Seaside signal. (Seaside, Or.) 1905-current, July 24, 2015, Image 9

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    July 24, 2015 • Seaside Signal • • 9A
Campuzanos receive support from Seaside, Cannon
Beach communities
By Katherine Lacaze
Seaside Signal
After a devastating loss,
a Seaside family found an
outpouring of love and sup-
port from their communi-
ties. A Friday, Aug. 7 event
at Seaside High School will
continue to demonstrate that
community support as Zum-
ba instructors from Knappa
to Nehalem will host a Zum-
ba dance party fundraiser to
bene¿t the &ampu]ano fam-
During a January trip to
visit family in Mexico, the
&ampu]anos were stay-
ing overnight in a hotel in
&alifornia when their
&hevrolet 7ahoe and an ac-
companying trailer ¿lled with
personal items were stolen.
Overall, the stolen items were
estimated at ,.
Since then, the communi-
ties in both Seaside and &an-
non Beach have responded
with support and care, said
&ampu]ano, who lives in
Seaside and works at Sleepy
Monk &offee 5oasters and
the /umberyard 5otisserie
*rill in &annon Beach.
“I got a lot of love from
everyone, and it makes my
heart so happy,´ &armen
&ampu]ano said.
A &annon Beach couple,
5ex and Diane Amos, cre-
ated the &ampu]ano Family
Fund, and donations can be
made at any &olumbia Bank
branch on the coast from
Astoria to 7illamook. Now,
the North &oast Zumba Net-
work, comprised of 7he event
will be Aug. 7, from to
p.m. at Seaside High School.
7he event will begin with a
-minute Zumba kids dance
party. A Zumba party for any-
one and older will follow
at 7 p.m.
Zumba is an internation-
al dance-¿tness program
instructor Erin Hofseth de-
scribed in a news release as “a
fun, individuali]ed, effective
form of exercise and self-ex-
Admission to the bene¿t is
a suggested donation to go to
the &ampu]ano Family Fund.
7ickets can be purchased
in advance from Zumba in-
structors in the area, at Pa-
ci¿c &rest &ottage in *ear-
hart or at the door the night
of the fundraiser. One ticket
includes admission to both
7he North &oast Zumba
Network’s goal “is to offer a
compassionate community a
way to respond creatively and
generously to the unfortunate
events experienced by fel-
low community members,”
Hofseth wrote.
A tragic incident
&armen &ampu]ano was
on her way to Mexico in
January with her husband,
Victor, and other family
members, &armen’s mother,
/oren]a Villa, brother, Hec-
tor 7obar &armen and Vic-
tor’s son, Julio &ampu]ano
their daughters Paola, Judith
and Marycarmen &ampu]a-
no Judith’s husband, Abel
Sosa and Marycarmen’s
4-year-old son, Alan Marti-
ne]. On Jan. , they stopped
at an inn in Delano, &alif., for
the night.
7he theft, which occurred
overnight while the family
slept, was captured on the
inn’s security camera footage.
Police recovered the 7ahoe,
found abandoned on the
highway a few days later, and
a plasma display 7V, but ap-
proximately , of items
— including two mattresses,
an exercise bicycle, three lap-
The North Coast Zumba Network is hosting a Zumba Dance Party fundraiser in August to benefit Carmen and Victor Campu-
zano (front row) and their family, who experienced a significant theft earlier this year.
tops, one dryer, two washing
machines, two microwaves,
an iPad, a clarinet, school
books, Victor’s custom-made
carpentry tools and boxes of
clothing — were not found.
7he family also lost about
4, in uncounted tips
earned by Victor. Many of
the items were gifts the &am-
pu]anos collected to take to
their family in Pit]cuaro.
So far, &armen and Vic-
tor’s insurance company has
not responded as to whether
they will cover all or part of
the loss, and &armen said she
does not feel they are close
to an answer. 7he latest word
from the Delano Police De-
partment is the case is closed,
but it is unclear whether a
suspect was apprehended,
&armen said. Fortunately, re-
lief has come to the &ampu-
]anos through help from fam-
ily, friends and colleagues.
