Friday, June 11, 2021 | Seaside Signal | • A3 SEASIDE SCHOOL DISTRICT Business Directory Accounting change adds $1M to budget CONSTRUCTION By R.J. MARX Seaside Signal The Seaside School Dis- trict approved next school year’s budget last Wednes- day night. The total of all funds was $960,000 higher than in the proposed bud- get, following an adjustment to account for principal and interest for pension bonds. After reviewing the bud- get with the Northwest Regional Education Service District, the school district made the change with the goal of being as “as transpar- ent as possible,” Superinten- dent Susan Penrod said. Total revenues and expen- ditures of $49 million in the revised budget are about $9 million lower than last year’s $58.2 million requirements, a result of reduced construc- tion expenditures with the completion of the new cam- pus on Spruce Drive. The budget includes rev- enues of about $25 million from property taxes and an additional $23 million from other sources, including fed- eral and state grants designed to support transition back to full-time, on-site instruction, Penrod said. Instructional costs for teachers and programs com- prise the largest portion of the general fund. At about $13.9 million, the general fund, the largest budget cat- egory, is slightly higher than last year’s $13.7 million. Support services, includ- ing executive administration, transportation and operation maintenance, are budgeted at $8.5 million. The amount budgeted for Public Employees Retire- ment System Debt Service in 2021-22 is $960,000, of which $670,000 is principal and the remainder interest. Andre Schellhaas, assis- tant director of fi scal com- pliance for the Northwest Regional Education Service District, joined the meet- ing to explain a change in accounting methodology for the pension program. In pre- vious years, when debt pay- ments were due, they were deducted from the school district’s cash account. Per guidelines from the Govern- ment Accounting Standards Board, debt service will now be accounted for in a sepa- rate fund. The retirement fund is counted twice in the budget amendment, recognizing the accumulation of resources to pay the bond debt by a charge against a payroll fund and also a special revenue fund. It also recognizes the payment of bond principal and interest in a debt service fund in accordance with gen- erally accepted practices and Oregon law. Despite the total bud- get increase, the new fi gures do not take away resources from other school district programs or services, Schell- haas said. School board mem- bers unanimously voted to approve the revised budget. Adoption of the budget will be discussed at the school board’s June 15 meeting. B oB M c E wan c onstruction , inc . E xcavation • u ndErground u tiitiEs r oad w ork • F ill M atErial s itE P rEParation • r ock owned and operated by M ike and C eline M C e wan 503-738-3569 34154 Hwy 26, Seaside, OR P.O. Box 2845, Gearhart, OR S erving the p aCifiC n orthweSt S inCe 1956 • CC48302 REAL ESTATE Melissa Eddy REAL ESTATE BROKER EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Your real estate vision is my expertise. 503-440-3258 CREMATION Apartments: Planned for Holladay Drive Continued from Page A1 two-bedroom and two one-bedroom apartments. Building B will provide parking on the ground fl oor. The second and third fl oors will provide four one-bed- room apartments. Building C will provide parking and two one-bed- room ground fl oor apart- ments. The second and third fl oors will provide three one-bedroom apartments. River Run, Khan’s sec- ond proposed apartment development on S. Holla- day Drive, would be located between Riley’s Restau- rant and the Red Lion Inn & Suites. The proposed 59-unit development will replace existing commer- cial and residential build- ings with three separate apartment buildings and one building dedicated to offi ce space, a lobby and housekeeping. River Run is “a beautiful location for an apartment,” Khan said, sitting oppo- site the Necanicum River and close to downtown and restaurants. Building A will face the water and will be a three- story building with nine R.J. Marx A commercial building in Seaside sits on one of the sites hotelier Masudur Khan aims to build apartments. two-bedroom apartments on each fl oor for a total of 27 units. Building B, along the south property line, will be three stories, with eight two-bedroom apartments on each fl oor for a total of 24 units. A mixed-use build- ing will be three stories with two 1,200-square-foot offi ce spaces on the ground fl oor. The second and third fl oors will provide four one-bedroom apartments on each fl oor for a total of eight units. Seaside resident Pat- rick Roshay said notice for the meeting had come late. He said that the Necanicum River could be damaged or wildlife threatened from the proposed development. Emergency vehicles would have limited access to the area. “It’s a safety concern,” he said. “In the plans them- selves, there isn’t a lot of wiggle room.” Scott Alderson, who lives in Sandpiper Village, echoed those concerns. “I don’t think fi re trucks are really great at 90 degree turns, which means we no longer have fi re protection,” he