8A • July 21, 2017 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com CommunityCalendar Friday, July 21 Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503- 738-3311, 10 cents per card, $2.40 all games. Chamber Breakfast 8:20 a.m., Seaside Supply Co., 2793 Hwy. 101, Seaside, 503-738-6391, www.seasidechamber.com. Open to the public, weekly speakers and discussions; locations subject to change. Seaside Farmers Market 3 p.m., Broadway Middle School parking area, 1120 Broadway, Seaside, 503- 738-3311. AAUW Walking Group Gearhart City Council 9:30 a.m., 503-738-7751. This low-im- pact walking group meets weekly at different locations. 7 p.m., City Hall, 698 Pacific Way, Gear- hart, 503-738-5501, www.ci.gearhart. or.us. Regular city council meetings are held monthly on the first Wednesday. Golf Tourney 2 p.m., Gearhart Golf Links, 1157 Marion Ave., Gearhart, 503-738-3538, www. gearhartgolflinks.com, $50 to $60, 21+. “Superintendent’s Revenge” is a tougher course to play; shotgun start, prizes awarded. “Clue” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. Thursday, Aug. 3 “Clue” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, www. coastertheatre.com, $20 to $25, rated PG. Help solve the mystery where the world’s best known suspects come to life in “Clue The Musical.” Saturday, July 22 Weaving Workshop 10 a.m., Circle Creek Habitat Reserve, 32825 Rippet Road, Seaside, 503-738- 9126, www.nclctrust.org, $65. Donna Sakamoto Crispin will teach a basketry workshop using plaiting and twining techniques, registration required. SUBMITTED PHOTO Lighthouse Jazz Society scholarship recipient Joyanna Sage plans to go in July as vocalist to Sacramento Trad Jazz Camp in Sacramento, California. The Lighthouse Jazz Society’s Janet Todd presents a $2,000 check to Seaside High School’s Terry Dahlgren. Lighthouse Society donates to jazz ensemble The Lighthouse Jazz Society’s Janet Todd, youth coordinator, pre- sented a $2,000 check to director Terry Dahlgren, at the Seaside Jazz Monday, July 24 Family Camp Out Knochlers Pinochle 4 p.m., Broadway Park, 1300 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-3311, www. sunsetempire.com, $20. SEPRD will host its first overnight camp out with BBQ dinner, open swim, outdoor movie, breakfast and canoe trips; space limited. 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503- 738-7393, www.sunsetempire.com, $1 per session per person. This is a weekly, regular play card game. Artists Reception SUBMITTED PHOTO Tuesday, July 25 Festival. The society also provided a scholarship to Joyanna Sage, who will attend jazz camp in Sacramento, California. lock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. Thursday, July 27 Ham Radio Breakfast 8 a.m., Finn’s Fish House, 227 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-9692. Ham radio operators meet every Thursday; venue changes the first Thursday. The festival has been an event for 34 years and has been raising funds to send students to jazz camps since 1992. “Clue” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. Gems, Beads & Minerals Friday, July 28 Monday, July 31 Chamber Breakfast Auditions 8:20 a.m., Seaside Providence Hospital, 725 Wahanna Road, Seaside, 503-738-6391. Gems, Beads & Minerals 10 a.m., Liberty Theatre, 1203 Commer- cial St., Astoria, 503-325-5922, www. libertyastoria.org. Missoula Children’s Theatre presents its summer theater camp, casting the production of “Peter and Wendy” for students entering grades 1 to 12. 10 a.m., Seaside Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside. Coaster Kidz Camp 6 p.m., Cannon Beach Gallery, 1064 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436- 0744, www.cannonbeacharts.org. An exhibit reception for artists displaying their work in the 12x12 annual juried show will be highlighted. TOPS Meeting 9:15 a.m., North Coast Family Fellow- ship, 2245 Wahanna Road, Seaside, 509-910-0354. Take Pounds Off Sensi- bly (TOPS) focuses on healthy lifestyle changes for weight loss, meets weekly. SDDA Breakfast AAUW Walking Group 8 a.m., Pig ‘N’ Pancake, 323 Broadway, Seaside, 503-717-1914, www.seasid- edowntown.com. Weekly speakers, discussions and a no-host breakfast. 9:30 a.m., 503-738-7751, locations vary. Theory of Relativity Gems, Beads & Minerals Gems, Beads & Minerals 7 p.m., American Legion, 1315 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-5111, www.seasidepost99.org, no cover, 21+. Theory of Relativity plays rock-n-roll, blues, country, jazz, folk and classical. 10 a.m., Seaside Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside. The annual Gem, Bead and Mineral show begins its weeklong display and sale event show- casing various gemstones, minerals and petrified fossils. 10 a.m., Seaside Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside. Gems, Beads & Minerals 10 a.m., Oswald West State Park, Man- zanita, 503-738-9126, www.nclctrust. org. Tom Horning and Katie Voelke will lead a hike to Devil’s Cauldron overlook in Oswald West State Park; sign up required. 