8A • April 27, 2018 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com CommunityCalendar Friday, April 27 “The Odd Couple” AAUW Walkers 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, PG. 9:30 a.m., 503-738-7751. This low-impact walking group meets weekly at different locations. Sunday, May 6 Butterfly Breakdown Spring Unveiling 7 p.m., McMenamins Sand Trap, 1157 Marion Ave., Gearhart, 503-717-8150, www.mcmenamins.com, no cover. Indie rock, blues band Butterfly Breakdown plays original music, country, rhythm-n- blues, soul and pop. 10 a.m., participating galleries & businesses in Cannon Beach, www. cbgallerygroup.com. CB Chorus 2:30 p.m., Cannon Beach Community Church, 132 Washington St., Cannon Beach, $10. Cannon Beach Chorus’ spring program “All American” features work by American composers from the 1700s to present. Saturday, April 28 Coast Color Dash 9 a.m., Gearhart Tennis Courts, 197 Mari- on Ave., Gearhart, $30. All ages welcome at the second Color-a-thon 3k/5k race fol- lowed by a color blast party and barbecue ($5 suggested donation); benefits local schools, arts and STEM activities. Forest Remembers 11:30 a.m., Circle Creek Conservation Center, 32825 Rippet Road, Seaside, 503-738-9126, www.nclctrust.org. Join North Coast Land Conservancy as they honor loved ones during its annual Forest Remembers ceremony. Open Jam 6 p.m., American Legion, 1315 Broad- way, Seaside, 503-738-5111, www. seasidepost99.org, 21+. Jam at the legion with Mark Dove, open mic, all genres; musicians should bring own instruments, drums and amplifiers provided. Ellen, Gene & Jean 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25. Ellen Whyte, Gene Houck and Jean- Pierre Garau will perform a songwriters- in-the-round concert playing a variety of rhythm-n-blues, jazz and rock tunes. Sunday, April 29 Talent show contest for Relay for Life 3890. Ham radio operators meet every Thursday; venue changes on the first Thursday of the month. SDDA Breakfast 8:30 a.m., Pig ‘N’ Pancake, 323 Broad- way, Seaside, 503-717-1914, www. seasidedowntown.com. Weekly speakers, discussions and a no-host breakfast. performance. Sign up at www.relayforlife.org/clat- sopcountyor. The three top talents will perform at the Relay For Life, Saturday, July 7, at Seaside High School. The winner will open for country singer Ty Herndon. “The Odd Couple” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, www. coastertheatre.com, $20 to $25, PG. When it comes to order vs. chaos, comedy wins in director Susi Brown’s retelling of Neil Simon’s classic play of “The Odd Couple.” Saturday, May 5 3 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, PG. Olivia Millerschin 7 p.m., Cannon Beach History Center & Museum, 1387 S. Spruce St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-9301, www.cbhistory. org, $15. Singer songwriter Olivia Millerschin and her band play folk, pop, rock-n-roll and contemporary music. 5:30 p.m., Surfsand Resort, 148 Gower Ave., Cannon Beach, 503-440-3728. Those who work in the tourism industry or want to be part of the conversation are invited to join Travel Oregon at a networking event to officially kick off the North Coast Destination Management Studio. 11 a.m., Best Western Resort, 414 Prom, Seaside, 503-738-3097. 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-7393. Enjoy popcorn and a movie on senior matinee Thursdays. 1 p.m., Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-6742, www. seasidelibrary.org. Kate Power and Steve Einhorn will teach participants how to play the ukulele at a free Ukalaliens workshop; sign up required. Grief Support Artist Reception 2 p.m., Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-338-6230, 18+. Lower Columbia Hospice provides group support through journaling and discussion. 2 p.m., Trail’s End Art Gallery, 656 A St., Gearhart, 503-717-9458, www.trailsend- art.org. Photographer Nancy Meyrick will be featured at a reception exhibiting her work in “Snapshots of Life by Nancy.” Friday, May 4 AAUW Walkers 9:30 a.m., 503-738-7751, locations vary. TOPS Meeting Spring Unveiling 9:15 a.m., NC Family Fellowship, 2245 Wahanna Road, Seaside, 509-910-0354. Take Pounds Off Sensibly (TOPS) focuses on healthy lifestyle changes for weight loss, meets weekly. 