June 26, 2015 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com • 5A Apartment project hopes to address housing woes what is the process for setting WKH VL]H RU VSHFL¿F PHDVXUH- Public Works Director; ex- ments, but he agreed it was a terior lighting plans in com- good idea. pliance with outdoor lighting “That’s a large number of provisions; trash and recycle people in a tight space, so that facilities to be provided; and can be helpful,” he said. short- and long-term bike He also suggested it would parking. EHEHQH¿FLDOIRUWKHFRPPLV- The planning department sion, in the future, to consider set six conditions on the per- adopting general provisions to mit so the apartment develop- deal with lifestyle conditions PHQW VDWLV¿HV WKH DSSOLFDEOH for developments of this na- development standards and is ture. Those provisions could compatible with the surround- provide consistency and a ra- ing area. Those conditions in- tional basis for decision-mak- clude: ing in the future and also in- • The applicant must pro- clude an incentive process for vide an engineered drainage developers to incorporate rec- plan that indicates how the ex- reation areas into their plans. isting and proposed drainage For the proposed apartment facilities will accommodate complex, the group now will storm water runoff from the have to complete a full set of parking lots and roof drains. development plans that will • The applicant must pro- address improvements on site vide detailed designs for street and any infrastructure im- and sidewalk improvements provements that need to be ad- associated with the develop- dressed off site, Cupples said. ment. “After the plans have been • The applicant must pro- reviewed and all the condi- vide a detailed exterior light WLRQVVDWLV¿HGWKH\ZLOOREWDLQ plan, documenting that all ex- development permits so they WHULRUOLJKWLQJ¿[WXUHVZLOOEH can start on the project,” he designed to limit glare. said. • The applicant must install Prior to that, the depart- a site obscuring fence not less ment will prepare a notice of than 3 feet in height along the decision based on the com- northern and eastern portion mission’s action and send it to of the parking lot. SUHYLRXVO\ QRWL¿HG SURSHUW\ • Proposed development owners, giving them 15 days plans must incorporate hand- to appeal the decision. Appli- icapped parking, bike racks, cants often do not submit plans garbage and recycling facil- until after the appeal deadline ities appropriately scaled for has expired, Cupples said. the proposed use. Additionally at the meet- ‡0LQRU PRGL¿FDWLRQV WR ing, the commission approved the applicant’s proposed plan a Vacation Rental Dwelling must be reviewed and ap- Permit request from Booth proved by Cupples. Brothers LLC for a two-bed- The property does not abut room vacation unit at 221 N. South Roosevelt Drive, the Downing St. No. 300. report states, but it is located The vacation unit would within the highway overlay have a maximum occupancy zone. An overlay zone request of no more than six people old- was submitted in conjunction er than age 3 or more than 10 with the conditional-use per- people regardless of age. The mit application. existing two-bedroom dwell- Upon the suggestion of ing unit is in a triplex located commissioner Tom Horning, on property zoned high-densi- the permit was approved with ty residential. Currently, about a condition for the developer 21 percent of the surrounding to include within the outdoor dwellings are licensed for use landscaping a children’s play as vacation rental dwellings. area with an all-weather sur- The next meeting of the face. Commission chair Ray Seaside Planning Commission Romine said he was not sure takes place Tuesday, July 7. Goal! Housing from Page 1A JEFF TER HAR PHOTO The Beach Soccer Tournament drew a wide array of competitors to Seaside on Saturday, June 20 and Sunday, June 21. Soccer on the beach has been a fixture in Seaside since 2010. Six divisions composed this year’s tournament. For more information, visit seasidebeachsoccer.com. McKeowns purchase Firehouse Grill New owners maintain staff, menu with a few additions By Katherine Lacaze Seaside Signal The approximately 3-year-old Firehouse Grill, 841 Broadway, is under new ownership. Nancy and Dennis McK- eown, who own several oth- er restaurants in Seaside’s downtown area, purchased the business May 12. Bob and Lori Breslaeur opened the Firehouse Grill in 2012, and they recently sold it to have more time with family, according to Nancy McKeown, who, along with her husband Dennis, owns McKeown’s Restaurant & Bar, The Irish Pub and Nonni’s Italian Bistro. The Breslaeurs will continue to provide cater- ing services locally through their company, Northwest Celebrations Catering. “At the Firehouse Grill,” the McKeowns stated in a news release, “we fully intend to maintain, and to expand on, the food philos- ophy they created at Fire- house using quality, fresh, housemade, organic and local, when available, prod- ucts. We will also put our own signature on some new menu items while keeping the most popular current items.” Some of the new menu items include fresh seafood lunch offerings. The restau- rant also has added a chil- dren’s menu and will serve