December 11, 2015 • Seaside Signal • • 5A Rebranding Seaside gives us opportunity for promotion How do you describe Seaside to your friends, neighbors and rel- atives? Better yet, how would you, if asked? You may have an answer on the tip of your tongue. Perhaps you have a different description de- pending on who you are talking to? There’s no right or wrong answer. However, in the world of destina- tion marketing, the task is to make sure that description resonates with prospective visitors. We want to in- spire them to visit and we want to be authentic in our portrayal of this great place. For the past two months we’ve been working side-by-side with Portland-based Lookout Consult- ing, and a team of three branding experts, to reimagine Seaside’s identity and determine how it is that we should and will talk about Seaside. SIDE RAIL JON RAHL This decision to rebrand our communications did not come over- night. As I look back on it, it was an evolving decision that gained steam in mid-April during my at- tendance at the 2015 Oregon Gov- ernor’s Conference on Tourism. I was asked if Seaside would serve as a case study during a session on developing an integrated marketing plan. Never one to shy away from constructive feedback — and free I might add — I had no hesitation in agreeing to the exercise. While the session offered a ho- listic look at our content develop- ment, the team of panelists also recommended a simple yet impact- ful new approach to Seaside’s ad- vertising creative; this new think- ing really encouraged me to take the next step towards rebranding. After consulting with my Tourism Advisory Committee, the decision was made to hatch this project. Beginning in early January, the descriptions, colors and identity of Seaside marketing will change dra- matically and I could not be more excited about the new direction and opportunity it will give us. A new primary logo features vari- ous icons that celebrate the unique identity of our town, echoing the love and nostalgia visitors have felt for Seaside for generations, while introducing a visual abundance of what to see and do here in vibrant coastal colors. With this new logo, we will also roll out a new tagline. It’s easy to Seaside will become our new consumer facing tagline. It speaks to our audiences leading hectic lives in nearby urban areas about how easy it is to have a fan- tastic time in Seaside. The tagline will anchor our new brand cam- paign, which tells visitors how to experience all the amazing things to do and see in and around town through fun, informative “how to” instructions. It will not entirely replace More Than Just a Day at the Beach — which has been our tagline since the late 1990s. We look at it instead as an evolution. There are times where the More Than… can and will be used. But as we develop new advertising creative, we will want to use It’s easy to Seaside to play off of the new “how to” exe- cutions we’ll be introducing. This “how to” campaign will not only give us a way to have fun (by telling people how to eat taffy), but also allow us a way to describe to new visitors how to do something that maybe didn’t seem so obvi- ous (like ¿ nding the perfect hike or learning how to dig for razor clams). It’s dif¿ cult to summarize a 48- page style guide down to a 600- word column, but whether you are a life-long resident, a casual part-timer with a second home or a prospective new visitor, the ceiling is truly high in the number of ways we can tell everyone that It’s easy to Seaside! Have a thought or a question about tourism in Seaside? Drop me an email at Jon Rahl is the director of tourism for the Seaside Visitors Bureau and assistant general manager of the Seaside Civic & Convention Center. Obituaries HOLIDAY LIGHTS Helen H. Alto Raasina Aug. 11, 1916 — Nov. 21, 2015 (Warrenton) Helen H. Alto Raasina, age 99, a lifelong resident of Seaside and Astoria, was born Aug. 11, 1916, in Sea- side, Oregon, to Finnish im- migrants, Frank Nestor and Hilma Louisa Alto. Raised in Seaside, Ore- gon, Helen was one of four children, and the last re- maining sibling. She grad- uated from Seaside High School in 1934. After high school, Helen lived and worked in Beaver, Oregon, for a short time, working in the mill. On Aug. 31, 1940, Hel- en married Bill Raasina, who preceded her in death in 1982. They lived on the Raasina Dairy farm in Ol- ney, providing milk to near- by communities and all of Astoria. Helen designed the milk bottle tab caps that sealed the glass milk bot- tles in the 1940s, and Bill and his brothers worked the farm and delivered the milk. They enjoyed dancing in Seaside at the Bungalow Helen Raasina Dance Hall in the 1930s and 1940s to the big bands who traveled to Seaside during the war years. In the 1950s, she and her family moved to North Bend, Oregon, liv- ing there for about 12 years, as a mother and homemak- er, raising her family. The Raasina family returned to live in Astoria in 1964. Helen moved to San Di- ego, California, to be near her daughter in 2000, and lived a few places around the city. She eventually missed the Oregon rain, and moved back to spend her last years in Astoria and Seaside. She served as pres- ident of the local Degree of Honor society for many years, and enjoyed traveling to Finland with her brother and his wife, visiting rela- tives. Helen was active in all her years, loving clam dig- ging, ¿ shing, gardening, tennis, bicycle riding, sew- ing, and taking up golf at age 70, which she enjoyed with her sister-in-law. Helen is survived by her daughter, Joy Raasi- na Smith, and son-in-law, Robert Smith, from San Di- ego, California, and numer- ous nieces and nephews. Her oldest daughter, Susie, died in 1971. A private family grave- side service was held in Ocean View Cemetery in Warrenton. Hughes-Ransom Mor- tuary is in charge of the arrangements. An online guest book may be signed