Seaside signal. (Seaside, Or.) 1905-current, December 11, 2015, Page 10A, Image 10

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    10A • December 11, 2015 • Seaside Signal •
Heroes from Page 1A
Gearhart Elementary School teacher Jennifer Glasson
(back) works with Principal Juli Wozniak (middle) and fel-
low instructors Mary Foust (right) and Angela Dilley to run
the new Learning Center Support Station for elementary
students with challenging behaviors. The facility is de-
signed to remove obstacles interfering with the students’
learning experience.
Gearhart looks at
‘a better answer’
Gearhart from Page 1A
lot of in-home tutoring as
responses to disruptions.
There were not many op-
tions, Gearhart Elemen-
tary School Principal Juli
Wozniak said. “We just felt
like there had to be a better
Hoping for a more long-
term, mutually bene¿cial
solution, the district created
a classroom with an envi-
ronment where students
could receive more atten-
tion, specialized education,
the opportunity to focus on
behavior and the chance to
try again multiple times.
Preparing the
The Astoria and Warren-
ton-Hammond school dis-
tricts both have specialized
classroom settings, which
Seaside staff visited to get
ideas for their Learning
Center Support Station. The
group then researched differ-
ent aspects of the problem,
including how trauma can
create behavioral and emo-
tional challenges for students
and what sensory stimuli ex-
acerbate negative behaviors.
They also looked into differ-
ent curriculum, classroom
systems and more.
With the start of the
2015-16 school year only
a week away, the district’s
Board of Directors approved
Wozniak’s recommendation
to hire Glasson, a long-
time Gearhart Elementary
School teacher, to lead the
classroom. Glasson, Foust
and Dilley receive support
from a county behavior spe-
cialist, school psychologist
and community volunteers.
Once the school year
started, students were placed
in the classroom as part of
their individualized educa-
tion programs. Now there
are about seven students, in-
cluding a few from Seaside
Heights Elementary School,
who come for at least part of
their school day.
The small class size is
one of the most important
factors in the center’s suc-
cess, Glasson said. In a gen-
eral education classroom,
with a teacher trying to in-
struct dozens of students,
disruptive behavior can de-
rail the learning experience
for all students. Staff mem-
bers have little time and few
resources to give a challeng-
ing student the attention and
care needed. Instead, the
student has to be removed
from the classroom and
sometimes sent home.
From the student’s per-
spective, in a regular aca-
demic class, there are 31
“unpredictable kids besides
you, and it’s hard to navi-
gate that all day long social-
ly,” Glasson said. Students
with these disabilities expe-
rience triggers emotionally
¿rst, and then their ability
to communicate verbally is
The support station, with
its smaller class size and
dent ratio, creates an ideal
environment for teachers
to stop a behavior, wait
for the student to regain
control, reteach a skill and
then move on with the day
as if nothing happened —
or the “Groundhog Day”
approach, where negative
reactions and outbursts are
quickly forgotten.
“Every day, and even
within the same day, we’re
moving forward,” Glasson
Wozniak agreed.
“We’ve been able to
create an environment that
de-escalates those behaviors
and makes it safe for stu-
dents to learn,” she said.
The teachers focus on a
variety of positive reinforce-
ments, from compliments to
small rewards. “We don’t
want to give them little car-
rots all the time, because
that’s not realistic in soci-
ety,” Glasson said, but “a
little prize goes a long way.”
Additionally, in the spe-
cialized classroom setting,
time is dedicated to equip-
ping students with tools for
social competency, such as
patience, gratitude, emotion
management, social skills,
cooperation, losing gra-
ciously and understanding
expected behaviors.
“Kids will do well if
they can, and if they have
the skills,” Wozniak said.
“We’re trying to teach them
the skills.”
Each student’s sched-
ule is customized to his or
her needs, and the learning
methods vary. The teachers
use visual cues and clear,
concise language. Some-
times the kids get to have
yoga and puppet therapy
sessions. Students might
be given their own work-
stations if they need space
from other students. One
room has walls that students
can draw on and beanbag
chairs to tackle when they
are frustrated and need to
exert energy.
The classroom is in a
constant state of Àux. Some
students attend for certain
periods of the day, but go
to their general classroom
for academic or extracur-
ricular segments where they
can succeed; some students
spend their entire day at the
support station. The goal is
for the classroom to be “a
station, not a destination,”
Glasson said.
“For some kids, this is
a destination, but they’ve
been at school and partic-
ipated more than they’ve
been able to before,” Glas-
son said. “That’s what pub-
lic education is about: being
able to educate every person
2,400 Americans, wound-
ed nearly 1,200 more and
launched the United States
into World War II.
