A2 • Friday, August 12, 2022 | Seaside Signal | SeasideSignal.com Oregon Fire Marshal Miller Road Fire in Wasco County. Clatsop County task force responds to Miller Road Fire Firefi ghters respond to Emergency Confl agration Act Seaside provided mutual aid response to the Miller Road Fire. Teams returned on Saturday. ing for help.” The Miller Road Fire was reported on Aug. 2, in an area about 13 miles southwest of Maupin, on the Deschutes River. The governor’s declara- tion cleared the way for the state fi re marshal to mobilize fi refi ghters and equipment to assist local resources in bat- tling the fi re. By Aug. 4, the fi re had spread to more than 10,500 acres. Crews worked to cre- ate fi re containment lines with support from air oper- ations, the Wasco County Sheriff ’s Offi ce reported. Dozer lines and hand lines were established in the south- east corner of the fi re. Deployments are always planned for a maximum of 14 days, Rankin said. “Under special circum- stances we can swap out per- sonnel or equipment,” he said. “While we plan on 14 days, the state can release our units back home or send them to another fi re if necessary.” The task force returned Aug. 6, Div. Chief Genesee Dennis said. Expanding access to broadband in Jewell proves diffi cult By ERICK BENGEL The Astorian A project to bring broad- band to the Jewell area is undergoing a reboot. Last year, Clatsop County and the Jewell School Dis- trict signed an intergovern- mental agreement to deliver improved internet access to areas where service, if it exists at all, tends to be spotty and sluggish. A 2020 survey of school district families found that less than 40% of people in the Jewell area had reliable internet. The task of upgrading internet service in this remote corner of the county has proven more diffi cult than the proposal initially suggested. Meanwhile, the school district — the project’s com- munity anchor — has faced upheavals in leadership. Steve Phillips, the former superintendent who origi- nally presented the broad- band idea to the county Board of Commissioners in Septem- ber, was placed on admin- istrative leave pending an independent investigation. In May, Phillips became the new superintendent at New- berg Public Schools. Brian Gardner — who served as acting superinten- dent earlier this year before Cory Pederson was hired Gearhart Fire calls, Miller Road response Seaside Signal Seaside Signal Clatsop County fi refi ght- ers responded after Gov. Kate Brown invoked the Emergency Confl agration Act in response to the Miller Road Fire in Wasco County last week. Seaside Fire sent two vehicles out and four person- nel, Div. Chief David Rankin said. Chief Joey Daniels serves as county task force leader and Lt. Matt Keefer is assis- tant task force leader. Gearhart, Astoria, Lewis and Clark and Knappa fi re departments each sent per- sonnel and apparatus. A sea- sonal fi refi ghter and a part- time fi ghter affi liated with Nehalem Fire are deployed with a separate task force. “As always, when we send out crews, the No. 1 pri- ority of all of the fi re depart- ments in the county is to ensure we keep a response to our normal day-to-day business,” Rankin said. “As soon as the task force left, the phones started ringing among the chiefs and every- one coordinated to see what each other needed or provide mutual aid options. Seaside, Clatsop County and the state of Oregon fi re service don’t work without mutual aid. When our neighbors need us we go, because it won’t be very long before we are call- Gearhart fi refi ghters returned from fi ghting the Miller Road Fire in Wasco County. along with a new principal — continues to work as a consul- tant on the broadband project. Gardner said he has put a stop to spending any addi- tional money on it. “It’s not a boondoggle,” he said, “and I’m trying to make sure that it doesn’t become one.” An early phase of the proj- ect called for a $500,000 con- tribution from the county and $250,000 from the school district. A little over $140,000 has gone into the project so far, Gardner said. That amount has paid for a trunk line — a dedicated fi ber-optic cable — connected to Jewell School, a tower — called “tower zero” — atop a school build- ing, and a roughly $80,000 deposit with American Tower Corp. to build towers to serve the wider region. If the proj- ect doesn’t pan out, about $50,000 of that $80,000 is recoverable, since there is a $30,000 restocking fee on materials already purchased. In total, roughly $90,000 has been spent, Gardner said. The intergovernmen- tal agreement stipulates that the county pays for two- thirds, the school district the other third. If the project were to end at this point, the county would be out roughly $60,0000, the school district about $30,000, Gardner said. Gearhart Fire reported 410 calls since the start of the year and 89 calls for the month of July. The call level exceeds last year’s record pace of 378. Of calls, 39 were inside the city and 35 within the Gearhart Fire District. Aid was sent 15 times in July. Aid was sent to Cannon Beach one time , Warrenton four times and Seaside 10 times. Gearhart received aid fi ve times. In addition, three Gear- hart fi refi ghters responded with mutual aid to the Miller Road Fire in Wasco County. Gearhart fi refi ghters and a brush truck responded after a state emergency confl a- gration was declared. Along with Clatsop County Task Force 9, Ore- gon also has three task forces in California assisting with the fi re seven miles from the Oregon border, Gearhart Fire Chief Josh Como said at the Aug. 3 Gearhart City Council meeting. 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