2A • December 24, 2015 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com Man sentenced for Astoria home invasion ‘The Collector’ had a lengthy criminal history By Kyle Spurr EO Media Group Anthony Victor Lane, the convicted felon who orchestrated an armed home invasion at an Asto- ria residence in April, was sentenced to more than six years in prison. Lane, 31, of St. Helens, pleaded no contest Friday, Dec. 11, in Clatsop Coun- ty Circuit Court to three counts of second-degree robbery as part of a nego- tiated plea agreement. He also pleaded no contest to felon in possession of a ¿UHDUPIURPDSUHYLRXVLQ- cident in March. “I have the impression that you were the ringlead- er,” Judge Paula Brown- hill told Lane. “That you planned this whole thing. That you carried it out.” Brown- hill sen- t e n c e d Lane to 70 months for the rob- ANTHONY bery and VICTOR LANE another 12 PRQWKVIRUWKH¿UHDUPSRV- session. He will get credit for time already served in jail. Lane and Joseph Ver- non Armstrong, 31, of Tillamook, entered a resi- dence on the 300 block of Alameda Avenue wearing masks and demanded mon- ey and cellphones. Arm- strong was armed with a .40 caliber pistol and Lane had a baton he used to beat two men in the house. The assaulted men had VLJQL¿FDQW KHDG DQG ERG\ injuries. Two women were pepper sprayed. Armstrong was sen- tenced in September to 70 months in prison. /DQHDQG$UPVWURQJÀHG the scene in an Oldsmobile Bravada, which a Seaside detective found unoccupied hours later at Arnie’s Cafe in Warrenton. Call to Tillamook County Jail Lane became a suspect, in part, after he made a phone call to an inmate in Tillamook County Jail the day of the assault and robbery and said he was “in trouble and that he was hiding in a swamp,” according to court docu- ments. Lane went on to tell the inmate he “had gone to do a hit on a guy and that both his name and the inmate’s name had been given out over the radio to police.” A Tillamook County de- tective overheard the phone call and informed the Asto- ria Police. Oregon State Police found Lane about three weeks later in Seaside. Astoria Police Deputy Chief Eric Halverson said his department collected multiple pieces of evi- dence connecting Lane to the crime, including DNA, cellphone records and state- ments from the co-defen- dants and witnesses. “All of them expressed that they were afraid of Lane,” Halverson said. Known as the ‘The Collector’ Police were familiar with /DQH IURP WKH ¿UHDUP SRV- session case in March. Lane was stopped by police in Seaside while driving with a woman in the passenger seat. The case was initially investigated as a kidnapping, but Lane was only charged for possessing a handgun. The woman in the vehi- cle referred to Lane as “The Collector,” a nickname that hints at Lane’s alleged his- tory of collecting drug debts for himself and others. A victim in the home invasion case called 911 saying “Tony Yeaho” had just attacked them. “Tony Yeaho” is another alias for Lane. Lane has a lengthy crim- inal history that extends into Columbia County, where at one time he was arrested for a warrant out of Tennessee. After the sentencing Fri- day, the prosecution and police expressed frustra- tion. Chief Deputy District Attorney Ron Brown said he had pursued a longer sentence, but the case had too many unreliable wit- nesses and co-defendants. At least three of the co-de- fendants are at large right now on warrants, he said. Had the case gone to trial, it would have been H[WUHPHO\ GLI¿FXOW WR JHW the witnesses and co-defen- dants in the same courtroom on the same day. And many KDGFRQÀLFWLQJVWRULHV “We wanted to get some- thing out of this case that was concrete,” Brown said. as he was approaching his car. Officer made contact, subject was elderly and had had a knee replacement. Dec. 18 Others involved have been convicted The four other people involved in the home inva- sion have all been convict- ed. Two lookouts — Tasha H. Van Dolah and Kevin John Morse — and get- away car driver Amanda Maye Preston were each sentenced to three years probation. Leticia Vivian Westfall, another lookout, pleaded no contest to hindering prose- cution and was sentenced to 18 months probation. SEASIDE POLICE LOG between the two vehicles. Dec. 7 9:33 a.m., 1200 block of Avenue A: 911 caller reported down power line that turned out to be a cable line. Fire department was contacted to assist with removing the hazard from the road. 1:35 p.m., 100 block of Broad- way: Citizen came to Seaside Police Department to report someone hit his vehicle and left without leaving contact information. Dec. 8 4:21 p.m., South Holladay Drive and Avenue A: FedEx driver came in to report subject “directing traffic” at Holladay and Avenue A. Officers located subject nearby, who was en route to grocery store. Dec. 9 10:58 a.m., Wahanna Road: Report of a child in a vehicle with no safety seat. Officer searching the area. Vehicle located. Subject warned. 