2A • April 27, 2018 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com Fires spark concern for dryer safety Dugan says dryer fires reported ‘once a year’ Seaside Signal TIFFANY BOOTHE/SEASIDE AQUARIUM A skate egg casing, found near Avenue U on the beach in Seaside, after an upwelling. When the ocean ‘burped’ Seaside Signal There was an ocean burp, or upwelling, near Ave. U on Tuesday, Tiffany Boothe of the Seaside Aquarium reported. “Coming across one of these is a beach- comber’s dream,” according to Boothe. Results of the upwelling are described as small debris fields usually composed of small bark chips, shells, large tubeworm casings, hermit crabs, algae, kelp and some- times even skate egg casings, and usually occur because of a local upwelling. “At the Seaside Aquarium, we fondly refer to these events as ‘ocean burps.’” An upwelling is an oceanographic phe- nomenon that involves wind-driven motion of denser, cooler and usually nutrient-rich water towards the ocean surface, replacing the warmer, usually nutrient-depleted sur- face water, Boothe said. This juggling of water from the bottom of the ocean to the surface often lifts debris sitting on the sea floor into the water col- umn. As the tide comes in, the debris is cast onto shore. Seaside police to play in charity event The Clatsop County Shrine Club pres- ents donkey basketball on Saturday, May 5, at the Astoria Armory. Members of the Seaside Police Department will participate in the event, which pits the police against the “Donkeys” at the Astoria Armory. Pro- ceeds are for the benefit of Clatsop County Shriners. Tickets, $8; under 8, free. Call 503-371-7361 for more information. A fire at The Laundry Mat in late March led to the evacuation of neighboring buildings on South Roosevelt Drive, including Coast Hard- ware and Kiosco Mexicano. Those businesses are closed for cleaning. The cause of that fire remains under investigation. On Thursday, a fire at Sunset Fitness on North Holladay Drive was also sparked by fire. Fire Marshal Chris Dugan of the Seaside Fire Department said. The owner went to check if towels were dry and saw a small fire in the dry- er. The fire department opened up the walls and extinguished the small blaze. The washer and SEASIDE FIRE AND RESCUE dryer were ruined, with an additional $1,000 Scene of a dryer fire in Seaside. The fire was extinguished but the building suffered about damage to the building. According to the National Fire Protec- $1,000 in damage and the appliance was destroyed. tion Association, the leading items ignited in ble. When lint can’t get filtered out and cleaned, clothes dryer fires are dust, fiber, lint and cloth- such fires about “once a year.” ing. The leading cause of home clothes dryer and and you’ve got high heat hitting it, it can easily A dryer fire at Seaside’s Comfort Suites washer fires is failure to clean, the association ignite. It doesn’t burn very long, but it burns about 10 years ago and another at a residence reported. pretty fast. We tell people to not only clean the on Lincoln about five years ago point to the “It does happen,” Dugan said. “What usually filters, but to look at the piping as well.” — R.J. Marx need for awareness, Dugan said, with reports of happens is a lint buildup. Lint is very flamma- Calico cat missing in Seaside for more than 30 days Emergency responder seeks public’s help By Eve Marx For Seaside Signal Remy, a stunning female calico cat, has been missing in Seaside for 30 days. “She escaped two days before my deployment to Puerto Rico for Hurricane Maria response,” said Remy’s owner, Katherine Rea, a Seaside resident. Rea works for the Federal Emergency Manage- ment Agency and considers Remy her “emotional support” animal. “She’s become a bit of a mascot for our agency on multiple disasters.” Rea said she has done every- thing she can think of to get Remy home — Facebook ads, robocalls, KAITE REA The owner of Remy, a calico missing in Seaside, seeks its return. messages, posters, flyers, volun- teer searches, even a canine team to track her scent. So far, nothing has worked. “The dogs tracked her as far as the Seaside Beach Club condos, and lost the scent there,” Rea said. “She may have been spotted by someone on April 11 in the area of