The INDEPENDENT, June 3, 2004 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing The City of Vernonia is eligible to apply for a 2004 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. Funds come from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and can be used for public facilities and housing improvements, primarily for persons with low and moderate incomes. Approximately $16 million will be awarded to Oregon non-metropolitan cities and counties in 2004. Approximately $3.3 million is available for Housing Rehabilitation. The maximum grant that a city or county can receive for Housing Rehabilitation is $500,000. The City of Vernonia is preparing an application for a 2004 CDBG from the Oregon Housing and Community Services Department for the Vernonia Regional Housing Rehabilitation Program. The proj- ect will assist low and moderate income homeowners in the City of Vernonia, and Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook Counties with home rehabilitation. It is estimated that the proposed project will benefit at least 80 persons, of whom 100% will be low or mod- erate income. A public hearing will be held by the Vernonia City Council on June 21, 2004 at 6:30 PM at City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, Oregon. The purpose of this hearing is for the Vernonia City Council to obtain citizen views and to respond to ques- tions and comments about: • Community Development and housing needs, especially the needs of low and moderate income persons, as well as other needs in the community that might be assisted with the CDBG project. • The proposed project. Written comments are also welcome and must be received by June 21, 2004 at 5:00 PM at City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, Oregon. Both oral and written comments will be considered by the Vernonia City Council in deciding whether to apply. More information about Oregon CDBG grants, the proposed project, and records about the City of Vernonia’s past use of CDBG funds is available for public review at City Hall during regular office hours. Advance notice is requested. For special accommodations, please see the following information. The location of the hearing is accessi- ble to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours prior to the public hearing to Kate Conley at 503-429-5291, TTY 1-800-735- 2900 or at City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, OR. The City of Vernonia is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Permanent involuntary displacement of persons or businesses is not anticipated as a result from the proposed project. If dis- placement becomes necessary, alterna- tives will be examined to minimize and pro- vide required reasonable benefits to those displaced. Any low and moderate income housing which is demolished or converted to another use will be replaced. Publish June 3, 2004 --------------------------------------------------------- Notice of Public Hearings All interested persons are invited to attend this meeting and will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the pro- posal. Oral testimony should avoid repeti- tion of issues, and should be based on the application or on the approval criteria listed. If you are unable to attend the hearing, you may submit a written statement to the City PUBLIC NOTICE Planner on or before the hearing date. Telephone conversations cannot be accept- ed as testimony. Failure to raise an issue at the final evidentiary hearing, or by close of the record, in person or by letter, or fail- ure to provide statements or evidence suffi- cient to afford the decision maker an oppor- tunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue. The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with dis- abilities should be made at least 48 hours prior to public hearing to Kate Conley at 503-429-5291, TTY 1-800-735-2900 or at City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, OR. The City of Vernonia is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. PARTITION APPLICATION FOR TAX LOT 4404-000-00700 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the Vernonia Planning Commission, at or short- ly after 6:30 p.m., on Thursday, June 17, 2004 in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia to consider the application by Nehalem Valley Development Corp. to partition Tax lot, 4404-000-00700, located near California Street. Partition of the property would allow the property to be divided into no more than 3 parcels. The staff report on this matter will be available on June 10, 2004, at 4:00 p.m. and will be available for public inspec- tion at no cost or can be provided at reason- able cost. The Public Hearing is governed by Vernonia Ordinance 710, Sections 21 & 22, and ORS 197.763. Failure to raise an issue in a hearing, in person or by letter or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the board based on that issue. Public testi- mony is welcome, and written statements will be received before the hearing if you cannot attend. For additional information, you may call Julie Steffen, City Planner at 503-429-5291. SIGN CODE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that public hearings will be held before the Vernonia Planning Commission, at or shortly after 6:45 p.m., on Thursday, June 17, 2004, and before the Vernonia City Council on Monday, June 21, 2004 at 6:45 in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia to consider adoption of a sign code. Presently, the City of Vernonia does not have a comprehensive set of code provisions which address the placement, size, and design of signs constructed in the City. The proposed sign code would regu- late factors such as size, location, construc- tion and number of signs. The staff report on this matter will be available on Tuesday, June 10, 2004, at 4:00 p.m. The staff report and the applicable criteria are available for public inspection at no cost or can be pro- vided at reasonable cost. Materials can be reviewed from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. week- days, excluding holidays, at the City Hall Offices, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, Oregon. Information may also be obtained