A2 • Friday, February 4, 2022 | Seaside Signal | SeasideSignal.com Challenges at 911 dispatch centers revive consolidation talks By NICOLE BALES The Astorian After more than 20 years of on-and-off discussions about con- solidation, Astoria and Seaside are evaluating whether to combine emergency dispatch centers. Sheriff Matt Phillips said the Clatsop County Sheriff ’s Offi ce has strongly supported the con- cept for years and believes a single countywide 911 dispatch center would be in the best interests of the public and emergency responders. Staffi ng shortages at Astoria’s dispatch center reached a critical point last fall, prompting the city to temporarily move operations to Seaside. Astoria plans to resume normal operations in the coming months, but the temporary merger has pin- pointed defi ciencies in technology and interoperability that have left many emergency responders on the North Coast frustrated. “The temporary merger of the two 911 centers has demon- strated the model can work,” Phil- lips said in an email. “The merger also highlighted and brought to the forefront portions of the commu- nications infrastructure which has failed, is failing or just didn’t exist but needs to. “The radio network needs to be fully linked and interoperable,” the sheriff said. “Since the merger, the cities of Astoria and Seaside have been working diligently to accom- plish this. A consolidation would maintain the interoperability and network capability that is diffi cult to achieve when the system is split in ownership and locations.” Lydia Ely/The Astorian Staffi ng has been a challenge at the Astoria emergency dispatch center. districts. Meanwhile, Seaside dispatch, which handles emergency calls for about half the number of agencies, has found stability in staffi ng. Seaside dispatchers started trav- eling north to help in Astoria, but last fall the cities agreed to inte- grate Astoria’s four dispatchers in Seaside until new hires can be fully trained. With a new emergency communications manager hired in August and three dispatchers in training, Astoria expects to resume normal operations in May. Under the temporary merger, Seaside went from dispatching for seven agencies in the southern part of the county to handling 911 calls countywide. The merger, ideally, should have been a fl ip of the switch. However, the two dispatch centers are not completely interoperable, which revealed many gaps and resulted in frustration. In Knappa, for example, dis- patchers can hear fi refi ghters over the main channel, but fi refi ghters can’t hear dispatchers. To work around the issue, Knappa Fire Chief Kurt Donald- son said his fi refi ghters use radios — and sometimes cellphones — to communicate with dispatchers. He described the situation as a ‘Wake-up call’ Staffi ng shortages have plagued emergency dispatch centers nationwide. Astoria has not been immune. Over the past couple of years, the city’s dispatch center has been operating with only a handful of dispatchers, requiring staff to work a signifi cant amount of overtime each month. Astoria dispatch handles emer- gency calls for 15 agencies, including the Astoria and Warren- ton police and fi re departments, the sheriff ’s offi ce and rural fi re “wake-up call.” “I feel terrible for the dispatch- ers,” Donaldson said. “I mean, they’re doing great work in a tough situation, and the managers are doing the best that they can do in a tough situation.” But he said the temporary merger has demonstrated why a single countywide 911 dispatch center is best for the county. While the talks about consolida- tion continue, Donaldson said fi re agencies across the county have used the situation as an opportu- nity to meet and come up with a standard operating procedure to create more consistency, which he thinks will benefi t fi re agencies and dispatchers. At the other end of the county, Cannon Beach Fire Chief Marc Reckmann recounted how a fi re- fi ghter was in the middle of a med- ical call asking for more resources when another call interrupted the exchange. Earlier this month, during a wind storm, he said the fi re dis- trict lost the ability to communicate with dispatch over the main chan- nel for a few hours. He fears calls will be missed. “Those are very critical things that are going to get somebody killed,” Reckmann said. PUBLIC SAFETY LOG SEASIDE POLICE DEPT. PUBLIC SAFETY LOG Jan. 21 7:04 a.m., 300 block S. Edge- wood: Suspicious circumstanc- es were reported. 12:13 p.m., The Cove: Caller re- quests a welfare check on an individual. 12:24 p.m., Dutch Brothers: An- imal complaint. 2:22 p.m., Stop & Go: Caller re- ports theft of gas. 3:18 p.m., Ninth and N. Down- ing: Dogs at large; owner is contacted and warned. 7:08 p.m., 12th and N. Wah- anna: A person is arrested for driving while under the infl u- ence of intoxicants. 9:03 p.m., 900 block Avenue S: Caller reports someone throw- ing eggs at his car. Police are unable to locate likely sub- jects. 9:03 p.m., 1300 block Broad- way: Caller reports their car was egged. 9:14 p.m., 2100 block Fern- wood: Caller reports egg throwing. Jan. 22 2:03 a.m., Stop & Go: Caller reports their phone and their bank card was stolen. 12:13 p.m., 2100 block N. Wah- anna: Caller says a tree compa- ny is taking down trees where eagles have nested. Police advise no active cutting was occurring and would be in con- tact with ODFW the following day. 2:51 p.m., Gearhart: A dog found wandering in Gearhart is taken to the Seaside police kennel. 5:37 p.m., The Prom: A mother who reported her child miss- ing reports the child has been found. Jan. 23 3:44 a.m., The Cove: Police re- sponding to a verbal argument tell the involved parties to keep the noise down. 9:24 a.m., 2300 block S. Roos- evelt: Caller requests a guest be trespassed after they threat- ened her. 1:29 p.m., Eleventh and Ne- canicum: A caller reports a man chased him after he tried making a video of the transient camp. Police make contact with the subject who said what happened was only verbal. 4:00 p.m., N. Downing: A taxi driver requests a welfare check for a fare he knows has been sick for a week. Police contact the person who said they didn’t need assistance. 