saw one clue (see clue no. 9), told him and they both knew where to look. The down and dirty part refers to the dirt in the pipe that was covering the treasure. Here are all the clues and an explanation of their meaning: 1. Many names has had Israel’s place. And here we begin the Treasure Race.. Israel Spencer, Spencer Hill, Millview, and O-A Hill are all names used. 2. Drive this slow to see the city. Drive ten times faster; see the trail. The poetry may not sound pret- ty, But use the clues to your avail. From the book, Vernonia, Pocket in the Woods, there used to be a city slogan “Drive 12 mph, see our city. Drive faster, see our jail.” 12 times 10 = 120, trail is at 120 degrees. 3. Bowl or a park, Meyer Body Shop? Head there quick, chop-chop. Or a = Ora; Bowl + Meyer = Bolmeier; park = Park. This clue said “Ora Bolmeier Park.” 4. A Fern Hill replacement, main arch you can just see. Murder at Oak Point, 200th an- niversary. Forget about the store: Penney, JC. Spin around once, set me free. 1st line, Fern Hill was the first school in Vernonia, Wash- ington Grade School (WGS) arch is barely visible at the spot the treasure can be found. 2nd line, Oak Point Murder took place in 1811 + 200 years = 2011. 3rd line, the JC Penney store was number 1436. 4th line, spin around once = 360 degrees. Taking 2011 - 1436 - 360 = 215. The WGS arch is at 215 degrees. Columbia County Military Veterans! In this critical national election, military veterans who question the policies of the Bush Administration can play an important role by supporting John F. Kerry for president. Please support John Kerry by adding your name to the Veterans for Kerry database that cur- rently contains the names more than 500,000 active duty, reserve, former serv- ice, and retired military members and is rapidly increasing. In Columbia County, add your name by sending an e-mail to . Be sure to include your address, branch of serv- ice, year in, and year out. You can also sign up at . If you are unclear where Senator Kerry stands on the issues, you can find helpful facts on the web- site as well. “To announce that there must be no criticism of the president or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpa- triotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” –Theodore Roosevelt, Republican President Paid for by Columbia County Veterans for Kerry 5. Rose and Joy are missing their heater. I am not, and the reward is sweeter. Rose and Joy were early Vernonia theaters (the “T” is missing from heaters). There is a “T” on the treasure location. 6. Pocket in the Woods Incorporated 1891 Peddler Fleischer selling goods Everyone look left, start having fun! Look left at the first letter of each line: PIPE. The treasure is in a pipe. 7. Near a fork or a “Y” If it’s empty, don’t cry. The trail forks near the pipe. 8. From California they came And even from LA Red stick, not red herring in between is the game. Look between California and Louisiana Avenues. Red stick is English for Baton Rouge, meaning LA is Louisiana, not Los Angeles. 9. New fence, new rail Another way, unpaved trail. Both an unpaved trail and a paved path up Hwy 47 take you up O-A hill. There is a new fence and rail on the paved path. 10. (This one didn’t get used before the treasure was found.) The clues are getting easy, Han- nah In a pipe below Louisiana California then is further below Perhaps by now you finally know. Obvious by now? On the unpaved trail up O-A Hill in Ora Bolmeier Park there is a pipe with a T on it. At that location, you can see the WGS arch at 215 degrees and the trail continues at 120 degrees. The treasure is in the pipe. Since Dale Webb was not signed up for the additional prizes, the treasure hunt basket was awarded in a drawing of those who were signed up.