10 a.m., Seaside Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside. Kiwanis Club Meeting “Steel Magnolias” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, www. coastertheatre.com, $20 to $25, rated PG. Life, love, laughter and tears unfold at Truvy’s beauty shop. Sunday, July 23 Seaside Garden Tour 8 a.m., Dough Dough Bakery, 8 Holladay Drive, Seaside, 503-717-1914, www. seasidedowntown.com. Pam Fleming will lead the annual garden tour through Seaside; begins with a breakfast and presentation followed by the tour for $15; walking tour only at 9 a.m. is free. NAMI Meeting 2 p.m., Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-6165, www.nami.org. The National Alliance on Mental Illness welcomes individuals and caregivers of anyone who suffers from a mental illness. Artist Reception 6 p.m., Cannon Beach History Center, 1387 Spruce St., Cannon Beach, 503- 436-9301, www.cbhistory.org. The His- tory Center offers a seasonal art exhibit and reception featuring work of Pacific Northwest artists in “Behind the Lens.” On the Land Wednesday, July 26 SHS Alum Picnic Noon, 111 Park St. (north of Broadway Park), Seaside. Get reacquainted at the alumni picnic for graduates and friends of Seaside High School; A to M bring a picnic dish, N to Z bring dessert (table- ware, coffee, iced tea provided). Bingo! 12:30 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503- 738-3311, www.sunsetempire.com, 10 cents per card, $2.40 all games. A weekly game of Bingo fun with friends. Farmers Market 3 p.m., Broadway Middle School parking area, 1120 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-3311, www.sunsetempire. com. Seaside Farmers Market offers fresh produce, pasture-raised meat, organic cheeses, wild-caught seafood, flowers, artisan food and hand crafted products. “Steel Magnolias” Noon, Seaside Golf Course, 451 Avenue U, Seaside, open to the public, www. facebook.com/pages/Kiwanis-Club-of- Seaside-Ore. Features weekly speakers, discussions and a no-host lunch. Canoeing 1 p.m., Broadway Park boat dock, 1300 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-3311, www. sunsetempire.com, $20 to $30. SEPRD-led canoe trips travel along the river and upper estuary near the Necanicum confluence, registration required. “Steel Magnolias” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. Saturday, July 29 Gems, Beads & Minerals 10 a.m., Seaside Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside. Matinee Thursdays 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738- 7393, www.sunsetempire.com. Enjoy popcorn and a movie on senior matinee Thursdays. Pinochle Refresher 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-3311, www.sunsetempire.com. The Knochlers pinochle group offers a free refresher and beginning course in pinochle to adults 55+; beginners welcome. Three For Silver 7 p.m., McMenamins Sand Trap, 1157 Marion Ave., Gearhart, 503-717-8150, www.mcmenamins.com, no cover. Three For Silver plays top 40, gritty aesthetic and world folk music. Sunday, July 30 10 a.m., Seaside Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside. 10 a.m., on the beach at 1st St. north of Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, www. portlandcorgi.com. Corgi owners unite for a fun day at the beach and fundraiser for the Oregon Humane Society; includes costume contest, photos, races, raffle and auction. 8 a.m., call for location, Seaside, 503- 738-9692. SDDA Breakfast 8 a.m., Pig ‘N’ Pancake, 323 Broadway, Seaside, 503-717-1914. Surf Camp 9 a.m., Sunset Pool, 1140 Broad- way, Seaside, 503-738-3313, www. sunsetempire.com, $35 to $50. Mike Kadi will teach a one-day surf camp at Short Sands beach, includes lecture, instruction and surfing fundamentals; transportation provided, registration required. Kiwanis Club Meeting Noon, Seaside Golf Course, 451 Avenue U, Seaside, open to the public. Matinee Thursdays 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-7393. Grief Support 2 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-338-6230, 18+. Lower Columbia Hospice provides group support through journaling and discussion. 10 a.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, www. coastertheatre.com, $250. Coaster offers a two-week back-to-basics theater camp for kids 8+; “Land of Oz” focuses on acting, singing and dancing. Amber Sweeney Knochlers Pinochle “Steel Magnolias” 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503-738-7393, $1 per session per person. 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. Tuesday, Aug. 1 Friday, Aug. 4 TOPS Meeting Stanley Marsh Walk 9:15 a.m., North Coast Family Fellow- ship, 2245 Wahanna Road, Seaside, 509-910-0354. 7 a.m., Stanley March, 32825 Rippet Road, Seaside, 503-738-9126, www. nclctrust.org. Join Mike Patterson for an early-morning bird watching walk; sign up required. Senior Karaoke Humane Society Benefit Ham Radio Breakfast 12:30 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside, 503- 738-3311, www.sunsetempire.com. Senior karaoke follows the senior lunch program on the first Tuesday of the month; time is approximate. 7 p.m., McMenamins Sand Trap, 1157 Marion Ave., Gearhart, 503-717-8150, www.mcmenamins.com, no cover. Singer songwriter Amber Sweeney plays soul, blues, folk and rock music. Chamber Breakfast 8:20 a.m., call for location, Seaside, 503-738-6391. Low Impact Walking 9:30 a.m., 503-738-7751, locations vary. National Night Out Open Jam Session 6 p.m., American Legion, 1315 Broadway, Seaside, 503-738-5111, www.seaside- post99.org, 21+. It’s an open jam session for all genres; musicians should bring own instruments, drums and amplifiers provided. 