Avenue G and South Columbia.” Rea got permission to fly home from Puerto Rico for three days to follow up on the lead, but was un- able to locate the cat before flying back to her duty station on April 18. “I adopted her three years ago,” Rea said. Remy was adopt- ed through the rescue Homeward Bound Pets. “She could be ag- gressive; she was a biter when we met.” After working with a trainer for six months, the aggression abated. Remy is also taking anti-anxiety medication, which she has not had since she’s been on the lam. “Remy is stunning,” Rea said, describing the feline’s looks. “She is a long-hair calico. She has a white belly and a black face with a very distinctive orange patch POLICE LOG passenger’s roommate solved the issue by agreeing to pay the fare. April 6 9:53 a.m., Camp Rilea: A per- son is arrested on a warrant. 12:31 p.m., 1100 block S. Downing: Police respond to a dispute over flower pots be- tween warring tenants, neither of whom is willing to com- promise. The matter is turned over to the building property manager to mediate. April 7 2:15 a.m., 300 block Broadway: A person charged with disor- derly conduct in the second degree is transported to detox. 10:13 a.m., Avenue A: A family experiencing trouble with their vehicle is given assistance. 12:25 p.m., 400 block S. Hol- laday: A mother who had not heard from her son in awhile asked police to conduct a wel- fare check. Police learned the son had changed residences, the new residence unknown. The mother was advised. 6:19 p.m., Broadway Park: Police respond to a report of an altercation between two indi- viduals; one of them was upset and running on the highway. Officers located the subject who said they weren’t planning on hurting themselves. Both parties were warned to calm down or be charged with disor- derly conduct. April 8 1:58 a.m., Avenue I and Beach Drive: Police assist a person whose car alarm was malfunc- tioning. 10:33 a.m., Beach Drive: A person was arrested and charged with driving under the influence of intoxicants. 11:57 a.m., 300 block Broad- way: A disagreement involving a number of people resulted in one charge of harassment. 9:06 p.m., 300 block Fourth Avenue: A person is charged for providing alcohol to minors. April 9 11:50 a.m., Avenue F and Irvine: Transient trespassers are warned off a property. 3:05 p.m., 1100 block Avenue A: A woman reported missing was located. The person who reported her missing was advised. April 16 3:44 a.m., 400 block S. Holla- day: A person is arrested and charged with disorderly con- duct in the second degree. 6:38 p.m., Second Avenue: Caller reports drumming and chanting in an adjacent area. Officers responding heard nothing. 10:17 p.m. 2600 block Millcreek Road: A person who attempted to interfere with another person making a police report was charged with harassment. April 10 2:07 p.m., 800 block S. Holladay: A hotel employee re- quested police assistance with a person who did not leave his hotel room after check out. 5:11 a.m., 14th and N. Franklin: A person wanted on an out of state warrant was picked up and transported to the Clatsop County jail for extradition. 2:26 p.m., 1100 block Jeffrey Drive: Property crimes are reported. 11:11 p.m., Beach Drive: Police respond to a report of speeding vehicles. Officers checking the area were unable to locate. April 11 9:27 a.m., Police headquarters: A person came in to register as a sex offender. 10:57 a.m., 1900 block N. Holladay Drive: A theft in the second degree is reported. 2:42 p.m., S. Wahanna: A man who reported his wife missing after she left the residence during an argument called police back later to say she had returned. April 12 2:07 a.m. Oceanway: Subjects are warned for trespassing on private property and unlawful lodging. 11:30 a.m., 2400 block S. Roo- sevelt: Police conduct a welfare check on a person who they were advised might self harm. The subject told police they are fine with no plans of that nature. The concerned party who requested the check was informed. 8:10 p.m., 200 block Broadway: A disturbance is reported. April 13 12:13 a.m., Avenue A: A person is arrested for being in violation of a foreign restraining order. 11:23 a.m., Police Headquar- ters: A person came in to register as a sex offender. 