2A • June 26, 2015 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com ‘Fire in the Sky’ Seaside gears up for Independence Day celebration Full day of annual events planned By Katherine Lacaze Seaside Signal The Fourth of July is one of Seaside’s most renowned DQQXDO HYHQWV¿OOHG GD\V IHDWXULQJ D SDUDGH DQ ROGIDVKLRQHG VRFLDO D drum and bugle corps con- cert and one of Oregon’s ELJJHVW¿UHZRUNVGLVSOD\V The celebration begins at DP ZLWK D SDUDGH )RU WKH¿UVWWLPHLQGHFDGHVWKH parade is not being orga- nized by the Seaside Muse- XP DQG +LVWRULFDO 6RFLHW\ ,QVWHDG D VPDOO YROXQWHHU group of community rep- UHVHQWDWLYHV OHG E\ *LQL 'LGHXP LV RYHUVHHLQJ WKH HYHQW The parade will line up on Necanicum Drive by DERXWDP)URP1H- FDQLFXP WKH SDUDGH ZLOO WUDYHOHDVWRQWK$YHQXH then south on Holladay 'ULYHWR%URDGZD\ZHVWWR &ROXPELDHDVWWR)LUVW$YH- QXHEDFNWR1HFDQLFXP Registration for the pa- rade is open through the HQG RI -XQH 3DUWLFLSDQWV must be able to negotiate turns onto and off Broad- ZD\)ORDWVFDQQRWEHPRUH than 40 feet in length‚ tow- LQJ YHKLFOH DQG ÀRDW FRP- ELQHG DQG QR PRUH WKDQ IHHWZLGH,IDÀRDWRUYH- KLFOHGLVWULEXWHV³JRRGLHV´ it must be done by someone ZDONLQJ DORQJVLGH WKH HQ- WU\1RWKLQJFDQEHWKURZQ IURPWKHÀRDWRUYHKLFOH 3DUDGH RUJDQL]HUV DUH VWLOO VHHNLQJ YROXQWHHUV for behind-the-scenes help July 1-4 to help manage the HYHQW Immediately following WKHSDUDGHWKH6HDVLGH0X- seum and Historical Society will host its traditional Old Fashioned Social and Silent $XFWLRQ DW WKH PXVHXP 1HFDQLFXP'ULYH7KH VRFLDOLQFOXGHVIRRGPXVLF children’s games and the SRSXODU FRQWLQXRXV &DNH :DON7KH DXFWLRQ IHDWXUHV numerous items donated from businesses and mu- VHXP VXSSRUWHUV 7KH UDI- ÀH LWHP WKLV \HDU ZLOO EH D JLIWFHUWL¿FDWHWR)UHG 0H\HU 5DIÀH WLFNHWV DUH available for purchase at $1 HDFKRUIRUHLJKWWLFNHWV )RUWKHVHFRQG\HDUWKH 2UHJRQ &UXVDGHUV ZKR have participated in Sea- side’s Fourth of July cele- IF YOU GO WHAT: Seaside Independence Day Celebration WHERE: Parade starts on Necanicum Dr.; Old-Fashioned Social & Silent Auction at the Seaside Museum, 570 Necanicum Dr.; Fireworks at Seaside Beach. WHEN: Events kick off with a parade at 11 a.m., followed by an Old-Fashioned Social & Silent Auction. Fireworks begin at 10 p.m. COST: Free. CONTACT: www.seasidechamber.com; 503-728-6391. EUDWLRQVIRUDERXWDGHFDGH will be featured in a full- ÀHGJHG 'UXP DQG %XJOH Corps Concert at Broad- ZD\3DUNVWDUWLQJDWSP The concert will launch the &UXVDGHUV RQ D ¿YHZHHN PLOH WRXU DFURVV the country that concludes in the Drum Corps Inter- national World Champion- ships World Class Finals LQ ,QGLDQDSROLV 6DWXUGD\ $XJ This is the third year the 2UHJRQ &UXVDGHUV ZKLFK LQFOXGHV NLGV DQG staff members and volun- WHHUVDUHJRLQJWRWKH:RUOG &ODVV )LQDOV DIWHU KDYLQJ won the Open Class World &ODVV )LQDOV LQ :LWK the addition of new instruc- WRUV H[SHFWDWLRQV DUH KLJK IRU WKH JURXS WR UDQN ZHOO said part-time Seaside res- LGHQW /DUU\ .ULHJVKDXVHU The corps includes mostly 2UHJRQ SDUWLFLSDQWV DJHV EXWDVWKHJURXSKDV LPSURYHGWKH\KDYHVWDUWHG DWWUDFWLQJ NLGV IURP RWKHU VWDWHVDQGHYHQRWKHUFRXQ- WULHV.ULHJVKDXVHUVDLG At the Fourth of July FRQFHUW WKH 2UHJRQ &UX- saders will perform a num- ber of pieces from their UHSHUWRLUH SXW RQ VHYHUDO demonstrations and per- IRUPWKHLUFRPSHWLWLYH¿HOG VKRZ (UXSWLRQ RI *LJ +DUERU :DVK ² WKH ODW- est drum and bugle corps addition in the northwest ² DQG ,PSXOVH RI %XHQD 3DUN &DOLI DOVR ZLOO SHU- IRUPWKHLU¿HOGVKRZV7KH cost of admission is $5 per SHUVRQ Organizers are hope- IXO 'LGHXP VDLG WKH\ FDQ arrange for transportation EHWZHHQ WKH WZR HYHQWV DW the museum and Broadway 3DUNVRWKHFRPPXQLW\FDQ HQMR\ERWK The public is invited to the Seaside beach at 10 SPWRZDWFKWKHFLW\¶VUH- QRZQHG ¿UHZRUNV VKRZ sponsored by the Seaside &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH Kriegshauser and his pro- fessional pyrotechnics FRPSDQ\ .3\UR KDYH produced the show the past \HDUV7KH\ZLOOEHSUH- VHQWLQJ WKLV \HDU¶V VKRZ ³)LUHLQWKH6N\´ .ULHJVKDXVHU SLFNV D slightly different theme HDFK\HDU/DVW\HDU¶VVKRZ featuring the music of com- SRVHU -RKQ :LOOLDPV ZDV YHU\ SRSXODU .ULHJVKDXVHU VDLG7KLV\HDU¶VVKRZZLOO incorporate more contem- SRUDU\ PXVLF DV ZHOO DV D VHJPHQWRISDWULRWLFVRQJV such as the “Star-Span- JOHG %DQQHU´ DQG ³:KHQ Johnny Comes Marching +RPH´ A lot of the musical piec- es are based on the theme RI ¿UH DQG WDUJHWHG WRZDUG a varied audience of older DQG \RXQJHU JHQHUDWLRQV ³7KH PRUH , OLVWHQ WR LW WKH PRUH H[FLWHG , JHW´ .ULHJVKDXVHUVDLG³,W¶VMXVW a different thing than what ZH¶YHGRQHEHIRUH´ $V LQ WKH SDVW .3\UR DFTXLUHGLWV¿UHZRUNVIURP supplier Western Display )LUHZRUNV 7KH TXDOLW\ RI WKH ¿UHZRUNV DQG WKH timing of the music are ZKDW PDNH D JRRG VKRZ VDLG .ULHJVKDXVHU DGGLQJ LW WDNHV EHWZHHQ RQH WR two hours to program for HDFK PLQXWH RI WKH VKRZ Kriegshauser and his nearly 20-member crew will start setting up early the morn- ing of Fourth of July and have everything ready to go E\DERXWSP0HDQLQJIXO to Kriegshauser is that the crew for this performance includes three generations RI .ULHJVKDXVHUV KLPVHOI LQFOXGHG+LVVRQ&KULVWR- SKHULVZRUNLQJVRXQGDQG KLVJUDQGVRQ&RQQRULV LQWKH¿UVW\HDURIKLVS\UR- WHFKQLFLDQDSSUHQWLFHVKLS The Chamber of Com- merce is continually fund- UDLVLQJ IRU LWV ¿UHZRUNV fund; sponsorships and do- nations cover the costs of WKH GLVSOD\ VRXQG V\VWHP VDQLWDWLRQVHFXULW\DQGVHW XS HDFK \HDU YLVLW ZZZ VHDVLGHFKDPEHUFRPRUFDOO *HDUKDUW$UWZDONFRPLQJ-XO\ 7KH *HDUKDUW $UWZDON WDNHV SODFH WKH ¿UVW 6DW- XUGD\ RI HYHU\ PRQWK 2Q 6DWXUGD\ -XO\ IURP WR SP ORRN IRU ³:HO- FRPH WR WKH 6KRUH´ ÀDJV indicating participating merchants and an updated $UW:DON PDS VKRZLQJ OR- FDWLRQV $PRQJ *HDUKDUW $UW:DON EXVLQHVV PHU- FKDQWV $ *UHDW *DOOHU\ 3DFL¿F :D\ SUHVHQWV collectible postcard “Cel- HEUDWLQJ $PHULFD´ IURP WKH (DJOH FROOHFWLRQ D limited edition postcard KDQGSULQWHGSURGXFHGIRU the Fourth of July celebra- WLRQ *XHVWV ZLOO KDYH WKH opportunity to win an orig- inal portrait of their pet by local resident and fellow SDVWHODUWLVW'HDQQH-RKQ- VRQWREHGUDZQGXULQJWKH $UW:DON DJUHDWJDOOHU\FRP %\ 7KH :D\ %\ WKH Way is celebrating the IRXUWKZLWKWZRDUWLVWV'L- ane Doherty will be show- ing colorful paintings for WKH ¿UVW WLPH DW %\ 7KH :D\ DQG GHVLJQHU &LQ- dy Bricca presents her art MHZHOU\ 3DFL¿F :D\ 503-739-7025; 564bythe- ZD\#JPDLOFRP CAMPING PACKAGE Test Drive ENTER & TO WIN • O P E N TO TH E P UB L IC ! •  O P E N fo r B rea kfa st & L u n ch •  Reg u l a ti o n P a r 3 5 , 9 Ho l e C o u rse •  F u l l Servi ce B a r i n Cl u b ho u se H a p p y H o u r M o n d a y-F ri d a y fro m 3 to 5 Includes 2-night stay at Astoria-Warrenton-Seaside KOA, 2 Diamondback bikes, tent, sleeping bags, chairs, cooler and much more. Drawing 7/6/15. See dealer for details. P M 451 Ave Av e U, Seaside Seasi de • 503-738-5261 503 - 738- 526 1 50 3- 738 -5261 www.seasidegolfcou www.seasidegolfcourse.us rs e.us www.seasidego lfco urse.u s 4th of July Weekend ++ Events ++ 'SJEBZ+VMZ4VOEBZKVMZ 01&/46/%":".