Friday, June 14, 2019 | Seaside Signal | • A7 Commencement: Class of 2019 looks to the future with hope and enthusiasm Continued from Page A1 “We often hear, ‘It takes a village,’” Principal Jeff Rob- erts said. “One of the most special things about our com- munity is our village, and we look after our own. So tonight, we thank parents, guard- ians, grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, Dr. (Sheila) Roley, the Seaside School Board, the teachers and staff from Cannon Beach, Gear- hart, The Heights, Broadway Middle School, and Seaside High School.” During her salutatorian address, graduating senior Kendy Lin echoed that sentiment. “This is cheesy, but with- out every single one of you in this room right now, we would not have become the person sitting in front of you,” she said. “With you, we have grown tremen- dously as individuals and learned from our mistakes.” One of the class’ nine valedictorians, Alyssa Goin, during her speech with fel- low graduate Chase Januik, encouraged her classmates to “bring the love our small community has given to us to your communities in the Katherine Lacaze ABOVE Seaside High School graduating seniors Alyssa Goin (left) and Chase Januik, two of the nine valedictorians for the Class of 2019, give their address during the school’s 103rd annual commencement ceremony Monday evening at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center. RIGHT Tori Tomlin celebrates graduation. future, and give to them as ours has given to us.” “We ask that you uphold the high standard that our generation has set thus far,” she added. “Change the world but don’t forget where you came from.” Januik said that although people may perceive their generation with negative connotations, having been “raised on iPhones and video games,” they are also a generation of kids with high ambitions and educated minds. “We stand up for what’s right and we’re also forgiv- ing,” Goin added. “We are Garden: Creating a harmonious space Continued from Page A1 walls, installing flooring, and replacing base heating. The house itself is classic ’70s-style ranch charm, but it’s the property itself that beckons Graham to spend as much time as possible out- doors. “I like to plant what attracts butterflies and hum- mingbirds,” she said over home-brewed mocha lattes. “Plants are individuals. They respond to kindness.” Graham said before she puts anything in the ground or in a container, she consid- ers who will be visiting the space beside herself. “Birds, salamanders, bees, butterflies, the point is to share the space with nature,” she said. She care- fully selects plants that work in harmony with each other. In her over 20 years of pro- fessional garden design, she’s never had an outbreak of insects or pestilence. Container gardening is one of her specialties. “It’s an instant design that can change the look and feel of a place,” Graham said. “But you have to remem- ber when you put a plant or tree in a container, it’s your hostage.” The majority of Gra- ham’s professional work is Eve Marx Becky Graham loves repurposing old metal and other salvaged finds. in Astoria where she main- tains numerous commercial accounts. Creating a har- monious garden at home is where her heart lies. In addition to twinkly outdoor lighting, her garden has a water feature. She recently excavated hundreds of pounds of broken up chunks of cement buried below her front yard’s surface, salvag- ing the fragments to create a mosaic of pavers to form pathways through her con- templation garden. In Graham’s world, there is no waste. She’s a com- poster to be sure and a repurposer. Weeds, if they are pretty, are permitted to thrive; wild flowers and meadows are encouraged. “When I nurture plants, they nurture me back,” she said. “My garden is both my playground and my sanctuary.” An auspicious piece of advice she offered is to set aside a portion of your yard to be wild. “Even if it’s just a corner by your back fence, there should be a place where nature can do its thing.” Becky Graham’s Har- vest Moon Design is avail- able for commercial as well as private consulta- tion. Contact her through her website, www.harvest- or text 503-791-7664. she wouldn’t describe high school as the best four years of her life, because “that would mean it’s all downhill from here, and I know that’s not the case.” “I hope none of us have peaked in high school,” De Luz said. “I hope during the next four years, we each take Firehouse: After heated discussion, council approves firehouse site study Continued from Page A1 Bag: Seaside takes lead in plastic bag ban tower on it?” Smith returned. “Kerry, have you not been following this process that we’re trying to get to?” “Oh, man, that is the wrong thing to say,” Smith snapped. “And what is the right thing to say?” Brown asked. “Don’t tell me I’m not following this process, part- ner. That’s irresponsible.” “I think it’s irresponsible of you to bring this up.” “Let’s move on,” Smith said. Move on they did, with a little encouragement from City Attorney Peter Watts. “It would be nice if we could get