“I feel like Seaside and
&annon Beach, where I’ve
been for more than years,
they really have lots of love in
their hearts, and I thank God
for that,” &armen said.
7he community’s re-
sponse to the event has shown
her, she said, “how not all
people are bad.”
From a family dentist
who dropped about , in
charges Julio was incremen-
tally paying off to a local law-
yer who offered his assistance
if needed, numerous people
are looking out for the whole
family, &armen said.
“It makes me feel so calm
and so good to have people
taking care of me,” she added.
“I’ve been so blessed from
Because some of the sto-
len items had sentimental
value, they are irreplace-
able, but &armen said they
are thanking God they were
physically unharmed.
Gearhart resident Joy
Sigler got the idea for the
Zumba event after learn-
ing about the family’s loss
through an article published
in the Signal in May.
“I thought this would be
a great time to give them a
community hug,” she said.
She wanted to show support
and sympathy and “try to
make lemonade out of lem-
Because Zumba has a
high number of Hispanic
participants, she said, she
thought it would be an ap-
propriate event to celebrate
the &ampu]anos’ culture.
She started organi]ing the
fundraiser, and other Zumba
instructors joined to form
the North &oast Zumba Net-
work to help advertise and
host it. 7his is the ¿rst time
the network is collectively
putting on an event.
7he dance seems ¿t-
ting, &armen said, because
“when bad things happen,
you’re supposed to have a
good attitude and keep go-
“I want to be there and it
will be fun and nice to see
everyone and feel the power
and energy from everyone
there,” she said.
For more information
about the fundraiser, call Joy
Sigler at -7- or
visit the &ampu]ano Family
Bene¿t Zumba Dance Party
Facebook page.
Urban growth boundary may include room for new school
UGB from Page 1A
&upples and Otak picked
four study areas for further
analysis: North Hills, east of
North :ahanna 5oad with
current access from Shore 7er-
race and Forest Drive /ewis
and &lark, north of /ewis and
&lark 5oad East Hills, east
of South :ahanna 5oad and
South Hills, south of Avenue
S and encompassing part of
South :ahanna 5oad.
7he team evaluated slope
emergency access and util-
ities, among other criteria,
Hanson said. Additionally,
any property under consider-
ation must be outside the tsu-
nami inundation ]one.
&upples and Otak came up
with a preferred site proposal
that incorporated components
of the South Hills and East
Hills sites. 7he South East
Hills site was favored be-
cause it contains all necessary
. acres.
“We saw that as the least
constrained area to grow the
city in the future,” Hanson said.
7he South East Hills map
indicates a potential multi-
acre site for Seaside School
District to build a new
foothills campus.
As part of the planning
process, Hanson said, they
South East Hills, an area considered for potential expansion of Seaside’s Urban Growth
considered how a future
school site could be served by
infrastructure developed for
the South East Hills site.
7he school district will
need to make its own request
of the city and state to ex-
pand the boundary to include
the site if or when the time
comes. Whether the addi-
tional acres are requested by
the school district “now or
as a later effort remains to be
seen,” Hanson said.
Landowners are not en-
tirely on board with the
idea of their property be-
ing brought into the Urban
Growth Boundary. Many said
they need more information.
During the Planning &om-
mission meeting, Marie Pin-
cetich, the owner of about a
do]en acres near South Wa-
hanna 5oad, asked if it’s too
late for the city to change
direction and choose a dif-
ferent site. She said she was
concerned some people in
Sewing club students’ apprenticeship
bene¿ts both club and music festival
Sewing from Page 7A
Because “7he Magic Flute”
was set in Astoria — with refer-
ences to the U.S. &oast Guard, a
pirate and &olumbia 5iver Bar
Pilots — the costumes followed
a nautical theme. &haracters in-
cluded spirits, a queen of the
night, priests and a bird-catcher.
“7hank God we had a bud-
get this time,” Harber said.
She devoted about 14 hours
per day to the production
through the duration of the
program, and the sewing club
students each devoted about
four to six hours per day. Be-
sides the students, Harber also
received help from Astoria’s
Englund Marine and Industrial
Supplies, who willingly let the
group borrow costume parts.
‘The students have had a
great time, and it’s been
a very good experience
for them, and a great way
for us to involve more
students in the festival.’