Ǜ1.+ MONDAYSATURDAY: 10 A.M.8 P.M. +Sidewalk Sale & Petting Zoo Fri. July 3rd-Sun. July 5th +Tsunami Skippers Jumprope Team Demo Sun. July 5th 1:00 & 2:00 P.M. +BBQ Ribs Special at Daisy May’s Sandwich Shop + Gift with Purchase + Enter to win $100 in Gift Certificates! Pick up a copy of our Free coupon book at The Beer and Wine House! www.seasideoutlets.com )XZUI"WF4FBTJEF0SFHPOt 1605 SE Ensign Lane Warrenton, OR 503-861-1144 LumsToyota.com Lease a new 2015 RAV4 LE for $179 a month for 24 months with $2,020 down and $2,849 due at signing. Due at signing costs include first month’s payment, $650 acquisition fee and $2,020 down payment. Example based on model #4432. Base Manufac- turer’s Suggested Retail Price $25,080. Monthly payments of $179 total $4,296. Net capitalized cost of $23,115 based on down payment and dealer participation, which may vary by dealer. Lease-end purchase option is $18,910.00 • Lease a New 2015 Toyota Corolla S Plus Automatic for $179 a month for 24 months with $1,299 down and $2,128 due at signing. Due at signing costs include first month’s payment, $650 acquisition fee and $1,299 down payment. Example based on model #1864. Base Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price $19,845. Monthly payments of $179 total $4,296 Net capitalized cost of $18,490 based on down payment and dealer participation, which may vary by dealer. Lease end purchase option is $14,486.85. • Lease a New 2015 Camry LE (Gas) for $199 a month for 24 months with $1,750 down and $2,599 due at signing plus $750 Toyota Financial Services (TFS) Subvention Cash. Due at signing costs include first month’s payment, $650 acquisition fee and $1,750 down payment. Lease includes $750 TFS subvention cash. Example based on model #2532. Base Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price $22,970. Monthly payments of $199 total $4,776 Net capitalized cost of $20,723 based on down payment and dealer participation, which may vary by dealer. Lease end purchase option is $16,079.00. Payment may vary depending on final transaction price. Offers cannot be combined with any other offers, vary by region and are subject to availability. Security deposit waived. Closed-end lease. $350 disposition fee due at lease end unless customer purchases vehicle or decides to re-finance through TFS. Customer respon- sible for maintenance, excess wear and tear and $0.15 per mile over 12,000 miles per year. To qualified Tier I+ customers through TFS. Offers good in WA, OR, ID, and MT. For ID and MT state dealerships, a documentary service fee in an amount up to $350 may be added to vehicle price. For Washington state dealerships, a negotiable documentary service fee in an amount up to $150 may be added to sale price or capitalized cost. For Oregon state dealerships, a negotiable documentary service fee in an amount up to $100 may be added to vehicle price. Oregon state dealerships not using an electronic vehicle registration system may only apply fees up to $75 to vehicle price. Does not include taxes, license, title, processing fees, insurance, and dealer charges. See your local participating Toyota dealer for details. Must take retail delivery from dealer stock by 7/6/15. © 2015 Graham Oleson