OUR 112th Year June 21, 2019 $1.00 SEASIDESIGNAL.COM MUSCLE! Photos by Jeff Ter Har Muscle and Chrome car show came to Seaside on Fri- day, June 14 and Saturday, June 15, displaying quality vehi- cles 1974 and older plus 1979 to current factory perfor- mance vehicles. The weekend included Friday and Saturday registra- tion for vehicle entrants. Saturday’s showcase began at 9 a.m. in the heart of downtown Seaside, featuring a downtown parade and an ice cream social awards show for vehicle winners to celebrate. SUNSET REC TURNS 50! Rec district to mark birthday with family triathlon, barbecue and more. A7 Tsunami safety, workforce Cannon Beach housing at top of city goals Elementary School deal falls through By R.J. MARX Seaside Signal In January, the Seaside City Council took a look into its crystal ball, seeking to set a two-and four-year goal-setting agenda. The aim of January’s meeting, moderated by Beau Bennett and Matthew Landkamer of the Corag- gio Group, was to develop a strategy to preserve or enhance “the desirable characteristics” of Seaside. On Monday, June 10, Barber and city council- ors picked up where they left off, delivering prelim- inary results as they hope to meet those goals. “Our feeling is, if you set goals, they need to be measured and accounted for,” Barber said. Vertical evacua- tion structures, a revived community emergency response team, connecting and streaming of city meet- By R.J. MARX Seaside Signal R.J. Marx Members of the City Council voiced their plans for two- and four-year goals. Above, assistant city manager Jon Rahl and councilors Tom Horning, Dana Phillips and Randy Frank. ings were all proposals councilor seek to bring to the public in coming years. Steve Wright’s goal was to increase citizen involve- ment in the city, he said, especially area youth. A second way to engage cit- izens was to revive the city’s Community Emer- gency Response Team. “This doesn’t have to be just emergencies — it can be helping out on the Fourth of July with traffi c control.” See Council, Page A6 Cannon Beach History Center and Museum will not be moving ahead with a plan to purchase Cannon Beach Elementary School from the Seaside School District. The museum had hoped to restore the gymnasium and create a cultural event center for the community of Cannon Beach. “Over the past few months it has become clear that our timeline for this pur- chase must be pushed back,” Elaine Murdy said Monday. “We hope to approach the school district in the future, but for now, we must focus our energy on the museum and its collections.” In November, school dis- trict superintendent Sheila Roley said the board sup- ported the sale. The building, which has sat vacant at the north end of Cannon Beach since the school was closed in 2013, has long been of interest to the city, which discussed buying it as some form of event or community center on and off for years. The Clatsop-Nehalem Confederated Tribes also showed interest in preserv- ing the unique building as a cultural landmark. It is one of four buildings the dis- trict is attempting to sell as it continues to build a new campus out of the tsunami inundation zone. According to Trucke in November, the board dis- cussed buying the property for more than a year, and offi cially sent an offer of See School, Page A6