December 11, 2015 • Seaside Signal • • 3A Q: What is about working with Stacey Brown people that you like? Get to know Stacey Brown, the former executive director of United Way of Clatsop County, who joined the Seaside Police Department as its communications manager Oct. 12. Brown, of Warrenton, was offi cially sworn-in during a Seaside City Council meeting Nov. 23. By Katherine Lacaze A: 0DNLQJVXUHWKDWWKHFHQ Seaside Signal ter operates smoothly. KATHERINE LACAZE/SEASIDE SIGNAL Q: How many dispatchers are Q: How long did you work at there? United Way and what did you do before that? Astoria, so if stuff goes on there, KHOHWVPHNQRZDQGWKDWNLQGRI thing. going to do on the job. 5 Minutes with… A: 6HYHQ:HKDYHDXQLTXHVLW XDWLRQ6HYHQLVDORWIRUDVPDOO A: About a year and a half. And be- community, but my team also fore that, I was the membership and HR director for the Astoria-War- renton Chamber of Commerce. does the records, property and HYLGHQFH PDQDJHPHQW DQG DOVR KDVDOOWKHFXVWRPHUVHUYLFHSDUWV to it, too — handling incoming Q: What brought you from United calls, people coming to the win- GRZ7KDW¶V ZK\ ZH KDYH VHYHQ Way of Clatsop County to the There are other aspects to their Seaside Police Department? MREVRWKHUWKDQKDQGOLQJ:H A: $EHWWHUMRE¿WRYHUDOO,ORYH KDYHDKRXUSHUZHHNHPSOR\ the law, so that was a big draw ee on the records. LQ DSSO\LQJ 2YHUDOO , WKLQN MXVW ZRUNLQJZLWKSHRSOHDQGQRWEH Q: Have you worked for a police ing in a basement were appealing department or in the legal fi eld WR PH 'H¿QLWHO\ D JUHDW WHDP KHUH,WKULYHZD\EHWWHULQDWHDP before? HQYLURQPHQW,PHDQ,ZRUNJUHDW A: 1R,WRRNDORWRIODZFODVV RQP\RZQ²DQG,GLGKDYHP\ HVLQFROOHJHEHFDXVH,MXVWORYHG ERDUGDQGVRPHYROXQWHHUV²EXW LW2IFRXUVH,WRRNEXVLQHVVODZ on a constant basis, it was just me. because my degree is in human re- sources. So I can manage people Q: How has everything been going DQGHYHU\WKLQJ²WKDWZDVZK\, ZDVKLUHGEHVLGHVP\+5NQRZO since you started? edge. The law has always inter- A: $ZHVRPH , ORYH LW /RWV RI HVWHG PH VR , ORYH EHLQJ KHUH , learning to do and getting certi- ORYH JHWWLQJ WR OHDUQ DOO WKH VWXII ¿HGLQDOOWKHSURJUDPVVR,KDYH I’m learning and helping people access to do the job. LVWKHELJJHVWWKLQJ,WKULYHRQDQG ORYHWRGR7KDW¶VZKDWGUHZPH WR 8QLWHG :D\ LQ WKH ¿UVW SODFH Q: What are your primary responsiblities as communications EXWKHUH\RXNLQGRIJHWWKHEHVW of both worlds. You get to help manager? people on a daily basis, through Stacey Brown was sworn in as the new communications manager for the Seaside Police Department during a Seaside City Council meet- ing Nov. 23. Brown, the former executive director for United Way of Clatsop County, started working at the department in mid-October. A: ,MXVWORYHWKHIDFWWKDW\RXFDQ draw from each other and come up with excellent ideas for how WR PDNH FKDQJHV RU EHVW SUDFWLF HV ,Q HYHU\ DVSHFW ZKHQ \RX¶UH EUDLQVWRUPLQJKDYLQJDJURXSWR WDONWRPDNHVLWHDVLHUWRDUULYHDW a solution. And I’m a people per- VRQ , WKULYH LQ D JURXS HQYLURQ ment, where I can bounce ideas off people and they can bounce ideas off me and we can come up with some great stuff. Q: How important is it for you and the dispatchers to know specifi c the phones and at the counter, and laws? Q: How long have you lived in this area? A: All my life. I was born in As- toria. Q: What do you like about the area? A: ,WVREYLRXVEHDXW\DQGWKHIDFW that my family is here and my IULHQGV ,¶YH WULHG WR PRYH DZD\ a couple times, and I wasn’t gone YHU\ORQJ7KDWZDVLQP\\RXQJ er, before-children