Seaside signal. (Seaside, Or.) 1905-current, October 23, 2020, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, October 23, 2020 | Seaside Signal | • A5
Continued from Page A4
and the know-how to get
things done for our com-
munities because she’s been
doing exactly that for nearly
20 years.
I’m impressed that not
only is she a Republican, but
she is also nominated by the
Independent party of Ore-
gon. Only two non-incum-
bent Republican to hold that
That’s also why I’m
opposing Debbie Boothe-
Schmidt. The hundreds of
thousands of dollars being
dumped in her campaign by
the Democratic party of Ore-
gon is disturbing.
Instead of trying to reach
across the aisle, Debbie seems
to be putting up partisan walls
while her political party pays
for her campaign. The bizarre
attacks she seems to be level-
ing at Mayor Weber all seems
to be paid for by the Demo-
cratic party, as well as a shad-
owy political action commit-
tee set up by Debbie’s partisan
We can’t afford more par-
tisanship. We need indepen-
dence. We need Suzanne
Patricia Roberts
Vote red in Oregon
There is no question we
are living in unprecedented
times. Our state faces so many
issues that could be rectifi ed
if our elected legislators and
offi cials would do the right
Our governor and her
Democrat leaders have
refused to protect citizens and
businesses by allowing vio-
lence, destruction, and crime
to run rampant. They are
not supporting law enforce-
ment but instead turning their
backs on the very people who
elected them to protect us. The
Marxist, BLM and antifa ter-
rorists, masquerading as “pro-
testers” have occupied the
streets of Portland to loot and
burn businesses, then attack
who attempts to stop them,
including police. Simply put,
it is un-American! Portland’s
mayor is an embarrassment.
We are already taxed to our
eyeballs in this state. Our tax
money is funding “free” abor-
tions every single day. The
governor’s cap-and-regulate
bill would be devastating to so
many businesses and families,
piling on more taxes. Ore-
gon is the fourth-largest tax-
and-spend state in the nation.
Check out Taxpayer Associa-
tion of Oregon.
The list goes on and on.
State legislators need to
remember: You work for us,
not the other way around. If
you care about your state and
your freedoms, you will vote
red! Our future generations
are counting on you!
Judy Hixson
David Posalski
has what it takes
This November, we must
elect candidates who have
demonstrated true leadership.
Of the three people running
for Seaside City Council Ward
4, David is the only candidate
who has demonstrated true
leadership in our community.
David was one of the peo-
ple instrumental in founding
the Seaside reopening discus-
sion, now the Seaside Busi-
ness Community Facebook
group, which rose in response
to the effects of the COVID-
19 crisis on our local busi-
nesses and economy.
David identifi ed the prob-
lem and proactively took it
upon himself to solve that
problem by bringing our local
merchants together to begin
to discuss impacts and solu-
tions. This became a commu-
nity effort, arising out of the
private business sector and
quickly becoming a grass-
roots effort to help ourselves,
rather than wait for distant
committees and task forces to
trickle down to suffering busi-
ness owners.
This is leadership. This
is what our town needs this
This November, our town
needs David Posalski.
Sarah Bailey
Weber receives
corporate money
I think it is important for
voters to note that Suzanne
Weber has received money
from the Koch Brothers.
Climate deniers and cor-
porate interests do not belong
in Clatsop County. A vote for
Deborah Boothe-Schmidt is
a vote for Clatsop County not
big business.
Deborah Albrecht
misrepresents issues
Debbie Boothe-Schmidt is
a liar. Either that or the Port-
land elites who hand-picked
her to be their political pawn
are putting lies in her mouth.
We’ve seen the laughable
falsehoods spewing out of the
Boothe-Schmidt campaign
that accuses Suzanne Weber
of everything but sacrifi c-
ing puppies (and I hope I hav-
en’t given her any ideas). Let’s
look at some of Debbie’s lies.
Lie #1: Suzanne Weber
wants to cut $1 billion dol-
lars from education. Actual
truth: Weber was a public
school teacher for 30 years, a
union president and negotia-
tor who actually lobbied for
more school funding. She just
doesn’t believe we need to
add billions of dollars in taxes
on our small businesses that
don’t make it into classrooms
to do it.
