4A • May 15, 2015 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com I $ZHOFRPHWRWKHFLW\RI6HDVLGH s it true that every new mem- EHU ZLQV WKH UDIÀH DW WKH 6HD side Downtown Development Association breakfast? Now that is a way to show some hospitality! Let me introduce myself: I’m R.J., or Rick Marx, and I’ve just moved to town to settle in to my QHZ MRE DV HGLWRU RI WKH 6HDVLGH 6LJQDO )LUVW RII OHW PH WKDQN Nancy McCarthy, the paper’s ORQJWLPH HGLWRU IRU PDNLQJ WKH 6LJQDO VXFK D KLW LQ WRZQ WKDW LW ZDVQDPHGE\WKH6HDVLGH&KDP ber of Commerce as “2014 Busi- ness of the Year.” 6HFRQGOHWPHWKDQNWKHIRONV who attended the two sensational EUHDNIDVWV , KDG WKH SULYLOHJH RI DWWHQGLQJODVWZHHN,ZDVFKDWWLQJ with a friend back east and I told KLPZHGLQHGDWWKH3LJ¶13DQ cake. “Which did you choose, the SLJRUWKHSDQFDNH"´KHVPDUWDO ecked, and I replied: “That’s the beauty of it, you can have both!” $W WKH ORFDO PHHWLQJV , PHW several local residents. I quickly OHDUQHG,PD\EHWKHQHZJX\LQ town, but not by much. I met a WUDQVSODQWHG /RV $QJHOHDQ ZLWK 10 months’ residency, a Portland- HUZKRLVKHUHJRLQJRQKHUVL[WK week, and heard a lecture from the Port of Astoria Executive Di- UHFWRU -LP .QLJKW ZKR DUULYHG KHUH IURP 2O\PSLD DERXW HLJKW PRQWKV DJR 0\ *HDUKDUW QHLJK bors are from everywhere, from 6FDQGLQDYLD WR 9DQFRXYHU DQG points midway. :KDW LV LW WKDW EULQJV XV DOO here? My horoscope before my arrival read: “Like a turtle, you KHDGZHVWWRWKHZDWHU´6R,GLG And just think: an aquarium, a FDURXVHO ¿UHZRUNV FDQG\ DQG WDII\ 3UREDEO\ P\ ¿UVW MR\RXV school memory was as a 4-year- ROG DW ³.LGGLH &ROOHJH´ LWV UHDO QDPHZKHQZHWRRND¿HOGWULSWR WKHWDII\IDFWRU\,¶PEHJLQQLQJWR WKLQNWKDW6HDVLGHPLJKWEULQJRXW the kid in all of us — and that’s DJRRGWKLQJ,JXHVVLW¶VQRDFFL dent that one of the main streets is named “Holladay.” My philosophy of community MRXUQDOLVP LV ¿UVW DQG IRUHPRVW to tell the news as it happens. And ZH ZDQW WR EH ¿UVW DQG WKH PRVW WKRURXJK ZLWK LW 7KH PHHWLQJV newsmakers and policy issues are only the start of the job. Then FRPHV WKH JRRG SDUW *HWWLQJ WR NQRZ \RXU QHLJKERUV $WWHQGLQJ S EEN FROM S EASIDE B Y R.J. MARX You may be seeing me wandering around town getting to know people and taking in the sights. After all, Seaside is a tourist town, isn’t it? DOO WKH IXQ HYHQWV LQ WRZQ 6DP SOLQJ HYHU\ VLQJOH UHVWDXUDQW DQG FODPKRXVH([SORULQJWKHOLEUDU\ +HOSLQJ RWKHUV LQ WU\LQJ WLPHV 3URYLGLQJ D IRUXP IRU GLIIHUHQW YRLFHV ,QWURGXFLQJ QHZ SHRSOH to the community, and celebrat- LQJLWVEHVWHYHU\GD\RIWKH\HDU 0D\,EHJXLGHGE\P\SUHGHFHV R.J. MARX PHOTO “Mer-horse” at the Carousel in Seaside. sors, from Nancy McCarthy and EH\RQG LQFOXGLQJ WKH YHQHUDEOH 0D[ 6KDIHU ZKR HGLWHG WKH 6LJ QDOIURPWR7KDW¶VJRW to be a record.