OUR 112th Year July 12, 2019 SEASIDESIGNAL.COM $1.00 City awards $5.64M contract for East Hills water tank By R.J. MARX Seaside Signal As work continues at the Seaside high school and middle school campus site in the Southeast Hills, the city added one more ele- ment to the construction checklist as they approved a contract to build a 5-mil- lion-gallon reservoir to sup- ply the new school and sur- rounding areas. “Seaside School Dis- trict and city of Seaside are working hand in hand with the city,” school dis- trict project manager Jim Henry said at Monday’s City Council meeting. “We’ve been working with them continuously planning water line routes, where the pressure zones would go,” he said. Water lines would be built are installed under a Seaside School District con- tract, Henry said. The reser- voir and pump station will be under a city contract. Later in the meeting, the city’s public works director Dale McDowell presented three bids to the council for construction of the tank. The design engineer- ing fi rm Murray Smith reviewed the three bids and recommended award of the contract to low bidder T. Bailey Inc at $5.64 million, McDowell said. The high bid came in at $6.3 million. “Murray Smith went through all the bids and all the paperwork — every- thing is exactly as it should be,” McDowell said. The motion to award the water tank contract to T. Bailey passed unanimously. “It is a very good bid,” Winstanley said. “And it’s within our budget.” Work is expected to begin in August, Henry added, and be completed concurrently at the time of the opening of the new school in September 2020. Ten questions … or 11 on 2020 census? By R.J. MARX Seaside Signal Fourth of July fun! Ky Jennings/For Seaside Signal By KATHERINE LACAZE For Seaside Signal While cities up and down the North Coast celebrated the Fourth of July with the traditional parades and fi rework shows, Seaside’s own festivities were topped with another special event presented each year by the Seaside Museum and Historical Society. Featuring live music, a cakewalk, bingo, and car- nival games, the muse- um’s Old Fashioned Social has been a staple of the community’s Inde- pendence Day activities since 1987. “It’s part of Seaside,” said Steve Wright, pres- ident of the museum’s board. “It’s a tradition, no doubt for us, but also for families.” Ken Heman, a for- mer museum board mem- ber who has volunteered with the festival for three years, agreed. Katherine Lacaze Seaside’s Fourth of July Parade, organized by the Seaside Chamber of Commerce this year, included a variety of participants, including individuals, families, and representatives from local businesses and organizations. “As soon as the parade is over, it just seems to be the destination every- body hits,” he said. Good, old- fashioned fun During the event, the museum’s grounds, including Butterfi eld Cottage, were perme- ated with revelers, many bearing splashes of red, white and blue and other patriotic symbols. While the regional music group Five Over Fifty played classics from the porch of the cottage, the smell of grilled hotdogs and hamburgers wafted through the air. Vendors also served crab cakes, clam chowder, straw- A new art gallery in Seaside By EVE MARX For Seaside Signal Angi Wildt had her fi rst job in an art gallery in Cannon Beach about 15 years ago. In 2013 she was living in California, working in a gallery. Twice she’s produced pop-up galleries in Port- land, and for some time has been collecting and stashing art at home in preparation for her long time dream of one day opening a gallery of her own. She said after a career in the military, in 1999 she moved to Sea- side. She’s left and come back a few times. She always returns, she said, because she misses the rain. Opportunity presented itself a few months ago when space became avail- able at 751 Broadway in the historic Beacon Building. That’s when Wildt took the leap to open the Angi D. Wildt Gallery. Wildt, who is a pho- tographer of water, beach, and architecture, rep- resents a classy stable of talent. Arizona based art- ist Ty McNeeley’s pho- tography captures the raw berry shortcake, and pie. Inside the cottage, peo- ple could place their bid in the silent auction for about 200 items donated by community merchants and individuals. One of the event high- lights continues to be the cakewalk, which runs throughout the entire event. Hundreds of indi- viduals take a turn — or sometimes multiple turns — trying to win one of the 100 decorated cakes donated by Safeway. This year, social-goers entered the cakewalk more than 1,000 times collectively, Wright said, adding for some people, “It’s almost a tradition that you won’t leave unless you take a cake with you.” Heman especially appreciates “the energy” that builds during the hol- iday event, he said, add- ing, “It’s kind of hard to be in a bad mood on the Fourth of July.” See Fourth, Page A7 The 2020 census will ask 10 — or 11 questions — depending on the outcome of the citizenship question. On June 27, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the Trump administration’s stated reason for adding the citizenship question. But justices left open the chance that the administration could offer an adequate rationale. Surveys have been printed without the citizen- ship question, partnership specialist Marc Czornij told members of the Gearhart City Council on Wednesday, July 3. “If you follow the news, you know it’s a con- stantly changing thing the last 10 days.” Not being counted in the 2020 census will cost Ore- gonians money — up to $3,200 per person, he said. Of $883 billion distrib- uted annually, $13.5 billion each year comes to Ore- gon, along with congressio- nal representation and fed- eral redistricting based on the number of Oregonians counted. “Folks that we miss in the count, that’s not just money we lose in the next fi scal year, but until the next census. There’s quite a lot at stake.” Czornij works in sev- eral Oregon counties along the Columbia River coor- R.J. Marx Marc Czornij, partnership specialist with the 2020 Census, at the July 3 meeting of the Gearhart City Council. HIGHLIGHTS FROM REGIONAL CENSUS DATA 2018 Census estimates: Oregon: 4,190,713 Clatsop County: 39,764 Gearhart: 1,587 Children under 5 years, Gearhart: 58 (3.7%) Seniors over 62 years, Gearhart: 426 (27.4%) dinating and communica- tion timelines, expectations and information regarding the upcoming 2020 census to elected offi ces, commu- nity benefi t organizations and members of the faith community. “We are working with the counties in the state, along with all the cities and towns to give an update on the 2020 timeline and what to look out for,” Czornij said. See Census, Page A7 ‘SAILING AND ART — THAT’S WHAT I LIVE FOR.’ — Angi Wildt Eve Marx See Gallery, Page A7 Gallery owner Angi Wildt at her desk in front of the work of Quata Cody.