Seaside signal. (Seaside, Or.) 1905-current, May 15, 2015, Image 1

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OUR 109th YEAR • May 15, 2015
City Council OKs medical marijuana dispensaries
City to work on
amendment to ban
facilities from city’s
downtown core
By Katherine Lacaze
Seaside Signal
Seaside City Council
passed legislation allow-
ing medical marijuana dis-
pensaries to set up shop at
certain locations within city
limits, but the counselors
ished, as they plan to tack-
le in the coming weeks a
new amendment that would
ban dispensaries from the
downtown core.
At the meeting Monday,
the council voted 5-2 to
amend the business license
ordinance, which prohibits
unlawful, illegal or prohib-
ited businesses, and create
a new chapter to set restric-
tions for how, when and
where dispensaries can oper-
ate. Mayor Don Larson and
City Councilor Dana Phil-
lips cast the dissenting votes.
The ordinance will go into
effect 30 days from Monday.
The amendment affects
Chapter 110 of the code, and
adds the sentence: “Notwith-
standing the aforementioned
provisions, a license can be
issued for medical marijuana
dispensaries that comply with
the additional licensing re-
quirements in Chapter 118.”
with no
Chapter 118, the new sec-
tion created, provides legal
dispensary, cardholders and
license and requires all dis-
pensaries to be registered in
accordance with Oregon Re-
vised Statutes and applica-
ble Oregon Administrative
Rule. Registration by the
Oregon Health Authority,
however, does not guarantee
a dispensary is permitted to
operate under applicable lo-
cal municipal regulations.
The restrictions in the
chapter are meant to supple-
ment those outlined by the
Oregon Health Authority’s
Medical Marijuana Program,
which disallow dispensaries
from being located less than
1,000 feet from a school or
one another. Some of the
operational requirements in-
clude: a new license must be
obtained each year; no sale or
other distribution of marijua-
na shall occur between 8 p.m.
and 8 a.m.; and dispensaries
cannot distribute marijuana or
marijuana-infused products
free of charge, among others.
Dispensaries only can locate
in areas zoned commercial.
comment section before ap-
proval, Seaside resident Tim
Tolan read into record a letter
from Clatsop County Dis-
trict Attorney Josh Marquis,
which said he was not asked
for input as the city crafted
See Council, Page 11A
City to consider new
ordinance next month
By R.J. Marx
Seaside Signal
After repealing its ex-
isting fence ordinance, the
City of Gearhart declined
to adopt a new ordinance
at its Wednesday, May 6
City Council meeting. The
repealed ordinance regulat-
ed fences, which were lo-
cated within yards and not
allowed to exceed 6 feet in
height. The ordinance regu-
lated the types of material
used in the fence, prohib-
iting barbed wire or other
sharp or otherwise danger-
ous construction material.
The issue initially came
to the council’s attention
in 2014 after complaints
about property owners who
allegedly violated the fence
standards. A review of the
ordinance indicated that
updated regulations were
needed for better compli-
On Wednesday, after a
unanimous vote to repeal
the old ordinance, the City
Council then considered an
ordinance which included
elements of the previous
code, as well as a second
section that declared that
all existing fences that do
not comply with the fence
provisions herein would be
grandfathered. City Attor-
ney Peter Watts warned, “If
you don’t pass the second
fence ordinance, it’s Wild
West for fence builders.”
“I disagree, we still have
the international building
code,” said councilor John
Duncan. “We would have
something in place.”
“Then we’re going to be
a couple of months without
a fence ordinance,” said
Mayor Dianne Widdop.
See Gearhart, Page 7A
Vince Bogard, the president of the Northwest Old Iron Club chapter from Tillamook, hammers away in a blacksmithing demonstration during the Camp 18
Logger’s Memorial Dedication and Logging Exhibition on May 9. The blacksmith demonstration was a new addition this year to the annual event.
Logging life on display at Camp 18 exhibition
33 new plaques dedicated to
memorial at annual event
By Katherine Lacaze
Seaside Signal
The annual Camp 18 Logger’s Memorial Dedication
and Logging Exhibition features an array of competi-
tive events for students, from spur climbing, to double
bucking, sawing and axe-throwing. About 10 teams
from regional high schools took part in the competi-
tion during the exhibition.
The Camp 18 Logging Museum
grounds were alive with sawing, cutting,
climbing, ax-throwing and other glimps-
es into the logging industry and lifestyle
during the annual Camp 18 Logger’s Me-
morial Dedication and Logging Exhibition
on May 9.
During this year’s public event, 33 new
plaques recognizing those who dedicated
their lives to the logging industry were
committed into the memorial, which sits
on the museum property near milepost
18 on U.S. Highway 26. Since opening in
2009 as a part of the Camp 18 Museum,
the memorial has amassed a total of 386
The exhibition, a more lively event, was
held after the dedication ceremony. Local
high school forestry teams participated in
competitive events such as spur climbing,
choker setting, splicing, double bucking,
hook-tender racing and other activities.
Knappa, Vernonia and Sweet Home high
schools, Sabin School and Clatskanie
Middle and High School participated.
Each school brought about two teams, and
an all-girls team combined students from
Clatskanie and Sweet Home. Clatskanie
Sweet Home and Clatskanie team won
second; and Sweet Home won third.
When the annual dedication started in
2009, museum president Mark Standley
decided to incorporate the exhibition to
round out the event and show the public
“a little bit about the industry.” Each year
since its creation, the event has grown, and
hundreds were in attendance May 9.
Food and beverages were served
throughout the day, and the event also fea-
tured an auction – with items such as steer-
ing tires, a gun safe, a log truck loaded with
A new feature added for this year’s ex-
hibition was a blacksmith demonstration
at a small shop, recently constructed on
the museum property. Eventually, Stand-
ley said, he would like to hold a “ham-
mer-in,” or a blacksmithing exhibition,
where individuals could show off their
skills in the trade. He also wants to add a
cedar-carving competition at some point.
See Logging, Page 11A
Porcelain china-painting school
comes to Seaside for 14th year
Students take part in ancient art
form during four-day event
By Katherine Lacaze
Seaside Signal
The Seaside Civic and Conven-
tion Center was overrun by china last
week. No, not the world’s most pop-
ulous country, but rather hordes of
white porcelain dishes, plates, vases
and other items, much of which were
decorated or in the process of being
painted during the Oregon World Or-
ganization of China Painters’ annual
Oregon Porcelain Art Retreat.
The four-day porcelain china-paint-
ing seminar, which took place from
May 5 to 8, has been held at the con-
vention center for 14 years.
The purpose of the annual school,
according to President Jo Thackery, is
“to try to further educate our students
in porcelain art.” About 100 students,
most of them women upwards of 50
from across the United States, joined
together at the convention center to
take classes from 12 instructors, each
with a different style or theme.
Students could pick which instruc-
tor’s class to take, and all the students
in one class created the same image,
grapes, roosters and more, on a piece
of porcelain, such as a vase or tile.
Participants had to purchase their
class project porcelain from the school Instructor Nancy Fisher, right, a renowned artist from Florida, helps
store in order for it be accepted for a student understand the technique for painting daffodils on a vase
¿ULQJ 2YHU WKH FRXUVH RI IRXU GD\V during a class period at the Oregon Porcelain Art Retreat on May
See Porcelain, Page 12A
5. The four-day retreat is an annual event, held at the Seaside Civic
and Convention Center.