March 18, 2016 Seaside Signal 3A American Legion to host *RRGGLQJIDPLO\IXQGUDLVHU SUBMITTED PHOTO/EO MEDIA GROUP With the help of supporters and friends, the Seaside Ameri- can Legion will host a one-time, multi-band, epic eight-hour ben- H¿W IRU WKH IDPLO\ RI 6JW -DVRQ *RRGGLQJ 6DWXUGD\ 0DUFK DWSPDWWKH6HDVLGH&RQYHQ- WLRQ&HQWHU6JW*RRGGLQJRIWKH Seaside Police Department lost KLVOLIHZKLOHRQGXW\)HE2QH hundred percent of all donations ZLOOJRWRWKH*RRGGLQJIDPLO\ 2SHQLQJ 0& ZLOO EH &ODW- VRS &RXQW\ 6KHULII 7RP %HU- JLQ )HDWXULQJ D PL[ RI URFN MD]] FRXQWU\ EOXHV DQG PRUH WKHHYHQLQJ¶VPXVLFZLOOEHSUR- YLGHG E\ WKH )DEXORXV *DUDJH %DQG5XVW\6SXUV%DQG7KXQ- GHU 5RDG %DQG $OHQD DQG WKH %XIIDOR .LWW\ %DQG $F~VWLFD :RUOG 0XVLF 0DJJLH DQG WKH &DWV %UXFH 6PLWK DQG 7KHRU\ RI5HODWLYLW\ 0HPEHUVRIWKH2UHJRQ)DOO- HQ%DGJH)RXQGDWLRQZLOOEHRQ hand to assist with donation col- OHFWLRQ 7KH $PHULFDQ /HJLRQ ZLOO DOVR KDYH IRRG DQG DGXOW EHYHUDJHV DYDLODEOH IRU SXU- FKDVH 7LFNHWVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUSXU- chase at the American Legion, 86%DQNORFDOFRPPXQLW\EXVL- QHVVHVDQGDWWKHGRRUWKHGD\RI WKH FRQFHUW 7LFNHWV DUH REWDLQ- DEOH IRU D WD[ GHGXFWLRQ RI VXJJHVWHGGRQDWLRQ Supporters for the fundrais- er include: the bands, Seaside &RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHU2UHJRQ)LQH )RRGV $0 5DGLR )0 5DGLR /D]HUTXLFN 6HDVLGH 6LJQDO7KH6HDVKRUH,QQ7LGHV E\ WKH 6HD 6HDVLGH $PHULFDQ Legion, Seaside Police Depart- PHQW7KH 'DLO\$VWRULDQ 2KD- QD0HGLD*URXS)05DGLR DQGPDQ\PRUHORFDOEXVLQHVVHV 7KH 6HDVLGH &LYLF DQG &RQ- YHQWLRQ&HQWHULVORFDWHGDW )LUVW$YH6HDVLGH)RULQIRUPD- WLRQ RU TXHVWLRQV FDOO SEASIDE POLICE LOG Feb. 26 Feb. 28 12:27 a.m., 700 block 11th Avenue: Caller reports a wom- an screaming and shrieking; oicers spoke to the individual and will monitor the situation. 10:09 a.m., 2000 block Ocean Vista Drive: Caller reports a line down, blocking a driveway. Police determined what kind of line it was and the proper agency was notiied. 11:39 p.m., 1900 block of Spruce Drive: Caller reports noisy neighbors; oicers re- sponding found no detectable noise. Feb. 27 7:42 a.m., Peterson Point: A caller reported a man down on all fours at the fog line; the man told the police he was having car trouble and was praying for a remedy to the situation. 8:08 p.m., 400 block Avenue A: Oicers responded to a report of a truck striking a retain- ing wall in a parking lot. The passengers and driver exited the vehicle and walked away. No damage to the wall was reported. 8:58 p.m., 900 block S. Holla- day Drive: Police responded to a report of a man cursing and causing a disturbance. Police advised the man to adjust his behavior; the man said he would return to his shelter residence.   4:34 p.m., 400 block First Ave: A good citizen turned in to po- lice a bag they found; the bag’s owner was notiied and said they would be in to claim it. Feb. 29 8:10 p.m., 10th Street and Franklin: A dumpster parked on a no-parking side of the street was causing a traic hazard. Multiple messages to move it were left for the responsible parties from in- house contacts. 11:37 a.m., 1300 block Second Avenue: An individual seeking to report a missing person said the missing person was in contact with other family members, but just not him. Police said they would attempt to locate the individual. 4:28 a.m., First Avenue: A guest at a motel reported to police there had been a dispute about a room change and he believed someone working at the hotel had fraudulently charged his credit card. Oicers arriving on scene found the complainant had left. A voicemail message was left, but he did not return the call. March 1 7:33 p.m., Avenue H and Hol- laday Drive: A staf member of a motel calling from the lobby reported seeing an intoxicated woman lying in the street with her dog. Oicers busy with priority calls responded shortly after but were unable to locate either the lady or the dog. 11:10 a.m., 200 block 12th Av- enue: A resident of the street reported dangerous people outside her house; making contact, oicers advised a per- son not to drive and the home- owner was ofered options. 