The second quote, often
attributed to Japanese Mar-
shal Admiral Isoroku Ya-
mamoto, claims the attack
served “to awaken a sleep-
ing giant and ¿ll him with a
terrible resolve.” The attack,
Gibson said, did in fact stun
the United States, not least
because of the enormous
loss of life and military
“When they attacked us,
we were that sleeping giant,
and we did awaken,” he said.
On Dec. 8, 1941, America
declared war on Japan; three
days after that, Germany de-
clared war on America. The
country became embroiled
in a two-front war. What fol-
lowed were several years of
gruesome combat, the deto-
nation of atomic weapons on
two Japanese cities and the
death of many more Ameri-
cans, not to mention millions
of people across the world.
Through it all, U.S. military
men and women showed re-
solve. To Gibson, Pearl Har-
bor Remembrance Day is “a
shout out to all those heroes.”
“For those lost, we can’t
replace them,” Gibson said.
“But for those survivors,
you epitomize the strength
and resolve of this great
Also during the ceremo-
ny, Clatsop County Veter-
ans Services Of¿cer Luke
Thomas, the master of cere-
monies, read a proclamation
on behalf of the city of Sea-
side, declaring Dec. 7 Pearl
Harbor Remembrance Day.
Spurgeon Keeth Sr., a Pearl Harbor survivor, listens to guest
speaker retired U.S. Navy Capt. Steve Gibson, during the
Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance ceremony.
“Those heroes hold a
cherished place in our his-
tory through their courage,
sacri¿ce and selÀess dedica-
tion,” the proclamation stat-
ed. “They saved our country
and preserved freedom.”
Ali Vander Zanden read
a letter from U.S. Rep. Su-
zanne Bonamici, who could
not be present. In the letter,
Bonamici said the country
owes “profound gratitude” to
service members, like Thom-
as and Keeth, “who survived
the Pearl Harbor attack and
served with bravery and dis-
tinction to demonstrate the
United States’ commitment
to freedom here and abroad.”
“The veterans I’ve met
tell me how their service al-
tered their perspectives on
life and marked their char-
acter,” Bonamici wrote. “I
am humbled and inspired by
their stories.”
Event ‘brings us
all together’
Undeterred by the driz-
zling rain, the crowd then
moved outside the conven-
tion center to watch as local
Boy Scout Troop No. 642
lowered the Àag to half-
staff. A color guard from the
Camp Rilea Armed Forces
Training Center posted col-
ors to the bridge that spans
the Necanicum River, where
Thomas lay a ceremonial
wreath as the U.S. Coast
Guard Àew overhead. Near-
by, Gibson played “Taps.”
Seaside resident Trish
Vowels, who attended the
ceremony, said patriotism
runs deep in her family.
Several of her relatives are
veterans, including her fa-
ther, who served in World
War II. Pearl Harbor Re-
membrance Day, she said,
is an event that “brings
us all together for a really
great cause and helps us re-
member who we are.”
Her great niece, Kayla,
sang “The Star-Spangled
Banner” and “God Bless
America” at the ceremony.
The 14-year-old also per-
formed at last year’s cer-
emony, and she said she
loves it.
“It feels nice to honor
those who fought for our
country,” she said. “Tons of
people died for our country,
and I think it’s important to
remember who did.”
Additionally, she said,
participating in this type of
event helps people, herself
included, learn about the
history being commemorat-
“It makes me more edu-
cated on what America went
through,” she said.
Nolan Milliren, a mem-
ber of troop No. 642 and
a high school junior, said
participating in the cere-
mony the past three years
and meeting veterans, like
Thomas, heavily inÀu-
enced his viewpoint on
“the importance of remem-
bering” those who served
the country.
“It’s an amazing expe-
rience you can’t have any-
where else,” he said.
Stan Gandy, scoutmaster
for troop No. 642, said the
troop normally could not
attend the ceremony, but the
Seaside School District had
an in-service day Monday,
which allowed most of his
Scouts to participate.
Some said they wished
more people would attend
the event. Vowels and Mil-
liren said it would be a great
¿eld trip for local history
teachers to provide for their
students. Milliren said he
hopes to ¿ll the big auditori-
um at the convention center.
“That’s the recognition
this day should get,” he said.
“That’s how high it should
be held.”
Though history may
fade, he added, “thing like
this shouldn’t.”
Fire: Nearby homes also damaged
Fire from Page 1A
A few passersby paused
beside the barricade tape to
view and photograph the
7he house ¿re was report-
ed to Seaside dispatch early
Sunday morning at approxi-
mately 2:33 a.m. Fire emer-
gency personnel were dis-
patched to the 100 and 200
blocks of 11th Avenue and
on scene within a few min-
utes. %y 2: a.m. the ¿re
had reached two-alarm sta-
tus and at 3:0 a.m. the ¿re
expanded to a three-alarm
%y :3 a.m. the ¿re was
The addresses of the hous-
es that were destroyed were
located at 121, 125, and 131
Eleventh Avenue. The house
with extensive damage was
located at 221 11th Avenue.
