April 1, 2016 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com • 3A Concert benefits family of slain officer Concert proceeds will help Goodding’s family community,” Seaside musician Bruce Thomas Smith said. “Amy and the kids still need our support.” ³7KH\¶UHKDYLQJWKLVIRUWKHIDPLO\´ Seaside Police Chief Dave Ham said. “It By R.J. Marx brings back some pretty deep memories, Seaside Signal and the love I have for my friend and his The Seaside Civic and Convention IDPLO\ ,W¶V QLFH WR FRPH GRZQ DQG GR Center rocked to the memory of Sgt. Jason what I can to help out.” 7KH EHQH¿W FRQFHUW ZDV FRQFHLYHG *RRGGLQJWKHSROLFHRI¿FHUVKRWWRGHDWK VRRQ DIWHU 6JW *RRGGLQJ¶V GHDWK VDLG February. 7KH RI¿FHU¶V NLOOLQJ OHIW D ZLGRZ Bud Thompson, an American Legion Amy, and two daughters. The goal of the events coordinator, who organized the -DVRQ *RRGGLQJ )DPLO\ %HQH¿W &RQ- event with Kim Wright. Thompson received a call from the cert presented by the Seaside American Legion Post 99 was to help them go for- leader of one of the bands, Thunder Road, who volunteered to come to the ward. Eight bands from throughout the state FRDVWIRUDEHQH¿WIRUWKH*RRGGLQJIDP- donated their time and musical services ily, Thompson said. Realizing the American Legion post as about 200 people turned out. All pro- ceeds for the eight-hour musical event might not be large enough to host the larg- went to the family fund administered by er-scale event, Thompson approached the the Oregon Fallen Badge Foundation. convention center. 6DWXUGD\¶V GDWH HPHUJHG DQG WKH RU- Tallies were not announced. “It was truly cool to be a part of this ganizers started booking bands. “I could have gotten 16, I got eight,” Thompson said.”We only had so much time.” Out-of-town groups were provided lodging courtesy of Masudur Khan, own- er of the Inn at Seaside. The Fabulous Garage Band, Alena & Buffalo Kim, the Rusty Spurs Band, Maggie & the Cats and Acustica World 0XVLFVKDUHGWKHELOOZLWK6DOHP¶V7KXQ- der Road and Portland-based Theory of Relativity. %UXFH 6PLWK¶V EDQG SDXVHG IURP WRXULQJ IRU WKH KRPHWRZQ JLJ WR ¿OO WKH HYHQLQJ¶VSHQXOWLPDWHVSRWDQG6PLWKGR- nated sound equipment for the use of his fellow acts. ³7KLVZDVWKHOHJLRQ¶VHYHQW²WKH\ gave birth to this idea and everybody jumped on board,” Smith said. “I think beyond the money, the sense of commu- nity continues. This gives us a way to do something in a positive way, because of our love of this community, our county and our area.” Finding life-long friends at FosterClub By Katherine Lacaze For Seaside Signal As FosterClub celebrat- ed its 16th birthday, a few former foster youth shared what the organization means to them and what it has to of- fer for other children going through the system. ³,W¶V WKDW VHQVH WKDW QR matter where I go, I have somebody, I have a connec- tion,” said Marcus Brown, a former foster youth who VHUYHVDVWKHRI¿FHDQGORJLV- tics administrator for Foster- Club. Once you join the club, he added, you are always in the club. Lydia Sterba, 26, of Sea- side, described the Sea- VLGHEDVHG QRQSUR¿W RUJDQL- zation as “a community of people to kind of help others progress” by sharing experi- ences and learning from one another. FosterClub held an open house March 12 at Broadway Middle School. The com- munity was invited to help FRPPHPRUDWH )RVWHU&OXE¶V birthday and learn about the foster care system and how to get involved. (OHFWULFDO¿UHUHQGHUV KRPHµXQLQKDELWDEOH¶ 7KH ¿UH ZDV XQGHU FRQ- trol in about 10 to 15 min- )LUH¿JKWHUV UHVSRQGHG WR utes, Dugan said. The homeowner was not DVWUXFWXUH¿UHDWDKRXVHDW the corner of Fifth Avenue in the home, but the rent- and Roosevelt Drive in Sea- er was. He called 911 and side Tuesday afternoon. Seaside Fire and Rescue re- The house sustained sponded. $90,000 in damage to con- The cause is most like- tents and property, and a O\ HOHFWULFDO LQ QDWXUH ³,W¶V neighboring home also pointing in that direction, suffered damage, Division EXW LW¶V QRW RI¿FLDO´ 'XJDQ Chief Chris Dugan said at said. the scene. Content loss was es- 7KH¿UHVWDUWHGDWWKHJD- timated at about $30,000 rage next to the home, Du- and damage to the structure gan said. No one was hurt, about $60,000. About $1,000 but the house is not habit- was done to the neighboring able. property. A second-alarm call The