April 17, 2015 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com • 7A Obituaries Eva Millikan Sylvia Beatrice Kallina Goodman Oct. 15, 1930 — March 21, 2015 June 4, 1921 — March 1, 2015 Eva Millikan of King City, formerly a longtime resident of Seaside, died March 21, 2015, after a battle with cancer. Eva was born in San Jose, Ca- lif., to Elwood and Hel- en Duff Baugh, a banker and a Christian evangelist. Eva was just 10 years old and her brother Gordon, 8, when her father died in an accident. The siblings attended Prairie Bible In- stitute (PBI) in Calgary, Alberta, for high school. There, in the frigid win- ters of Alberta, Eva’s warm disposition earned her the nickname Sunny. Upon graduation from 3%, (YD DWWHQGHG 3DFL¿F College (now George Fox University) and traveled the U.S. for her mother’s grow- ing organization, Stonecroft Ministries. In her travels, she was befriended by aviation magnate Glen L. Martin of Baltimore, Md., who intro- duced her to East Coast so- ciety. Eva was never tempt- ed by wealth, once saying to Mr. Martin, “I am going to be one of the few people you know who doesn’t care about your money.” Eva Millikan On a summer evening at Cannon Beach Conference Center, Sunny Baugh met a handsome young man on a Harley, Ben Millikan, who had attended the evening service. The shy Ben and effervescent Eva hit it off right away and soon they married and settled in Sea- side. While Ben ran their business, M and M Auto Company, Eva dedicated herself to raising their two children. Later, she began working to put the kids through college, and en- joyed it so much she never looked back. Eva loved her staff at the Pig ’N Pancake, and many of them remem- ber the support and en- couragement she offered. Regular customers recall her elegance, her warm greetings and her sense of humor. Upon retirement, Eva and Ben spent time traveling and dancing with the Tradi- tional Jazz Society, where they had many friends. While driving through the desert Southwest, Eva and Ben happened upon a little palm-ringed oasis called Lake Tamerisk near Palm Springs, Calif., which be- came their winter home for \HDUV (YD ZDV ¿QDOO\ able to defrost after her high school years in Canada. Eva lived a life of grace, love and joyfulness. In ad- dition to her husband of 60 years, Eva will be missed by her two children and their spouses, Sue and husband Mike Adams of Frederick, Md., Ron and wife Renee of Portland, ¿YH JUDQGFKLOGUHQ DQG great-grandchildren. Her brother Gordon Baugh and wife, Katherine, reside in Newberg, Ore. A private service has been held. Memorial Eileen Bishop — Saturday, April 18 Memorial at 1 p.m., Seaside American Legion, 1315 Broadway, Seaside. Local woman gets Scouting’s top volunteer mentor award Youth mentor Laurie Kautz, of the Fort Clatsop Dis- WULFW&DVFDGH3DFL¿F&RXQFLO of the Boy Scouts of America, was presented the prestigious Silver Beaver award for her volunteer efforts in February at a special recognition cere- mony in her honor. The award is the top award that a local Boy Scout council can bestow upon a volunteer mentor. Recipients DUH VHOHFWHG E\ FRQ¿GHQWLDO nominations of adult peers, and only one award may be presented for every 60 troops, making it a prominent honor. Kautz became a Scout in Portland in the 1980s as a Sea Scout. She has served as a pack committee and den leader for Pack 540. She has served the Ft. Clatsop Dis- trict as the Popcorn Kernel, day camp director, Cub Scout leader trainer and is current- ly the district program chair. Ro b ert Ca in , LD 45 yea rs of experience FREE C ON SU LTATION Sylvia was born June 4, 1921, in Garwood, Texas. The middle child of John Kallina and Anna Dornak Kallina, she had two brothers, Johnny and Buren. Sylvia left home to attend Southwest Texas State Univer- sity in San Marcos the summer she turned 16. Graduating with honors, she began teaching home economics in the Texas public school system by the age of 20. She met her hus- band, Henry Harris Goodman Jr., while boarding at his family home during college. With World War II loom- ing, Sylvia took the train to Baltimore and married Harris on Dec., 20, 1944, prior to Har- ris attending mid-shipman’s school and receiving his com- mission as Naval lieutenant. 