days. And you MXVWFRPHEDFNEHFDXVHLWLVVXFK D JUHDW SODFH WR OLYH DQG UDLVH \RXUNLGV$QG,¶YHUHDOO\JURZQ WR ORYH WKH 6HDVLGH FRPPXQLW\ When I was with United Way, I would come down for Seaside Chamber of Commerce meetings DQG6HDVLGH'RZQWRZQ'HYHORS ment Association meetings, and I MXVW UHDOO\ JRW WR NQRZ WKH FRP PXQLW\ DQG ORYH LW ZKLFK LV DQ other draw for the job. The people here are pretty great. A: , KDYH VRPH SUHWW\ VDYY\ VWDII EXW ZKDW OHYHO WKH\ KDYH WR NQRZ ,¶P QRW VXUH , KDYHQ¶W TXLWH OHDUQHG WKDW DVSHFW \HW , WKLQN PRVW RI WKHLU NQRZOHGJH LV dealing with the emergency as- SHFWRILW)RUPRVWRIWKHVSHFL¿F law stuff that comes through, we JLYH LW WR WKH SROLFH GHSDUWPHQW We deal with little things; peo- SOH ZLOO FDOO DOO WKH WLPH DVNLQJ “Is the burn ban up?” or. “Why GR,KDYHKDYHWRKDYHPXGÀDSV RQ P\ YHKLFOH"´ 6R \RX KDYH WR Q: In this line of work, how much Q: Do you anticipate staying at do you learn from formal education NQRZWKRVHOLWWOHODZVRUKDYHWKH this job for a while? resources to get that information versus on-the-job experience? if needed. A: ,¶YHOHDUQHGDORWPRUHLQWKH A: Yeah. I’ll retire from here. ,¶YH QHYHU EHHQ VR VXUH EHIRUH real world than I did in college, Q: As the communications In fact, on Veterans Day, I had although college is a great foun- manager, do you interact with WKH GD\ RII$QG , ZRNH XS DQG GDWLRQ &ROOHJH JLYHV \RX WKH I went, “Oh, I don’t get to go to “here’s what’s going to happen,” other law enforcement agencies? DQGUHDOOLIHJLYHV\RXDOOWKHOLW A: It really depends. A lot of the ZRUN WRGD\´$QG WKDW¶V WKH ¿UVW tle details that go along with what times, yes. But if it’s something WLPH,¶YHHYHUGRQHWKDWLQDOOP\ happens, and all the little nuances. directly with police business, then OLIH ZKHUH , ZRNH XS DQG , ZDV You’re always learning in human it’s the chief or the lieutenant. But sad because I couldn’t come to resources. The Family and Medi- in the line of the communications, ZRUN $QG LW¶V MXVW NLQG RI OLNH FDO/HDYH$FWDORQH\RXFDQOHDUQ WKDQ \HV , ZRUN LQ WDQGHP ZLWK “Yes, this is where I’m going to for days. College is a great foun- -HII 5XVLHFNL LQ $VWRULD IRU LQ EH´,ORYHFRPLQJWRZRUNHYHU\ dation to all the learning you’re VWDQFH+H¶VWKHPDQDJHUIRU day now. I’m in the law enforcement busi- QHVVDQG,KDYHDJUHDWWHDP$QG , ZDQW WR VD\ WRR &KLHI 'DYH Ham is amazing. I really admire KLVPDQDJHPHQWVW\OH+HNQRZV ZKDWKH¶VGRLQJDQGKHFDQPDNH SHRSOHIHHOJRRG,MXVWORYHWKDW HYHU\ERG\ORYHVKLPDQGUHVSHFWV KLP EHFDXVH KH NQRZV KRZ WR ZRUNZLWKSHRSOH$QGKH¶VSUHW ty new to his job, too. He’s only been here about a year. SEASIDE POLICE LOG Nov. 23 5:10 a.m., Broadway and Wah- anna Road: Offi cer responded to report of suspicious activity. Upon contact, offi cer inquired a group of subjects but could not determine their involve- ment. 4:59 p.m., 500 block of South Prom: Citizen called for assis- tance in locating a family mem- ber who had taken her son for a walk and was an hour overdue. Offi cer advised, then citizen called back to say her son had been returned to her, no offi cer needed. 6:01 p.m., 2200 block of North Wahanna Road: 911 caller reported vehicle off side of the road almost into a ditch. Offi cer responded and checked the area, but vehicle was no longer there. Nov. 24 1:49 p.m., 500 block of South Downing Street: Anonymous person reports a woman scream- ing until hoarse. Offi cer made contact. Woman is contacting family and counselors for follow up. 6:06 p.m., Avenue G and Holladay Drive: Caller reporting person under the infl uence of drugs standing in middle of street. Offi cer searched the area to no avail. 