September 30, 2016 • Seaside Signal • • 7A An ‘evolving vision’ leads to a classy roadside eatery Ruby’s from Page 1A “We kind of took an exist- ing building, and this is what we ended up with,” Candace Remer said. “And I think it ended up a lot better than we thought it could.” For Quackenbush, the proj- ect presented the unprecedent- ed opportunity to contribute to the design of a commercial building, whereas in the past, he has worked off a set of plans from an architect. During the design phase, Quackenbush said, his main focus was col- laborating with the Remers and “listening to what they wanted for the lavor of the building and doing the best to meet their expectations.” An evolving vision The Remers, who live in Seattle, purchased the prop- erty about a year and a half ago. Their original vision for the location was smaller and more subtle: to remove the gas station entirely and build a hotdog stand named Dog Bites, David Remer said. As they began the process, how- ever, “we realized there was more we could do than our initial plan,” he said. In the beginning, it was easi- er for the team — which includ- ed restaurant manager/operator Mark Newsome to identify what characteristics they didn’t want: corporate, franchise, pre- made and formulaic. Rather, they wanted the restaurant design to inspire an atmosphere that was hon- est, open and welcoming, and their choices during the ive- month construction phase re- lected that. The walls were kept in their original place. Duct work and electrical con- duits are still visible. Roll-up doors – remnants of the build- ing’s past life as a gas station — now open to patio seating and a sweeping view of Sea- side’s Mill Ponds and the eastern mountain range. Two of the walls and counter are constructed from refurbished wood from a 1940s barn. A large ire pit invites guests outdoors, regardless of weath- er. Inside seating is primarily comprised of picnic tables. The synthesis of the restaurant’s physical layout, ambience and menu places it in the category of fast casual dining, with “better food sold informally like this,” David Remer said. SUBMITTED PHOTO/SEASIDE SIGNAL The old 76 gas station has been transformed into a new restaurant, Ruby’s Roadside Grill, serving American fare in a fast-casual environment. It’s a place a person could be accompanied by their dog. Which is itting, as the restau- rant’s namesake, CEO and chairman, according to the Remers, is their black Labra- dor retriever, Ruby. “We’re so infatuated with dogs,” David Remer said. They also love the beach — hence why they acquired a second home in Seaside nine years ago – and “the beach is all about a dog.” “This has all fallen togeth- er like an obvious puzzle,” he added. The Remers were working with Quackenbush on a differ- ent project when they started planning for their restaurant. They asked him to come on board, a valuable contribution to the team. “He didn’t just build it,” David Remer said. “He helped us create it.” The Remers also were looking for a general manag- er when they were referred to Newsome by a mutual friend. Using his extensive history in the restaurant industry, New- some crafted a menu around David Remer’s original vision, hot dogs, in addition to ham- burgers, fries, shakes and some specialty items, like sautéed Brussel sprouts, chowder, ish tacos and breakfast burritos. “I started playing with different recipes at home to make it a varied menu,” New- some said. Another valuable player for the restaurant is associate manager Timmy Matthews, former owner of Guido and Vitto’s. Because of her ex- pertise and relationship with many community members, “she’s been a real asset,” Newsome said. Cleaning up the ‘welcome mat’ The Remers and Quacken- bush feel the location of Ru- by’s is beneicial for both the restaurant and the city. For starters, the decrepit gas station “was such an eye- sore as you roll into Seaside,” Candace Remer said. The Remers wanted to change that as a way of investing in the community. From a business perspec- tive, they feel the strategic lo- cation makes them accessible to those coming or going from Seaside. “We get an early crack at them,” David Remer added. Quackenbush had the idea to further take advantage of the location by removing the swath of invasive species to the east, which opened up a view of the Mill Ponds. They even added a gravel pathway leading to the park’s trail, and the Remers made an agreement with Clat- sop County to keep the inva- sive species cleared. The goal is to beautify the area, which “is the wel- come mat to Seaside from the south,” Quackenbush said. The original plan was to open the restaurant in July, but the weather and other is- sues postponed the opening. Even after taking customers