1LQH PRQWKV ODWHU WKHLU ¿UVW daughter, Sylvia June, was born, followed closely by Sha- ron Kay and Virginia Adele. After the war, the family moved to Austin, Texas, and Sylvia raised the three girls while Harris completed his Ph.D. in chemistry. They sub- sequently moved to Wilming- ton, Del., where Harris was a research chemist for DuPont, and their fourth daughter, Su- san Jean, was born. In the 1960s the family PRYHG WR %ORRP¿HOG +LOOV Mich., their home for 25 years. Sylvia became active in the local schools, commu- nity, and St. Owens Catholic Church. Here, her faith grew and she came to know and love Jesus personally, devel- oping lifelong friendships in her prayer group. Drawn by the beautiful scenery, Sylvia and Harris retired and moved to Cannon Beach. They loved the beauti- ful coastal scenery of Cannon Beach and developing many close friendships at both the Community Presbyterian Church and St. Peter the Fish- erman Catholic Church. Syl- via was also actively involved in the Cannon Beach Garden Club, Library Club, Presbyte- rian Women’s group and the Seaside Hospital Auxiliary. Sylvia loved her four daughters and their husbands, June and Bart Blout, Sharon and Paul Kinnison, Ginny and Jim Chenet, and Susan and Mark Johnson. She trea- sured her seven grandsons, Kyle and Matt Chenet, Kevin Kinnison and Colin Kinnison, Garrett Johnson and Michael Johnson and Jonathon Blout, Bobby Joe Roland Dec. 29, 1936 — March 13, 2015 Kautz’s prime focus has been on children with disabilities. She has two autistic children and has used her passion and knowledge of autism to sup- port the Gearhart and Sea- side school districts. She is an active member of the PTA promoting autistic children programs. She has helped Scouting and community leaders by bringing experts to present courses on the Youth mentor Laurie Kautz support autistic children. As a Coast Guard member is the recipient of Scouting’s GXULQJ WKH 3RUWODQG ÀRRG RI highest award. 1997, she worked search and rescue, did property watch and assisted with debris removal. As a member of the Coast Guard Reserve she earned the rank of Bos’n Mate Second Class. Kautz has worked with the local Sea Scouts and oth- er venturing units to do joint activities, and has involved a venturing crew to help with Cub Scout recruiting. Bobby Joe “BJ” Roland passed away in Yuma, Ariz., on March 13, 2015. Bob was born Dec. 29, 2015, in Strat- ford, Okla., to Clarence and Georgia Roland. Bob joined the U.S. Coast Guard and made it his career. He retired after 24 years, as a master chief, while he was stationed at Astoria. He enjoyed the Pa- FL¿F 1RUWKZHVW EXW DIWHU D Bobby Joe Roland few years started spending winters in Arizona, eventu- ally moving there full time. hunting, golf and most re- %RE HQMR\HG ¿VKLQJ cently, shooting. He was a Dining • D en tu res for a ll a ges • N ew , pa rtia ls & cu stom d en tu res • D en tu res for im pla n ts • Relin es a n d repa irs Sylvia Goodman on the North Coast O U TD O O R S EATIN G Excellence in family dining found from a family that has been serving the North Coast for the past 52 years OPEN W ED N ESD AY & FRID AY 9-4 :3 0 | 5 03 -73 8-7710 TW O LO C ATIO N S • SEASID E & HILLSBO RO Great Great Great Homemade Breakfast, lunch and pasta, Clam ★ dinner ★ steaks & ★ Chowder, but that’s not all... menu,too! seafood! Salads! 