8:26 p.m., Columbia Street and Broadway: 911 caller reported verbal disturbance. Offi cers responded and made contact. Verbal argument between father and son. Nov. 26 Nov. 28 2:23 p.m., 400 block of Avenue A: Anonymous report of an in- toxicated male urinating behind the building. Offi cer responded to the area, unable to locate. 2:08 p.m., U.S. Highway 101 and Seaside High School: 911 caller reporting a vehicle driving errat- ically. Offi cers responded and stopped the vehicle and advised drivers of the complaints. 9:09 p.m., 400 block of South Franklin Drive: Caller request- ing offi cers to have subject leave her property. She specif- ically stated she did not wish contact from offi cers. Offi cer were unable to locate subject, gone upon arrival. Nov. 27 1:33 p.m., 700 block of Avenue B: 911 caller reported subjects trying to break in her door. Offi cer checked the area and no damage was done to the door. Subjects are trespassed from the residence. 6:49 p.m., North Columbia Street: Caller reported theft of services. Offi cer responded and advised. 6:25 p.m., 1100 block of Fifth Avenue: Offi cer assisted subjects exchange information after they were involved in a minor motor vehicle accident. 4:28 p.m., 300 block of South Roosevelt Drive: Offi cer respond- ed at the request of staff to tres- pass subject from store. Offi cer located and advised subject of trespass. 10:17 p.m., 300 block of South Roosevelt Drive: Offi cers re- sponded to report of suspicious person. Upon offi cer arrival, subject was trying to wrangle some stray kittens. 8:52 a.m., 300 block of South Wahanna Road: Caller reported a hit-and-run to his parked vehicle overnight. Offi cer responded. 7:35 p.m., 2700 block of U.S. Highway 101: Private party had D EL ’S O .K . is changing its name to Same great service YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR TIRES CUSTOM WHEELS • AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Hours: Mon-Fri 8-6 Sat- 8-4 503-325-2861 35359 Business Hwy 101 For emergencies 503-325-0233 Astoria, OR (miles crossing) EVEN T S torew ide S ale and Clearance h ea dqua rters Smarter. Cooler. Better. ® Lu xu ry M o tio n Ba ses $ 599 S tarting at 98% Satisfied Would 97% recommend to a friend T HE S LEEP Y OU N EED Queen Mattress Dec. 1 4:48 a.m., 2100 block of Lewis and Clark Road: Offi cers responded to the report of disturbance. Upon offi cer arrival, subjects were separated. Peace restored. Verbal in nature only. Nov. 29 AN N U AL “BA C K REL IEF” M A T T R ES S $ 299 Nov. 30 7:20 p.m., Necanicum and First Avenue: 911 caller reports hearing explosions in the area. Offi cer advised it was fi reworks. 6:08 p.m., 1100 block of Avenue B: Offi cer assisted Clatsop Coun- ty Sheriff ’s Offi ce with serving a restraining order. FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Hot Buy 6:03 p.m., 1100 block of Broad- way: Offi cer assisted in informa- tion exchange in a minor motor vehicle accident. 2:29 p.m., Spruce Drive and Wa- hanna Road: Caller reported el- derly male in wheelchair on road hitchhiking and was concerned for his welfare. Offi cer made contact, subject was getting a ride home and was fi ne. D EL ’S O .K . Nov. 25 1:07 p.m., 1300 block of South Roosevelt Drive: Off -duty offi cer called in suspicious circumstanc- es. Two subjects going around the back of the building that was recently broken into. Offi cers made contact. vehicle towed that was blocking their door. Classic Towing removed a white GMC Van, no plates. 