Lie #2: Suzanne Weber
wants to make it legal for
businesses to fi re employ-
ees because they’re gay.
Actual truth: Suzanne literally
believes the exact opposite.
Businesses should not be able
to fi re people for being gay.
Lie #3: Suzanne Weber is
only backed by big corpora-
tions. Actual truth: Suzanne
has raised hundreds of thou-
sands of dollars locally, not
to mention from the business
owners who provide thou-
sands of living-wage jobs.
Why hasn’t Debbie been sup-
ported by businesses like that?
Because they know she’ll
vote for job-killing legislation
whenever her political masters
tell her to.
If Debbie is willing to lie
to us so blatantly, she has
no place in Salem. There’s
already enough liars there.
Shelly Gedenberg-Solum
Vote for Boothe-
This letter is in response
to an “informational” mailer I
received from Suzanne Weber.
The information in the mailer
was inaccurate and mislead-
ing. Suzanne’s opponent,
Debbie Boothe-Schmidt, is
endorsed by Oregon Nurses
Association, Oregon Educa-
tion Association, NW Carpen-
ters, Oregon AFL-CIO, SEIU
503, and many more. The sup-
port from these organizations
is made up of voluntary small
individual donations from
members. For example, at
my union, SEIU, our average
political donation is $7. These
organizations and Debbie all
share the same goals, values,
and priorities, such as: pro-
tecting the environment and
jobs, supporting education and
teachers, improving the oppor-
tunities for small business
owners, and creating afford-
able housing here along the
coast. Debbie is about improv-
ing the quality of life and
opportunities for all people.
What Weber is distracting
you from by making these out-
landish claims is her donors
and her lack of real solu-
tions for our community. I
worry that just like her radical
Republican backers, Suzanne
Weber will put the needs of
her big, out-of-state corpo-
rate interests before ours, let-
ting our working families and
small businesses continue to
struggle. Looking through her
social media and website, she
spends more time attacking
Debbie than talking about the
issues in our community and
how we can solve them.
We are living in a world of
misinformation. Please do your
research and join me in vot-
ing for Debbie Boothe-Schmidt
who is running a campaign on
facts and the real issues of Dis-
trict 32.
Guillermo Romero
Vote for Weber for
the North Coast
This November, I am fi nally
looking forward to voting for
a candidate instead of just vot-
ing against one, that candidate
is Suzanne Weber. I have got-
ten to know Suzanne and we
have talked about many issues
we face on the North Coast.
I fi rmly believe she is some-
one who can and will stand up
against the puppets of the Port-
land politicians and vote for
what is right.
Weber is currently the three-
term of Tillamook and has
broad support across House
District 32. She understands
what it means to be from the
North Coast and for the North
Coast. She does not hide
behind “secret groups” and she
will fi ght for our jobs and our
community. Weber understands
labor issues, will not defund
the police, and will make sure
that all of our voices are heard
in Salem.
Debbie Boothe-Schmidt
does support the labor move-
ment but being a union offi -
cial doesn’t automatically qual-
ify you to represent the district.
Now is just not the right time
for Boothe-Schmidt.
Now is the right time for
Weber please join me in voting
for Suzanne Weber and for the
North Coast.
Bill Kerr
United Steelworkers Local
Allysa Casteel/Seaside Aquarium
This specimen washed up onto the beach in Seaside.
to help families
I am writing to endorse
Debbie-Boothe Schmidt.
Oregonians value our rural
northwest way of life, so I’m
delighted that Debbie Boothe-
Schmidt wants to represent us
in the state legislature. She’s
immersed in our local commu-
nities as a mom, grandmother,
union leader, and now as a
small business owner. She’s
been a community volunteer
for years, despite her demand-
ing schedule. Debbie knows
what rural families and work-
ing people need just to pay their
bills and get through the week.