74 0 Ave H • Ste 2 • Sea sid e | 23 2 N E Lin co ln • Ste B • Hillsb o ro Bes t Brea kfa s t • Fres h S ea food 18 15 S . Ro o s evelt Dr. S ea s id e 503-738 -9 048 The April edition WANNA KNOW WHERE THE LOCALS GO? mill with e v l vo nty cts e Cou tsop odu r n Cla P o : s rie a se o GP 2 in FREE Part n Z t w : o r e Insid RAB C s in nes Busi y of e Jo g th niclin Chro Y FRIDA E FIRST ED TH PUBLISH CH MONTH OF EA n egio ific R -Pac mbia Colu the r loye emp rivate est p s ’ larg 15 l 20 Apri E ANNUAL CHAMBER 33RD AREA OF COMMERC RRENTON ASTORIA-WA C wine L TIVA FES d & seafoo PRESENTS S BOOTH • 200 N WINES E • OREGO AL CUSIN S • COAST & CRAFT • ARTS RY N • JEWEL GARDE RIES • BEER BREWE • LOCAL MUSIC & 26 • LIVE 24, 25 FAIR APRIL P COUNTY Area ton ab, Cr arren ria-W mmerce l Guide Asto va 2015 ber of Co ne Festi on Cham d & Wi ut secti foo Seas ial pull-o Spec • Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner • Lighter appetite menu • Junior Something for Everyone menu Fish ‘n Chips • Burgers • Seafood & Steak Friday & Saturday - Prime Rib Lounge Open Daily 9-Midnight All Oregon Lottery products available BEST BREAKFAST IN TOWN! CLATSO CENTER & EXPO 2015 1104 S Holladay • 503-738-9701 • Open Daily at 8am NATIONALLY FAMOUS CLAM CHOWDER • FRESH OREGON SEAFOOD S wetlands page 9 NEW r of the Wa TH E MON nd OF TH e to Puget ge Isla 24 BOAT t, Or r B. pa ca stpor We , The Os Ferry VED PRESER ge 30 WEL lad L Hotel pa rk A fo es of ckag es pa r mov erato lift op ls at towe per ny pa Braw ill. — na M Wau UA JOSH m an.co astori @daily essex EX /jb BESS ...2 EN ..... TS .......... .......... .....25 ..... A s... R ..... TM .......... & More....... DEP n in New structio 03 Norb 503-436-1111 crbizjou rn a l.com M A Z AT L A N M E X IC A N R E S T A U R A N T Pho n e 5 03 -73 8-96 78 14 4 5 S. Ro o sevelt D rive • Sea sid e D iscover Patty’s Wicker Cafe on the B ea utiful N eca n icum R iver R E ST A U R A N T S CANNON BEACH Ma ate, Con 3-37 com Real Est 800-64 ournal. crbizj www. Seaside • 323 Broadway • 738-7234 (Open 7 Days) Cannon Beach • 223 S. Hemlock 436-2851 (7am-3pm Daily) Astoria • 146 W. Bond • 325-3144 a c ros s the s treet from Bell Buoy available at a newsstand near you m rnal.co crbizjou member of the Yuma Trap and Skeet Club, and really enjoyed shooting and visit- ing with his fellow shooters. Bob is survived by his wife, Carol Roland of Yuma; a son, Kenneth A. Roland of Seaside, Ore.; a stepson, Mike Niemi of Anchorage, Alaska; and his grandchildren. There is no service, at his request. ,Q OLHX RI ÀRZHUV GRQD- tions may be made to Hos- pice of Yuma, 1824 S. Eighth Ave., Yuma, AZ 85367. Grea t res ta ura nts in: G EAR H AR T | S EAS ID E | C AN N ON BEAC H D en tu re repa irs don e sa m e da y! Person a l service a n d a tten tion to deta il al ssjourn erbusine 4 /coastriv sue ook.com e 10 • Is • faceb m Volu and her one granddaughter, Kim Chenet. A devoted wife, mother, and grandmother, Sylvia often wrote letters to her family. She had an innate sense of style, ORYHGÀRZHUVJDUGHQLQJDQG sewing, and enjoyed traveling with Harris. Sylvia was inde- pendent and strong, choosing to live by herself for seven years in her Cannon Beach home. Sylvia appreciated the many family and friends who helped her maintain her inde- pendence in Cannon Beach. She was especially grateful to the memory care staff at Hearthstone Murray Hill in Beaverton, for their care and affection. As Sylvia’s health declined, she consistently ex- pressed love to her family and those caring for her. “Mom, you are lovely, smart, strong, determined, resourceful and brave. You have a compassionate heart, always caring for your family and community. Thank you for VKDULQJ \RXU ORYH RI ÀRZHUV nature, beauty and your faith with all of us. We miss you and love you! We are forever bless- ed.” ~ Your Loving Family. A memorial service was held Thursday, April 2, at Cannon Beach Community Church. Remembrances may be made to Cannon Beach Com- munity Church at 132 E. Washington St., P.O. Box 37, Cannon Beach, OR 97110. O cean Fron t at T olovan a Park w w w .m osch ow der.com N OW OP E N Satu rd ays for B reak fast O n ly 7:00 a.m . to N oon B R E A K F A ST & L U N C H M O N D A Y-F R ID A Y 6A M - 2P M W IN T E R L U N C H SP E C IA L S G rea t A tm osphere • G rea t Food • G rea t P rices 600 B road w ay Su ite 7 & 8 • 503.717.1272