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Lease-end purchase option is $16,901.00 • Lease a new 2015 RAV4 LE for $169 a month h for 24 monnth ths s wi with th $2,180 down and $2,999 due at signing plus $1,000 TFS Subvention Cash. Due at signing costts in i clud udee firs rst month’s payment, $650 acquisition fee and $2,180 down payment. Lease includes $1,000 TFS Subvention Cash. Example based on model #4432C. Base Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price $25,080. Monthly payments of $169 total $4,056. Net capitalized cost of $23,284 based on down payment and dealer participation, which may vary by dealer. Lease-end purchase option is $19,238.00 • Lease a New 2015 Prius Liftback (Two) for $199 a month for 24 months with $3,150 down and $3,999 due at signing p lus $2000 TFS Subvention Cash. Due at signing costs include first month’s payment, $650 acquisition fee and $3,150 down payment. Lease includes $2000 TFS Subvention Cash. Example based on model #1223A. Base Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price $24,200. Monthly payments of $199 total $4,776. Net capitalized cost of $21,163 based on down payment and dealer participation, which may vary by dealer. Lease end purchase option is $16,396.00 • Lease a New 2016 Corolla LE 1.8L CVT for $159 a month for 24 months with $1,790 down and $2,599 due at signing plus $1000 TFS Subvention Cash. Due at signing costs include first month’s payment, $650 acquisition fee and $1,790 down payment. Lease includes $1000 TFS subvention cash. Example based on model #1852A. Base Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price $18,665. Monthly payments of $159 total $3,816. Net capitalized cost of $16,868 based on down payment and dealer participation, which may vary by dealer. Lease end purchase option is $14,177.00. • $2000 New 2015 Prius Liftback (Two), $1000 new 2016 Corolla 1.8 L LE CVT, $1000 New 2016 Camry LE (Gas), and $1000 new 2015 RAV4 LE subvention cash from Toyota Motor Sales (TMS) not applicable for cash back offers and must qualify for Subvention Cash though TFS. Payment may vary depending on final transaction price. Offers cannot be combined with any other offers, vary by region and are subject to availability. Other restrictions may apply. Security deposit waived. Closed-end lease. $350 disposition fee due at lease end unless customer purchases vehicle or decides to re-finance through TFS. Customer responsible for maintenance, excess wear and tear and $0.15 per mile over 12,000 miles per year. To qualified Tier I+ customers through TFS. Offers good in WA, OR, ID, and MT. For ID and MT state dealerships, a documentary service fee in an amount up to $350 may be added to vehicle price. For Washington state dealerships, a negotiable documentary service fee in an amount up to $150 may be added to sale price or capitalized cost. For Oregon state dealerships, a negotiable documentary servicce fee in an amount up to $100 may be added to vehicle price. Oregon state dealerships not using an elec- tronic vehicle registration system may only apply fees up to $75 to vehicle price. Does not include taxes, license, title, processing fees, insurance, destination fees and dealer charges. See your local participating Toyota dealer for details. Must take retail delivery from dealer stock by 1/4/16. © 2015 Graham Oleson