4A • June 12, 2015 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com Finding wonder in the commonplace I t’s refreshing to hear a speaker who doesn’t use a PowerPoint presentation and marks his place in a book by sticking Post- its on the page. At the Seaside library in late May, educator, naturalist and pho- tographer Neal Maine delivered WKH¿QDOOHFWXUHIRUWKH³:KDW'R :H +HDU"´ VHULHV DW WKH 6HDVLGH Public Library. Maine, a science WHDFKHU DW 6HDVLGH +LJK 6FKRRO IRU WKUHH GHFDGHV WKH ¿UVW H[HF utive director of the North Coast Land Conservancy, guided the au- dience to re-discovery, turning the commonplace around us into an illumination of nature. +HUHLVVRPHUDQGRPO\VHOHFW ed wisdom from Maine’s words that night: ‡4XRWLQJ76(OLRW³:HVKDOO QRW FHDVH IURP H[SORUDWLRQ DQG WKH HQG RI DOO RXU H[SORULQJ ZLOO be to arrive where we started and NQRZWKHSODFHIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH´ ‡2QWUDVK³7KHUHLVQRµDZD\¶ ZKHQ \RX VD\ µWKURZ WKDW DZD\¶ %HFDXVHµDZD\¶LVKHUH´ ‡ ³:H QHHG WR ORRN WR QDWXUH more to see how we can solve problems and what their solutions DUH´ ‡ ³,Q , ZURWH DQ DUWLFOH suggesting that teaching high school biology was a really bad idea, that biology is something that might work later, but people VKRXOG EH JHWWLQJ HFRORJ\ ¿UVW which is the integrative process of living things in their environ- PHQW´ ‡ ³