8A • August 31, 2018 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com CommunityCalendar Friday, Aug. 31 Icefire Seconds Sale AAUW Walkers 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gow- er, Cannon Beach, 503-436-2359. Following the Lewis and Clark Trail, finding Gearhart 9:30 a.m., 503-738-7751. This low-impact walking group meets weekly at different locations. RJ Marx Quartet 5:30 p.m., Sweet Shop, 567 Pacific Way, Gearhart. The RJ Marx Quartet delivers a hard-driving, soulful tribute to the great jazz masters. “The Musical” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503- 436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. “The Musical of Musicals: The Musical!” is an entertaining parody of musicals. Saturday, Sept. 1 Icefire Seconds Sale 8:30 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503-436- 2359. Icefire Glassworks will host its annual end-of-season sale with a vast selection of 400 near-perfect pieces to choose from. Dance Competition 9 a.m., Seaside Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside. Lewis & Clark Feis and Feis na Mara is an Irish dance festival of performances and competitions. Friend-raiser 10 a.m., Elsie-Vinemaple Fire Department, 42644 Loyd Lane, 503- 657-7983. All-volunteer Elsie Fire & Rescue rolls out another Friend Raiser firehouse community yard sale, concessions also available. Gearhart ArtWalk 2 p.m., celebrate creative art forms during the monthly Gearhart Art- Walk at participating merchants. Seaside Art Walk 5 p.m., celebrate the arts in Seaside at businesses providing original artwork, receptions and demonstra- tions at the First Saturday Art Walk. Joe Woods 7 p.m., American Legion, 1315 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-5111, www.seasidepost99.org, no cover, 21+. Songwriter Joe “The Mailman” Woods plays rock, blues, country and Americana music. “Baskerville” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503- 436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. “Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery” is a whimsical spin on a classic Holmes mystery. Sunday, Sept. 2 Dance Competition 9 a.m., Seaside Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside. Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503-436- 2359. “The Musical” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503- 436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. Monday, Sept. 3 Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503-436- 2359. Pinochle Group 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-3311, $1 per session per person. This is a weekly, regular play card game; prizes awarded. Tuesday, Sept. 4 TOPS Meeting 9:15 a.m., NC Family Fellowship, 2245 Wahanna Road, Seaside, 509- 11 a.m., Tolovana Inn, 3400 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-9301, $20. The cottage tour concludes with an English-style tea and garden presentation with Lucy Hardiman. Mark Dove Resident opens art gallery for charity Noon, American Legion, 1315 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-5111, no cover, 21+. Mark Dove plays road- house classic country and vintage rock-n-roll music. By Brenna Visser Seaside Signal Jenn Whyman likes to think of the artwork she sells as “pottery with a purpose.” In late July, she opened Coast Gallery and Numismatics, a small gallery located off U.S. Highway 101 in Gearhart that features a mix between sculptures, paintings and an extensive stock of coins paired with appraisal services. On the surface, it resembles many other North Coast galleries, with pieces featuring coastal landmarks like Haystack Rock and Hug Point. But Whyman’s inspiration to open the gallery drew from a slightly dif- ferent well. Instead of selling for a profit, she envisioned a model where proceeds from each sale — after bills were paid and artists given their cut — would go to support different char- ities. To do so, she brought together the passions of her husband, Dan Whyman, who is an avid coin col- lector and appraiser, and her broth- er-in-law, Jeff Whyman, a sculptor and painter whose North Coast roots extend back to his days operating an art gallery in Cannon Beach in the 1990s. “I wanted to support both of their interests, as well as open a gallery that would focus on community out- reach,” she said. “I’m a Christian, and I love the mission of giving back. The passion comes out of my faith.” Whyman moved to Gearhart from Tea & Presentation NAMI Meeting 2 p.m., Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-6165, www.nami.org. The National Alliance on Mental Illness welcomes individ- uals and caregivers of anyone who suffers from mental illness. Monday, Sept. 10 Pinochle Group BRENNA VISSER Dan and Jenn Whyman opened Coast Gallery and Numismatics