property was insured, EURXJKW ¿UH¿JKWHUV IURP DQG WKH UHQWHUV KDG UHQWHUV¶ Cannon Beach, Gearhart, insurance, Dugan said. Warrenton and Lewis & R.J. Marx and Lyra Clark. An estimated 30 to 40 Fontaine contributed to this ¿UH¿JKWHUVIRXJKWWKHEOD]H report. Seaside Signal Coast Guard rescues three kayakers near Seaside KATHERINE LACAZE/FOR SEASIDE SIGNAL During an open house March 12 at Broadway Middle School, staff and community members sing “Happy Birthday” to celebrate FosterClub’s 16th birthday. $µEHWWHUOLIH¶ connected and represented “so they can realize their personal Celeste Bodner founded potential and contribute to a FosterClub in 1999. After be- better life for their peers.” During the past decade coming a foster mother her- self, she realized the necessity and a half, Bodner has seen for an organization that pro- what started as a simple idea motes self-advocacy, access to ÀRXULVK LQWR DQ HQWLW\ WKDW information and involvement is perpetually validated by in the foster care system as the youth who get involved keys to youth well-being. Fos- and become empowered to WHU&OXE¶VVWDWHGJRDOLVWROHDG achieve their best. ³,W¶VVXSHUUHZDUGLQJ´VKH the efforts of young people in and from foster care to become said. Three young men were rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard Wednesday night, March 16, after their kayaks capsized on the Necanicum River near Seaside. A Coast Guard Air Sta- tion Astoria MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew hoisted the men, ages 17, 18 and 20, to safety after they were strand- ed on a gravel bar in the river. The men, who had symp- toms of hypothermia, were taken to Seaside Airport and then to Providence Seaside Hospital, according to the Coast Guard. “The Coast Guard re- minds persons on the water to be prepared for an unexpect- ed emergency by wearing proper gear like a wetsuit and life jacket,” Lt. Chris Morris, D FRPPDQG GXW\ RI¿FHU DW Sector Columbia River, said in a statement. “We remind everyone that the rivers and creeks are running fast due to the amount of rain that has hit the area, so caution is es- sential.” ġTGGĞQWRQPĝQQMCV IJKPGĝGGTģCWUQTQPNKPG YYYUGCUKFGQWVNGVUEQO DFWLQJ DV WKH RI¿FLDO VWDUW- er. Registration is available through seasideOR.com and Sunset Empire. ness theme at the forefront of participants minds, both races will start simultaneously with the tsunami warning system Not to say the task has been easy. Bodner admits the \HDUV VLQFH )RVWHU&OXE¶V creation have been felt for the many labors of love that accompanied them. ³,W¶VDORWRIZRUNWRVWDUW a national organization from the ground up,” she said. When she looks at the young leaders who have emerged from the organization, how- HYHU³LW¶VGH¿QLWHO\DOOZRUWK it.” EO Media Group įQRĝTCPFUġCEVQTěğKTGEVīTKEGU All-ages Safety Fair will anchor day built around emergency preparedness The City of Seaside and Sunset Empire Park and Rec- reation District are partnering up for a new event in Seaside this spring. The “Seaside Dash to Safety,” a 5K run/walk will headline a series of activities on Saturday, April 30, aimed at raising awareness for emer- gency preparedness. Seaside Dash to Safety, Doggy Dash and Safety Fair starts at 9:30 a.m. The fair runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and is free for all ages. Entry fee for the Dash to Safety is $20; $10 for high school stu- dents. Entrants will receive a T-shirt. Alongside the 5K will be a shorter 1.25-mile course called the Doggy Dash, where participants are encouraged to walk or run with their fa- vorite canine companion. To keep the emergency prepared- R.J. MARX/THE DAILY ASTORIAN A quick-moving blaze led to major damage at this Fifth Avenue home in Seaside. Lady Liberty Award Luncheon / &+$-* # $).*!-,.%.0,,..&,.$-* '"&% ĝĪĪĦ IJĜĭĠģĪİĮĠ o ĝĭİĞĠlĮ ĞĜĩğĴ ĦĤįĞģĠĩ oĞĜĭįĠĭlĮoĞģĭĤĮįĪīģĠĭĝĜĩĦĮoĞħĜĤĭĠlĮ oğĜĤĮĴĨĜĴlĮĮĜĩğIJĤĞģĮģĪīoğĭĠĮĮĝĜĭĩ ğĭĠĮĮĝĜĭĩIJĪĨĠĩoĠğğĤĠĝĜİĠĭoġĜĨĪİĮ ġĪĪįIJĠĜĭ ĪİįħĠį o ĢĩĞ o ģĠħħĴ ģĜĩĮĠĩ o ĦĤįĞģĠĩ ĞĪħħĠĞįĤĪĩ o ħlĠĢĢĮ ģĜĩĮ ĝĜħĤ īħĜĴįĠijĠijīĭĠĮĮoĩĤĦĠġĜĞįĪĭĴĮįĪĭĠoĪĮģ ĦĪĮģĝlĢĪĮģoīĠĩğħĠįĪĩoīĠĭġĠĞįħĪĪĦo ĭĜĞĦĭĪĪĨĮģĪĠĮoĭİĠoĮĠĜĮĤğĠĮģĤīīĤĩĢ ĞĠĩįĠĭ o įģĠ IJĤĩĠ ĝĠĠĭ ģĜİĮ o įĪĦĴĪ įĠĭĤĴĜĦĤoįOYS “R” USoıĜĩģĠİĮĠĩoĵİĨĤĠĵ - Open - Monday-Saturday 10-8 Sunday 10-6 12 TH AVE. & HWY. 101 SEASIDE, OR 503.717.1603