everything on the ballot and then you as councilors could engage in the advocacy to make sure people have a proper understanding of the pros and cons and benefits and burden,” Watts said. Ultimately the momen- tum of the project, stressed again by Brown and attor- ney Peter Watts, led coun- cilors to vote for the transfer. Reita Fackerell was the lone no vote, citing the uncertainty of the bond process needed to fund the station. Discussions for pur- chase of the High Point site are underway and could be presented at an executive session at the end of this month, City Administrator Chad Sweet said. No date has been determined. “None of this stuff in the plan is a slam dunk,” Brown said. “But if we don’t follow some sort of plan, then we don’t have a plan.” SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Get the Seaside Signal mailed to your home or business address Continued from Page A1 Retailers may charge cus- tomers a reasonable pass- through cost — no less than 10 cents a bag — for a recy- clable paper bag or reusable bag. The penalty for violat- ing the ordinance would be a fine of up to $100. Fifth-graders Mariliz Leon-Mejia, Madeleine Menke and Theia McCarthy recommended that consum- ers embrace reusable bags. “Plastic bags are not very good for the environment,” the students said. “And nei- ther are straws. We need to take a break from plastic bags. And that break starts now. ... If we stop using plas- tic bags, we will make the environment better for all of us.” Joyce Hunt, of Seaside, who helped craft the bill, thanked the mayor and City Council for their support. She was among the residents who circulated petitions call- ing for the ban, gathering more than 130 signatures and another 100 online. Correspondence to the city in favor of the ban included the state Depart- ment of Environmental Qual- ity, which supports bans on single-use plastic bags and a fee on single-use paper bags. The Northwest Grocery Association also supported the ban, contingent on a pass- through fee refundable when trend-setters, creative minds, and out-of-the-box personali- ties. … This is the generation of inclusion, environmental caring, and cohesion.” Fellow valedictorian Majestik De Luz agreed they have far to go in terms of making a significant impact. During her speech, she said Jeff Ter Har the opportunities that are in front of us, work hard, and turn ourselves into some- thing special.” The other valedictorians for the class of 2019 included Chloe Bartel, Chance Gigui- ere, Dylan Meyer, Cori Biamont, Anna Hudleston, and Hayley Rollins. Huddleston, the senior class president, led the class roll call as Roberts, Roley, and members of the school board awarded diplomas to the graduates as they crossed the stage. The choir, led by director Kimber Parker, and band, led by director Terry Dahlgren, provided music throughout the ceremony. In his valedictorian address, Giguiere urged his fellow classmates to make sure graduation is “not our last note, but the beginning of a beautiful and breathtak- ing symphony.” “While some of people may see a sea of red caps and gowns, I look at all of you and see doctors, law- yers, athletes, actors, sci- entists and engineers,” he said. “I see a world changed for the better because of the contributions the Class of 2019 can make.” for only $40.50 a year Local News • Seagull Sports • Community Calendar & Much More R.J. Marx Fifth-grade students Mariliz Leon-Mejia, Theia McCarthy and Maddie Menke from The Heights Elementary School show support for a plastic bag ban in Seaside. a consumer reuses the recy- cled paper bag with a grocery purchase. SOLVE, which removes trash from beaches, says plastic bags clog water- ways, damage farmland and provide an “ideal breed- ing ground for mosquitoes.” Also, plastic bags are manu- factured using petroleum, a nonrenewable resource. The impact of plastics on the environment was stressed Monday night. Seaside resident Russ Mead offered photos of dam- age to the osprey nest in Broadway Park, with a photo on “osprey cam” of a plastic bag littering the nest. The bag is gone now, Mead said, “but this is what happens.” Seaside’s Martin Letour- neau said in California, which has had a ban in place since 2016, “most people adjusted quickly and easily.” Alex Carney, of Seaside, called for a ban “for our com- munity and for our children.” Seaside would be the first city in Clatsop County to enact a ban. “We live in a pristine environment and we want to keep it that way,” Mayor Jay Barber said. “I think this is a good first step — there are other steps we will need to take — but it’s a first step.” The City Council could amend the ban based on pub- lic feedback before a sec- ond reading of the ordinance scheduled for June 24. “My hope is that peo- ple who have a concern will come talk to us,” Bar- ber said. “The train is rolling down the tracks.” Call 800-781-3214 to Subscribe or sign up at: Name: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Email Address: Please mail with $40.50 payment to: Seaside Signal, 949 Exchange St., Astoria, OR 97103