said. He also expressed con- cerns about noise and traffi c. Planning commissioners unanimously approved both applications, setting con- ditions that the developer address parking spaces, exterior lighting, drainage and other issues. Khan said he hopes to start the projects in Sep- tember and complete them within a year. With two developments and the recent purchase of a single-family home, Khan has shown his confi dence in the future of S. Holladay Drive. “I like the river,” he said. “I’ve always been a water guy.” Ocean View Funeral & Cremation Services Lowest Cost Cremation On The Northern Oregon Coast See our website for Up-To-Date Pricing Comparisons. Also registered in the State of Washington ELECTRICAL • Repairs • Generator installation & servicing • New construction • Remodels Serving the North Oregon Coast since 1950! Serving Clatsop & Tillamook Counties 503.738.8391 CCB#3226 ELECTRICAL • New Construction • Remodels • Panel Changes & Upgrades • Add Circuits or Lighting CCB #198257 • Generators CALL US for your next electrical project! • Repairs 503-739-7145 712 S. Holladay Dr. • Seaside, OR Monday-Friday 8 am -5 pm FLOORING CCB# 205283 Gearhart: Fire department gets largest share Continued from Page A1 geted in $10,000 in mari- juana tax revenue. Of budget appropriations, the fi re department is bud- geted for the largest share, almost $628,000, includ- ing personnel, materials and services and capital outlay. The total police department budget is about $517,000. The city’s portion of state revenue sharing, $35,300, was awarded after a public hearing. Combined, orga- nizations sought a total of $47,600. Of expenditures, the administrative department comprises the largest portion of the proposed budget, at $458,000, including person- nel, materials and services, capital and outlay. A new item, called “Com- munity Care,” budgeted at $5,000, could be used by the police department to assist transients or help house peo- ple for a short period of time, usually one night. Community Emergency Response Team funds, pre- viously part of revenue shar- ing funds, are now budgeted at $3,000 for the hazard mit- igation fund. The city has bud- geted $8,000 for a poten- tial November fi rehouse bond vote, designed to cover some of the work that has to be done within for elec- tion materials and services should the city put the proj- ect to a vote. The city also approved $203,000 to adopt the Gear- hart Road District budget. Resolutions 958 and 959 offi cially adopted the bud- get. Resolutions 957 and 960 allowed the state reve- nue piece of the budget, and the offi cer salary piece of the budget. “There are a few blanks to fi ll in, but we have all the information we need,” City Attorney Peter Watts said of the new fi rehouse proposal. “We’ll be proceeding to a fi nal timeline.” Luxury vinyl planks and tile. you walk on our reputation Flooring Installation 3470 Hwy 101 Suite 102 • Gearhart, Oregon 503.739.7577 • FLOORING Randall Lee’s 0% FINANCING AVAILABLE Window Treatments, Fabric, Designer Wallpaper, Counter Tops, All Flooring and Miele Vacuums Visit Our Outlet! Randall Lee’s Seaside • 2311 N. Roosevelt Dr. • 503-738-5729 • Helicopters: Safety is Turel’s priority Continued from Page A1 property,” he said. “The per- fect fi t is for the expansion in some way or another of the fun park. They’ve proven themselves by what they’ve done.” Turel said there are a lot of people interested in keeping the helicopter aloft. “But it takes somebody that is going to be here all the time, all the work that goes into this to keep it safe. And that’s the big thing about this is keeping it safe. And that’s what I want to fi nish this year up with is a very, very safe year.” Turel fi gures he’s taken over 100,000 people fl ying. “So many people have their fi rst helicopter ride here,” he said. “They view the beautiful colors, see the contrast of the mountain range and the coast. If the weather changes, one day looks diff erent than another day. I especially get delight out of the fi rst fl ight of the day. And so I just feel very blessed. And I hope that I’ve been able to be somewhat of a goodwill ambassador for the city of Seaside and the whole area.” During the season, Sea- side Helicopters opens at 11 a.m. Flights are fi rst- come, fi rst-served; reserva- tions are not accepted. For visitors coming from a distance, “Have a plan B,” Turel said, as fl ights are liable to cancellation for weather conditions, fatigue, or if he thinks something isn’t right about the helicopter. “Everybody seems to understand, he said. “As a matter of fact, they thank me for being careful.” Randall Lee’s Flooring Outlet • 3579 Hwy 101 Gearhart • 503-738-6756 Warehouse pricing • Open to the Public • Hundreds of instock rolls & remnants • In House Binding LANDSCAPING YARD DEBRIS DROP-OFF (no scotch broom) • La urelwood Compos t • Soil A mend ments • Pla nting Ma cMix • Mulch 503-717-1454 3 4 1 5 4 HIGHW AY 2 6 SE ASIDE , O R Laurelwood Farm LANDSCAPING YOUR AD HERE! Our Business Directory is an inexpensive way for your business to advertise with us! CALL TODAY SARAH SILVER 503-325-3211 to discuss new and exciting ways to promote your business on the North Coast