5:18 p.m., 300 block 17th Avenue: A person is arrested for being in violation of a restrain- ing order. 6:42 p.m., 14th Avenue: A person is arrested for being in violation of a restraining order. 9:45 p.m., Wahanna and Shore Terrace: A person is arrested on a warrant. 10:30 p.m., 1900 block S. Roosevelt: Seaside police assist another agency in conjunction with a domestic disturbance. April 14 1:40 p.m., 900 block Beach Drive: Police respond to a domestic disturbance between a boyfriend and girlfriend. Girlfriend was gone on police arrival. Male was warned of disorderly conduct. Police contact the female and warn her as well. 2:38 p.m., The Prom: An assault in the 4th degree is reported. April 15 12:27 a.m., Wahanna: A couple engaged in a squabble about “not being there for each other” were told by police to move their verbal altercation to another location. 12:49 a.m., 500 block S. Hol- laday: A passenger who took a cab from Astoria to Seaside told the driver he couldn’t pay the fare. The taxi driver called police who intervened; the 10:21 p.m., 2400 Mill Creek Lane: A person arrested on a warrant was also charged with disorderly conduct and posses- sion of heroin. around her left eye. From the back she looks very ‘tortie.’ She has distinctive green eyes. They are very green.” Rea said if someone spots Remy, the thing to do is not grab. “She will come right to you if you get down to her level and call her,” Rea said. “She knows her name. She has a very high-pitched meow.” Rea said Remy is accustomed to being fed wet canned food. She likes sardines, mackerel or “any stinky fish. The stinkier the bet- ter.” Sightings of Remy can be re- ferred to Rea’s mom, Sandy, who lives in Seaside. “Her landline is 503-738-3103,” Rea said. Rea is also taking calls regarding Remy at 971-222-4192. There is a $1,000 reward for her return or information leading to her return, she added. DINING on the NORTH COAST Great Restaurants in: GEARHART • SEASIDE CANNON BEACH NATIONALLY FAMOUS CLAM CHOWDER • FRESH OREGON SEAFOOD April 17 4:56 a.m., S. Downing: Multiple vehicles are tagged for tow. 10:56 a.m., Seaside: Officer assisted DHS with a home visit. Mother not home but children could be heard inside. When police contacted the father, it was learned the mother took the children out of state. Father has full legal custody. DHS is aware of father and children’s location. R E STAU R A N T S CANNON BEACH 503-436-1111 Ocean Front at Tolovana Park www.moschowder.com Excellence in family dining found from a family that has been serving the North Coast for the past 52 years April 18 7:24 a.m., 1100 block Avenue F: Police respond to a report of a gun lying in plain sight on someone’s porch. It is deter- mined it is a nonfunctioning airsoft gun. Officer placed it in a less visible location on the homeowner’s porch. 7:40 a.m., Second and Roo- sevelt: A person is charged with driving with a revoked or suspended license. 1:04 p.m. The Cove: A surfer who sustained a leg injury was transported to Providence Seaside Hospital by Medix. Great Great Great Homemade Clam Breakfast, lunch and pasta, Chowder, but that’s dinner steaks & seafood! Salads! not all... menu,too! Seaside • 323 Broadway • 738-7234 (Open 7 Days) Cannon Beach • 223 S. Hemlock 436-2851 (7am-3pm Daily) Astoria • 146 W. Bond • 325-3144 MAZATLAN M E X I C A N R E S TA U R A N T April 19 2:08 a.m., 700 block Third Avenue: Police respond to a report of an unknown person ringing the doorbell at a private residence. The subject was not found. The caller was told to call police if the subject returned. 1:16 p.m., 1500 block Lea Way: A person is arrested on a warrant; at the time of arrest, they are found in possession of hydrocodone and heroin. 5:48 p.m., 1300 block Second Avenue: A caller reporting her grandson as missing located the child prior to police arrival. Phone 503-738-9678 1445 S. Roosevelt Drive • Seaside WANNA KNOW WHERE THE LOCALS GO? • Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner BEST BREAKFAST IN TOWN! • Lighter appetite menu • Junior Something for Everyone menu Fish ‘n Chips • Burgers • Seafood & Steak Friday & Saturday - Prime Rib Lounge Open Daily 9-Midnight All Oregon Lottery products available 1104 S Holladay • 503-738-9701 • Open Daily at 8am