in Gearhart in July. St. Louis, Missouri, with her son and husband two years ago after visiting the area for 25 years. “Where Lewis and Clark started their expedition is where we moved from and where Lewis and Clark finished is where we moved to,” she said. “Which we didn’t mean to do, but is kind of interesting.” She fell in love with the environ- ment, the kindness of the people and how “one supports one another.” Eventually, Whyman hopes the gallery will be able to designate a charity or cause a month to be the recipients of the proceeds. This sum- mer, her first recipient will be the Providence Seaside Hospital Foun- dation’s campaign to expand emer- gency room operations. The founda- tion is in the swing of a $1.5 million fundraising campaign that will help redesign the emergency department to separate the triage area from re- ception, add more private rooms and build another trauma bay for emer- gency medical calls. She is close to the project on mul- tiple fronts, as her husband sits on the board of the hospital foundation, and overall has supported the institu- tion’s mission. “With my target to open my gal- lery in the summer and Providence doing much of their fundraising in the summer, it seemed to make sense,” Whyman said. After the summer, Whyman hopes to set her sights on helping lo- cal food banks. “I love how people support and encourage one another for good here,” she said. “That’s what this is all about.” 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-3311, $1 per session per person. Art Talk 3 p.m., Northwest By Northwest Gal- lery, 232 Spruce St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-0741. The gallery will host the Professional Women’s Art Tour, an informal conversation about north- west art, culture and wine; limited to 25, sign up required. City Council 7 p.m., City Hall, 989 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-5511, www. cityofseaside.us. The Seaside City Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays. Tuesday, Sept. 11 TOPS Meeting 9:15 a.m., NC Family Fellowship, 2245 Wahanna Road, Seaside, 509- 910-0354. Wednesday, Sept. 12 Chamber Breakfast 910-0354. Take Pounds Off Sensibly (TOPS) focuses on healthy lifestyle changes for weight loss, meets weekly. Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503-436- 2359. Wednesday, Sept. 5 Chamber Breakfast 8 a.m., Wastewater Treatment Plant, northend of Franklin & 19th St., 503-738-6391, www.seasidecham- ber.com. Open to the public, weekly speakers and discussions; locations subject to change. Thursday, Sept. 6 Ham Radio 8 a.m., call for location, Seaside, 503- 739-3890. Ham radio operators meet every Thursday with a venue change on the first Thursday. 8 a.m., Pig ‘N’ Pancake, 323 Broad- way, Seaside, 503-717-1914, www. seasidedowntown.com. Weekly speakers, discussions and a no-host breakfast. Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gow- er, Cannon Beach, 503-436-2359. 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503-436- 2359. Bingo! 12:30 p.m., Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738- 3311, 10 cents per card, $2.40 (in dimes) all games. A weekly game of Bingo fun with friends. Noon, Seaside Golf Course, 451 Ave- nue U, Seaside, www.facebook.com/ pages/Kiwanis-Club-of-Seaside-Ore, open to the public. Features weekly speakers, discussions and a no-host lunch. Matinee Thursdays 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-7393. Enjoy popcorn and a movie on senior matinee Thursdays. Farmers Market 4 p.m., Broadway Middle School parking area, off Hwy. 101, Seaside, 503-738-3311, www.seasidemarket. org. This market offers a variety of fresh produce, plants, meats, dairy, spirits, artisan food, art and hand crafted products. Gearhart City Council 7 p.m., City Hall, 698 Pacific Way, Gearhart, 503-738-5501, www. ci.gearhart.or.us. Gearhart City Coun- cil meets on the first Wednesday. Grief Support 2 p.m., Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-338-6230, 18+. Lower Columbia Hospice provides group support through journaling and discussion. Luncheon & Lecture AAUW Walkers 9:30 a.m., 503-738-7751, locations vary. Mushroom Presentation Night of Trivia 1 p.m., Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-6742, www.seasidelibrary.org. Author Langdon Cook will feature a slide show for an in-depth look at the Basidiomycota Agaricomycetes family. 6 p.m., Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738- 6742. Trivia tournament nights are informal, fun competitions; prizes awarded. Concert & Reception Ham Radio 6 p.m., Cannon Beach History Center, 1387 Spruce St., Cannon Beach. A concert, and a beer and wine recep- tion will follow the cottage tour with music by Honeyville Rascals. 8 a.m., Finn’s Fish House, 227 Broad- way, Seaside, 503-739-3890. Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gow- er, Cannon Beach, 503-436-2359. Concert & Reception 6 p.m., Cannon Beach History Center, 1387 Spruce St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-9301, $15. A concert and reception will kick off the multi-day Cottage & Garden tour with live music by the RJ Marx Quartet. Brian Copeland 7 p.m., McMenamins Sand Trap, 1157 Marion Ave., Gearhart, 503-717- 8150, www.mcmenamins.com, no cover. The Brian Copeland Band plays classic American songs and original rock and pop music. Wheels & Waves 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503- 436-1242, $75. John O’Hurley’s “A Man with Standards” is a 90-min- ute retrospective on the songs of the Great American songbook including musings from his life and career. 7 a.m., downtown corridor, Seaside, 503-717-1914. Theory of Relativity Saturday, Sept. 8 Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gow- er, Cannon Beach, 503-436-2359. Wheels & Waves 7 a.m., downtown corridor, Seaside, 503-717-1914, www.seasidedown- town.com. The annual Wheels & Noon, Cannon Beach History Center, 1387 Spruce St., Cannon Beach, $35. Cannon Beach History Center’s Cot- tage & Garden Tour is a self-guided walking tour of selected homes and gardens. Farmers Market 4 p.m., Broadway Middle School parking area, off Hwy. 101, Seaside, 503-738-3311. Thursday, Sept. 13 SDDA Breakfast 8:30 a.m., Pig ‘N’ Pancake, 323 Broadway, Seaside, 503-717-1914. John O’Hurley 7:30 p.m., American Legion, 1315 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-5111, no cover, 21+. Theory of Relativity plays country, rock-n-roll, blues, jazz, folk and classical. Cottage & Garden Tour Friday, Sept. 7 8 a.m., call for location, Seaside, 503-738-6391. Noon, Tolovana Inn, 3400 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-9301, $25. The annual tour starts with a luncheon and lecture on Cannon Beach history with Bill Sullivan. SDDA Breakfast Kiwanis Club Icefire Seconds Sale Waves car show highlights custom builds, classics, vintage restorations and low riders with a line-up of events and photo opportunities. Sunday, Sept. 9 Wheels & Waves 7 a.m., downtown corridor, Seaside, 503-717-1914. Kiwanis Club Noon, Seaside Golf Course, 451 Avenue U, Seaside. Matinee Thursdays 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-7393. Friday, Sept. 14 AAUW Walkers 9:30 a.m., 503-738-7751, locations vary. Eric Kaiser 7 p.m., McMenamins Sand Trap, 1157 Marion Ave., Gearhart, 503-717- 8150, no cover. Troubadour Eric John Kaiser blends traditional French stylings with American rhythm, rock, hip-hop, roadhouse blues and reggae. MARKETPLACE Signal T o pla ce a cla ssified a d ca ll 503-325- 3211, log on to w w w .sea sidesign a l.com or stop in a t 1555 N . Roosevelt in Sea side | D ea dlin e is M on da y a t n oon 107 Public Notices 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted REWARD For information leading to arrest + conviction of person or persons that stole nets + equipment from 4797 Birch St, Astoria Leave message at 503-888-4957 Full-Time Employment Veterinary Receptionist. Experi- ence required. Fast paced envi- ronment. Friendly, reliable, and self motivated team player. Sea- side, OR. 503-738-8846 info@ seasidepetclinic.com Full or part-time Driver needed. Wages DOE, CDL required, North West Ready Mix. 950 Olney Avenue nwready@pacifier.com 503-325-3562 Full-Time Employment Family Health Center, is looking for a exp FT Med. receptionist. Send resume to jobs@cfamhc.org Ocean Park, WA. 604 Apartments Emerald Heights 2 & 3 bedroom apartments available (503)325-8221 Classified Ads work hard for you! Peace Learning Center has an opening for a Preschool Teacher. Apply in person between 8am and 4pm. 591 12th Street Astoria, Oregon www.SeasideSignal.com Full-Time Employment Housekeeper/Front Desk $15/hr DOE Tradewinds Condo/Hotel Seaside, OR. 503-738-9468 info@sea- side-tradewinds.com Part-Time Employment Janitorial/Housekeeper PM hrs./Send RESUME Attn. JEANNE: Park Medical 2120 Exchange St. Suite 200 Astoria, OR. 503-325- 5360 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted Warren House Pub in Cannon Beach is now hiring kitchen staff Sell your children’s outgrown clothes and toys with a classified ad in the Seaside Signal. Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad today! • Competitive wages • Health and other benefits • Bonuses Apply or get app at 3301 S Hemlock Cannon Beach or send resume to warrenhousepub@gmail.com FIND IT, TELL IT, SELL IT! Classified ads! 503-325-3211 SHOP LOCAL! Check the Business Directory daily to utilize the local professionals advertising in The Seaside Signal. To place an ad in our Business Directory, call 503-325-3211. Let your pockets “jingle” with extra cash from the