Seaside signal. (Seaside, Or.) 1905-current, April 17, 2015, Image 12

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    12A • April 17, 2015 • Seaside Signal •
Sea Star Gelato celebrates opening
Donation to Food 4 Kids
a highlight of the event
Larson proposes a new
amendment to ordinance
consider that, if they adopt
a location restriction per-
Although the ordinance taining to parks.
Sea Star Gelato celebrat-
as presented did not in-
The Mill Ponds also are
ed their new frozen des-
clude more location re- near to Highway 420 and,
sert shop in Seaside with
strictions than those set by once the park at that loca-
a grand opening event last
the health authority, Mayor tion is established, it will
Saturday. Chamber Ambas-
Don Larson said he would create further limitations
sadors were in attendance
like to see more local re- for potential dispensary
along with many locals as
strictions added. Already owners. Also, if Geiger
Mayor Don Larson cut the
dispensaries cannot be lo- were to sell his business in
red ribbon marking the be-
cated within 1,000 feet of the future, the buyer would
ginning of a new addition
schools or other dispensa- not be able to operate a dis-
pensary at the facility be-
to downtown commerce.
This family owned and
“I don’t think there cause of the park setback.
On a 5-2 vote, the coun-
operated business is the
was enough enforcement
unique concept of gelato
in this,” he said about the cil approved Larson’s pro-
chef Tracy Nye working
proposed ordinance, add- posed amendment to be in-
with his wife Margot and
ing, “We’ve worked for cluded for the ordinance’s
son Logan. Trained by Ital-
years to make this a family second reading. Council-
ors Jay Barber and Seth
ian masters, Tracy enjoys
the science and artistry of
He suggested adding Morrissey voted against
SUBMITTED PHOTO two more restrictions that the amendment.
creating delicious gelato
The council intends to
and sorbetto for all to enjoy. At the Sea Star Gelato grand opening, Food 4 Kids received a donation of $790.65. From left:
would prevent dispensa-
A highlight of the grand Coral Cook, Margot Nye, Logan Nye and Tracy Nye.
ries from operating with- hear public comment on
opening celebration was for
in 1,000 feet of an arcade the altered ordinance at its
Sea Star to generously donate
³:H ZDQWHG WR ¿QG D have had so many people
Sea Star, located at 8 with at least 10 operational April 27 meeting and then
a portion of the prior week’s way to give back to the stop in and wish us well. North Columbia in Sea- arcade games as well as bring it back for a third
sales to Seaside Food 4 Kids. community that has been We also appreciate the side, serves Italian style ice within 1,000 feet of local reading at its May 11 meet-
Volunteer, Coral Cook happily so welcoming and full of many out of town visitors cream made in house in and state parks unless sep- ing. The ordinance can be
accepted a check for $790.65 VXSSRUW GXULQJ RXU ¿UVW that helped drive sales al- addition to dairy free sor- arated by a river, which amended up until its adop-
that will help purchase food to weeks of being open,” lowing us to make this do- bettos, specialty coffee and creates a natural barrier. tion.
Councilor Dana Phil-
feed needy children.
The second provision, as
said Margot Nye. “We nation possible.”
panini sandwiches.
proposed by Larson, would lips, saying she sees no
not apply to dispensaries reason to drag out the
registered with the health process, moved to have
authority prior to April a second reading by title
only; Mayor Don Larson
Blauer, Van Dusen
McCoy said.
Only one business cur- seconded the motion, but it
resource centers, according tion partner and help engage
While the staff is sad to to a news release. She also and consult with local leaders rently holds a license from failed in a 3-4 vote.
resign from hospital
City Attorney Dan Van
see him go, she said, they are has been a community man- across the Providence net- the state to operate as a
By Katherine Lacaze
happy he has an opportunity ager for Relay For Life, and work.
medical marijuana dispen- Thiel recommended mov-
Seaside Signal
for a new position and to be she raised about $300,000
Thompson worked at sary and that is Highway ing slowly and providing
closer to his and his wife’s in the four communities she Providence Seaside Hospi- 420 on North Roosevelt opportunities for public in-
During the past couple families.
tal starting in October 2012. Drive. Steve Geiger, the put each time the proposed
months, the leadership at
It’s a disappointment, she
“The Providence mission During her time, McCoy owner of Highway 420, ordinance is amended. For
Providence Seaside Hospital added, but “we know some- and core values drew me to said, she led projects to in- thanked the council mem- instance, he said, Larson’s
KDV EHHQ LQ ÀX[ EHFDXVH RI times on the North Coast, it this position,” Ward said in FUHDVH VDIHW\ DQG HI¿FLHQF\ bers at the meeting for their proposed amendment sub-
resignations and an internal can be a stepping stone to the release. “I am very happy DQGLPSURYHSDWLHQWV¶H[SHUL- work on the ordinance but stantially changes the or-
other places.”
to be part of the Providence ences. She also helped obtain DOVR QRWL¿HG WKHP WKDW KLV dinance and makes it dif-
The hospital has not an- community and to support a grant to improve the health business might be within ferent than what the public
Blauer has given notice of his nounced who will be the in- philanthropy for Providence of Seaside residents.
1,000 feet of Cartwright saw advertised in advance
plan to resign in late April to WHULP FKLHI H[HFXWLYH ZKLOH Seaside Hospital, including
Registered Nurse Janiece Park. He asked them to of Monday’s meeting.
become an administrator for Blauer’s permanent replace- the Festival of Trees.”
Zauner will become the act-
St. Luke’s Hospital in Moun- ment is selected. The infor-
Lastly, the hospital’s LQJ FKLHI QXUVLQJ RI¿FHU
tain Home, Idaho.
mation likely will be released FKLHI QXUVH H[HFXWLYH DQG She has a masters degree in
Blauer joined the Provi- at the end of April, McCoy RSHUDWLRQV RI¿FHU %RQQLH nursing; is a member of the
dence team in January 2013. said.
Thompson, has transitioned National Honor Society for
In his two years at Provi-
In addition, former Prov- into a new role with Provi- Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau;
dence, he launched the tele- idence Seaside Hospital dence Health and Service’s and is nationally board-certi-
health and telehospitalist Foundation director Sydney Continuous Healthcare Im- ¿HGDVDQXUVHH[HFXWLYH6KH
program. The telehospitalist Van Dusen resigned in Febru- provement team in Renton, began her work at Providence
program provides a way for ary for personal reasons. The Wash., where she will be the Seaside Hospital on April 6.
the staff to connect with a foundation is a component of
hospitalist in Portland during the hospital that raises funds
the 12 hours per day a hospi- to support Providence’s ser-
talist is not physically at the vices on the North Coast. Van
facility. The Portland person- Dusen, who became director
nel then can evaluate patients in June 2012, will be replaced
that come in during the night. with Kimberly Ward, a 13-
In addition, Blauer helped year resident of Gearhart.
C all F or A
prepare for the new Elder-
Ward has a bachelors
Place North Coast facility, degree in communications
which will be opening soon from Portland State Univer-
on North Roosevelt Drive, sity. She has worked for the
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