by calling Julie Steffen, City Planner, at (503) 429-5291. The Public Hearings are governed by ORS 197.763, Oregon Statewide Land Use Goal 12 and OAR 660-025. Failure to raise an issue in a hearing, in person or by letter or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision-maker an see page 22 Page 21 Obituary NAOMI STEIN Naomi Stein, 91, died May 27, 2004, in Kingsburg, Calif. Family serv- ices are pending at a later date. Mrs. Stein was born July 9, 1912, in Kootenai, Idaho, to Jewel (Hood) and Otto E. Black. She grew up throughout the northwest as the family followed the harvest. In 1930, she married Julius “Jim” Stein in Cashmere, Washington. They moved to Sacramento, Calif., in 1935, then to Marysville, Calif. In 1941, when her husband went to work as a manag- er in farm labor camps for the Farm Security Administration, they moved from one camp to another in California and Arizona until settling at Linnell farm labor camp, near Visalia, Calif. Because of an acute teacher short- age following World War II, Mrs. Stein was asked to get an emergency teach- ing credential and help at the school next to Linnell. She did that and started working toward her childhood dream of being a teacher. She had not graduat- ed from high school, but started going to school nights and summers, gradu- ating in 1954 with a bachelor’s degree from Fresno State, and a California teaching credential. She retired in 1977 after 28 years of teaching, with 21 of those years in Visalia. She was preceded in death by her son, James, in 1997, and her husband in 1999. She was also preceded in death by five sisters and one brother. Survivors include her daughter, Noni Andersen of Vernonia; grandchil- dren, Steve McGaugh of Fresno, Calif., Mike McGaugh of Kingsburg, Calif., Clark McGaugh of Vernonia, Sharon McGaugh of St. Helens, Sarah Stein of Scotts Valley, Calif., and Nicholas Stein of Chico, Calif.; seven great-grandchil- dren; a sister, Marlene Tyler of Turlock, Calif., and a brother, Edward Black of Eugene. LENA HARPSTER Lena Harpster, 67, Ft. Meyers, Florida, died April 27, 2004. Cremation has taken place. Mrs. Harpster was born October 7, 1936, in Kirksville, Illinois, to Roscoe and Nancy Shell. She lived in the Bacona/Banks area for over 20 years. She worked as a school bus driver and at Tektronix. In 1985 she moved to Florida, where she worked as a book- keeper and as an LPN. She was preceded in death by one son, Kent; three brothers, Virgil, Roy, and Grover Shell. Survivors include two daughters, Kim Coker of Hillsboro, Kim Harpster of W ESTSIDE C REMATION & B URIAL S ERVICE , I NC Ft. Meyers, Fla.; two brothers, James Shell and Horace Shell, both of Sullivan Ill.; two sisters, Dorothy Sullivan of Forest Grove, Lida Hess of Sullivan, Ill.; six grandchildren; nieces and nephews. Remembrances are suggested to a local hospice organization or the American Cancer Society. WENDY SUE MANUEL Wendy Sue Manuel, 44, North Plains, died May 8, 2004. Funeral serv- ices were held at North Plains Christian Church. Mrs. Manuel was born October 17, 1959, in Hutchinson, Kansas, to Ralph D. and Beryl Neva (Hughes) Lohr. She was raised in Kansas, California and Michigan before moving to Oregon in 1994. She worked for Meier and Frank and served on the North Plains City Council. Survivors include her husband, Donald; parents, of Vernonia; one son, Daniel; one daughter, Jessica Wright; one brother, Robert of Nevada City, Calif.; three sisters, Cynthia Crother of Marina Del Ray, Calif., Denise Axworthy of Hayward, Calif., Cheryl Lohr of Covina, Calif. Donelson, Sewell, and Mathews Mortuary in Hillsboro was in charge of arrangements. ERVIN H. SMITH Ervin H. Smith, 87, Forest Grove, died May 16, 2004. Recitation of the Holy Rosary was held May 19, at Visitation Catholic Church in Verboort, followed by a mass with the Rev. Scott Vandehey, celebrant. Interment fol- lowed at Visitation Cemetery in Verboort. Mr. Smith was born November 13, 1916, in Forest Grove, to William and Wilhelmina (Kersten) Smith. He was raised in Banks and graduated from Banks High School. 24 Hr. Service Honoring all pre-planned funeral arrangements Tualatin Valley Funeral Alternatives ~ There are Options ~ 241 West Main St., Hillsboro 503-693-7965 "A Trusted Name in Funeral Service" Granite Markers Fuiten, Rose & Hoyt Funeral Home Privately owned Not a funeral home or cemetery Personal home visits at no extra charge Second Generation Family Owned & Operated Prices start at $320 including design and lettering JEFFREY & DEBRA ROSE-HOYT TINA ROSE-REYNOLDS JANE SCHNEIDER, ROSS MATHEWS HECTOR DE LOS SANTOS Attendant: RAY PELSTER 2308 Pacific Av. Frst Grv....357-2161 741 Madison Av. Vern.........429-6611 E-mail: . Plus Cemetery Charges Direct Cremation $ 475 Angel Memorials Wendy Sears 503-429-1523 Direct Cremation $ 575. Immediate Burial $ 775. In 1940, he married Leona Hess. They made their home in Forest Grove. Mr. Smith was a logger, then worked for Banks Lumber Mill for 20 years until his retirement. He also farmed, raising a variety of crops. He was preceded in death by a brother, Norman; five sisters, Agnes, Sister Clotildis, Esther, Ida and Marie. Survivors include his wife; one son, Terry of Forest Grove; four daughters, Linda Vanderzanden of Banks, Mary Perkins of Independence, Donna Reichow of Hillsboro and Jackie Peters of Forest Grove; a brother, Joe of Beaverton; 20 grandchildren; many great-grandchildren; great-great-grand- children; nieces and nephews. Remembrances are suggested to the Visitation School Endowment Fund, 4247 NW Visitation Road, Forest Grove, OR 97116, or to the church at 4285 NW Visitation Road, Forest Grove, OR 97116. Forest Grove Memorial Chapel was in charge of arrangements. D & V uyck anDeHey FUNERAL HOME Honoring all pre-planned funeral arrangements Offering full service burial and cremation. Serving Hillsboro Columbia and & Serving Washington Counties All of Washington County Owners & Operators Aaron & Elizabeth “VanDeHey” Duyck Serving Washington County & North Columbia County Serving Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Cornelius, Plains, Banks & Gaston 9456 NW Roy Rd., Forest Grove 9456 NW Roy Rd.• Forest Grove • 503-357-8749 503-640-9045