Seaside signal. (Seaside, Or.) 1905-current, April 03, 2015, Image 4

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    4A • April 3, 2015 • Seaside Signal •
Seaside moves closer to
Elks get no break on
maintenance assessment allowing medical marijuana
to the property owners’ Clat-
sop County taxes for the year.
The assessment for the
By Katherine Lacaze
late last month when the city
Seaside Signal
sent letters to property own-
ers. They will have 30 days to
The Seaside Elks will get provide comment or feedback
no relief from the mandato- before the City Council is pre-
ry Downtown Maintenance sented with an ordinance for
District Assessment in 2015- ¿UVWDQGVHFRQGUHDGLQJDWLWV
16, but Seaside City Council April 27 meeting. The ordi-
promised to re-evaluate all nance likely will come back
properties included in the as- before council for a third and
sessment during the summer. ¿QDOUHDGLQJDQGDGRSWLRQDW
At the City Council’s its May 11 meeting.
March 9 meeting, Christian
Earlier this month, when
Zupancic, a local lawyer speaking on behalf of the
who spoke on behalf of the Elks, Zupancic explained
Elks, asked City Council for KRZ WKH (ONV LV D QRQSUR¿W
a reduced rate or relief from organization and typically
the assessment all togeth- exempt from property tax-
HU IRU WKH QRQSUR¿W$W ODVW es, although the assessment
week’s meeting, the council is distinct from a tax. The
voted unanimously to keep organization donates more
WKHVWDWXVTXRIRU¿VFDO\HDU than $35,000 per year in
2015-16 but to further ex- scholarships for high school
plore the topic at an August seniors and other community
programs and events, such
The Downtown Main- as eye clinics for children,
tenance District includes camps for speech- or hear-
businesses from Roosevelt ing-impaired children and
Drive to the Promenade that more.
are located along Broadway,
“The more money you
Avenue A, Avenue B, Co- have to pay in assessments,
lumbia Street and Franklin the less is going to go
Street. Businesses affected back into the community,”
are charged based on their Zupancic said
lot’s frontage feet.
Meanwhile, he added, the
The dollar-per-front-foot Elks’ parking lots are gen-
rate, according to the city’s erally open for public use
Assistant free of charge, because they
Kim Jordan, is based on two “can’t really charge for the
contracts the city pays out for use of their parking without
downtown landscaping and ORVLQJ WKHLU QRQSUR¿W VWDWXV
litter removal.
in certain respects.” The or-
“These contractors keep ganization can only charge
the downtown landscape for use of its parking lots a
looking beautiful and the few days each year, and it
litter picked up in the down- does during events such as
town area,” said Jordan.
the Hood to Coast Relay.
For 2014-15, nearly 170
“They get stuck between
lots were assessed at a rate of not being able to charge and
about $8.84 per front foot to having to pay maintenance
generate $92,051. The Sea- fees,” Zupancic said.
side Elks Lodge, which has
He said members were
two large parking lots along grateful the council consid-
Avenue A, was required to ered the request for relief or
pay $1,038.19 for 117.4 feet some kind of reduction but
of frontage for one lot and the organization didn’t have
$1,436.12 for 162.4 feet of any expectations.
frontage for another lot.
Council member Randy
After it’s completed, the Frank said he doesn’t mind
assessment is sent to the offering some kind of relief
county, which adds the fees or exemption for the Elks but
Council opts to keep the
status quo for 2015-16
“it will just take time to sort
through that.”
The motion at last week’s
City Council meeting was
to keep the Elks as part of
the 2015-16 assessment. If
the organization’s lots were
removed from consider-
ation, it would require an
approximately 2.7 percent
rate increase per lot for other
property owners, according
to city staff.
In August, the council
will have a workshop to
discuss the assessment and
look at what businesses and
organizations are included
and what they’re charged. A
few new businesses in the
maintenance district, which
was established in 1983 and
hasn’t changed since then,
are not currently included in
the assessment, Jordan said.
“I think it’s a really good
idea for us to look at the
whole thing, not just the
Elks,” said Council member
Tita Montero.
In other news:
• Mary Blake, a North
Coast Food Web board
member, asked the city to
join in a private-public part-
nership to promote healthy
food and local agriculture.
Through the partnership,
they could possibly host
educational programs, sup-
South Clatsop County Food
Bank, expand community
gardens and even build a
community kitchen to create
a broad-based food system.
She suggested the possibili-
ty of using all or part of the
city’s farm, which is about
80 to 100 acres and located
on Lewis and Clark Road.
The partnership, Blake said,
challenge Clatsop County
has started along with four
other communities nation-
wide. They will seek county
participation, including the
use of available empty plots
of land.
• The board announced
two vacancies on the Seaside
Tree Board and asked inter-
ested parties to apply.
dispensaries within UGB
said she does not want the
“federal law” restraint re-
moved completely, in case
it opens the door to other
federally illegal business
Winstanley suggested
that medical marijuana
By Katherine Lacaze
dispensaries could be add-
Seaside Signal
ed as an exception, which
would put the city in the
The city of Seaside is
most legally defensible po-
moving ahead with its
The business license
planning for where, how
ordinance was placed to
and when medical marijua-
monitor revenue, not to
na dispensaries will be able
regulate. Winstanley said
to operate within city lim-
there would be some sim-
its and the Urban Growth
plicity to crafting an entire-
ly new ordinance dealing
The Seaside City Coun-
with medical marijuana
cil and Seaside Planning
dispensaries as opposed
Commission met Monday
to changing the business
night for a joint work ses-
license ordinance to some-
sion on the topic.