10 a.m., participating galleries & businesses, www.cbgallerygroup.com. Galleries throughout town will unveil new work by featured artists; demonstrations and receptions take place all weekend, including an extra dose of art-inspired menus by local chefs; wine and music. Wednesday, May 2 Book Sale 8 a.m., call for location, Seaside, 503- 738-6391, www.seasidechamber.com. Open to the public, weekly speakers and discussions; locations subject to change. Noon, Cannon Beach Library, 131 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436- 1391. Art and music books will be on display during regular business hours; all proceeds go to support the Library. Bingo! Gearhart City Council 7 p.m., City Hall, 698 Pacific Way, Gear- hart, 503-738-5501, www.ci.gearhart. or.us. Regular city council meetings are held monthly on the first Wednesday. Thursday, May 3 Ham Radio Breakfast 7 p.m., WineKraft, 80 10th St., Astoria, 503-468-0206, no cover, 21+. Saxo- phonist RJ Marx leads the quartet in a repertoire of jazz music with John Orr (guitar), Joe Church (bass) and Dave Gager (drums). 5 p.m., see original artwork, meet the artists and watch demonstrations during Seaside’s monthly First Saturday Art Walk; look for art walk signs at participating merchants. 7 p.m., private home, Arch Cape, 503-717- 2997 or 503-436-1718, $20. Cape House concert series features folk singers Kate Power & Steve Einhorn performing stories through song on guitar and ukulele; location given at time of ticket purchase. It Takes Two Sonny Hess 7 p.m., McMenamins Sand Trap, 1157 Marion Ave., Gearhart, 503-717-8150, no cover. Sonny Hess brings her own brand of blues and rhythm-n-blues music to northwest audiences. Bingo! 7:30 p.m., American Legion, 1315 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-5111, no cover, 21+. It Takes Two is a power duo playing classic rock, blues and country music, joined by Back Into Black, an ACDC tribute band. 8 a.m., call for location, Seaside, 503-739- YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR TIRES CUSTOM WHEELS • AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Hours: Mon-Fri 8-6 Sat- 8-4 503-325-2861 35359 Business Hwy 101 For emergencies 503-325-0233 Astoria, OR (miles crossing) TREE REMOVAL HIGH CLIMBING DANGER TREES PRUNING STUMP GRINDING JUSTIN J. DAY   (503) 338-5780 FLOORING y ou ou r r w ep alk ut o at n io n Flooring Installation Carpet Cleaning 3470 Hwy 101 Suite 102 • Gearhart, Oregon 503.739.7577 • carpetcornergearhart.com SECURITY Night of Trivia 6 p.m., Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-6742. Trivia tournament nights are informal, fun competitions; prizes awarded. Thursday, May 10 Ham Radio Breakfast 8 a.m., Finn’s Fish House, 227 Broadway, Seaside, 503-739-3890. SDDA Breakfast 8:30 a.m., Pig ‘N’ Pancake, 323 Broadway, Seaside, 503-717-1914. Kiwanis Club Meeting Power & Einhorn RJ Marx Quartet 8 a.m., call for location, Seaside, 503-738- 6391, open to the public. Artist Reception 5 p.m., SunRose Gallery, 606 Broadway, Seaside. SunRose will feature jewelry crafter Pooka Rice and her original marine debris-inspired wearable art. Same great service Chamber Breakfast Gearhart ArtWalk 2 p.m., celebrate creative art forms during the monthly Gearhart ArtWalk at participating merchants in Gearhart; look for “Welcome to the Shore” flags. is changing its name to Wednesday, May 9 12:30 p.m., Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-3311. Saturday Art Walk Chamber Breakfast 12:30 p.m., Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-3311, 10 cents per card, $2.40 (in dimes) all games. A weekly game of Bingo fun with friends. Learn the Ukulele D EL ’S O .K . CCB# 205283 9 a.m., participating galleries & business- es, www.cbgallerygroup.com. 8:30 a.m., CCC Seaside Campus, 1455 Roo- sevelt Drive, Seaside, 503-338-2402, $20. Create a PowerPoint presentation using formatting, layouts, photos and videos. D EL ’S O .K . Warrenton, Oregon  Licensed  Bonded  Insured  CCB# 214256  WA#QUALITR831PO 9:15 a.m., NC Family Fellowship, 2245 Wahanna Road, Seaside, 509-910-0354. Noon, Seaside Golf Course, 451 Avenue U, Seaside, www.facebook.com/pages/ Kiwanis-Club-of-Seaside-Ore, open to the public. Features weekly speakers, discussions and a no-host lunch. PowerPoint Class TIRES/WHEELS TOPS Meeting 11 a.m., Tolovana Hall, 3779 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 720-301-3993, $10. Facil- itated by Linda Lawson, the class includes qi gong, and relaxation, mediation and silent practice. Tuesday, May 