6A March 18, 2016 Seaside Signal seasidesignal.com SignalViewpoints Oregon’s RepuElican Party discovers the way to µpivot’ Come as you are, no matter the occasion T hen I was at the Eeauty shop one Saturday, Kathy’s son Ed Tomlin, who is a trucker in the east, had told her aEout the pile up of 5 cars in the Philadelphia area. It was kind of dpMj vu to actually see it later on the SCENE & HEARD news. CLAIRE LOVELL Though we often yowl aEout our weather, we live in a Eanana Eelt compared to some regions of the country. We drove through Lewis and Clark recently to revisit farm country. +omes, which used to Ee thriving, are Eurned out or Eroken down. I recogni]ed one place where my friend Evelyn Redkey and I used to go with her father Duncan Stewart to Euy eggs. I was glad when the lady’s voice on Jeff’s GPS spoke of Wahanna Road and rhymed it with Eandanna in the proper way. RegrettaEly, a lot of people have taken to the mispronunci- ation. Sometimes I can’t make it to the phone Eefore it cuts off. On one of those occasions, daughter RoEin thought I might Ee in trouEle and called the police for a welfare check. Two of¿ cers came to the door at 3 p.m. when I don’t usually answer it. In look- ing Eack, I Eelieve one of them was Jason Goodding Eecause of the friendly smile I rememEer. Both men were so personaEle and reassuring. I felt safer. We have a great police department. Jason Goodding was one of our ¿ nest and those who protect us everywhere deserve our honor, respect and loyalty. One thing Eesides death and taxes that is certain is that over the years fashions will change. I can rememEer Eack in the day when women wouldn’t go to church or to a social function without wearing a hat and gloves. Today, it seems more like come as you are. +eck, it’s Eeen a long time even, since I put Vaseline on my patent leather slippers. One custom I don’t like is that many professional guys on TV have adopted a too casual open shirt for all their appearances. $s usual, I’m proEaEly alone in oEMecting. I was really disappointed to learn that the annual Kiwanis Pancake Feed had already Eeen and gone. +ow come we didn’t know aEout it" It’s something I’ve looked forward to every year. When Mayor Joyce Williams and +erE Schlappi were vying for ticket sales a long time ago, we knew weeks ahead when it was coming. $h, well, I shouldn’t eat pancakes anyway. W here’s the “N” word again. “New York.” I was hanging out at lunchtime at the convention center Saturday. The Dorchester Conference was meeting for the 52 nd time, most of those in Seaside. SEEN FROM SEASIDE R.J. MARX In a disSlay area ¿ lled with candidates and causes, we sidled over to the National 5iÀ e $ssociation Eooth. 8nfortunately, the N5$ gals couldn’t sSeak on the record Eecause only the national organi]ation is authori]ed to communicate with the Sress. Shoot. :e steSSed uS to 8.S. Senate candidate 0ark Callahan’s taEle. +e was standing alone while participants in the main area were eating turkey sandwiches, tangelos and chocolate chip cookies. Originally from Eugene and now residing in East Portland, Callahan calls himself a “cando person” and a “trouEleshooter.” +e was one of the 5epuElicans 2 pri mary seeking to challenge Jeff Merkley. During that election, he called out free-wheeling alt-press reporter Nigel Jaquiss for writing “Elah, Elah, Elah” on a notepad during a candidate interview with the Willa- mette Week. Callahan told Fox News he took the conservative ¿ ght “directly to the heart of Portland’s liEeral media estaElishment.” Callahan is continuing the ¿ ght, Eack among the four 5epuElican 8.S. Senate candidates (along with Sam Carpenter, Dan /aschoEer and Faye Stewart vying for Sen. 5on Wyden’s seat. Wyden’s Eeen in the Senate 35 years and “spends most of his time in New York,” Callahan said. We heard that Wyden had a place in Gear- hart. Gearhart residents are proud of it. +e’s got a place in Portland, too. +is wife Nancy, whom he married in 25, has a place in New York. That’s where she’s from. +er family owns the city’s most famous Eook- store, The Strand. But those words — “New York” — are anathema to some 5epuElicans, despite it Eeing the Eirthplace of one Donald Trump. Just like Portland. “Keep Portland weird,” is the cry. Just keep it in Portland. When we asked Callahan if he was a social, political or economic conservative, he said “$ll of the aEove.” Sam Carpenter of Bend makes Callahan look like +arry 5eid. “I’m kind of a Constitutional guy,” Car- penter said at the Signal of¿ ce last Friday. “I’m a limited government, grassroots kind of guy.” Carpenter said he likes to go Eack to the “original documentation,” the 8.S. Consti- tution. “I’m a Eusinessman, and most Eusinesses don’t have documentation,” Carpenter