May 1, 2015 • Seaside Signal • • 3A Students seek to fashion a positive impact Seniors host Couture For Change event to raise money for local chapter of the Assistance League Salon and Spa provided a professional hairstyle for one model. The convention center gave the group a dis- FRXQWIRUUHQWLQJWKHVSDFH as the event was for a non- SUR¿W RUJDQL]DWLRQ DQG WKH cost was covered by private monetary donations. 5DIÀH SUL]HV DQG VLOHQW auction items also were do- nated by the community. 2YHUDOOWKHHYHQWKDGDERXW VSRQVRUV 7KH UDIÀH DQG DXFWLRQ FRPELQHG ZLWK WKH SHU SHUVRQ DGPLVVLRQ UDLVHG DERXW $ PD- MRULW\ RI WKH FORWKHV ZHUH donated to the Assistance /HDJXH DIWHU WKH HYHQW DV well. When trying to set a JRDO IRU WKH VL]H RI WKH HYHQW WKH\ ZHUH WROG E\ WKHLU FRPPXQLW\ PHQWRU professional photographer and designer Jaime Kae +D]HQ³,WZLOOEHDVELJDV \RX WKLQN LW ZLOO EH´ QRW- HG VHQLRU 0DGL :LUNNDOD the entertainment coordi- QDWRU :LWK WKDW LQ PLQG they thought big to pull off a successful event with nearly 100 people in atten- dance. During the course of SXWWLQJ RQ WKH IXQGUDLVHU the students learned a lot about the responsibilities of creating and hosting a FKDULW\HYHQWWKH\VDLG$O- though it was a lot of work DQGTXLWHVWUHVVIXODWWLPHV WKH\VDLGLWZDVZRUWKLW By Katherine Lacaze Seaside Signal Five Seaside High School seniors wanted to make a difference in the community through their FROOHFWLYH 3DFL¿FD 3URMHFW so they constructed a game plan to accomplish that goal by using fashion to provide local in-need children with clothing. After months of plan- QLQJ WKH VWXGHQWV SXW RQ a fashion show and silent DXFWLRQ IXQGUDLVHU WLWOHG &RXWXUH )RU &KDQJH DW the Seaside Civic and Con- vention Center on April 16. The proceeds from the event went to the Assis- tance League of the Colum- ELD3DFL¿FDFKDSWHURIWKH National Assistance League with programs that primari- O\EHQH¿WFKLOGUHQLQQHHG Senior Whitney McQuil- OLDPV WKH HYHQW FRRUGLQD- WRUVDLGWKH\FRQVLGHUHGDQ DUUD\RIQRQSUR¿WVWREHWKH recipient but settled on the Assistance League because it is slightly more obscure and shares the girls’ passion for helping children. Thirteen students from the high school modeled clothes donated by Ter +DU¶V(GGLH%DXHUDQGRWK- er private and commercial sources. Some models also were adorned with tattoos from Seaside’s Five Star Henna. Shear Pleasures .$7+(5,1(/$&$=(3+272 Seaside High School seniors Brooke Laws, Madi Wirkkala, Kaylea Roberson, Whitney Anderson and Whitney McQuilliams were the creative minds and driving force behind Couture For Change, a fashion show and silent auction fundraiser for the Assis- tance League of the Columbia Pacific. The girls put on the event for their senior Pacifica Project and raised about $1,780. ³, KDG D JRRG WLPH ZLWK LW UHJDUGOHVV´ VDLG :LUN- NDOD ZKR OLVWHQHG WR DERXW 300 songs to make the ap- propriate play lists for each portion of the event. ³,WZDVDQDPD]LQJH[SH- ULHQFH´0F4XLOOLDPVDJUHHG :KLWQH\ $QGHUVRQ WKH IXQGUDLVLQJ FRRUGLQDWRU also modeled for the fashion show. She watched several videos online to get inspi- ration for her runway walk and practiced a lot. She said VKH HQMR\HG PRGHOLQJ DQG it was evident in the person- DOÀDUHVKHGLVSOD\HGRQWKH catwalk. 