Allen Taylor Tya Tharp Dylan Townsend Alexandria Utti Gloria I. Villa Parents: Gary Taylor, and Lynnie Taylor Grandparents: Allen Taylor College Plans: Study business Career Plans: Continue with dad’s land- scaping business 3DFL¿FD 3URMHFW Northwest Outdoor School Honors: Extracurricular Activities: Football, and basketball Parents: Brandy Tharp Grandparents: Debra Tharp and Dolan Tharp College Plans: Attend a community col- lege Career Plans: Undecided 3DFL¿FD 3URMHFW South County Food Bank Honors: State Wrestling Champions in Women’s Division Extracurricular Activities: Wrestling Parents: Robert and Michelle Townsend Grandparents: Donna Lownsbury, Lar- ry and Susie Townsend College Plans: Attend Vocational Out- side Line Training Academy (VOLTA) Career Plans: Become a journeyman lineman 3DFL¿FD3URMHFW Miss Oregon and Miss Oregon’s Outstanding Teen Scholarship Program Honors: National Society of High School Scholars, National Honors Soci- ety, Honor Roll, All State swimming and All League swimming Extracurricular Activities: National Hon- ors Society treasurer, football, and track Parents: Mark and Marci Utti Grandparents: Del and Cheri Folk, Tom and Ginny Utti, and Dan and Sue Pickell College Plans: Attend University of Or- egon Career Plans: Undecided 3DFL¿FD3URMHFW Miss Oregon Scholar- ship Program Honors: All League soccer, National Honors Society Extracurricular Activities: Soccer, and girl’s basketball stats Parents: Sonia Villa Luna, and Luis Al- berto Villa Miranda Grandparents: Roberto Luna, and Re- inalda Luna Olveroa College Plans: Attend Clatsop Com- munity College then transfer to Portland State University Career Plans: Become a graphic de- signer 3DFL¿FD 3URMHFW Cannon Beach Sand- castle Contest Honors: National Honors Society Extracurricular Activities: Key Club SEASIDE SIGNAL THE DAILY ASTORIAN SEASIDE OUTLETS SEASIDE DELL’S CHEVRON SEASIDE THE DAILY ASTORIAN Luis Villeda Brad Weber Sabrinna Welburn Eleanore J. Whitlock Cassidy Williams Parents: Maria Gonzalez Grandparents: College Plans: Undecided Career Plans: Undecided 3DFL¿FD3URMHFW Cooking for Real Life Honors: Extracurricular Activities: Basketball Parents: Lance and Cravalynn Weber Grandparents: Walt and Sharon Weber College Plans: Attend Portland Com- munity College then transfer to Portland State University Career Plans::RUNLQWKH¿OPRUWHOH- vision industry 3DFL¿FD 3URMHFW Building a Native American longhouse replica for the Sea- side Museum Honors: Multiple Letters band, and Stu- dent of the Month Extracurricular Activities: Film and Journalism Forum, band, archery, weightlifting and bodybuilding, and gar- dening Parents: Gary Welburn, and Juanita Welburn Grandparents: Dennis and Carol Mc- Naught College Plans: Attend Linn Benton Community College then transfer to OSU Career Plans: Undecided 3DFL¿FD3URMHFW PTO Fundraising Honors: Extracurricular Activities: Parents: Sally Whittlock Grandparents: Eugene and Carole Whitlock College Plans:$WWHQG3DFL¿F8QLYHUVLW\ and study music performance Career Plans: Work in the music indus- try 3DFL¿FD3URMHFW Help develop musical VNLOOV WR ÀXWH SOD\HUV IRU PLGGOH VFKRRO students, and participate in band and mu- sic-related projects Honors: National Honors Society, and Outstanding Woodwind Player Extracurricular Activities: State Band Competition, band, and choir Parents: Michael Williams, and Rhonda Holt Grandparents: College Plans: Undecided Career Plans: Work in the animal day- FDUH¿HOG 3DFL¿FD3URMHFW The Food Bank Honors: Extracurricular Activities: THE DAILY ASTORIAN SEASIDE SIGNAL CANNON BEACH GAZETTE COAST WEEKEND THE DAILY ASTORIAN Seagull Pride • Spring 2015 • Seaside Signal/Cannon Beach Gazette • 11