said. “Try to keep it simple. Things have gotten too complex.” “Government’s in our face everywhere,” R.J. MARX/SEASIDE SIGNAL The NRA maintained a presence at the Dorchester Confer- ence. Carpenter said. “People can’t move side- ways. It’s the sea lions on the Coast, wolves over here. … I’d like to see the federal government pull out their tentacles from the poor ¿ shermen.” Faye Stewart’s campaign stresses a “common sense reform agenda” to promote individual freedoms, expand economic opportunity and protect $merican security at home and aEroad. Fifth Congressional District candidate Seth $llan, whose motto is “Send a conser- vative to D.C.,” urges a “steadfast defense of religious liEerty.” We liked Tom Simpson, the president of this year’s Dorchester Conference. We could almost hark Eack to the halcyon days of BoE Packwood, Mark +at¿ eld and Gov. Tom Mc- Call, all Oregon 5epuElicans, in an era when the GOP owned the state. It was McCall, a 5epuElican, who fought to keep the Eeaches ... puElic. ‘I’d like to see the federal government pull out their tentacles from the poor fishermen.’ Sam Carpenter, U.S. Senate primary candidate Dorchester keynote speaker Tucker Carl- son of Fox News provided insight, Simpson told us. “Carlson was faEulous,” Simpson said. “+e really unpacked Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.” Trump and Sanders are tapping into the same emotions, Simpson said, descriEing Carlson’s message. “There’s an underlying anger people get Eehind at the estaElishment. I think that’s the same on the left as on the right.” “It used to Ee the 5epuElicans who were the superrich,” Simpson added. “Now, the Democrats are the superrich, and the poor.” The poor, he said, are Democrats Eecause they Eene¿ t from federal policies. On the 5epuElican side, “it’s sort of a Eig mess,” Simpson said. “You have the 5epuE- lican elite who are completely out of touch R.J. MARX/SEASIDE SIGNAL Dorchester President Tom Simpson. with the people, and they’re not only out of touch Eut they’re saying different things.” Trump’s success is the candidate’s aEility to “pivot on his positions.” “+e’s a negotiator, so he pivots on his positions pretty regularly,” Simpson said. “+e doesn’t say, µThis is the way going to Ee and I’ll send you Eack in the corner.’ +e’ll pivot off that and say µYou’ll like this way Eetter.’ So you think of Trump as a nego- tiator instead of as a politician. That kind of explains why you can’t nail him down. +e’s Must trying to ¿ nd a place he can get to agreement.” In Dorchester’s straw poll, John Kasich of Ohio, considered the most moderate of GOP presidential candidates, was the Eig winner with votes. Trump came in third with 33. Nationwide, the divide Eetween left and right is getting wider and the differences more extreme. Yet at Dorchester, the con- versation ultimately represented a degree of moderation. The Daily $storian’s Edward Stratton wrote, “Even +illary Clinton and Bernie Sanders managed three votes Eetween them.” If national races remain competitive, Or- egon could Ee among deciding Eattleground states for the national primaries on May . I think Carlson and Simpson are right. The GOP is at a crisis Eetween elites and grassroots. Between ranchers and Eankers. Between Constitutionalists and neocons. Between Portland money and rural poverty, high-tech versus vanishing manufacturing. Mitt Romney in contrast to Sarah Palin. George +. Bush could get elected as an Ivy Leaguer from Connecticut. George W. Bush had to move to Texas to win. The “liEeral media estaElishment” pivots to “fair and Ealanced” to win ratings. “Pivoting” in this election year will Ee no easy strategy for memEers of the GOP seeking good governance in our state. $nother New Yorker, Joe Franklin, was a pioneering radio and TV talk-show host for decades. +e was what they call a “schmoo]- er,” someone who co]ies up to someone — anyone — and wins them over with a friendly word, a clap on the Eack, praise for their kids and grandkids. “Sincerity,” he used to say, “Once you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” Trump and Franklin were pretty good friends. Laugh Lines $ woman went to the hospital with a heart attack and woke up in heaven. It’s not your time yet, God told her. This is an out of Eody case and you’re going to live 2 years longer. Well, thought the woman. Since I’m living longer and am already in the hospital, I’ll have a few things done. She had a tummy tuck, facelift and lipo suction. $s she left the hospital, she was struck Ey an amEulance and died. In heaven she protested to God. “Why am I here" You said I had 2 more years to live.” God answered: “I’m sorry, I didn’t recog- ni]e you” — courtesy of John Hagee $ time of dance cluEs, skating