starting in early September, the Remers consider this a soft opening and an opportunity to test facets of the operation, such as the pay point, order point, service and delivery, and seek out any problems. “Because of the abundance of customers, we’re inding them quickly,” David Remer said. “We’re being punished with our own good fortune.” The next tsunami: Two authors contemplate ‘when,’ not ‘if’ By Susan Romersa For Seaside Signal Living on the North Coast, we are always aware of the dire prediction of “the big one” hitting us — followed by a huge tsunami which will wipe out our area. We are told, as we go about our daily lives, that it is not a case of “if” but “when” such a disaster will occur. Two authors have written books on the subject, one ic- tion and one noniction. This drew a standing-room-only crowd at Beach Books in Sea- side on Saturday, Sept. 12. A conversation ensued about this inevitable event and our fasci- nation with the subject. Acclaimed novelist and former 13-year meteorologist at the Weather Channel H.W. “Buzz” Bernard discussed his latest book “Cascadia,” a ic- tional novel which imagines an earthquake and tsunami in a ictionalized Manzanita. His newest book follows on the heels of his 2012 disaster thriller “Eyewall.” Bernard was born in Eu- gene and raised in Portland. In his work, he makes a point of meticulous fact-checking and SUSAN ROMERSA/FOR SEASIDE SIGNAL Buzz Bernard and Bonnie Henderson had a packed house as they discussed their books about earth- quakes, tsunamis, and the Cascadia Fault. describes his writing niche as “weather-related thrillers.”“- Cascadia” is his ifth novel. “I don’t focus on the di- saster, “he said. “What drives a book is its characters which are set against the main plot and subplots — in this case — a massive earthquake and tsunami.” In “Cascadia,” a respected geologist visiting his broth- er inds he must make two gut-wrenching decisions, each with life or death consequenc- es. The book is set in the ic- tional community of Cascadia on the Paciic Northwest coast over 300 years ago, on the present site of Seaside. “I’m not entirely certain there was an Indian village there in 1700, the date of the scene, but I do know there were several small Clatsop settlements in that area in 1805 when members of the Lewis and Clark Expedition arrived,” Bernard said. Even though Paciic North- west residents are completely familiar with the subduction zone risk, Bernard said, when he has spoken elsewhere, read- ers are largely unaware of our region’s seismic threats. Henderson, author of “The Next Tsunami: Living on a Restless Coast,” told the Beach Books audience she tries to in- corporate a sense of story and consciousness in her work. In writing “The Next Tsu- nami,” the Seaside native per- formed copious research and consulted with experts like Or- egon State University’s Chris Goldinger and Seaside geolo- gist Tom Horning. Henderson told the audi- ence she works on character development as well in her creative noniction, and Horn- ing proved the model for a wonderful character. Horning experienced the 1964 tsunami caused by an YOUR MONEY STAYS LOCAL A BOOST FOR YOU & YOUR COMMUNITY At Bank of the Cascades we want to make sure your money works for you and your community. That’s why we put customer deposits back to work in the form of loans to local businesses so they can grow and thrive, adding jobs and contributing to our local economy. Now, for the month of September, we are offering individuals and businesses the opportunity to realize a great return and witness the power of local dollars at work in your community. 6 Month Time Deposit $10,000 to $250,000 .30% APY Come in today to take advantage of this earning opportunity available only thru September 30, 2016! 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He was 10 at the time the distant quake was felt in Seaside, where despite its distance, carefully maintained lawns were trans- formed into sawlogs, sand and dead ish. Geologists know the last local tsunami occurred on Jan. 26, 1700, and a major Casca- dia subduction zone event is overdue. That event took place 300 feet from Broadway, Hen- derson said. We are constantly remind- ed about it by weather radios, drills, sirens, and emergency preparations to have on hand. Our schools are located in vulnerable and unsafe areas and voters will decide in the next election whether or not to move them to higher ground — a plan that will come with a cost to taxpayers. It is in no small measure that through works like those of Bernard and Henderson that awareness of the tsunami threat has risen. Their books are available at Beach Books, 616 Broadway, in Seaside. D EL ’S O .K . 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