SEASIDESIGNAL.COM • COMPLIMENTARY COPY OUR 109th YEAR • December 11, 2015 AFTERMATH Blaze in Seaside destroys three homes, damages another Seaside may reduce growth projection time frame Members favor focusing on multiple sites to ‘disperse’ impact of urbanization By Katherine Lacaze Seaside Signal %\ VWDWH ODZ 6HDVLGH¶V XUEDQ ERXQG DULHVDUHUHTXLUHGWRH[SDQGWRDFFRPPR GDWH D JURZLQJ SRSXODWLRQ %XW ZKDW ZLOO growth look like in 20 years? Rather than SURMHFWLQJWZRGHFDGHVDKHDGWKH3ODQQLQJ Commission is considering a more con- VHUYDWLYH DSSURDFK WR LWV SURSRVHG 8UEDQ *URZWK%RXQGDU\H[SDQVLRQE\ORRNLQJDW D\HDUSURMHFWLRQLQUHJDUGVWRWKHFLW\¶V future land needs. 7KLV DSSURDFK ZRXOG DOORZ WKH FLW\¶V SRWHQWLDOH[SDQVLRQWRKDYHOHVVRIDQLP SDFW RQ WKH 6RXWK :DKDQQD 5RDG DUHD ZKRVHUHVLGHQWVFRPSULVHDPDMRULW\RIWKH RSSRVLWLRQWRWKHSURMHFW )RU D \HDU ODQGQHHGV DQDO\VLV WKH FLW\ QHHGV WR DSSO\ IRU DQ H[SDQVLRQ WR EULQJDQDGGLWLRQDODFUHVLQWRWKH8U EDQ *URZWK %RXQGDU\ H[SDQVLRQ FRQVXO WDQW 'RQ +DQVRQ RI 2WDN WROG WKH FRP PLVVLRQ GXULQJ LWV 'HF PHHWLQJ 7R See Growth, Page 6A ‘Make tomorrow EHWWHUWKDQWRGD\¶ Gearhart support classroom helps students succeed in new ways By Katherine Lacaze Homeowner Chuck LaDeRoute, in black cap, right, with fi refi ghters and neighbors. R.J. MARX PHOTO/SEASIDE SIGNAL Stories by R.J. Marx Seaside Signal T KH¿UHWKDWGHVWUR\HGWKUHHKRPHVRQWK$YHQXHLQ6HDVLGHLVWKRXJKWWREHFDXVHGE\DQ HOHFWULFDOPDOIXQFWLRQ6HDVLGH¿UHRI¿FLDOVVDLGWKLVZHHN,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHWKUHHKRPHV a fourth was badly damaged. Total losses are estimated at $2 million to $3 million. ³,W¶V VXFK D ODUJH ¿UH WKHUH ZLOO EH D lot of work as far as doing the investigation,” Seaside Division Chief Chris Dugan said Monday, Dec. 7. ,QWKHDIWHUPDWKRIWKH¿UHSURSHUWLHVDQGDSRUWLRQRI WKHVWUHHWZHUHEORFNHGRIIIURPSHGHVWULDQDQGYHKLFOH WUDI¿F7KH&ODWVRS&RXQW\)LUH,QYHVWLJDWLRQ7HDPZDV RQVLWH DORQJ ZLWK SHUVRQQHO IURP %(/)25 3URSHUW\ 5HVWRUDWLRQDQGWKH6HDVLGH3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW See Fire, Page 10A Families devastated by the fast-moving blaze Early Sunday morning, be- hind a cordoned off area, neigh- bor David Doney said he was awakened by smoke and sirens. “We came down here when we saw this, about 4:30 this morn- ing,” Doney said. “There was DELJJDV¿UHJRLQJRQ,WKLQN WKH\KDGHYHU\¿UHWUXFNLQWKH county.” Seaside residents Carl and Shirley Yates arrived at the scene overnight. Their relatives, Chuck and Carole LaDeRoute, own one of the homes de- stroyed. “We had Fourth of July bar- becues in the back with all the See Families, Page 10A DAVID DONEY/FOR THE SEASIDE SIGNAL Firefi ghters respond to a blaze in Seaside that destroyed three homes. Seaside Signal Seaside School District teacher Jennifer Glasson and her team believe students can be VXFFHVVIXODQGLWLVWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RIHG ucators to remove obstacles to achievement. 