breakfast all day. The burg- ers are made with fresh- ground, organic beef from grass-fed cows. They have obtained a full on-premise liquor li- cense and “will specialize in our Bloody Marys, Mi- mosas and newest cocktails with fruit purees, such as our Blood Orange Mimo- sa or Screwdriver and our fresh Ruby Red Grapefruit and Basil Cooler made with Citrus Vodka,” the release states. The restaurant also pro- vides draft craft local brews from Buoy Beer and Fort *HRUJH DQG 3DFL¿F 1RUWK- west wines. All the existing staff members, except one, stayed on after the trans- action, and the McKeowns have added a few new fac- es, as well. As was Bob Breslaeur, Dennis McKeown is the executive chef and he will be responsible for menu and recipe development, quality control and order- ing, “including sourcing local and organic product,” Nancy McKeown said. The rest of the cooking staff in- cludes Chef Devin Snider, who started at Firehouse Grill about seven months ago, and Chef Brian Payne, who has an extensive cook- ing and management back- ground. Joining the crew is Chef Rollie Sakura, from Hawaii, who also has an impressive cooking back- ground and will be “lend- ing his culinary techniques, IUHVK ÀDYRUV DQG EHDXWLIXO presentations to the food,” Nancy McKeown said. “We look forward to great things from this amaz- ing team,” she added. They also are in the pro- cess of redecorating the restaurant, and expanding RQ LWV ¿UHKRXVH KLVWRU\ The building was the orig- inal home of the Seaside Volunteer Fire Department when it was established in 1904. They started painting about two weeks ago, to add a splash of color to the previously all-white walls. The owners also are work- LQJZLWKWKH¿UHGHSDUWPHQW to get some pictures of past DQGSUHVHQWHYHQWVDQG¿UH- ¿JKWLQJ LWHPV DQG PHP- orabilia to display, Nancy McKeown said. “We wish to commem- orate the history of our volunteers from then until now,” the release states. “All past and present volun- teers and EMTs will receive a 10 percent discount when dining with us at Firehouse Grill.” The hours will stay mostly the same for now, with a focus on breakfast and lunch. The restaurant is open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays through Monday, except Sundays, when the restaurant closes at 2 p.m. and closed Tues- days and Wednesdays. The McKeowns plan for the Firehouse Grill to eventually serve dinner. For more information, call (503) 717-5502 or YLVLW ZZZ¿UHKRXVHJULOO- seaside.net. T he Seasid e 4th of Ju ly Firew orks show is the prem ier su m m er event in the P acific N orthw est.  A s you know , fam ilies m ake a trad ition of visiting the Seasid e beach to celebrate this holid ay, m aking Ind epend ence D ay the official start of the su m m er season.  T here is no ad m ission charge to visit the beach, so you r sponsorships and d onations fu nd the firew orks, w hich cover the costs of the d isplay, sou nd system , sanitation, secu rity and set- u p. get all the PATRIOTIC GEAR you need at coast hardware If you r fam ily or organization enjoy the show and the benefits from the visitors w ho w ant to experience the 4th of Ju ly in Seasid e, ou r fu nd cou ld greatly benefit from you r d onation. Weather resistant design; Easy to read numbers 3X5 POLYCOTTON AMERICAN FLAG 100 percent made in USA; Made with durable materials WOOD POLE KIT WITH POLY FLAG AMERICAN FLAG KIT 100 percent made in USA; with pole and bracket USA FLAG SUSPENDERS Heavy-duty, extra strength 2” wide straps; Fits all WHITE PATRIOTIC HARD HAT OUTDOOR 13.5” FLAG THERMOMETER 100 percent made in USA; with pole Select you r level of Sponsorship, and m ake you r d onation payable to the Firew ork s Fu n d , then m ail it, along w ith you r contact inform ation to Th e Firew ork s Fu n d , P .O . B ox 7, Seasid e, O R  97138.  You can also u se the d onation bu tton at w w w .seasid echam ber.com , or call u s at the C ham ber, 503.738.6391. Tita nium S a lute: R om a n Ca nd le: Cherry Bom b : Bottle R ocket: Firecra cker: S p inner: S p a rkler: $5 ,000 $2 ,5 00 $1,000 $5 00 $2 5 0 $100 und er $100 C h eck w ebsite for sponsorsh ip benefits. 4th of Ju ly Firew orks sponsored by Seaside C h am ber of C om m erce and th e C ity of Seaside Express your patriotism and protect your heads Accepting New Patients David Kaba, MD, PhD is an Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) specialist with additional training in allergy and sleep medicine. „ USA FLAG WELDING HAT 100% cotton; fully washable; can be rolled & in put in pocket 1.5’X3’ MINI PLEATED FAN FLAG 100 percent made in USA; Hang on decks & porches OIL BURNING BAMBOO TORCH „ Fiberglass wick; Outdoor use only; With snuffer cap „ „ „ „ CUTTER HOLIDAY 3X WICK CANDLE FLAG PATTERN KEY BLANK Repels mosquitos; Contains 3 R percent Citronella oil Made to Ƌt Schlage SC1 keyway and also %aldwin „ PE Tubes Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy Nasal & Sinus Surgery Hearing & Balance Loss Allergies Voice and Swallowing Problems Tumors of the Head & Neck To make an appointment, call: (503) 815-2292 NOW OPEN AT 7 AM MON-SAT! H[SLUHV 1217 S Roosevelt Dr. Seaside, OR 97138 503-738-5491 Tillamook Medical Plaza 1100 Third Street, Tillamook, Oregon TillamookRegionalMC.org