Seaside signal. (Seaside, Or.) 1905-current, July 12, 2019, Page A5, Image 5

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    Friday, July 12, 2019 | Seaside Signal | • A5
Signal, Astorian, Observer win regional journalism awards
The Astorian
Staff at the Signal, The
Astorian and Chinook
Observer newspapers have
been honored for their work
by the Society of Profes-
sional Journalists.
Sports reporter Gary
Henley earned the fi rst-place
award for sports writing for
his coverage of Seaside
High School’s boys repeat
state basketball champion-
ship. Coincidentally, the
award was announced Mon-
day, July 1, on the 20th anni-
versary of his hire date on
the newspaper’s staff.
Photographer Colin Mur-
phey earned the fi rst-place
award in the general pho-
tography category for a
photo of volunteers releas-
ing young common murres
into the surf near Haystack
Rock. His photo essay of fi re
devastation in Paradise, Cal-
ifornia, was the runner-up in
that category. He was also
runner-up in the sports photo
category for a shot of a pole
R.J. Marx, editor of the
Seaside Signal, was the run-
ner-up in the column writ-
ing category for Southern
The Astorian earned three
fi rst-place awards and three
runner-up certifi cates in the
annual Northwest Excel-
lence in Journalism contest.
The newspaper competes
against medium-sized news-
papers in Oregon, Washing-
ton state, Alaska, Idaho and
Montana with newsrooms of
between eight and 16 staff.
The Astorian’s edito-
rial board earned fi rst place
in the editorial and com-
mentary division for a
portfolio of three editori-
als about former Clatsop
County Manager Cameron
Moore, the endorsement of
Tiffi ny Mitchell for the state
House of Representatives
and the problem of student
The Chinook Observer
in Long Beach, Washing-
ton, competing against all
small-sized publications in
the fi ve states, was the run-
ner-up in the general excel-
lence category.
Reporter Luke Whittaker,
who writes for the Observer
and the Columbia River
Business Journal, earned
four awards. A collection of
his photographs earned fi rst
place for best portfolio. His
photo of a woman clutch-
ing a dog at a Long Beach
apartment fi re earned fi rst
place in the spot news pho-
tography category. He was
the runner-up in spot news
reporting for his story about
the fi re. He was also the run-
ner-up in the general news
photography category for
his “shop with a cop” photo.
R.J. Marx, editor of the
Seaside Signal, was the run-
ner-up in the column writ-
ing category for Southern
All three newspapers are
part of EO Media Group, a
family-owned regional com-
pany based in Salem.
“Our journalists strive
every day to cover the com-
munities they serve,” said
Jim Van Nostrand, editor of
The Astorian. “I could not be
more proud of their work.”
Colin Murphey/The Astorian
Photographer Colin Murphey won fi rst place for general news photography with this image of Lisa Habecker, left, and Ellison
Randall releasing young common murres into the surf Sept. 14, 2018 near Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach.
Gary Henley/The Astorian
Sportswriter Gary Henley was recognized for his coverage of Seaside sports.
Above, Seaside coach Bill Westerholm, with two of his all-league seniors, Chase
Januik and Payton Westerholm.
Photographer Colin Murphey and Signal
editor R.J. Marx, both honorees from the
Society of Professional Journalists.
Keep your dog cool when summer temperatures are on the rise
eople love their dogs and
therefore love their dogs’
company on outings. But we
hear a lot about how dangerous
hot cars are—do we really believe
or understand that claim? Let’s
look to the experts for facts.
The American Veterinary Med-
ical Association explains that the
temperature inside a vehicle rises
about 20 degrees in ten minutes
and 30 degrees in twenty min-
utes. In an hour, the tempera-
ture in a vehicle is more than 40
degrees higher than the outside
temperature. In other words; if it’s
70 degrees outside, it is probably
more than 110 degrees in your car.
