14A • May 15, 2015 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com Fund set up to help local family recover from theft The Campuzanos had about $30,000 worth of items stolen earlier this year By Erick Bengel Cannon Beach Gazette To help a local family recover from a recent theft that set them back about $30,000, a Cannon Beach couple, Rex and Diane Amos, have created The Campuzano Family Fund. Donations can be made at any Columbia Bank branch on the coast from Astoria to Tillamook. Down in Delano Carmen and Victor Cam- puzano, of Seaside, are still grappling, emotionally and ¿QDQFLDOO\ ZLWK WKH DIWHU- math of an incident that occurred in early January ZKHQ WKH\ WKHLU FKLOGUHQ and other family members embarked on their annual road trip to visit relatives in Mexico. At 3:31 a.m. on Jan. 4, ZKLOHWKHIDPLO\VOHSWDWDQ inn in Delano, Calif., some- one stole the couples’ 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe and the at- WDFKHGZKLWHWUDLOHUDFFRUG- ing to the police investigator ZKR UHYLHZHG WKH LQQ¶V VH- curity camera footage. The culprit drove off and looted the vehicles, taking all of the family’s personal belongings and gifts they had collected during the previous year to bring their relatives south of the border. Police managed to re- cover the trailer, found DEDQGRQHG RQ WKH KLJKZD\ and a plasma TV the Cam- puzanos had purchased for WKHLU VRQLQODZV¶ IDPLO\ But the thief, or thieves, still DEVFRQGHG ZLWK WKRXVDQGV RIGROODUVZRUWKRILWHPV 7KHVH LQFOXGHG WZR ZDVKHUV RQH GU\HU WZR PLFURZDYHV WKUHH ODSWRSV WZR L3KRQHV DQ L3DG DQ H[HUFLVH ELF\FOH WZR PDW- WUHVVHV ER[HV RI QHZ DQG Lumberyard Rotisserie & Grill, she as a server, he as a busser. Both U.S. FLWL]HQV VKH DOVR ZRUNV for Sleepy Monk Coffee Roasters, he for Haystack Lodgings. It is still unclear at this SRLQW ZKDW WKH\¶UH LQVXU- ance is going to cover. They have not retained a ODZ\HUDQGDUHGLVFXVVLQJ ZKHWKHU WKH\ FDQ DIIRUG one. But, on the positive side of the ledger, the family reunion finally happened in Pátzcuaro, ZKHUH WKH &DPSX]DQRV received “lots of hugs IURPWKHIDPLO\´&DUPHQ said. ³:HDOZD\VWDNHORWVRI gifts for them, try to help ERICK BENGEL PHOTO them to have it easy the Back row: Paola Campuzano, Judith Campuzano and Edmundo Martinez. Front row: Julio Campuzano, Marycarmen Campuza- UHVWRIWKH\HDU´VKHVDLG no, Carmen Campuzano and Victor Campuzano. This time, instead of Carmen and Victor’s fam- used clothing, their daughter and Marycarmen Campu- Seaside to retrieve another North Coast since 1991 ily giving to their family Paola Campuzano’s clarinet zano, of Seaside; Judith’s WUXFNZKLFKUHTXLUHGDERXW and in Seaside since in Pátzcuaro, the opposite and school books, and Vic- husband, Abel Sosa; and $1,500 in repairs before it ZRUNWRJHWKHUDWWKH happened, Victor said. tor’s custom-made carpenter Marycarmen’s 4-year-old could take them to south. WRROVZRUWKDERXW VRQ $ODQ 0DUWLQH] ZKRVH Recovering the trailer in They also stole an esti- VFRRWHUZDVVWROHQDVZHOO Bixler, Calif., put them out mated $4,000 in uncounted Waiting for them in an another $300 or so. WLSVZKLFK9LFWRUKDGVDYHG Pátzcuaro — a centuries-old Marycarmen’s husband Reserve Your during 2014 from his job at colonial and indigenous and Alan’s father, Edmun- Advertising Space Today! the Lumberyard Rotisserie WRZQLQWKHVWDWHRI0LFKR- GR 0DUWLQH] ² ZKR GLGQ¶W Deadline: May 29th & Grill. DFiQZKHUH9LFWRUDQG&DU- originally come on the trip PHQ¿UVWPHWDQGQRZRZQ — drove to Laredo to pro- Reunion delayed DKRPH²ZHUHWKHFRXSOH¶V vide emotional support. 2Q-DQWKH7DKRHZDV eldest daughter, Carla Cam- -XOLR ZKR DOVR ZHQW found burned, though in- puzano, her family, and Vic- Laredo, eventually chose YHVWLJDWRUV GLGQ¶W RI¿FLDOO\ tor’s brothers and sisters. to return to Cannon Beach identify the vehicle until 7KH UHXQLRQ ZRXOG KDYH by bus. But not before giv- mid-February. ing his mother the money to be delayed. ³:KDW ZH ZRUNHG IRU WKDWKHZRXOGKDYHVSHQWLQ WKURXJKRXW WKH ZKROH \HDU Being strong Pátzcuaro. 6KRFNHG DQG EHZLO- ZDVJRQHLQDVHFRQG´VDLG As she told this part of 15-year-old Paola Campu- dered, the family reached the story, Carmen began zano, Carmen and Victor’s out to loved ones and close to cry, suddenly overcome \RXQJHVW FKLOG ZKR DWWHQGV IULHQGV OHWWLQJ WKHP NQRZ ZLWKJUDWLWXGHIRUKHUIDPL- Seaside High School. “We ZKDWKDSSHQHG O\³,IHHOVROXFN\IRUWKDW´ 7KH QH[W IHZ ZHHNV EH- ZHUH OLNH µ+RZ FRXOG WKLV “We all believe in God, came a rush of coping, prob- so that helps to not suffer KDSSHQ"¶´ Carmen, Victor and lem solving and lifting each IRUWKHPDWHULDOWKLQJV´VKH Paola had taken the trip — others’ spirits. “I tried to be said. “That helps to take it LQ WKUHH YHKLFOHV ² ZLWK strong for them, and they easy and let it go and thank four generations of the fami- WULHG WR EH VWURQJ IRU PH´ *RGWKDWZHGLGQ¶WJHWKXUW´ ly: Carmen’s mother, Loren- Carmen said. “It could have been $IWHU ¿OOLQJ RXW D SR- ZRUVH´3DRODVDLG za Villa, and brother, Hector Copies distributed throughout the year to north coast hotels, motels, chambers of commerce, visitors Tobar; Carmen and Victor’s lice report, the family split bureaus, campgrounds, restaurants and stores and inserted in The Daily Astorian & Chinook Observer son, Julio Campuzano, of up. Some drove to Laredo, Uncertainty Co n ta ct yo ur a d ver t isin g sa les co n sulta n t fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n : Carmen and Victor, Cannon Beach; their daugh- Texas, to register a truck in W ASH IN GTO N : 800-643-3703 O RE GO N : 503-325-3211 ters Judith Campuzano Mexico. Others returned to ZKR KDYH OLYHG RQ WKH COMING IN MAY OUR 8TH ANNUAL coastal Menu Guide 2015