Seaside signal. (Seaside, Or.) 1905-current, July 05, 2019, Page A6, Image 6

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    A6 • Friday, July 5, 2019 | Seaside Signal |
Convention Center to see four-week completion delay
Seaside Signal
The Seaside Civic and
Convention Center expan-
sion and renovation project
will be delayed one month,
executive director Russ Van-
denberg told city councilors
on Monday, June 24.
“We have decided to
extend the project 30 addi-
tional days,” Vandenberg
said of the $15 million proj-
ect, which began last spring.
Reasons for the delay, he
said, come from the need to
build a second temporary set
of stairs from the main fl oor
to the second fl oor.
Completion is now
expected for Aug. 31.
“It’s a big structure right
in the middle and it’s creat-
ing an issue for construction
to get equipment from out
that lobby,” Vandenberg said.
R.J. Marx
Phase six, the lobby stair-
case renovation, will begin
July 31 as crews gain access
to that location,
Some work at the east
entrance of the building
along the Necanicum River
has also been “sidelined to
some extent” because of the
lack of equipment due to the
state’s building boom.
An elevator on the west
side of the building sched-
uled for complete renova-
tion will also be delayed
until July 30.
Most events scheduled
at the convention center
will not be impacted, he
Staff moved back into
their new offi ces on June
15, he said. “That was a
nice thing we were able
to get back in some form
of normalcy connected to
our building. We’re getting
reacquainted with our new
The project, at $15 mil-
lion, will have an expected
contingency balance of
$171,000. Some of that may
be used to change the ceiling
in the main lobby to match
the ceilings in the rest of the
“We’re going to move
forward and have a discus-
sion on that at a later date,”
Vandenberg said.
A public reopening of the
building is scheduled for
Sept. 5, from 4 to 6 p.m.
School district passes budget, welcomes Susan Penrod
For Seaside Signal
The Seaside School Dis-
trict Board of Directors held
their fi nal meeting of the
2018-19 school year on June
18, with approval of a bud-
get of about $119.5 for the
2019-20 school year that
includes an approximately
$22.2 general fund along
with about $4.7 million in
debt service, $3.3 million in
special revenue, and more
than $89 million for capital
get committee met before
the board’s regular meet-
ing May 21 to discuss the
budget, which includes an
approximately $22.2 gen-
eral fund along with about
$4.7 million in debt service,
$3.3 million in special reve-
nue and more than $89 mil-
lion in capital projects.
• The board accepted
Roley’s notice of retire-
ment from her full-time
position as superintendent
and request to be rehired as
a part-time superintendent,
effective July 1. Susan Pen-
rod joins the district as assis-
tant superintendent.
• The board approved
Broadway Middle School
to undertake a name-change
process similar to the one
approved for the elementary
schools at the May meeting.
The middle school will
follow the same timeline
and procedure of adopting
a new name, which includes
accepting suggestions from
students, parents, staff, and
community members in
September and October.
Forms will be made avail-
able at the Seaside Farm-
ers Market, fall conferences,
registration, and online.
The options will be nar-
rowed down to two before
the students vote to select the
fi nal choice in November.
• The board approved a
resolution to accept noti-
fi cation from the Cannon
Beach Academy that they
plan to add fi fth-grade level
education, in addition to
fourth grade, for the 2019-
20 school year. Over the
past couple years, the acad-
emy has added one grade
level per year to allow exist-
ing students to continue
receiving their elementary
education at the institution.
The academy is estimat-
ing a student body of 50 for
the upcoming year, but fi nal
enrollment numbers won’t
be fi nalized until September.
• The board approved a
recommendation from direc-
tor of curriculum Sande
Brown and teachers pertain-
ing to the adoption of new
social studies curriculum for
the 2019-20 school year for
all grade levels.
Seaside artists turn to nature for their inspiration
Seaside Signal
Celebrating 15 years, the
next Seaside First Saturday
Art Walk, will be held 5 to
7 p.m., Saturday, July 6. The
free event takes place between
Holladay Drive and Broadway
Street in the Historic Gilbert
District of downtown Seaside.
The Whet Spot, 12 N.
Holladay Drive.
Showcasing the art of
Billy Lutz, one of Seaside’s
most famous artists, who
has painted in themes for 30
years, developing a philoso-
phy of collectivism premised
on the requirements of indi-
vidual motive and other par-
adox. Lutz, a self-employed
artist and sign painter, has pro-
vided for his family of fi ve all
his adult life. In addition, his
work is available at from Port-
land Art Museum’s Online
Seaside Yarn and Fiber,
10A N. Holladay Drive.
Featuring the art of yarn as
much-needed creative outlet
to the coastal community.
Art-in-the-Loft at Beach
Books, 616 Broadway.
Hosting the Westside Art-
Share Group, an all women
artist group from Western
Washington County (west
of Portland). This multi-tal-
ented group will be exhibiting
mixed media artwork unique
variations and interpretations
of the theme “Summer Vaca-
tion.” Participating artists:
Lori Hicke, Riis Griffen, Eliz-
abeth Higgins, Carole Zenny,
Megan Turner Baxter, Debbie
Grover, Theresa Magsig Kot-
vis, Laura Thode and Suzanne
Fairweather House and
Gallery, 612 Broadway.