Furthermore, the AVMA states,
cracking the windows makes no
difference. So let your dog stay
safe and cool in your home while
you do your shopping and other
There are additional risks to
dogs left in cars. One is that if
the owner should have a medi-
cal or other emergency while on a
quick errand and become unable
to communicate, the dog could
be stranded in the car long-term
rather than just for a few minutes.
Another is that anytime we leave
our dogs alone in public, they are
at the mercy of that public, and
that’s just not a gamble worth tak-
ing. You may recall from one of
my previous articles that about a
third of the population is cynopho-
bic — that is, is afraid of or has
disdain for dogs.
Another summertime risk of
dogs in cars isn’t as common,
thankfully, but does happen, and
would be extremely traumatizing.
There have been cases where dogs
have fallen — or jumped — out
of partly or fully open windows
of moving cars, sometimes still
attached by their leashes to some-
thing in the car. It happens more
frequently when dogs are allowed
to ride in open air vehicles such
as convertibles and pick up truck
beds. Whether the dog is loose or
tethered, serious injury or worse is
the result. Road curves and bumps
that increase fall risk cannot be
avoided, nor can things that might
tempt a dog to jump, so keep win-
dows up, and don’t let your dog
ride in convertibles or truck beds.
No A/C? Only have a pick up or
convertible? The AVMA would
again suggest letting your dog
stay home, since there are many
other risks, including fl ying debris
and organic airborne hazards, to
dogs who travel with their heads
outside a vehicle, whatever the
At the beach, lake, river, or
other water source with a dog who
loves the water, try to be sure that
s/he doesn’t swallow a lot of water
while swimming or playing. You
already know that drinking salt
July 16
water isn’t good for dogs. You
may have heard of water intoxica-
tion, but if not, do a little research
on the topic before your dog
begins water play. It appears a dog
might ingest too much water by
simply playing in or with water,
leading to acute water intoxica-
tion, reportedly an uncommon but
deadly illness. Ask your vet for
Perhaps your dog prefers to
luxuriate with you under the
beach umbrella and a spread of
snacks. In that case, one surpris-
ing safety rule has to do with
snack bags. Unfortunately, pets
can quickly suffocate in potato
chip bags and similar wrappers
(yes, including pet food bags).
At home the best safety rule is
to cut off both ends of every bag
before disposing of it so that if
a bag should fall into your pet’s
paws and s/he noses into it, suffo-
cation will not be as likely. If you
are not up for bringing mini-scis-
sors to the beach, another option
July 24
1 p.m., All Ages Comedy: Juggling, and
Magic with Alex Zerbe.
10 a.m., Preschool Storytime: “Space Pup-
pet Show.”
July 25
July 17
2 p.m.Kindergarten to grade 5 Constella-
tion crafts event.
10 a.m., Preschool Storytime: “Moon and
July 18
2 p.m., Kindergarten to grade 5 space
games event
July 20
July 30
1 p.m., Weight loss and changing your
mind set with Jenn Visser; for adults.
3 p.m. Teen event: Moviemaking.
July 23
3 p.m. Teen event: “Space food.”
July 31
10 a.m. Preschool Storytime: “Weird Sci-
Gearhart, Seaside students win honors at OSU
Seaside Signal
side student Jensen Liu, a
senior majoring in mechan-
ical engineering, was named
to the Oregon State Univer-
sity honor roll for the 2019
spring term. Liu received a
straight-A average.
Rachel M. Stahly, a
senior majoring in speech
communication; Joshua M.
Strozzi, a junior majoring in
computer science; Brittany
A. West, a junior, major-
ing in forestry, were named
to the honor roill with a
grade point average of 3.5 or
Gearhart’s Josiah I.
Sigler, a senior, majoring
in construction engineering
management; and Hunter L.
Thompson, a junior, major-
ing in pre-forest/civil engi-
neering, were named to the
honor roll with a 3.5 grade
point average or better.
Annuka A. Brown, of
Cannon Beach, a senior,
majoring in human devel-
opment and family sicence,
was honored with a
straight-A average.
A total of 1,327 stu-
dents earned straight-A
(4.0). Another 4,352 earned
a B-plus (3.5) or better to
make the listing. To be on
the honor roll, students must
carry at least 12 graded
hours of course work.