6HQLRU %URRNH /DZV served as the fashion show coordinator and Kaylea Roberson was the auction head. When asked if social ac- tivism is a high priority for WKHP :LUNNDOD UHVSRQGHG ³ SHUFHQW´ ,Q DGGL- tion to providing for those LQ QHHG VKH DQG WKH RWKHU girls also listed animal cru- HOW\ RSSUHVVLQJ RU MXGJLQJ RWKHUVSK\VLFDODQGPHQWDO disability awareness and /*%7 OHVELDQ JD\ ELVH[- XDODQGWUDQVJHQGHUULJKWV as some of the issues they individually care about. ³,I , FRXOG GR DQ\WKLQJ that would make everyone be WRQLFHWRRWKHUVWKDWZRXOG EHFRRO´:LUNNDODVDLG For more informa- tion about the Assistance /HDJXH YLVLW ZZZDVVLV- or contact WKHRUJDQL]DWLRQDW32%R[ $VWRULD25 School district mulls over proposed $21.03 million budget for 2015-16 year Seaside Signal The Seaside School Dis- trict has started its budget pro- cess for the 2015-16 school year and is looking to increase compensation for all employ- HHV E\ DW OHDVW SHUFHQW implement a full-time kinder- garten program and add two special education positions if adequate funds are available. The budget committee KHOGLWV¿UVWPHHWLQJ7XHVGD\ before the Seaside School 'LVWULFW %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV meeting and elected Michelle Wunderlich and board mem- EHU%ULDQ7D\ORUDVFKDLUDQG YLFHFKDLU UHVSHFWLYHO\ 7KH committee includes the other ERDUGRIGLUHFWRUPHPEHUVDV ZHOODVVL[RWKHUFRPPXQLW\ members that were appointed by the board. The district’s overall bud- get for 2015-16 as proposed is The proposed budget for the general fund includes an DSSUR[LPDWH SHUFHQW LQ- FUHDVHIURPWKHDGRSWHG JHQHUDOIXQGEXGJHWRUDQ LQFUHDVHRIDERXWPLO- OLRQ WR PLOOLRQ 7KH general fund covers all oper- DWLQJFRVWV$PDMRULW\RIWKH revenue for that fund comes IURP ORFDO VRXUFHV VXFK DV SURSHUW\ WD[HV DQG VWDWH VRXUFHV VXFK DV WLPEHU UHY- HQXH)HGHUDOVRXUFHVDUHH[- SHFWHGWRSURYLGHRQO\ $ERXWSHUFHQWRIH[SHQ- ditures from the general fund are for salaries; 31 percent for associated payroll costs; SHUFHQW IRU SXUFKDVHG VHU- vices; 5 percent for supplies and materials; 1 percent for capital outlay and 6 percent for other items and transfers. The district has budgeted a 2.25 percent wage increase for all employees with steps when DSSOLFDEOH VDLG -XVWLQH +LOO the district’s business manager. $VSHUXVXDOWKHGLVWULFW¶V goal is to maintain an ending fund balance of 10 percent. The starting fund balance for Sp ri ng Savi ng s free IN -H O M E C O N SU LTAT IO N ! YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR TIRES • CUSTOM WHEELS • • AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES • 503-325-2861 For emergencies 503-325-0233 35359 Business Hwy 101 (miles crossing) Astoria, OR GRHVWKHGLVWULFWZLOOFRQWLQ- ue to invest in providing the highest quality education to RXUFRPPXQLW\´ The budget committee is scheduled to meet again May 19 and tentatively approve the budget. The board then will hold a public hearing on the budget as approved by the committee at its June 16 board meeting. At that meet- LQJWKHERDUGPD\HQDFWUHVR- OXWLRQVWRDGRSWWKHEXGJHWWR make the appropriations and WRGHFODUHWKHWD[OHY\ ,QRWKHUQHZV • Director of Special Ser- YLFHV(OL]DEHWK)ULHGPDQWHQ- dered her notice of resignation; she will be leaving at the end RI WKH VFKRRO \HDU -XQH She will be replaced by Jeremy &DWWDVSHFLDOHGXFDWLRQKLJK school teacher from the Neah- Kah-Nie School District. • The board voted unan- imously on a phase-in plan for the full-time kindergarten program that will be imple- PHQWHGQH[WVFKRRO\HDU7KH phase-in plan includes a soft transition and staggered start IRUVWXGHQWV%RWKHOHPHQWDU\ schools will have the program. The Seaside Signal is published every other week by EO Media Group, 1555 N. Roosevelt, Seaside Oregon 97138. 503-738-5561. PUBLISHER CIRCULATION MANAGER INTERIM EDITOR SYSTEMS MANAGER REPORTER CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Steve Forrester Dave Fisher Katherine Lacaze Samantha McLaren Carl Earl ADVERTISING MANAGER Betty Smith Claire Lovell John Rahl Darren Gooch Esther Moberg PRODUCTION MANAGER ADVERTISING SALES John D. Bruijn Laura Kaim Wendy Richardson Letter policy The Seaside Signal welcomes letters to the editor. The deadline is noon Monday prior to publication. Letters must be 400 words or less and must be signed by the author and include a phone number for YHUL¿FDWLRQ :H DOVR UHTXHVW that submissions be limited to one letter per month. Send to 1555 N. Roosevelt Drive, Seaside, OR 97138, drop them off at 1555 N. Roosevelt Drive or fax to 503-738- 9285. Or email nmccarthy@ SUBSCRIPTIONS Annually: $40.50 in county • $58.00 in and out of county • e-Edition: only $30.00 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Seaside Signal, P.O. Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103. 3RVWDJH3DLGDW6HDVLGH25DQGDWDGGLWLRQDOPDLOLQJRI¿FHV&RS\ULJKW‹E\WKH Seaside Signal. No portion of this newspaper may be re-produced without written permission. All rights reserved. GR AND OP E NING NE W S E AS ID E M AY 8 TR ANS IT K IOS K 10 AM S UN S ET EM PIRE TRAN S PORTATION DIS TRICT F IN A N C IN G A V A IL A B L E C all F or A DEL’S O.K. Hours: Mon-Fri 8-6 Sat- 8-4 with Common Core Stan- dards and maintains the man- dated Oregon Department of (GXFDWLRQDGRSWLRQVFKHGXOH The district has budgeted DERXW IRU (QJOLVK /DQJXDJH $UWV DQG (QJOLVK Language Development. Ad- ditional staff training time also will be required as part of WKH LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ 'RXJK- erty said. (VVHQWLDO IDFLOLW\ UHSDLUV and maintenance needs that are slated for this school year LQFOXGH D URR¿QJ SURMHFW IRU WKH *HDUKDUW (OHPHQWDU\ 6FKRRO J\P WZR URRI SDFNV DW%URDGZD\0LGGOH6FKRRO addressing American with Disabilities Act compliance LVVXHV HQJLQHHULQJ DQG FRQ- struction of walls at Seaside +HLJKWV (OHPHQWDU\ 6FKRRO DQGDUHVWURRPUHIUHVKSURMHFW at Seaside High School. The district also plans to replace VL[ UHJXODU VFKRRO EXVHV DQG ¿YHW\SHVFKRROEXVHVWKDW do not meet the mandated standards. ³:H DUH RSWLPLVWLF WKDW our economy is beginning to UHFRYHU´ 'RXJKHUW\ ZURWH LQKLVEXGJHWPHVVDJH³$VLW Shutters, D rap eries, W ood B lind s, C ellular Shad es, Soft Shad es, Vertical B lind s, Valances, W oven W ood & m ore! O reg on C oa st 503-7 38-524 2 Lincoln C ity 54 1 -9 9 4 -9 9 54 SW W a shing ton 503-7 38-524 2 L OCATE D - S E AS ID E OUTL E T M AL L 1111 NOR TH R OOS E VE L T D R IVE S E AS ID E , OR E GON OP E N- TH UR S D AY TH R U M OND AY 9 :00 AM TO 6 :00 P M 503-440-6 6 59 2 5 % SAVE on Select Signature Series *Offer not valid with any other offers. Offer good at time of initial estimate only. Offer good at participating franchises only. Each franchise independently owned and operated. CCB#177717 LV SURMHFWHG WR EH DERXWPLOOLRQ The district also has pro- SRVHG D EXGJHW RI DSSUR[- LPDWHO\ PLOOLRQ LQ VSHFLDOIXQGVDERXW LQGHEWVHUYLFHDQG IRUFDSLWDOLPSURYHPHQWSURM- ects. These funds often carry restrictions on how they can EHVSHQW+LOOVDLG 7ZRSURMHFWHGRIIVHWVZLOO allow the district to increase allocations in school year 2015-16 without making re- GXFWLRQVDFFRUGLQJWR6XSHU- intendent Doug Dougherty. )LUVW WKH *UHDWHU 6HDVLGH Urban Renewal District is VHWWRH[SLUHDWWKHHQGRIWKH ¿VFDO \HDU ZKLFK ZLOOLQFUHDVHWKHSURSHUW\WD[ value calculation and translate into more revenue collections IRUWKHVFKRROGLVWULFW7KHH[- tra funds will be used to cov- er the district’s new full-day kindergarten program. Sec- RQGWKHGLVWULFW¶V3XEOLF(P- ployees Retirement System 3(56 UDWHV ZLOO GHFUHDVH 7KHUHGXFWLRQ+LOOVDLGZLOO SURYLGH DERXW LQ VDYLQJVZKLFKZLOOFRYHUVDO- ary increases and associated payroll costs. ,I WKH EXGJHW DOORZV 'RXJKHUW\ VDLG WKH GLVWULFW wants to add a special educa- tion teacher and assistant to DGGUHVVWKHVRFLDOHPRWLRQDO and behavioral needs of stu- GHQWV SDUWLFXODUO\ DW WKH HOH- mentary level. A curriculum change also is scheduled for the 2015-16 school year that is aligned By Katherine Lacaze • Bus tic ke t a n d p a s s s a le s • In fo rm a tio n , s c he d ule s & m a p s • Trip p la n n in g - lo c a l a n d b e yo n d D AY TR IP S SH OP P IN G EN JOY TH E SITES