Seaside signal. (Seaside, Or.) 1905-current, February 18, 2022, 0, Page 2, Image 2

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    A2 • Friday, February 18, 2022 | Seaside Signal |
In Cannon Beach, workers struggle to fi nd places to live
The Astorian
When opening up the dis-
cussion with the City Coun-
cil about aff ordable housing,
Jeff Adams, the city’s com-
munity development direc-
tor, shared stories about the
struggles his own employ-
ees have had fi nding a place
to live.
One recently received
notice that she needs to
move out of her home and
is scrambling to fi nd another
option. Another had to buy a
trailer to temporarily live in
until he can fi nd housing. A
planner who accepted a job
withdrew because she could
not fi nd housing.
And those stories are
not unique to city staff . Just
5.5% of workers in Cannon
Beach live in the city, and
Aerial view of Cannon Beach.
some commute from as far
away as the Portland metro
area, according to U.S. Cen-
sus Bureau data from 2019.
“If everyone gave their
testimonials, it would put
a face to what we struggle
with as a workforce in this
community,” Adams said
during a work session this
“There’s not an issue of
this that doesn’t come out
when it’s not above the fold,”
he said, lifting up an edition
of The Astorian. “It’s hous-
ing, it’s housing, it’s housing
in every community. We’ve
got to do something.”
Adams pointed to hous-
ing studies, reports and task
forces that have been put
together to address the hous-
ing crunch in the city and
across Clatsop County over
the past decade. Not a lot of
action has come out of them,
he said, and the problem is
getting worse.
The city’s population is
contracting and there are
more vacant homes, which
Adams attributes to a grow-
ing seasonal second-home
Some believe nothing can
be done to cure the problem.
Adams disagrees.
He presented some con-
crete steps to get the ball
moving, and used exam-
ples from a few destina-
tion towns in Colorado and
Utah that have successfully
increased aff ordable and
workforce housing.
The city, for example,
could incentivize building
accessory dwelling units
as workforce housing and
increase regional coordina-
tion with the county, cities
and the Northwest Oregon
Housing Authority.
Adams said he has
started conversations with
planning offi cials through-
out the county, but he
would like conversations
to include elected offi cials
and become more regular
and focused.
Over the next couple of
years, the city will also con-
duct a code audit to review
and update policies to better
support the city’s vision in
the comprehensive plan.
During a meeting in
January, the City Coun-
cil unanimously adopted an
ordinance prohibiting the
combination of lots for the
purpose of building larger
The council also repealed
the city’s planned unit devel-
opment chapter, blocking
any future proposals.
Mayor Sam Steidel told
The Astorian he hopes the
City Council can address
aff ordable housing through
the code audit.
And while he wants to
continue the conversation
around aff ordable housing,
he said he would like to see
the county take on more of a
leading role.
Steidel said Cannon
Beach has several con-
straints, including a lack of
buildable land.
“We are very dependent
of the rest of the county to
help us for housing,” the
mayor said. “I would hope
that the county itself is look-
ing more into what they can
do in South County rather
than depending ... on the
Feb. 4
9:39 a.m., 2400 block U.S.
Highway 101: A dog is reported
at large on the northbound
side of the roadway.
9:25 a.m., 800 block Avenue C:
A person is cited for unlawful
1:44 p.m., Tenth and Necan-
icum: A person looking into
parked cars is reported as
9:06 p.m., 1700 block Spruce
Drive: Caller reports two wom-
en and a man having a physical
fi ght.
11:42 p.m., 2300 block S. Roos-
evelt: Police respond to a report
of an animal in the water.
11:36 p.m., 1700 block Spruce
Drive: Police meet with the
same people reported fi ghting
earlier; they say they will stay
civil for the rest of the night.
6:07 p.m., 1100 block N. Roo-
sevelt; A person is reporting
weaving in and out of traffi c,
Feb. 6
2:30 a.m., 500 block Broadway:
Caller reports his intoxicated
girlfriend wants to leave the
area but is unable to provide
information at what hotel she
is staying or any other helpful
4:01 p.m., N. Prom: Police assist
removing female from hotel
room after she refuses to leave.
3:09 a.m., 500 block Broadway:
Property crimes are reported.