5 p.m., Cartwright Park, 1942 Franklin St., Seaside. National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign promoting police/community partner- ships and neighborhood camaraderie, an opportunity to bring police and neighbors together to provide a positive, cohesive and better place to live. “Clue” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hem- RJ Marx Quartet 7 p.m., WineKraft, 80 10th St., Astoria, 503-468-0206, www.winekraftpnw. com, no cover, 21+. Saxophonist RJ Marx leads the quartet in a repertoire of jazz music with John Orr (guitar), Joe Church (bass) and Dave Gager (drums). “Clue” Wednesday, Aug. 2 Bingo! 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. 12:30 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community MARKETPLACE Signal T o pla ce a cla ssified a d ca ll 503-325-5561, log on to w w w .sea sidesign a l.com or stop in a t 1555 N . Roosevelt in Sea side | D ea dlin e is M on da y a t n oon 61 B ANKRUPTCY 70 H ELP W ANTED 70 H ELP W ANTED BANKRUPTCY $275 26 Years Experience (503)440-0281 or (503)678-7939 CLASSIFIED ADS are used by people when they are searching for products or services. For fast results, use a Classified ad to attract people who are ready to buy your product. All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "Any preference, limi- tation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- cap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or dis- crimination." Familial status in- cludes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal cus- todians; pregnant women and people securing custody of chil- dren under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any ad- vertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwell- ings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal oppor- tunity basis. To complain of dis- crimination call HUD at 1(800)669-9777. **WANTED** Technicians who are dependable, motivated with excellent customer service skills to join our winning team. *NEW CAfEEf* $18.00 per hour (PLUS COMMISSION) and added benefits with certification. *CONTACT US* 360-642-7263 Long Beach-Astoria IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS about a Business or School Advertised, we advise you to call: The Consumer Hotline in Salem at (503)378-4320, 9 AM-1 PM, Monday-Friday or in Portland at (503)229-5576 Ad Director The Daily Astorian is looking for a proven and innovative advertising director for multiple publications and digital platforms on the N. Oregon coast. We are seeking a strong, creative leader to inspire advertising staff and create sales campaigns, and to guide and grow our advertising sales efforts. Youʼll need to have the ability to follow through on details while managing the big picture. Youʼll oversee both display and classified reps. Prior sales management experience in the media field and a solid record of successful campaigns required. Send resume and letter of interest to EO Media Group, P.O. Box 2048, Salem, OR 97308-2048 or e-mail hr@eomediagroup.com. DUST off the old pool table and sell it with a classified ad. 70 H ELP W ANTED 70 H ELP W ANTED Bergeman Construction is seeking a well-qualified professional to join our team. We are seeking to fill a lead man and laborer position within our company. Must be reliable, team player, great attitude and a positive influence. ALL ABOUT CANDY SEASIDE CANDYMAN NEEDS YOUR HELP $12/hr to start increasing to $14 with proven experience. !!START IMMEDIATELY!! 21 N. Columbia, #105, Seaside Or. (503)738-5280, (503)738-2871 candyman@seasurf.net We do all structural aspects of construction both commercial and residential, as well as structure moving, deep foundations, welding, excavation, framing and concrete. We offer competitive wage, 401k and medical. Contact us at 503-325-4557, email-bergemanoffice@gmail.com, 92319 Youngs fiver fd, Astoria, Of 97103 Oregon state law requires anyone who contracts for construction work to be licensed with the Con- struction Contractors Board. An active license means the contrac- tor is bonded and insured. Verify the contractorʼs CCB license through the CCB Consumer Website www.hirelicensedcontractors.com Dental Front Office Patient Care Coordinator. Seaside Family Dentistry is looking for a service-oriented people person to manage patient care for a fun, unique, growing dental practice in Seaside, Of. Dental knowledge and experience with dental insurance needed. Comfort with computers, technology, and change required. Come join our family! Send resume and references to santos@seasidefamilydentistry.com CHILDfENʼS outgrown clothing, toys and furniture sell quickly with a clas- sified ad. 70 H ELP W ANTED EXCITING OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE'S LIFE Coast fehabilitation Services is looking for compassionate and enthusiastic employees to work along side people with developmental disabilities. Duties consist of relationship and skill building, support for daily living activities, community participation, and advocacy. Beginning wage- $11.25 an hour. Previous experience helpful but not necessary; we will train. Generous benefits including medical and dental, FLEX, 401k; pass drug test and criminal background check; high school graduate or GED required. Equal Opportunity Employer. Please call 503-861-3372 ext. 202 Visit our website www.coastrehab.org and our Facebook page.