Merry Christmas SEASIDESIGNAL.COM • COMPLIMENTARY COPY OUR 109th YEAR • December 25, 2015 &LW\ZLQVWRSJUDGHVLQ¿QDQFLDODXGLW City Council approves budget changes to coincide with audit By Katherine Lacaze Seaside Signal The city of Seaside recently was audit- ed for ¿ scal year - and the city¶s ¿ nances are in Jood shaSe accordinJ to city staff. 'urinJ the 0onday 'ec. Seaside &ity &ouncil PeetinJ 5ichard 3roul[ of 3ortland-Eased .ern ThoPSson cer- ti¿ ed SuElic accountants Sresented the results of an audit of the city¶s ¿ nancial statePents froP the - ¿ scal year endinJ -une . The audit was coPSleted in 1oYePEer. .ern ThoPSson reYiewed the ¿ nan- cial statePents of Seaside¶s JoYernPental actiYities Eusiness-tySe actiYities each PaMor fund and the aJJreJate rePaininJ fund inforPation ³to oEtain reasonaEle as- surance aEout whether the ¿ nancial state- ments are free from material misstate- ment´ the reSort states. The audit also eYaluated the aSSroSriateness of account- inJ Solicies used and the reasonaEleness of siJni¿ cant accountinJ estimates made Ey city manaJement in addition to the oYerall Sresentation of the ¿ nancial state- ments accordinJ to the reSort. The audit was done accordinJ to federal standards. See Audit, Page 6A WENDY RICHARDSON &RPPXQLW\ PRXUQVORVV of Wendy 5LFKDUdVon Seaside Signal KATHERINE LACAZE/SEASIDE SIGNAL Seaside resident Kristi Israel is a huge Christmas fan. Her holiday spirit is evident in the display of lights, decorations and music at her home on Skyline Drive. Israels give Skyline Drive home a holiday makeover with elaborate decorations By Katherine Lacaze Seaside Signal KATHERINE LACAZE/SEASIDE SIGNAL Seaside resident Kristi Israel, pictured with her 7-year-old son Kane, is a huge Christmas fan. easide resident .risti ,srael loves the &hristmas season. Her Sen- chant for the holiday is made ev- ident if Ey no other means throuJh her Eeautifully decorated home on Skyline Drive. S Since movinJ in aEout ¿ ve years aJo and also at her Srevious residence ,sra- el has celeErated the season Ey swathinJ her home in liJhts inÀ ataEle snowmen illuminated candy canes and more. “,¶m a EiJ &hristmas fan´ ,srael said. “, always have Eeen.´ See Lights, Page 9A &ommunity memEers Eusiness lead- ers and co-workers at The Daily Astori- an and Seaside SiJnal mourn the sudden loss of :endy 5ichardson. 5ichardson a :arrenton resident was a lonJtime South &ounty adYocate and had Eeen an adYertisinJ reSresentatiYe for SuElications since . 5ichardson suffered an aneurysm Sun- day afternoon. She was À own Yia /ife )liJht 1etwork to 3roYidence 3ortland 0edical &enter and was remoYed from life suSSort Sunday niJht at S.m. accord- inJ to family memEers. She died 0onday afternoon. ³,t is immensely sad this morninJ to reSort that :endy 5ichardson died this weekend´ (2 0edia *rouS 3uElisher SteYe )orrester said 0onday. ³:endy was widely admired and loYed in Seaside and she was well known in &annon %each where she owned a Eusiness years aJo.´ 5ichardson is surYiYed Ey her hus- Eand Al 5ichardson to whom she was married for years and three children Ali[ Andie and 1ick . They recently moved to Warrenton after many years in *earhart. +er mother Dorie Shannon died in . +er father 5oJer Shannon survives her. She is also survived Ey three Erothers -eff Scott and 5andy Shannon and two steSdauJhters Tiffany +unt and *retchen Teevin and ¿ ve Jrandchildren. Wendy Shannon was Eorn 0arch in San -uan 3uerto 5ico where her father served in the 8.S. &oast *uard. 5oJer Shannon served three &latsoS &ounty tours with the 8.S. &oast *uard and retired in Astoria. PAID PERMIT NO. 97 ASTORIA, OR PRSRT STD US POSTAGE See Wendy, Page 8A Homelessness doesn¶t take a holiday Helping Hands raising awareness, funds to assist those in need through the winter months By Katherine Lacaze Seaside Signal As the end of the year aSSroaches accomSanied Ey a slew of annual holi- days +elSinJ +ands 5e- entry 2utreach &enters is encouraJinJ the communi- ty not to forJet those whose season is not all too merry and EriJht. The Seaside-Eased nonSro¿ t orJani]ation is runninJ its third annual Homeless For the Holidays camSaiJn to raise aware- ness and funds to suSSort homeless individuals and families throuJhout the win- ter months. The camSaiJn started 1ov. . Already in the or- Jani]ation has Srovided services to more than women men and children. The niJhtly need increases in DecemEer and -anuary and conseTuently the or- Jani]ation¶s e[Senses ³Must aEout douEle´ as it tries to assist everyone accordinJ to &hief ([ecutive 2f¿ ce Alan (vans. (sSecially with the recent storms across the 3aci¿ c 1orthwest SeoSle ¿ nd themselves disSlaced and with nowhere to Jo. “Now is the hardest time of year for everyEody´ (v- ans said. “We always reach out for helS from our suS- Sorters hoSinJ that you will donate your end-of-the-year Jift to HelSinJ Hands. The oEstacles SeoSle are facinJ to stay aÀ oat are devastatinJ and the stories are real.´ /isa &hamEers of Astoria can relate. This time last year she was JoinJ throuJh HelSinJ See Homeless, Page 9A KATHERINE LACAZE/SEASIDE SIGNAL Lisa Chambers, of Astoria, is enjoying a holiday season with her 8-year-old son Zar. A year ago, the two were separated and Chambers was going through Helping Hands’ reentry program.