She has lived, worked and
raised a family on the North
Coast for almost 30 years and
she understands our district’s
needs. She is the granddaughter
of Oregon loggers, and under-
stands the need of balancing
the important logging indus-
try and protecting the environ-
ment and water supply. As a
small business owner in Asto-
ria she understands that small
businesses drive our economy
and will protect those interests
in Salem. Debbie is invested
in working with both parties to
protect affordable healthcare,
give doctors incentives to serve
rural communities and improve
mental health and addiction
I believe Debbie Boothe
Schmidt is the candidate who
will fi ght for all of us not just
the monied interests that back
her opponent.
Debbie believes that Orego-
nians can rise to the challenge
and work together regardless
of political party for the com-
mon good. I’m excited to see
what we can accomplish with
Debbie Boothe-Schmidt as our
state representative.
Diane Clancy
Rockaway Beach
Commission has lack
of transparency
At the board of commis-
sioners meeting on October
14, there was a lashing to the
public about some of the let-
ters being too harsh. There is
no doubt that as residents we
are frustrated.
Salmon shark found in
south Seaside
Seaside Signal
Imagine stumbling on
Last Thursday, the Sea-
side Aquarium received a
report of a small shark on
the beach on the south end
of Seaside. They found a
3-foot salmon shark.
These little sharks resem-
ble baby great whites but
there are a few small identi-
fi cation markers that distin-
guish the two, according to
Tiffany Boothe of the aquar-
ium. Salmon shark teeth are
notably pointed and smooth
Having no other avenue to
voice our opinions is harsh.
The lack of transparency
of this project is harsh. The
reality that this project has
changed the dollar amount
three times in two months
and the name change from
Countywide Bypass to Resil-
iency routes and recently to
Recovery routes is harsh. The
fact that there is to be noth-
ing implemented in this plan
for the saving of lives is the
harshest reality of all. Who is
this project resilient for? The
public or just public works?
Suzette Bergerson
Suzanne Weber is
best for business
Suzanne Weber is accused
by her opponent Debbie
Boothe Schmidt of want-
ing to reduce school fund-
ing because of her stance
on the Student Success Act
or Corporate Activity (CAT
Tax) affecting Oregon’s
small businesses. As a busi-
ness consultant and tax pre-
parer, I take issue with this
In my tax practice, I
already see the effects of this
tax on our small businesses.
Debbie’s partisan rhetoric
response that this will make
while white shark teeth are
triangular and serrated.
Named for their diet pref-
erence of eating salmon, the
quick-swimming salmon
shark can become stranded
throughout the year, but
are most commonly found
during summer months.
While this species is able
to survive in colder tem-
peratures, some juveniles
end up outside their ideal
temperature range and are
unable to thrive.
If the shark is fresh
enough, Boothe said, it
could be used for dissection
by high school classes.
large corporations fi nally
pay their fair share and pro-
vide money for education
proves how little she under-
stands this tax and its imple-
mentation. All business, not
just corporations as the name
implies, with over $1 million
in gross receipts are subject to
the tax. When applying a tax
to gross receipts, $1 million is
still a small business. It is the
locally owned market, appli-
ance store, contractor, phar-
macy, and many others. This
tax is effectively a sales tax
on Oregonians.
The tax has already
increased costs for our
schools, businesses, and the
people of the state of Ore-
gon on items they are pur-
chasing every day and cur-
rent construction projects.
How can Debbie say this tax
has not affected her business?
As of yet, no money has been
provided to education. Will
the money ever be provided
to schools? We need some-
one who uses common sense,
experience, and a nonparti-
san approach to review this
tax and the other issues fac-
ing our schools, small busi-
nesses, and all of Oregon.
My vote for representative of
House District 32 is Suzanne
Gretchen B. Allen CPA
Coast Weekend is holding a contest for local
businesses and residents to submit their most
festive Halloween decorations.
Go to and submit your
photo by clicking on the “Halloween Contest
tab” by 11:59 p.m. on Monday to enter.
(503) 994-0164
Voting will be held Tuesday and Wednesday,
Oct. 27 and Oct. 28.
The top three winners in the business and home
contests will be featured in the Nov. 5 edition
of Coast Weekend and receive gift cards.