11:34 p.m., 500 block S. Edge-
wood: A transient female re-
ported going through garbage
and being noisy is arrested on
a warrant.
2:50 a.m., Necanicum Drive:
Parking complaint.
Feb. 5
3:59 a.m., Eleventh and
Necanicum: A person is cited
for parking during a prohibited
6:28 a.m., Avenue G Bridge: A
person is reported as possibly
trying to dump his motorhome.
11:47 a.m., 1100 block N.
Roosevelt: A person is arrested
on a warrant.
Feb. 7
4:06 a.m., 200 block Broadway:
A person sleeping in the door-
way of a closed business agrees
to move along.
9:35 a.m., 400 block Avenue U:
Police assist Seaside fi refi ghters
on scene for a female reported
to have dementia reported
stuck in a bathroom.
12:34 p.m., 12th and Prom:
Police responding to a report of
a car that hasn’t moved in three
days learn the owner of the car
is in jail.
Feb. 8
6:34 p.m., 1100 block Broad-
way: Two people are reported
crouching in bushes.
8:20 p.m., 400 block Eleventh
Avenue: Caller reports two
subjects attempting to enter
his house.
9:33 p.m., 10th and Necan-
icum: While responding to a
reported disturbance, police
arrest one person on an out-
standing warrant.
11:39 p.m., Turnaround: Sub-
jects are warned against tents
on the beach.
Feb. 9
12:42 a.m., 300 block N.
Holladay: A subject is reported
screaming and causing a distur-
2:13 p.m., 800 block S. Roos-
evelt: Motor vehicle accident
with injuries reported; fi re
department is on scene.
3:42 p.m., Convention Center
parking lot: A subject is report-
ed “stripped naked” in front of
his child; on arrival, police say
the person is fully clothed.
4:50 p.m., 12th and Holladay:
Caller reports male yelling at
him; police contact the yeller
who said it was a misunder-
6:58 p.m., 700 block Avenue
H: A person is arrested and
charged with driving while
under the infl uence of intox-
9:52 p.m., U.S. Highway 101:
Subject reported lying on the
shoulder of the road says they
are fi ne and not in need of
Feb. 8
11:45 a.m., 1400 block N. Wah-
anna: EMS call.
Feb. 4
10:20 a.m., 200 block N. Down-
ing: EMS call.
8:53 p.m., 500 block Broadway:
EMS call.
Feb. 5
12:35 p.m., Worldmark: EMS
1:28 p.m., 1100 block Avenue
B: EMS call.
Feb. 9
12:53 p.m., 2500 block Pine:
EMS call.
4:31 p.m., 300 block S. Colum-
bia: Structure fi re.
4:46 p.m., N. Holladay: Fire
2:48 p.m., 800 block 14th
Avenue: EMS call.
Feb. 6
4:55 p.m., Estuary parking area:
Water rescue.
Feb. 7
11:01 a.m.,1600 block S.
Columbia: Structure fi re. Flames
and black smoke reported.
4:48 p.m., 900 block S. Holla-
day: Fire alarm.
Feb. 10
10:00 p.m., 1200 block S. Wah-
anna: EMS call.
3:37 p.m., 400 block S. Holla-
day: EMS call.
Feb. 10
7:59 a.m., N. Holladay: Case
taken for car break-ins.
3:42 a.m., 1100 block S.
Downing: Subjects playing
loud music are advised of the
complaint. The music is turned
6:17 p.m., 2200 block N. Wah-
anna: Erratic driving is reported;
on arrival police fi nd a person
is learning how to drive in a
parking lot. No erratic driving is
8:15 a.m., Ocean Way re-
strooms: Criminal mischief is
7:49 p.m., 2400 block U.S.
Highway 101 northbound: A
person is arrested on a warrant.
11:39 p.m., 400 block S. Roos-
evelt: EMS call.
Jan. 5, 2022
ROCKWELL, Larry Lee, 77, of Warrenton, died in
Warrenton. Hughes-Ransom Mortuary is in charge of the
Feb. 9, 2022
WISEMAN, Levoy, 74, of Seaside, died in Sea-
side. Hughes-Ransom Mortuary is in charge of the