7KDW SKLORVRSK\ JXLGHV WKH /HDUQLQJ &HQWHU6XSSRUW6WDWLRQVWDUWHGWKLV\HDULQ DSRUWDEOHFODVVURRPDW*HDUKDUW(OHPHQWD U\6FKRROWRSURYLGHDQDOWHUQDWLYHOHDUQLQJ HQYLURQPHQWIRUNLQGHUJDUWHQWKURXJK¿IWK grade students with challenging behaviors. Everyday, Glasson and fellow teachers 0DU\)RXVWDQG$QJHOD'LOOH\FROODERUDWH with each other and the students in the VXSSRUWVWDWLRQDVSHFLDOO\GHVLJQHGFODVV room, to discover “what is getting in the ZD\´ RI D VWXGHQW¶V VXFFHVV DQG WKHQ ¿QG “ways to make tomorrow better than today was,” Glasson said. 3ULPDULO\WKHWHDPLVIRFXVHGRQEXLOG LQJUHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKWKHVWXGHQWVDQGEH LQJ WKH UHOHQWOHVV FKDPSLRQV WKH\ QHHG WR change bad behaviors, she said. ³,W¶V D VRFLDO FRPSHWHQFLHV FODVVURRP EHFDXVH WKDW¶V ZKDW WKH EHKDYLRUV DUH LP SHGLQJ´*ODVVRQVDLG³2XUXOWLPDWHJRDO is to give them tools to overcome the ob- VWDFOHVSUHYHQWLQJWKHPIURPEHLQJLQWKH general education room.” ,QWKHSDVWHOHPHQWDU\VWXGHQWVZLWKEH havioral or emotional challenges who were RQLQGLYLGXDOL]HGHGXFDWLRQSURJUDPVZHUH EHLQJVXVSHQGHGUHJXODUO\KDYLQJWKHLUGD\V DW SXEOLF VFKRRO VKRUWHQHG RU UHFHLYLQJ D PAID PERMIT NO. 97 ASTORIA, OR PRSRT STD US POSTAGE See Gearhart, Page 10A µ$6+28728772 $//7+26(+(52(6¶ Seaside honors ‘day which will live in infamy’ WK,QIDQWU\VWDWLRQHGDW6FKR¿HOG %DUUDFNVRQ2DKX “You are my heroes,” said guest $GD\WKDWZLOO³OLYHLQLQIDP\´ VSHDNHU 6WHYH *LEVRQ D UHWLUHG $QHYHQWWKDWVHUYHGWR³DZDNHQD 861DY\FDSWDLQ VOHHSLQJJLDQW´7KHVHWKLQJVZHUH solemnly remembered and trib- Strength and resolve ,QKLVVSHHFK*LEVRQIRFXVHGRQ XWH ZDV SDLG WR WKRVH ZKR VHUYHG GXULQJ:RUOG:DU ,, DW WKH DQQXDO WZRPHPRUDEOHTXRWHVLQVSLUHGE\ 3HDUO+DUERU'D\RI5HPHPEUDQFH WKH-DSDQHVHDWWDFNRQ3HDUO+DUERU PRUH WKDQ \HDUV DJR 7KH ¿UVW in Seaside. Residents gathered at the Sea- ZDV GHOLYHUHG E\ WKHQ SUHVLGHQW side Civic and Convention Center Franklin D. Roosevelt, who, when Monday morning for a ceremony asking Congress for a declaration of highlighted by the attendance of ZDUDJDLQVW-DSDQGHVFULEHG'HF WZR 3HDUO +DUERU VXUYLYRUV %LOO as “a date which will live in infa- Thomas, who served aboard the my.” The attack killed more than 8660HGXVDDQG6SXUJHRQ.HHWK 6U D PHPEHU RI WKH 86$UP\¶V See Heroes, Page 10A By Katherine Lacaze Seaside Signal JOSHUA BESSEX/EO MEDIA GROUP Bill Thomas, a Pearl Harbor survivor aboard the USS Medusa, salutes as Boy Scout Troop 642 lowers the fl ag to half-staff during the Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance ceremony at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center Monday. Thomas, a Seaside resident, was 20 at the time of the attack.