Trail’s End Art Association presents camp for kids
Seaside Signal
Trail’s End Art Associa-
tion is offering a one-week
camp for children Monday,
July 22, through Friday, July
26 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. each
The camp will explore
various types of art media
through a combination of
classroom and hands-on
experiences. Children from
second through eighth
grades will be encouraged
to work at their own pace,
within instructor parame-
ters, to create several pieces
over the fi ve-day camp.
Finished pieces will
include, but are not limited
to, a paper bowl; a hand dec-
orated wooden box with a
sculptured top; watercol-
or-rendered animal paint-
ings; fused glass based on
O’Keefe, Mondrian, Matisse
and Yoyo Kusama; and graf-
fi ti art.
sun-painting and additional
requiring sunny weather will
also be explored resulting in
additional art pieces.
Campers will also be
shown techniques to dis-
play their completed work
might be to use your cooler to
contain all bags, including gro-
cery bags, until you get home
to your scissors. For increased
safety, place chips and other
snacks in a bowl rather than eat
from bags, and keep the bags in
the cooler.
Staycationer? Before you walk
your dog, check the tempera-
ture and the ground to make sure
both are cool enough. Person-
ally, I prefer 70 degrees or less for
dog-walking, because some dogs
just don’t handle heat and exer-
cise together very well. If your
dog’s a sunbather, manage that
too, because many dogs don’t
know when they’ve had too much
and will overheat themselves. Not
sure? Ask yourself: Would I enjoy
a long stretch of this activity in a
fur coat, fur hat, and bare feet?
And watch for panting.
Rain Jordan, CBCC-KA, KPA
CTP, is a certifi ed canine behav-
ior and training professional. Visit
her at
professionally, using mattes
and frames as appropri-
ate. An additional goal of
the camp is to provide the
campers with a space to dis-
play during the gala artist’s
reception of annual judged
show the following week.
Special needs kids are
welcome if parents stay.
Children any younger
should be at least be second
grade ready.
Thank you to
Seaside Fire
Due to a garage full of
smoke, I had reason this
past week to call the Sea-
side Fire Department and I
want to take this opportu-
nity to thank those fi remen
who responded for the fi ne
job they did.
They were absolutely
professional, conscien-
tious and courteous in their
attempt to fi nd the source
of the smoke and make sure
all was safe before they left.
I feel grateful and a little
safer knowing that we live
in a community with such
an excellent fi re department.
Nancy Berry
Whose side
is she on?
In Senator Betsy John-
son’s scripted speech before
she voted against SB870 I
can’t decide what’s worse;
Johnson’s shocking defense
of Donald Trump or her
assault against the National
Popular Vote (NPV).
The senator’s failed call
for ballot reference was a
deliberate lose, lose, strat-
egy. One where a back-
wards worded: yes means
no, language during a low
turn out election might
make it easy for opponents
with millions in PAC money
to manufacture a failure
they could exploit as a pre-
text to block any future
reconsideration. Her sud-
den concern for the opin-
ions of voters is worthy of
a blazing saddles style sat-
ire. Where were her tender
sentiments for voter prefer-
ences in 2016 when 3 mil-
lion votes were tossed in the
Even if it passed, recall
that a state does not have
authority above the U.S.
Constitution. It would be a
triviality to overturn because
Article 2 section 1 explicitly
says that the state legisla-
ture has exclusive authority
in how it assigns its electors,
not the voters. That is why
no proponent has espoused
that cynically authored
political dumpster fi re
attempt to derail and kill it.
NPV is about one word:
“Democracy.” Johnson nei-
ther represents her party
who resolved to support
it, nor the majority of vot-
ers who support it. Com-
plaining that renewed inter-
est in passage of the NPV
is because of two words;
“Donald Trump,” is like
opposing the declaration of
war against fascist Japan
because of the two words;
“Pearl Harbor!”
Whose side is she on?!
Ted Thomas