Astoria Music Festival Managing
Director Carol Shepherd
Harber taught her appren-
tices techniques and skills
they could take with them and
teach to others in the sewing
club when it reconvenes for the
1-1 school year. “It’s go-
ing to help them the next time
they have to do this for a per-
formance at their school,” she
Shepherd agreed it went
“7he students have had a
great time, and it’s been a very
good experience for them, and
a great way for us to involve
more students in the festival,”
she said.
Harber’s goal is to build the
apprentice program to include
apprentices in all areas, such as
direction, stage management,
costuming, props, lighting
sound, video and more.
In return for the Seaside stu-
dents’ help making costumes
for “7he Magic Flute,” the As-
toria Music Festival donated
to the high school’s sew-
ing club.
her neighborhoood could get
priced out of their properties
because of higher taxes.
In addition, current resi-
dents already have invested in
the area’s infrastructure, Pin-
cetich said. “7hat just doesn’t
seem fair that we bear all that
for the good of the city,” she
Pincetich asked if the city
would reconsider plans to ex-
pand the UGB ]one.
“7his is not the plan we
wanted for our properties,”
added landowner Mary Kem-
hus. “We like the way South
Wahanna is and we’d like to
keep it that way. We don’t
want to be forced into any-
Landowner Janet Ottem
questioned why Seaside
needs to grow at all. She said
she believes expanding the
Urban Growth Boundary
could pave the way for some
of her neighbors to subdivide
their property and sell it for
“I live in a small town, be-
cause I want to live in a small
town,” she said. “It does not
thrill me to have roads going
by my house for more houses
to be developed eventually.”
“It’s this kind of juggling
act to try and come up with
some way of doing it in a
planned fashion,” &ommis-
At a glance
If property owners in
the expanded Urban
Growth Boundary
wanted to develop
their sites, Hanson said,
they would need to:
• Request annexation
into the City of Seaside;
• Request a zone
change that would be
in conformance with
the overall plan; and
• Go through an
individual approval
process, which means
their plans would be
vetted publicly.
sioner &hris Hoth said. “Ev-
erybody is not going to get
what they want.”
Based on the property
owners’ concerns, the city
is revisiting the possibility
of expanding the boundary
with some land from a differ-
ent site. One way or another,
though, &upples said, they
need to account for about
7he Planning &ommis-
sion will revisit the topic at
an upcoming meeting before
making a recommendation to
&ity &ouncil in the coming
By Katherine Lacaze
Seaside Signal
In “Daniel’s Odysseys: 5eÀections
On Life A Love Story,” Beaverton
author Allen Pollens takes readers on
a literary journey through his life and
along the Oregon &oast.
Pollens, 1, is the author of 1
books, primarily science-¿ction and
children’s literature. “Daniel’s Odys-
seys,” published through &reateSpace
Independent Publishing Platform
in May, is his ¿rst autobiographical
work. “I had stories I wanted to tell,
and never had a way of telling them,”
Pollens said at Seaside’s Best Western
Ocean View 5esort during a recent
7he Best Western was a calculated
choice, as the hotel chain is incorpo-
rated into the nearly -page novel
because it has facilities at key coastal
locations, including Seaside and As-
In the book, 85-year-old Daniel —
the character who represents Pollens
— takes an extended sojourn down
the Oregon &oast with his friend, Paul.
7he duo departs
from the mouth
of the &olumbia
5iver in Astoria
and travels to
Brookings, near
the &alifornia
border, visit-
Author Allen
ing numerous
places along
the coast and
stopping at nine Best Westerns. All the
while, Daniel shares his life story and
recollections of historical events with
7he book contains images and
photographs of sites along the coast
provided by Pollens. Pollens chose the
Oregon &oast as the setting because
of its signi¿cance to him, as well as
its untamed, immense beauty. “7he
Oregon &oast is beautiful in some
respects because it’s not swimmable,
and therefore not developed,” he said.
Pollens, who moved to Oregon
in 1997, is originally from the East
&oast. He was born in Brockton,
Mass., to a 5omanian mother from
Brooklyn and a father from 5ussia.