12:04 p.m., U.S. Highway 101: Report of a subject that was tailgating in the high water. Subject was warned. It appears to be a road rage incident 4:53 p.m., 400 block of South Franklin Street: Caller reported trespassed subject continuous- ly ringing her doorbell. Subject was gone upon officer’s arrival. Dec. 10 12:16 a.m., U.S. Highway 101: Caller reported traffic com- plaint. Officers advised. Oregon State Police made the stop. 8:07 a.m., 400 block of South Roosevelt Drive: Safeway want- ed a male trespassed. Officer made contact, subject was trespassed. 3:19 p.m., U.S. Highway 101: Caller reported possibly impaired driver, having driven over fog line and center line a few times. Officer conducted traffic stop; driver not impaired. Dec. 11 10:30 a.m., 1500 block of Lea Way: Citizen came in the lobby to report a cold hit-and-run that occurred to his new vehi- cle the day before. Officer took his information. 6:40 p.m., 400 block of South Columbia: Caller reported and unwanted person on premises, subject left prior to Officer be- ing dispatched. Caller will call back if subject returns. Dec. 12 9:24 a.m., 1200 block of Broad- way: Caller requested officers patrol the area for speeding drivers. Officer advised. 9:41 p.m., 1800 block of South Franklin Street: Report of a transformer blowing; Pacific Power notified. 10:36 p.m., Avenue U: Officer assisted on fire call. Dec. 13 12:49 p.m., Beach Drive: Caller reported two vehicles speeding on Beach, very limited descrip- tion. Officer advised, no other complaints. 7:48 p.m., 400 block of South Roosevelt Drive: 911 caller reported someone harassing them at Safeway. The manager at Safeway had made contact asking the subject to move on since they had been there for more than an hour. Officer responded and made contact with subject who decided to move on for the evening. Dec. 14 5:11 p.m., Second Avenue: Caller reported intoxicated driv- er with children in the vehicle. Officer made contact with the subject, who showed no sign of impairment. This is an ongoing issue between the parties. 10:30 p.m., 1900 block of North Holladay Drive: Officers responded to report of sus- picious person climbing tree. Upon officer arrival, subject was cooperated and trespassed from premise. Dec. 15 4:41 a.m., 100 block of Broad- way: While on patrol, officer made contact with subject. Warned person against theft of power. Subject agreed to move along. 11:05 a.m., 1100 block of North Roosevelt Drive: Report of a female that could barely walk. Officers had previous contact with the same subjects, female was under the influ- ence. Officer searched the area and was unable to locate them. 4:29 p.m., Broadway: Caller reported possibly intoxicated older male, nearly fall down Dec. 16 2:03 p.m., 1100 block of North Roosevelt Drive: Report of a male and female involved in a verbal disturbance. Officer located the subjects, they are now trespassed from the property. 3:45 p.m., First Avenue: Offi- cers assisted Medix on scene of intoxicated female who fell in the street and hit her head. Subject was transported to the hospital. Dec. 17 10:37 a.m., 2500 block of North Roosevelt Drive: Report of an RV parked in an unsafe location and blocked the view of traffic. Officer made contact, subject was advised and will be moving it. 12:44 p.m., 1300 block of North Holladay Drive: Subject was transported to Providence Seaside Hospital via Medix after she was self harming. 10:39 a.m., 12th Avenue Bridge: City employee advised of a loose, aggressive dog on the bridge. Officer located the dog and returned it to his owner. 2:01 p.m., 800 block of Avenue G: An unwanted person was es- corted off premises and given a courtesy ride home. 10:07 p.m., 500 block of Avenue A: 911 caller reported a large group of kids acting out. Officer delayed on priority call. No teens observed; gone upon arrival. Dec. 19 1:13 p.m., 800 block of South Holladay Drive: Caller asked for officer assistance for an unwanted subject who had locked herself in her hotel room upon checkout. 6:29 p.m., 800 block of South Holladay Drive: Unwanted subject was given a courtesy ride to another location. 11:54 p.m., 700 block of 11th Avenue: Officers assisted on fire call. Contacted subject and warned against fire danger. Formerly Seaside RadioShack Holiday Hours OīEĩ ĞHRISTĨAS EVE 10 ĞlosGd ĞJrisVOas Day ĩGYs YGarls EVE 10 ĩGY YGarls DAY 12 REGULAR HOURS: Monday-Saturday 10-8, Sunday 10-6 AFTER CHRISTMAS SALE 20% - 50% OFF • Toys • Tablets (Android & Apple iPad Minis) • Prepaid Cell Phones • XBOX One Bundle (Limited Stock!) • Playstation 3 Bundle • Star Wars Toys! Selected Accessories: Selfie Sticks, Bluetooth Headsets, and MORE! SEASIDE SHIīīIĩĢ ĞEĩTER OPEN 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. MONDAY - FRIDAY. TO ENSURE SAME DAY PICK UP, PACKAGES MUST BE READY TO SHIP BY 3:00 PM. (503) 717.1603 Shop local and come see us for any of your Verizon needs New phone • Set up • Problems • Accessories ĢET YOİR ĢIġT ĞERTIġIĞATES HERE Ĩall OHÇEG aPd aV ĝooM WarGJousG 2 12 TH AVE. & HWY. 101, SEASIDE, OR 0.1.10 o SEASIDEOİTħETS.ĞOĨ Your Locally Owned and Family Operated Home Electronics Store! 1219 S. Roosevelt Dr. in Seaside • 503-738-8836