The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current, August 05, 2004, Image 1

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U.S. Postage Paid
Vernonia, OR 97064
Permit No. 37
Vol. 19, No. 15
“Voice of the Upper Nehalem River Valley”
Volunteers at work…
A great group of volunteers from J&S Masonry, of Port-
land, joined their supervisor Loren Dennis, of Vernonia,
to erect the walls for the Boosters concession stand at
Vernonia High School. Lonnie and Marvin Dennis were
part of the crew, also. The eight-person crew put up the
walls of the 34x24’ building in about six hours. The labor
and materials were all donated.
47J sets hearing on design/build
proposal for new middle school
Vernonia School District will
hold a public hearing August 12
at the school district office for
public comment on utilizing a
design/build method to build a
new middle school. The school
board is responsible for local
contract review and, under
Oregon law, is responsible for
deciding whether to use the de-
sign/build process.
According to information
provided by the district, use of
the design/build method would
exempt them from public con-
tracting rules, which would al-
low “substantial savings.”
The Willamette Education
Service District has agreed to
serve as consultant to manage
the process. A compressed
time frame is anticipated for the
process to select a contractor
and subcontractors would be
selected by the design/build
A complete copy of the find-
ings (reasons) for using the de-
sign/build method is available
from the district office.
August 5, 2004
Bassett is interim administrator
Robyn Bassett was appoint-
ed interim city administrator at
a special meeting of the Ver-
nonia City Council on July 29.
Bassett, who is the city’s direc-
tor of public works, will do dou-
ble duty until a new administra-
tor is named.
A process for selecting a
new administrator will be dis-
cussed at the August 19 meet-
Bassett gave a presentation
at the July 19 council meeting
on the Wastewater Facility Up-
grade. Upgrades needed in-
clude increasing one to two
pipe sizes on three of the grav-
ity collection systems in town,
upgrading Pump Station No. 2
to a 12-inch-diameter force
main, increasing the pump size
in the Main Pump Station by
2008, and adding a new pump
station. The City will be looking
for grants and/or loans to cover
some of these costs, but, in ac-
cordance with plans begun
years ago, sewer rates are be-
ing increased in July from
$31.00 to $37.00. Further in-
creases may be needed next
year, depending on the suc-
Mayor Cindy Ball presented a plaque to outgoing administra-
tor Michael Sykes, in appreciation of his service to the City of
Vernonia. Sykes was thanked for his efforts at a picnic in An-
derson Park last Monday. Of course, he was also roasted by
the many people who have become friends during his five
years with the city.
cess of finding other funds. The
council unanimously approved
the resolution increasing the
sewer rates.
The City of Vernonia and the
Vernonia Ridge Riders entered
into an agreement on the use
and management of the eques-
trian area in Anderson Park.
The agreement outlines the
Tragedy strikes local communities
Manning teen
drowns in pond
Vernonia woman
dies in wreck
Joseph Rigert, 16, of Man-
ning, drowned Monday after-
noon, August 2, in Dierickx
Pond, which is just south of
According to the Washing-
ton County Sheriff’s Office,
Rigert and two friends, Mike
Doner, 16, and Eric Vanderzan-
den, 14, were swimming be-
tween a stationary dock on the
bank and a floating dock, which
was about 75 yards from shore.
The three boys were friends
and often swam at the pond.
One of them tried to help when
Joseph started yelling, accord-
Please see page 4
A Vernonia woman was
killed and four Vernonia resi-
dents were injured, one critical-
ly, in a two-car crash on High-
way 47 near the Pebble Creek
Trestle, shortly after 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday, August 3.
According to the Washington
County Sheriff’s Office, Hea-
ther Forster, 19, lost control of
her southbound Honda Accord,
crossed the centerline and “T
boned” a northbound Kia Se-
phia driven by Alan Russell,
Russell’s wife, Diana, 60,
was killed in the collision. He
Please see page 4
Ridge Riders’ responsibilities
for the arena area, including
garbage disposal, while giving
the Ridge Riders a portion of
camping fees for campers in
the equestrian area.
Dana Anderson asked for
and received approval to do
mechanical work out of his
hanger at Vernonia Airport, and
to have signage. The airport is
zoned light industrial.
In other business, the coun-
cil approved new library fees,
including late fees on books of
$.10 per day.
Join us for the
48th Annual
Logging Show
August 6, 7, 8, 2004
Complete schedule in the
special Jamboree issue