SEASIDE TOPS KNAPPA Hot-shooting Lady Gulls warmed up for the post-season with a 64-37 win Page A10 OUR 112th Year SEASIDESIGNAL.COM ’ n i c an D with Dad A Seaside tradition at the convention center $1.00 February 15, 2019 Opioid treatment center prepped for Seaside CODA plans to open this fall By R.J. MARX Seaside Signal A new clinic that will provide methadone to treat heroin and prescription opioid addic- tion could open this fall. CODA, a Portland-based drug treatment provider, is negotiating a lease with Terry Lowenberg for a former real estate offi ce on South Holladay Drive off U.S. Highway 101. The clinic could treat up to 300 people, said Tim Hartnett, CODA’s executive direc- tor. Along with methadone, people could receive other federally approved medica- tion-assisted treatment for drug abuse, such as buprenorphine or naltrexone. “We help people in the deep end of the pool,” Hartnett said at a City Council meet- ing Monday night. “We help people who not only have drug and alcohol problems, but are tangled up in poverty, tangled up in the criminal justice system, the child welfare system. We work with a very complicated caseload.” See Treatment center, Page A7 Phillips resigns as president of school board By R.J. MARX Seaside Signal Jesse Brockey and his daughter Felicity, 4, share a dance at the Sunset Empire Park and Recreation District’s fi fth annual Daddy Daughter Dance. By KATHERINE LACAZE For Seaside Signal athed in colorful lights, a small army of girls, accompanied by their fathers and other male relatives, generated a palpable energy that thrummed along with high-volume music and excited chatter during the Sunset Empire Park and Recreation District’s fi fth annual Daddy Daughter Dance. B See Dance, Page A7 Seaside School District Board of Direc- tors President Steve Phillips submitted his letter of resignation at a spe- cial board meeting at the dis- trict offi ce Thursday, Feb. 7. Phillips steps down in the aftermath of a settlement with the Oregon Department of Justice. The state alleged Phillips and his wife Dana conducted unlawful trade Steve Phillips practices in conjunction with their roles with the Miss Oregon Scholarship Program and Oregon Scholarship Founda- tion. The Phillips’ agreed to pay $150,000 to the Oregon Community Foundation for the Tiffany Phillips Memorial Scholarship Fund, named for the couple’s 17-year-old daughter, who died in a 1998 car accident. “Please accept my resignation from the board of directors effective Monday, Feb. 4,” Steve Phillips wrote superintendent Sheila Roley and the board. “I wish every- one well in the future and know that I will always be a true supporter of the Seaside School District.” The board unanimously accepted the resignation. Vice-chairman Mark Truax, who con- ducted the meeting, praised Phillips’ 24 years as a school board member. “Steve has given everything,” Truax said. “It’s about kids, from day one. His talents will be greatly missed.” Roley thanked Phillips for “his support, guidance and mentorship in this position. We’ll really miss him.” Phillips represented Zone 5, Position 1 in Seaside, and leaves a second unfi lled board seat. Patrick Nofi eld, who vacates one of See Phillips, Page A7 Newcomers club: No dues, no politics, just fun North Coast Newcomers and Social Club celebrates its fi rst year By EVE MARX For Seaside Signal CONTAC T THE CLUB ation more inform For Ellie Ludy moved to Gearhart from northern rth Coast out the No ab California in 2016. and Social Newcomers y at “Everyone was very nice,” she said, speak- ct Ellie Lud Club, conta ck e ch ing from a place she jokes is her alternative liv- r o , 26 503-440-15 e ag ing room, namely the leather sofa at Sweet Shop p ’s b u out the cl k. in Gearhart. “Although everyone was very nice, it on Faceboo was hard to develop meaningful connections.” She spoke of the isolation of the coast and the some- times inclement weather which kept her indoors so much of the time. “I knew I’d have to change some- thing or leave the area.” Which is what lead to her founding the North Coast See Newcomers, Page A7 Eve Marx Kathy Zimmerman, Joy Sigler, Ellie Ludy are among the founding members of the North Coast Newcomers and Social Club.