rinks and card parties Life in Seaside faced big changes during World War I When World War I started in Europe, Seaside seemed very much removed from war. In fact, life continued as normal here in our little coastal town for the next few years from -. The city council of that time was primarily focused on street improvements and sewer development for the city. $ll of the local civic groups and cluEs (of which there were many, at least eight or were having their usual parties and regular meetings. Every summer for three months the vacationers would descend from Portland and Seaside would Ee a hopping place with places to go including a skating rink, natatorium, dance cluE, and card parties going on weekly Eoth at the puElic restroomliErary and Catholic Church. The Seaside LiErary at that time was a reading room located in the puElic Eathrooms in town. The Civic cluE which instituted the liErary and restroom, met at the restrooms monthly and the Seaside BETWEEN THE COVERS ESTHER MOBERG Women’s cluE also held weekly card or other events at the restroom. Of- ten a dollar of the amount raised at these events would go to support the liErary and restroom. Clara Gilman was one memEer of the women’s cluE who was often called on for “literary” readings. Later she would have the distinction of Eeing the ¿ rst liErarian on record in Seaside, hired in Ey the city council. Some of the more unusual cluEs in seaside during the ’s included the $ngler’s cluE (which supported local commercial ¿ sh- ing as well as sport ¿ shing, the canal cluE, which was working on creating a canal from Gearhart to Warrenton, and the hiking cluE which was formed Ey young people for the purpose of getting together and hiking around Seaside. There was also a regular Dahlia Fair and parade, an annual event put on since ADVERTISING MANAGER PUBLISHER EDITOR Steve Forrester R.J. Marx that included a day long À ower show and a parade of children with small À oats or Eikes. In 5 at least three new groups and cluEs were formed including a Com- mercial CluE which was formed to help improve and promote Eusiness endeavors in Seaside. Many of the people living in Seaside were mem- Eers of multiple cluEs and the front page of the Seaside Signal was ¿ lled each week with activities and events Ey the socialites of Seaside along with the capturing of Elack Eears and cars getting stuck in the sand on the Eeach. $t the end of 5, a reading room and recreation room was created in City +all for the Seaside volunteer ¿ re department. It was thought that with the renewed inter- est in ¿ re¿ ghting, having a place of recreation and reading “in the long winter months” would help recruit younger men to Moin the volunteers who fought ¿ res for the city. Their goal was to make the Seaside ¿ re department the “Eest volunteer company on the Paci¿ c Coast.” With this addition, there were now two reading rooms or tiny liEraries PRODUCTION MANAGER CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Betty Smith John D. Bruijn CIRCULATION MANAGER SYSTEMS MANAGER Heather Ramsdell ADVERTISING SALES Claire Lovell Jon Rahl Esther Moberg Katherine Lacaze Eve Marx Carl Earl Laura Kaim Brandy Stewart SUBMITTED PHOTO/SEASIDE SIGNAL In the beginning the library was open to civic club members only. in Seaside. One required a small memEership fee and the other was for volunteer ¿ re¿ ghters. $s I reÀ ect Eack on the humEle Eeginnings of the Seaside PuElic Li- Erary, I can’t help Eut see the similar patterns of culture and industry that Seaside Signal Letter policy The Seaside Signal is published every other week by EO Media Group, 1555 N. Roosevelt, Seaside, OR 97138. 503-738-5561 seasidesignal.com The Seaside Signal welcomes letters to the editor. The deadline is noon Monday prior to publication. Letters must be 400 words or less and must be signed by the author and include a phone number Ior veri¿ cation. :e also reTuest that submissions be limited to one letter per month. Send to 1555 N. Roosevelt Drive, Seaside, OR 97138, drop them off at 1555 N. Roosevelt Drive or fax to 503-738-9285. Or email rmarx@seasidesignal.com continue to mark Seaside today. $ lot has changed, including the si]e of the Seaside LiErary, Eut here in Seaside, we still enMoy a good party and a good Eook +istorical information courtesy of the Seaside Signal. SUBSCRIPTIONS Annually: $40.50 in county $58.00 in and out of county e-Edition: only $30.00 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Seaside Signal, P.O. Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103. Postage Paid at Seaside, OR 97138 and at additional mailing of¿ ces. &opyright 2015 ‹ by the Seaside Signal. No portion of this newspaper may be re-produced without written permission. All rights reserved.