7:39 p.m., Avenue E and Pizza Hut: Caller reports seeing man fall out of a truck. Oicers responding found an elderly man who said he was OK. The man was given a courtesy ride home. 10:19 p.m., 400 block Second Avenue: Oicer received report of a missing person or persons. The individual was subsequent- ly identiied and returned to the hotel shortly after. March 2 8:08 a.m., 800 block 14th Avenue: A man reported to police a woman who calls him bad names. Police told the man they would contact the woman. 17:49 p.m., Seaside Heights: Caller reports seeing a tent near the trail behind the school. Oicers were unable to locate the individual or individuals camping in a no-camping area. 12:50 p.m., Avenue A and Franklin: Police were able to re- turn a lost wallet to its rightful owner through a business card located in the wallet. 7:47 p.m., Bridgetender Restaurant: Two men were re- ported taking punches at each other; oicers were unable to locate the subjects who were gone on arrival. March 3 March 5 12:19 a.m., 400 block First Avenue: Staf person at the Convention Center reports a person passed out after the center was closed. Police as- sisted the conventioneer back to his hotel. 4:31 p.m., S. Holladay Drive: A concerned citizen turned in to police a tool box they found. 9:59 a.m., 300 block S. Columbia: Caller reported a man yelling at a cashier and slapping himself in the head; oicers making contact said the man was not interested in their help. He left to avoid further police action. March 4 6:18 a.m., 1200 block Jackson Street: A caller reports a per- son prowling in her yard with a flashlight. Oicers checking the area were unable to locate the suspect. March 6 7:35 a.m., 300 block S. Holl- aday Drive: a malfunctioning burglar alarm set of an alarm; oicers responding noted the alarm had some bugs. The appropriate personnel arrived to mitigate. 7:25 p.m., Lewis and Clark Road: Some loose dogs roam- ing about the area adjacent to apartments were rounded up and returned to their resi- dence. 9:55 p.m., 400 block Broad- way: An individual reported to be behaving in a disorderly manner vanished before police arrived. Two Seaside SROLFHRI¿FHUV JUDGXDWH IURP2UHJRQ 3XEOLF6DIHW\ $FDGHP\ 7KH2UHJRQ'HSDUWPHQWRI 3XEOLF 6DIHW\ 6WDQGDUGV DQG 7UDLQLQJ UHFHQWO\ DQQRXQFHG WKH JUDGXDWLRQ RI LWV WK %DVLF 3ROLFH &ODVV $PRQJ the graduating members were RI¿FHUV (OLVH 3DUNPDQ DQG 1DWKDQ7DSSHUWRIWKH6HDVLGH 3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW 7KH FHUHPRQ\ ZDV KHOG )ULGD\0DUFKDWWKH2UH- JRQ 3XEOLF 6DIHW\ $FDGHP\ LQ6DOHP3ROLFH&KLHI0DULR /DWWDQ]LR RI WKH $OEDQ\ 3R- lice Department was the guest VSHDNHU 7KH %DVLF 3ROLFH &ODVV LV ZHHNV LQ OHQJWK DQG LQ- cludes dozens of training ar- HDV LQFOXGLQJ VXUYLYDO VNLOOV ¿UHDUPV HPHUJHQF\ YHKLFOH operations, ethics, cultural GLYHUVLW\ SUREOHP VROYLQJ FRPPXQLW\ SROLFLQJ HOGHU abuse, drug recognition and GR]HQVRIRWKHUVXEMHFWV '3667 RSHUDWHV WKH 2U- HJRQ 3XEOLF 6DIHW\ $FDGH- P\ VSDQQLQJ PRUH WKDQ DFUHV LQ 6DOHP DQG SURYLGHV WUDLQLQJ WR PRUH WKDQ VWXGHQWVHDFK\HDUWKURXJKRXW 2UHJRQ DQG DW WKH DFDGHP\ 7KH DFDGHP\ LV QDWLRQDOO\ UHFRJQL]HG IRU LWV LQQRYDWLYH WUDLQLQJ SURJUDPV DQG DFWLYH VWDNHKROGHU LQYROYHPHQW (ULNV *DEOLNV VHUYHV DV WKH GLUHFWRUDQG&KLHI.HQW%DUN- HU RI WKH &LW\ RI 7XDODWLQ 3ROLFH 'HSDUWPHQW VHUYHV DV WKH ERDUG FKDLU 7KH GHSDUW- ment implements minimum VWDQGDUGV HVWDEOLVKHG E\ WKH board for the training and cer- WL¿FDWLRQRIPRUHWKDQ FLW\ WULEDO FRXQW\ DQG VWDWH ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW RI¿FHUV FRUUHFWLRQV RI¿FHUV SDUROH DQG SUREDWLRQ RI¿FHUV ¿UH VHUYLFH SHUVRQQHO WHOHFRP- PXQLFDWRUV HPHUJHQF\ PHG- LFDO GLVSDWFKHUV DQG SULYDWH VHFXULW\SURYLGHUV