at Daniel Heath Kennell R.J. MARX PHOTO/SEASIDE SIGNAL Feb. 3, 1985 — Dec. 4, 2015 (Astoria) Doug Barker gets into the holiday spirit in Seaside with some tree decorating. PUBLIC MEETINGS Monday, Dec. 14 Seaside City Council Meet- ing, 7 p.m., City Hall, 989 Broadway. Tuesday, Dec. 15 Union Health District, 8 a.m., Providence Hospital, Educa- tion Room B. Seaside School District, 6 p.m., 1801 S. Franklin St. Seaside Planning Commis- sion, work session, 7 p.m., City Hall, 989 Broadway. Wednesday, Dec. 16 Seaside Tourism Advisory Commission, 3 p.m., City Hall, 989 Broadway. Monday, Jan. 19 Seaside School District, 6 p.m., 1801 S. Franklin St. Wednesday, Jan. 21 Seaside Tree Board, 4 p.m., City Hall, 989 Broadway. Thursday, Dec. 17 Tuesday, Jan. 26 Seaside Transportation Ad- visory Commission, 6 p.m., City Hall, 989 Broadway. Seaside Airport Advisory Committee, 6 p.m., City Hall, 989 Broadway. Home for the Holidays camp starts Dec. 21 The Coaster Theatre Playhouse will hold its 2015 Winter Kidz Camp this December with the theme Home for the Holidays. The Coaster Theatre Playhouse holds two to three Kidz Camps each year. Each camp focuses on three common aspects of theater arts: acting, singing and dancing. This theater camp can improve con¿ dence and creativity, and campers are exposed to teamwork, respect and unlimited imag- ination while creating a show of their own. In addi- tion to singing, acting, and dancing, each camper will create and apply their own unique makeup designs. The camp is for ages 8 and up. It runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday Dec. 21, to Thursday, Dec. 24. A camp performance will take place Dec. 24, at 3 p.m. for parents and families to en- joy. Registration is $95 per camper. Download the camp registration form at coaster- For more infor- mation email executivedi- or call 503-436-0609. The Harbor offers support group for women The Harbor’s Sexual Assault Peer Center will be offering a multi-week support group for wom- en who are survivors of sexual violence. This group meets Wednesdays through Jan. 27, from 4 to 5 p.m. Group topics include the importance of self-care, developing cop- ing skills to manage stress and anxiety, identifying the effects of sexual vio- H appy H olidays Great Gift Ideas lence, and inner strength identi¿ cation. For more information and to register call Sharon at The Harbor: 503-325- 3426, ext. 106, or visit Daniel Heath Kennell, of Astoria, went to be with the Lord on Dec. 4, 2015. Daniel was born on Feb. 3, 1985, in Astoria, Oregon, to Van and Nancy Kennell. He has one sister, Laurie Kennell Major; a brother- in-law, Jon Major; and two nephews, Liam and Landon Major. Daniel attended Lewis and Clark School and grad- uated from Astoria High School in 2003. He went on to attend Clatsop Commu- nity College. From there he became an entrepreneur in 2006 as owner and manager of the Seaside Radio Shack. He also co-operated the mobile DJ business, Have Music Will Travel, with his father. Music was Daniel’s pas- sion. Daniel was a member of the Viking/Nordic Danc- ers of Astoria, and to hon- or his Swedish heritage he was a member of the Vasa Astor Lodge 215. At 9 he had the starring role in the Astor Street Opry musical, “Oliver.” At 10 he was cho- sen to be a member of the Portland Children’s Choir, and traveled to New York to perform at Carnegie Hall. His musical talents were not limited to just his voice. He was also an accomplished pianist. He pow ered b y DANIEL KENNELL accompanied many school, church, and community ac- tivities and events. He was a member of Peace Luther- an Church in Astoria. Daniel’s other passion was athletics, especially basketball. In high school, he played varsity basket- ball, and his team went on to win third at state. His se- nior year he was co-captain, Most Valuable Player, and was selected as a part of the Cowapa’s All-League team. His friends and fami- ly all describe Daniel as a warm, kind-hearted, gen- erous friend who looked out for others without ex- pecting anything in return. His smile could light up a room, and his humor was infectious. Daniel is survived by his parents, Van and Nan- cy Kennell of Astoria; and a sister and brother-in-law, Laurie Kennell Major and Jon Major, along with two nephews, Liam and Landon Major of Coos Bay, Ore- gon. He is also survived by his grandparents, Bill and Betty Cunningham of As- toria, along with numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. He is preceded in death by his grandfather, Ole Johnson; and his grand- parents, Ivan and Vivienne Kennell. Visitation will be from 3 to 7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 11, 2015, at Caldwell’s Luce-Layton Mortuary in Astoria. A celebration of life will be held at 11 a.m. on Satur- day, Dec. 12, 2015, at North Coast Family Fellowship in Seaside, Oregon. A re- ception will follow at the church. Graveside services will be private, at Ocean V iew Cemetery. Memorial contributions can be made to the Daniel Kennell Memorial Music Scholarship Fund. Dona- tions may be sent to the TLC Credit Union, 85 W. Marine Drive, Astoria, OR 97103. An online guest book may be signed at www. R OBER T C AIN LD , 45 Y ea rs o f E xp erien ce TW O L OCATION S S EAS IDE & HIL L S BORO 740 Ave H • S te 2 • S ea s id e 232 N E L in co ln • S te B • Hills b o ro FR EE C ON S ULTATION Always serving Fish & Chips and Clam Chowder S e a fo o d R e s ta ura n t M a rke t • S m o ke h o us e 2n d + S pruce , C a n n o n Be a ch • 5 03.436.9130 “W e’ve b een com m ercia l fis hing the P a cific Coa s t s ince 197 7 !” m u s ic firs t • Den tu res fo r a ll a ges , New , Pa rtia ls a n d Cu s to m Den tu res • Den tu res fo r im p la n ts • Relin es & Rep a irs • Den tu re rep a irs d o n e s a m e d a y! • Pers o n a l s ervice a n d a tten tio n to d eta il Open W ed n es d a y a n d Frid a y • 9 -4:30 • 503-738 -7710