4A • December 11, 2015 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com SignalViewpoints *UDQWIXQGLQJKHOSVµSDQLFNHGSHGHVWULDQ¶ CANNON SHOTS R.J. MARX V isitors to Seaside will now have an added path to safety with the addi- tion of “you are here” VLJQV 7KH VLWHVSHFL¿F WVXQDPL HYDFXDWLRQPDSVDUHRULHQWHGZLWK arrows to indicate the way to high ground, rather than providing a north-south orientation. “One of the things that keep PH DZDNH DW QLJKW DV WKH FRXQW\ HPHUJHQF\ PDQDJHU DUH WKH YLVL WRUV´ &ODWVRS &RXQW\¶V (PHUJHQ cy Manager Tiffany Brown said in 1RYHPEHU ,QSUHSDULQJWKHPDSVVKHVDLG ³,MXVWNHSWP\DXGLHQFHLQPLQG the panicked pedestrian. And it just PDGH VHQVH WR PH \RX ZRXOGQ¶W R.J. MARX PHOTO/SEASIDE SIGNAL KDYHWRVSHQGWLPHRULHQWLQJ\RXU self, so for that reason, all of the Planning Director Kevin Cupples discusses plans to provide emergency evacuation information in Seaside. signs are oriented to the viewer.” The path to high ground is dif- DQGRWKHUPDWHULDOV7KLV\HDUWKH /DNH DQG$VWRULD 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW ferent at each sign location. county received a $10,360 grant %URZQVDLGWKHVLJQVDWDERXW Stakeholders meet solely for the signs. HDFKKDYHEHHQRUGHUHGEXWDUH\HW The idea for the new signs was 'DQLHO 6WRHOE *HRJUDSKLF ,Q WREHLQVWDOOHG IRUPXODWHG DW D HPHUJHQF\ PDQ IRUPDWLRQ 6\VWHPV FRRUGLQDWRU DJHPHQWPHHWLQJODVW\HDUDW&DPS ZLWK WKH 2UHJRQ 2I¿FH RI (PHU Signs in Seaside Fifteen signs are now in Sea- 5LOHDZKLFKEURXJKW&ODWVRS&RXQ JHQF\0DQDJHPHQWLVWKH³XQVXQJ side. “Out of the 86 signs in the W\¶V(PHUJHQF\0DQDJHPHQWWHDP hero” of this project, Brown said. WKH 2UHJRQ 2I¿FH RI (PHUJHQF\ ³:KHQ,GLVFRYHUHGWKDW'2* county, we got a pretty good-size 0DQDJHPHQW KRPHRZQHUV¶ DVVR AMI no longer produced the signs FKXQNRIWKHP´&XSSOHVVDLG³:H FLDWLRQVDQGFLW\RI¿FLDOVWRJHWKHU DQG WKDW QR WHPSODWH H[LVWHG KH WULHGWRIRFXVRQKLJKWUDI¿FDUHDV Seaside’s planning director took it on,” she said. “It took us in town that would give people an .HYLQ &XSSOHV ZDV DPRQJ WKH D FRXSOH PRQWKV MXVW WR LURQ RXW idea of knowing where they’re at.” JURXSDQGDJUHHGWREULQJWKHQHZ WKHSURFHVVEXWRQFHGRQHWKLQJV Two signs are placed at the signs to Seaside. north end of town along 12th Av- ZHQWSUHWW\VPRRWKO\´ ³:KDWFDPHXSLVSHRSOHGRQ¶W 6WRHOE FUHDWHG D QHZ VLJQ WHP HQXH RQH DW *RRGPDQ 3DUN DQG really have an idea of where high SODWHWRPDWFKWKHVLJQVLQVWDOOHGWKH RQHDWWKHEHDFKDFFHVV%URDGZD\ ground is,” Cupples said at a re- previous year, and drafted signs for corridor signs are at the north and FHQWPHHWLQJRIWKH6HDVLGH'RZQ the cities of Seaside, Cannon Beach, VRXWKHQGVRIWKH3URPWKHGRZQ WRZQ 'HYHORSPHQW $VVRFLDWLRQ *HDUKDUW:DUUHQWRQ$VWRULD&DPS town parking lot, Quatat Park and “In Seaside, if they’re a visitor, it’s 5LOHDWKH86&RDVW*XDUGVWDWLRQ the Convention Center. GLI¿FXOWWRH[SODLQZKHUH\RXQHHG DQG6HDVLGH6FKRRO'LVWULFW Others are located at Broadway to go other than to point up to the $OHMDQGUR%DQFNH*,6FRRUGL Park, City Hall, the Visitor’s Bu- upper hills.” nator with Clatsop County, recent- UHDXWKHSRRODQGWKHOLEUDU\5H A $9,000 grant in 2014 paid for O\ FRPSOHWHG WKH UHPDLQLQJ VLJQ PDLQLQJVLJQVDUHDWWKH&RPPX WKH¿UVWWZR³\RXDUHKHUH´VLJQV drafts for State Parks, Surf Pines, nity Center, the Avenue U access DORQJ ZLWK WHQWV PDSV FDUG NH\V &DPS 5LOHD $UFK &DSH &XOODE\ and at Cartwright Park. Tsunami evacua- tion map, oriented to pedestrians for a City Hall approach. SUBMITTED PHOTO/ SEASIDE SIGNAL Signs are designed to lead evacuees over the First Avenue EULGJHUDWKHUWKDQWKH$YHQXH$RU %URDGZD\EULGJHZKLFKDUHOLNH ly to collapse in a quake. 0DNLQJWKHVLJQVDFFHVVLEOHLV essential to their success, Cupples said. “If you’re waiting till the earth VWRSV VKDNLQJ WR ¿QG RXW ZKHUH \RXU HYDFXDWLRQ PDS LV \RX¶YH kind of waited too long,” he said. “If people aren’t thinking cata- strophically they’ll think, ‘I’ll MXVWJRRQP\SKRQH¶