1 Warehouse pricing • Open to the Public • Hundreds of instock rolls & remnants • In House Binding F REE E STIMATES Tourism Networking 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-3311, $1 per session per person. This is a weekly, regular play card game; prizes awarded. Randall Lee’s Flooring Outlet • 3579 Hwy 101 Gearhart • 503-738-6756 Tuesday, May 8 Spring Unveiling Pinochle Group 2311 N. Roosevelt Dr., Seaside, OR 97138 • 503-738-5729 rlflooring @ yahoo.com • www.RandallLeesFlooring.com Tourism Networking Kiwanis Club Meeting Monday, April 30 Window Treatments, Fabric, Designer Wallpaper, Visit Our Counter Tops, All Flooring and Miele Vacuums Outlet! Monday, May 7 Meditation Class Matinee Thursdays Randall Lee’s 0% FINANCING AVAILABLE “The Odd Couple” Ty Herndon On Saturday, May 19, starting at noon, Seaside American Legion presents the Relay For Life talent show. Any kind of talent can enter. Winners are determined by how many donations they can raise from their CONSTRUCTION Noon, Seaside Golf Course, 451 Avenue U, Seaside. Matinee Thursdays 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-7393. Friday, May 11 AAUW Walkers 9:30 a.m., 503-738-7751, locations vary. Folkslinger 7 p.m., McMenamins Sand Trap, 1157 Marion Ave., Gearhart, 503-717-8150, no cover. Folkslinger meshes jazz and country shuffle with bluegrass and rock progressions. 503-738-9003 LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED Residential & Commercial: Burglary & Fire Protection, Video Surveillance, Central Station Monitoring, Remote Arm/Disarm LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED Seaside, Oregon • www.CoastalAlarm.net • info@CoastalAlarm.net CCB# 201010 • Reg.# 977689-99 LANDSCAPING B oB M c E wan c onstruction , inc . E xcavation • u ndErground u tiitiEs r oad w ork • F ill M atErial s itE P rEParation • r ock owned and operated by M ike and C eline M C e wan 503-738-3569 34154 Hwy 26, Seaside, OR P.O. Box 2845, Gearhart, OR S erving the p aCifiC n orthweSt S inCe 1956 • CC48302 FLOORING Laurelwood Compost • Mulch • Planting MacMix Soil Amendments YARD DEBRIS DROP-OFF (no Scotch Broom) 503-717-1454 “The Odd Couple” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, PG. 34154 HIGHWAY 26 SEASIDE, OR Laurelwood Farm LAWN CARE Seaside Jazz festival goes on hiatus Event celebrated 35th year By R.J. Marx Seaside Signal After 35 years in Seaside, the Seaside Jazz Festival will be taking a “hiatus,” according to an April announcement by director Dennis Brodigan and former co-directors Ruth Johnson and Judy Shook. They hope to “reevaluate its positive impact on the community,” according to Johnson. “Many volunteers have kept this event going for all these years and no one has ever received a salary. It was the love of the music and the community that kept volunteers and jazz aficionados coming back.” The event brought jazz performers from around the country to play at venues throughout town. The festival provided FILE PHOTO Dave Bennett and the Memphis Speed Kings perform at the 2016 Seaside Jazz Festival. support to local jazz education through the Lighthouse Jazz Society has been ongoing, including summer camp schol- arships. Once known as the Oregon Dixieland Jubilee, the Seaside Jazz Festival brought performers in a variety of jazz-related genres to the stage of the Seaside Civic and Convention Center, Elks Lodge and local stages. “When the festival started, it was all Dixieland or traditional jazz, the kind of jazz you’d hear in New Orleans,” John- son said in 2014. “Over the last three years it’s changed a bit. We still have the traditional jazz, but we’re bringing in some music that you wouldn’t necessari- ly call traditional, though it’s all derived from jazz in one way or another.” This year Johnson and Shook, passed the baton to festival “director in training” Dennis Brodigan. “While it is hoped we will return in 2020, the future of this event has yet to be determined,” organizers reported on the event’s website. Free Estimates • Storm Clean-Up JIM’S LAWN CARE 503-325-2445 LAWNS • SHRUBS • GUTTER CLEANING BARK • BRUSH CLEARING & REMOVAL WEEDING • HAULING • MONTHLY RATES ADVERTISING YOUR AD HERE! Our Business Directory is an inexpensive way for your business to advertise with us! ONLY $ 25 APRIL OLSEN Call 503-325-3211 to discuss new and exicting ways to promote your business on the North Coast