Fire departments and
emergency personnel from
Seaside, Cannon Beach,
Gearhart, Astoria and Ham-
let responded to the alarm
Sunday morning at 2:33 a.m.
Ultimately more than 50
¿re¿ghters responded to the
fast-moving ¿re.
A fire last Sunday destroyed three homes and burned another.
Three other homes nearby
homes had minor damage,
including broken windows,
bubbled paint and smoke
damage, Dugan said.
A Winnebago home and a
passenger car were deemed
a total loss, Dugan said.
Two vehicles on 11th
Avenue suffered minor
Family recalls good
memories in house
Achieving the best
Families from Page 1A
Her students are kind,
supportive, funny, helpful,
smart and creative, “just like
any other kids,” Glasson
said. “But their behaviors
will sometimes get in the
way of other people per-
ceiving that.”
Once students have
mastered certain skills in
the small, controlled envi-
ronment of the support sta-
tion, they start moving into
general education settings
where they can succeed,
Wozniak said. Then “Their
peers see them in a place
where they can shine,”
Glasson said.
Students still are includ-
ed in school activities, like
fundraising competitions.
The entire staff is involved
and working toward their
success, “s So they’re con-
nected to the rest of the
school,” Wozniak said.
“Which I think has a huge
impact,” Glasson added.
neighbors,” Shirley Yates said. “It was an old house,
but it was so homey, it was so inviting.”
The LaDeRoutes arrived in Seaside after word of
the ¿re from their home in Hillsboro. “I just spent
$25,000 upgrading the property,” Chuck LaDeRoute
said as he surveyed the still-smoldering ¿re.
The LaDeRoutes purchased the house in 1982.
“We just put $25K into it last year,” Chuck LaDeR-
oute said. “New air-conditioning, new ¿replace, new
carpet. Well, looks like the ¿replace is still working.
“We almost came down this weekend,” he added.
“I’m glad we didn’t.”
“God gave us a house and we’ve enjoyed it for
many, many years,” Carole LaDeRoute said. “We
have lots of happy memories. We had Thanksgiving
in that house a year ago.”
Homeowner Sandi and Mike Sheets and her
husband own the home on Eleventh Avenue that
sustained major damage. “I’m the house that’s still
standing,” she said Tuesday.
Sheets said she and her husband have been on a
“¿fth wheel” adventure traveling the country. “We’re
on a four-month, ‘Let’s see what the United States
looks like.”
“Obviously, when I look at our neighbors, I feel
very blessed,” Sheets said, her voice choked with
tears. “They’re such wonderful people I can hardly
talk about it. We’d like to extend our sympathies.”
damage, including melted
tires and bumper.
Those vehicles are con-
sidered “very drivable after
repairs,” Dugan added.
The ¿re cause remains
undetermined at this time,
but it was most likely elec-
trical in nature, ¿re of¿cials
said. The blaze started at the
occupied house at 125 11th
Avenue and quickly spread
to neighboring houses.
2ne ¿re¿ghter was treat-
ed for a knee injury suf-
fered during the response.
“I talked to him last
night, and he seems to be
doing well,” Dugan said
Monday. “They stabilized
him, he went home from
the hospital, and he’s going
to see a specialist today.
No other injuries — ex-
cept other than a few sore
The American Red
Cross Cascades Region
provided immediate emer-
gency assistance for tem-
porary lodging, assistance
to meet immediate basic
needs for 14 adults and
two children affected by
the ¿re. All homeowners
and property owners have
been noti¿ed, Dugan said.
“I don’t think we missed
anybody. Insurance compa-
nies have been noti¿ed and
they’ll go through the pro-
cess of documentation. We
get the ¿rst look, and then
we hand it over to them.”
W e w a n t to th a n k a ll o f th e
w h o w o r k ed so h a r d — a n d a t
th eir o w n per so n a l r isk — to
sa ve o ur h o m e o n 11th A ven ue
in Sea side. K n o w in g th a t ea c h
o f yo u fr o m Sea side, G ea r h a r t,
C a n n o n B ea c h , A sto r ia a n d
H a m let vo lun teer yo ur tim e to
h elp yo ur n eigh b o r s sh o w s h o w
spec ia l ea c h o n e o f yo u a r e. O ur
gr a titude is im m ea sur a b le.
- M ike a nd Sa nd i Sheets