Opening reception for
“Making Waves,” Fairweath-
er’s monthlong July exhibi-
tion, exploring the deep, mul-
tifaceted relationship with
the ocean. Art for the exhi-
bition, largely signifi cant
pieces include new origi-
nal work, created entirely by
North coast artists. Featuring
selected artists: Blue Bond,
Nick Brakel, Paul Brent, Vic-
toria Brooks, Leah Kohlen-
berg, Karen Lewis, Emily
Miller, Lee Munsell, Richard
Newman, Ron Nicolaides, Jan
Rimerman, Lisa Sofi a Rob-
inson, Peg Wells, Russell J.
Young and Dale Veith. Intro-
ducing artists Sharon Furze
and Phil Juttelstad.
Attending artists will offers
“The Challenge” oil on linen by Victoria Brooks at Fairweather
“Seaside Ospreys,” oil by Blue Bond, at Blue Bond Gallery.
lectures about their art starting
at 5:30 p.m. The range in the
show reveals the extraordinary
impact the sea and waves.
“Making Waves” habitat talk
by naturalist Neal Maine.
Pacifi c Heirloom Art and
Collectables, 608 Broadway.
Featuring antique seascape
Peddler’s Row, 604
Featuring vintage oils,
designer goods and work cre-
ated by artisans gathered from
all over the country. Peddler’s
Row is a “new old” business
curated by Avery Loschen and
Will Perkins, property owners
of the Gilbert Block Build-
ing. Loschen and Perkins are
extraordinary collectors.
SunRose Gallery, 606
Ushering in summer with
an open house and offer-
ing conservations with artists
Patty Thurlby, Robin Mon-
tero, Jan Barber and Ronni
Harris. Live music will be pro-
vided by guitarist David Crab-
tree and accompanied on sax
and fl ute by SunRose owner
Ray Coffey.
Shine Fair Trade, 609
Broadway.Featuring hand-
made items all over the world
that supports over 100 non-
profi ts and artisan cooper-
atives. Showcasing artist
Renee L. Delight, living a
creative life as an artist, gar-
dener, musician, nature lover,
environmentalist, builder, tin-
kerer and destroyer. 10% of
all net proceeds are donated
to local wildlife protection
Gilbert District Gallery,
613 Broadway.
Featuring watercolor artist
Dave Bartholet, a Seaside art-
ist who is in the “show busi-
ness,” doing juried art shows
throughout the West. In addi-
tion, Bartholet operates the
Gallery, an artist co-op, offer-
ing watercolors, bronzes, lim-
ited edition prints, Native
American jewelry, oil paint-
ings, greeting cards and metal
Blue Bond Art Studio
and Gallery, 417 S. Holladay
Featuring oil paintings and
acrylics by Blue Bond, an
accomplished Seaside profes-
sional artist whose specialty
likes in portraits and wildlife.
With over 50 years of expe-
rience, the artist teaches one-
to-one classes in oil or acrylic
to novices and experienced
painters alike.
Angi D Wildt Gallery,
737 Broadway, #2.
Featuring artist Ty McNee-
ley. McNeeley received his
bachelor of science degree
in photography from North-
ern Arizona University in
between Army deployments
to Afghanistan and the Mid-
dle East.
Westport Winery, 810
Featuring Josh Fry, a self-
taught artist and Seaside
native who creates his paint-
ings using spray paint cans
along with complex sets of
Starry Night Art Hotel
and Inn, 811 First Ave.
exhibition of Caroline Green’s
bird art. The artist uses glazing
techniques to create intriguing
layered paintings inspired by
the Pacifi c Northwest envi-
ronment and include crows
or owls. Starry Night is an art
motel that offers artist resi-
dencies. The art at the motel
is curated by Chris Haberman.
Find additional origi-
nal art during the day at Sea-
side Coffee House, 3 N. Hol-
laday Drive; Seaside Antique
Mall, 726 Broadway St. and
at Dough Dough Bakery, 8 N.
Holladay Drive.
R.J. Marx
City Councilor Randy Frank, Mayor Jay Barber, Briana Boyd
and Tristyn McFadden.
McFadden named new
student representative
Seaside Signal
Since 2007, Seaside
City Council has wel-
comed Seaside High
School students as youth
representatives at their
biweekly board meetings.
This year’s student rep-
resentative, Briana Boyd,
received a warm send-off
from city councilors and
Mayor Jay Barber at the
Monday, June 24 meeting.
“Briana Boyd, who has
served us diligently for the
last year is here tonight,”
Barber said as he presented
her with a certifi cate of
Meanwhile, Boyd, a
rising junior, will also be
returning to Seaside High
School, plans to spend the
summer with the Oregon
Ambassadors of Music on
a European band tour. She
will attend a student lead-
ership camp later in July.
Boyd will relinquish her
role to Tristyn McFadden,
also a junior.
McFadden has lived in
Seaside “for awhile now.”
She plays golf, vol-
leyball and basketball. “I
thought one way to get
good at public speaking
was to come speak here,”
McFadden said.
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