Seaside signal. (Seaside, Or.) 1905-current, October 16, 2015, Image 1

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OUR 109th YEAR • October 16, 2015
City Council, Hood to Coast
re-up for two more years
‘Dialogue’ praised as councilors
approve Hood to Coast renewal
By R.J. Marx
Seaside Signal
Mayor Don Larson receives a check for $18,000 for the city’s parks
and recreation programs from Hood to Coast Chief Executive Offi -
cer Jude Hubber.
7he cit\ oI Seaside and +ood
to &oast reached an agreePent
0onda\ night to continXe their
\ear relationship. Seaside is
the ¿ nal leg oI the 1Pile rela\
which originates in 0oXnt +ood
and draws Xp to 0000 visitors
to Seaside each \ear. 7he coXncil
XnaniPoXsl\ voted to grant +ood
to &oast perPission to Ee held the
weeNend EeIore /aEor Da\ Ior two
Pore \ears.
³:e¶re reall\ reall\ e[cited´
said a visiEl\ relieved +ood to
&oast &hieI 2perating 2I¿ cer
Dan )lo\d aIter the Peeting. ³Sea
side is sXch a Eig part oI this race.
:e¶re pXPped. :e¶re going to Ee
EacN ne[t \ear.´
Change of date sought
7he rapprochePent occXrred
onl\ a Iew weeNs aIter EXsiness
owners presented a petition seeNing
a date change Ior the event.
³AlthoXgh the Seaside &haP
Eer oI &oPPerce and Pan\ oI the
area¶s lodging Iacilities Eene¿ t ¿
nanciall\ Pan\ oI Xs \earroXnd
EXsiness owners Ieel that the overall
iPpact oI hosting this Passive event
See Council, Page 12A
Voters given
option to renew
local tax for
school district
Revenue would go toward
operational expenses at four
local schools
By Katherine Lacaze
Seaside Signal
By Katherine Lacaze
Seaside Signal
Iew visitors got Pore than the\ Eargained Ior earl\ :ednesda\ Porning 2ct. when
the\ tooN a drive along the Eeach in *earhart near the NecanicXP (stXar\ spit.
7he car a +onda &ivic licensed in 9irginia
got stXcN in soIt sand near the shoreline slight
l\ EeIore a.P. when the ¿ rst oI nXPeroXs
calls aEoXt the incident caPe in *earhart 3o
lice &hieI -eII %owPan said. 7he area where
the car got stXcN is oII liPits to vehicle access.
Drivers are onl\ perPitted to drive as Iar soXth
as the 3aci¿ c :a\ Eeach entrance.
7he two passengers and driver said the\
were driving soXth on hardpacNed sand in the
rain and darN %owPan said.
³7he\ didn¶t see an\ signs. 7he\ were MXst
driving toward Seaside¶s cit\ liPits´ he said.
:hen %owPan responded the groXp de
clined his oIIer to help as the\ thoXght the\
coXld dig the car oXt thePselves. 7he\ were
not in an\ ph\sical danger %owPan said.
:hen Iriends *aEe *Xettich and DaPien
-ones arrived on the Eeach to do soPe ¿ shing
at aEoXt a.P. the\ saw the car sXEPerged
in water and also oIIered assistance. &lassic
7owing oI Astoria was arriving on the scene
&ars get stXcN in the sand oIten %owPan
said. +e did not cite the driver EecaXse he
agreed ³In this sitXation there was no wa\
the\ coXld see the sign´ especiall\ consider
ing the rain and darNness.
+e encoXrages people who get stXcN in the
sand when the\ reach the estXar\ to ePail 2r
egon State 3arNs and coPplain aEoXt the sig
nage ³EecaXse it is totall\ inadeTXate.´
³II \oX¶re coPing IroP Del 5a\ or SXnset
\oX¶ll never see that sign. (ver´ he said.
7he signs shoXld Ee Pore proPinent and
visiEle at night he said.
Classic Towing arrives
on the scene to help out
some travelers who got a
car stuck in the ocean.
A special election Nov. 3 will
give voters in Seaside School
District 10 the option to renew a
¿ ve\ear local option ta[ to IXnd
operations at the district¶s IoXr
%allots were sent oXt 2ct. 1
and voters have Xntil Nov. 3 to
tXrn theP in.
7he TXestion on the Eallot asNs
iI the district shoXld renew its
0. ta[ per 1000 oI assessed
propert\ valXe Ior ¿ ve \ears Ee
ginning 011.
7he PeasXre renews a cXr
rent local option ta[ in place
since 000 to sXpport the school
district which inclXdes Seaside
See Levy, Page 10A
Rotarians go
to the hop in
Auction raises funds for
Rotary programs, animal
By R.J. Marx
Seaside Signal
7he annXal Seaside 5otar\
AXction was a rocNin¶ good tiPe
SatXrda\ night.
Several hXndred 5otarians and
sXpporters gathered at the Seaside
&ivic and &onvention &enter Ior
the aXction with a special ³)Xnd
aNeed´ appeal to Eene¿ t eIIorts to
spa\ and neXter the coXnt\¶s pets.
³&aring coPPXnities inclXde
oXr IoXrlegged Iriends´ state Sen.
%ets\ -ohnson DScappoose said.
³5otarians are an integral part oI
See Rotary, Page 9A
Flour power comes to
elementary school
Students, King Arthur
Flour partner to donate
bread to Manna House
By Katherine Lacaze
Seaside Signal
%aNing loaves oI Eread tXrned
into a IXn coPPXnit\ serving ac
tivit\ at Seaside +eights (lePen
tar\ School with the help oI .ing
ArthXr )loXr¶s %aNe )or *ood
.ids prograP.
DXring a presentation Sept.
in the school¶s caIeteria instrXctor
Nate Sandel Pi[ed siPple science
and Path lessons with a livel\
EaNing dePonstration that enter
tained a large groXp oI IoXrth and
¿ Ithgraders and prepared theP to
tr\ the activit\ on their own. (ach
stXdent was sent hoPe with a EaN
ing Nit ² containing À oXr \east
and a doXgh scraper ² to EaNe
two loaves oI Eread one to enMo\
with their IaPil\ and another to
Ering EacN the Iollowing weeN to
Ee donated to 0anna +oXse )ood
7hose are the three Pain goals
oI the %aNe )or *ood .ids pro
graP learning EaNing and shar
It starts with learning.
:hile Sandel showed the groXp
how to PaNe doXgh with the help
oI two volXnteers ¿ Ithgraders
Andrew DalE\ and Ale[is 0arti
ne] he e[plained the chePical re
actions that tXrn individXal ingredi
ents sXch as À oXr \east and water
See Baking, Page 10A
Fifth-graders Alexis Martinez and Andrew Dalby volunteered for a bread-
baking demonstration during the Bake For Good Kids special program, spon-
sored by King Arthur Flour, at Seaside Heights Elementary School on Sept. 29.