5:11 p.m., 1100 N. Roosevelt: Caller reports a woman “nod- ding off ” in front of the CMH urgent care; police contact the woman who is not “nodding off ” but was upset about a fam- ily matter. 6:10 p.m., 3100 block Sunset Boulevard: A front desk person at the Lanai hotel reported a man and a woman screaming at each other. Police contact the subject at their accommo- dation; they say there was an argument and it was verbal only. No further action was taken. Jan. 24 4:27 a.m., Public Parking Ga- rage: A person is arrested on a warrant. 7:54 a.m., Third and Necani- cum: Dog found running at large; police catch dog and take it to headquarters; the owner is contacted and pur- chases a dog license when they come to get their dog. 1:44 p.m., 1700 block Thomp- son Falls Drive: Caller reports her neighbor has trespassed on to her property and poured concrete in a ditch. 1:10 p.m., Vicinity of Dominos on S. Roosevelt: A person is ar- rested on a warrant. 5:01 p.m., Police headquarters: A found dog is turned in to the police. Jan. 26 9:53 a.m., 1800 block N. Frank- lin: A burglary in the past is re- ported. 10:53 a.m., 900 block S. Holla- day: Firefi ghters respond to the location for reported smoke/ gas/chemical odor. 12:04 p.m., Necancum: A dog wandering at large is reported and then captured. 4:05 p.m., 800 block Necani- cum: A woman reports her son is “pushing her around.” A case was taken. 7:13 p.m., 800 block Necani- cum: A disturbance is reported. Jan. 27 3:48 p.m., Roosevelt between the Chevron station and Sea- side Surf: A disturbance is re- ported. 10:01 p.m., U.S. Highway 101 near KFC: Caller requests wel- fare check on a subject in the roadway; the person said they had a disagreement with a motorist. The subject moved along. SEASIDE FIRE & RESCUE PUBLIC SAFETY LOG 1:46 p.m., Pacifi c Ridge Ele- mentary School, Spruce Drive: A dog bite is reported. Jan. 22 3:30 p.m., 1700 block Thomp- son Falls Drive: Caller reports her neighbor is outside on his property yelling at her hus- band and possibly having a nervous breakdown. 9:08 p.m., First and N. Colum- bia: EMS call; Medix is assisted. 3:52 p.m., 1000 block Beach Drive: Caller reports her friend is behaving strangely and thinks there might be some- one in their home. They re- quest a welfare check and a callback. 4:41 p.m.,1800 Spruce Drive: Caller says her son has been staying with a friend and she wants him home. Jan. 25 2:36 a.m., 200 block First Ave- nue: Police respond to a report- ed physical disturbance. 9:37 a.m., 100 block S. Prom: Needles are reported. 8:10 a.m., 1100 block Broad- way: Fire alarm. Jan. 24 7:02 p.m., 700 block Avenue Q: A bonfi re, possibly out of con- trol, is reported. Firefi ghters on scene. 9:54 p.m., 1400 block S. Frank- lin: EMS call. 10:03 p.m., 2100 block Lewis and Clark Road: EMS call. Jan. 26 12:51 p.m., Beach in front of Aquarium: EMS call. Jan. 27 8:30 a.m.,1100 block S. Wah- anna: An odor of gas/smoke/ chemical is reported. Firefi ght- ers on scene. ‘We lose sleep on this at night’ Discussions about consolidation have occurred at various times over more than 20 years, while Asto- ria and Seaside have continued to invest in separate equipment and infrastructure. Astoria dispatch made major upgrades as part of a response to a 2015 study by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The study also recommended consolidation. Other studies over the years that analyzed emergency dispatch in the county also encouraged consolida- tion. A single countywide 911 dis- patch center could maximize staff - ing and resources, improve call times and enhance coordination, the studies suggested. One study in 2008 was initi- ated after the mayors of Astoria, Seaside, Warrenton, Gearhart and Cannon Beach sent a letter to the county Board of Commissioners to investigate consolidation. The mayors said the time had come to move to a “single, more eff ective and cost-effi cient system.” Leaders at the Astoria Police Department say the temporary merger over the past few months has given the county practical experience in what the move might look like. “The criticality of this system is not lost on us by any stretch,” Astoria Police Chief Geoff Spal- ding said. “We lose sleep on this at night. This is such an important system — that it works appropri- ately and accurately.” Spalding said the cities were prepared for some glitches at the start of the temporary merger. “This was never designed to be a permanent solution,” he said. “It doesn’t make sense to have every- body work out of Seaside. It’s just not a big enough facility. “We’re doing the best we can with all the resources we have,” Spalding added. “We feel the frus- tration. We feel the pain. We feel that also because we’re also users of the system. At the end of the day, we want it to be better, we want our subscribers to be happy, but I think we’re doing a pretty good job man- aging a very, very complex techno- logical system.” While Astoria is supportive of moving toward consolidation, Spalding said dispatch staff are the most signifi cant consideration in the process. “It has to be a very thoughtful process because the main thing we want to make sure of is that we take care of our people both in Seaside and in Astoria,” he said. Dispatchers live in diff erent parts of the county, Spalding said. Where would a single countywide 911 dispatch center be located? Who will be in charge? Those are questions dispatchers are rightfully concerned about during the talks, he said. Seaside City Manager Mark Winstanley thinks another major question is whether consolidation will save taxpayer money. While he said the dialogue between the cities and county has been positive, he is not sold on the idea. “The question that’s been posed, if nothing else, is could we coordi- nate the upgrades that will need to be made to the two centers, so that basically if you work in one, you can work in the other,” Winstanley said. “These are things we’ve had a lot of conversation about. They also lend themselves to consolidat- ing the two dispatch centers,” he said. “I think it’s good conversa- tion to have.”