2A • April 17, 2015 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com +DPOHW¿UHFKLHIVDOXWHGIRU\HDUVRIVHUYLFH “I volunteered with them at that point, and then I just stayed with it,” he said. For 40 years, Bill Boone :KHQ KH ¿UVW MRLQHG WKH has volunteered his time to department, there was a serve others through the Ham- strong sense of community let Volunteer Fire Depart- in the town. Some of that ment, gaining a profound and was lost over the years, he valuable knowledge of the said, but there has been a community and eventually resurgence of community ULVLQJWRWKHUROHRI¿UHFKLHI spirit, including the rein- On April 11, Boone was statement of potluck dinners, recognized for his service which are held the second during the monthly Hamlet Saturday of each month, and community potluck dinner, holiday events. held at Hamlet’s community Boone did not have prior center, with about 60 people ¿UH¿JKWLQJ H[SHULHQFH EXW in attendance. As a thank he joined the department be- you, the community gave cause he was looking for ad- KLP DQ DQWLTXH ¿UH QR]]OH venture in his life as a young that was polished and mount- man. He stuck with it because ed on a piece of wood con- he has “a personal conviction taining a placard engraved that everyone needs to give with a thank you to Boone back to their community in for dedicating “40 years and some way or another.” counting” to the community. “There are a million dif- The goal was to surprise him ferent ways to do it, but this with the gift, and they pulled is just the way I’ve chosen,” it off, Boone said. he said. 9ROXQWHHU ¿UH¿JKWHU -XV- He was chairman of the tin Brown initiated the idea Hamlet Rural Fire Protection of honoring Boone at the 'LVWULFW ERDUG LQ WKH V dinner, and the community a position he relinquished embraced it. when he was promoted to “I’ve been on the depart- FKLHILQ ment for a few years and 7KH ¿UH GHSDUWPHQW UXQV started to see how much work about 100 calls per year, with he put into it,” Brown said. the biggest source of activi- Once the community started ty being emergency medical discussing awarding Boone response to motor vehicle for his service, they “agreed it accidents on U.S. Highway should have been done a long 26. The department also pro- time ago,” he added. vides mutual aid to Cannon Boone, who grew up in Beach and Seaside. 3RUWODQGMRLQHGWKHÀHGJOLQJ The department has about ¿UHGHSDUWPHQWLQD\HDU 10 members on the roster. after he moved to the area. Boone said they could use By Katherine Lacaze E K W E • 7 D A Y S A For students planning to attend Clatsop Community College in the 2015-16 aca- demic year, the scholarship application is now available online. Students may apply now through Friday, April 24. A list of more than 50 schol- arships currently available is at ZZZFODWVRSFFHGX¿QDLG 6FKRODUVKLSV DUH D ¿QDQ- cial aid award provided to stu- dents to enable them to pursue their education. The college awards scholarships based RQFULWHULDLQFOXGLQJ¿QDQFLDO need, academic accomplish- ments or other institutional or PHOTO SUBMITTED BY SHELLY CLOOTEN donor requirements. The best Paul Weaver, chairman of the board for the Hamlet Historical Schoolhouse, left, presents part is that scholarship money Hamlet Volunteer Fire Department Chief Bill Boone with a special award. does not have to be repaid by the student. The Clatsop Community more, even though there is but he’s also managed his connotation of what he’s a high participation rate. All business successfully and done for us.” Boone un- College Foundation holds members including Boone raised two kids. derstands the history of the more than 30 local scholar- are volunteers. In fact, he “It’s quite impressive community and knows each ship funds that will provide LVRQHRIWKHODVWXQSDLG¿UH what he’s done,” Brown said. person’s property, health, age approximately $81,500 in chiefs in the state. Boone helped expand and their ability to evacuate scholarships to CCC students He gives between a few to the department’s equipment their property safely in the next year. The CCC Founda- 20 hours per week, on aver- from what originally was at HYHQWRID¿UHRURWKHULQFL- tion receives individual gifts age, serving the department. truck, a jeep and some mil- dent, which helps the depart- throughout the year as well as grants that support annual Since “the job is much larger itary surplus to what is now ment respond appropriately. than I have time to do,” he two facilities for housing “He has an intimate knowl- scholarship awards. Additional scholarship ap- said, he focuses on priori- trucks, a new pumper and a edge of how things work out tizing responsibilities. Nev- rescue rig. He also has over- WKHUH DQG LW¶V YHU\ EHQH¿FLDO plication information and assis- ertheless, he has enjoyed his seen grant writing and fund- WRWKRVHRIXVRQWKH¿UHGH- tance is available from Clatsop time with the department. raising, crucial to keeping partment, as well as those of &RPPXQLW\ &ROOHJH¶V 2I¿FH “It’s been a real positive the department going. us in the rest of the communi- of Financial Aid. You may thing in my life,” he said. From the community’s ty,” Brown said. “The life and FRQWDFW WKH RI¿FH YLD SKRQH Not only has he spear- perspective, Brown said, experience he’s had here for 503-338-2322 or by emailing ¿QDLG#FODWVRSFFHGX KHDGHG WKH ¿UH GHSDUWPHQW “generous fails to give the 40 years is invaluable.” R O Y A L C AB L.L.C. Locally Owned & Operated by Travis Weichal, since 1996 L.L.C. • SMOKE FREE • BIKE RACKS ON ALL VEHICLES 10% Military Discount Pet Friendly ww w . royalcab . net evice d e l i b o m r u o y h g u ro Order your cab th HU B APP! 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