thing it was not intended
The Planning Commis-
for. The council and com-
sion, which received public
mission members agreed.
input at its March 3 meet-
City staff will develop
ing, is not recommending
a draft or-
to add any
and revi-
strictions to
‘We felt it would be unreasonably burdensome’
sion to the
those placed
by the Ore-
to add more restrictions or regulations
license or-
gon Health
than those provided by the state
dinance to
bring be-
Ray Romine, planning commission chair
fore City
Council at
its April
ry Program,
which state a dispensary would limit the communi- 13 meeting. The traditional
timeline, Winstanley said,
must be more than 1,000 ty’s access to daycare.
feet from a school and
To avoid potential le- ZRXOG EH IRU D ¿UVW DQG
from another dispensary. gal situations, Winstanley second reading to occur
Seaside’s Zoning Ordi- said, it is being suggested at that meeting and then a
nance allows drug stores that localities regulate the third reading and adoption
as a permissible use in a hours a dispensary cannot to occur at the second April
commercial zone, which is be open, rather than the meeting. In this case, how-
where dispensaries could hours it can be open, so it ever, it might take longer if
be operated.
doesn’t appear the city is the City Council members
“We felt it would be un- allowing or supporting the decide they want more re-
strictions and then select
reasonably burdensome” businesses.
to add more restrictions
The City Council inev- what those will be.
The city is not address-
or regulations than those itably will have to change
provided by the state, Plan- its business license ordi- ing recreational marijuana
ning Commission Chair nance, which states a busi- until the Oregon Liquor
Ray Romine said, adding ness cannot “be unlawful, Control Commission, the
they felt “no desire or great illegal or prohibited by state agency selected to
need for other restrictions.” the laws of the state or the implement the recreational
The commission reached a United States.” Marijua- marijuana law passed by
consensus, he said, that, in na, even for medical use, voters in November, has
all fairness, the city should is outlawed federally. City announced its proposed re-
treat dispensaries like Councilor Tita Montero strictions and regulations.
City Council, Planning
Commission discuss
what to include in local
pharmacies in regards to
zoning. Given the existing
restrictions, there is only
about four places a dispen-
sary could operate.
Mayor Don Larson did
not agree. He feels other
restrictions should be con-
“Otherwise I think this
could get totally, totally out
of line,” he said. He sug-
gested adding restrictions
to a dispensary’s distance
from a park or daycare and
its hours of operation.
City Manager Mark
Winstanley said the city’s
parks are not in commer-
cial zones or are next to
schools. He cautioned that,
if more restrictions are
placed, they could work in
reverse. Someone wanting
to operate a daycare, for
instance, could not do so
within 800 or 900 feet of an
existing dispensary, which
Meals program keeps them going
trition, said he wishes they
were allowed to cook more,
but the state regulates the
meals to ensure nutrition-
al value and food safety.
Several of the dishes arrive
from the provider, Bateman
Senior Meals in Salem, pre-
cooked or frozen. Hinton
will warm up the food “and
bring it back to life,” while
staying within the restric-
tions. Some of the fresh
food is also delivered from
disabled or older than 60 so Volunteer Kive Dahlberg
the organization can have washes dishes after a senior
various dietary restrictions lunch at the Bob Chisholm
Community Center.
Renae Armstrong, a re-
tired veteran who attends
On average, about 25
the lunch several times per
people dine in for lunch
week with his service dog,
each day at the Seaside
Red, agreed.
site. Meals also are deliv-
“This is one of the most
ered to about 20 people
important things seniors
along a north route and
can get,” he said, referring
south route, which together
to a meal they don’t have
include the cities of Gear-
to cook and a chance to so-
hart, Seaside and Cannon
cialize with others.
Beach and areas in be-
As for the Meals on
tween. The number of cli-
Wheels recipients, a lot of
ents can vary by day, week
them “aren’t on the radar
or season. Some recipients
in the community,” Hinton
are snowbirds who are in
said. The volunteer drivers
and out of the area, trans-
absorb a secondary respon-
fer to a hospital for a time,
sibility of being a point of
move to an assisted living
contact for the clients. They
facility or discontinue the
are attentive to precarious
service for other reasons.
situations, which means
The opportunity for nor-
they sometimes call in help
mally home-bound individ-
if a senior needs medical
uals to dine at the commu- Making the
ers, Bergeson and Norton attention; report signs of
nity center has increased program possible
said. And there’s no slack- potential abuse or other
through a new transporta-
ing involved just because health and safety issues;
The program’s driving the work doesn’t result in a alert case workers if there’s
tion service being offered,
courtesy of the Sunset force is Hinton, the only paycheck.
any change of status; and
Empire Park & Recreation paid staff member, and a
“I just believe we have give referrals to other so-
District. As many as four squad of volunteers that a social responsibility to cial services or resources.
people can receive trans- Hinton hopes will grow to take care of people, how- They provide a crucial sup-
portation to the center for meet demand. Drivers are ever we can,” said Norton, port system, Hinton said,
lunch, and the vehicle has especially needed, but all who’s been volunteering adding, “There is a remark-
room for two wheelchairs, volunteers are welcome, since Decemeber. “I treat able amount of need in this
as well. Pick up will be he said. People can volun- them the same way I would county.”
from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
teer as dining room servers, D¿UVWFODVVSDVVHQJHURQD
The need is not always
“We hope to enable kitchen aides and entertain- trip to Sydney.”
obvious, Sage said, and
more home-bound, wheel- ers, which could include
She believes veterans sometimes people don’t
chair-bound people to come dance
musical and elders are two groups know it exists around the
visit,” said Mike Hinton, groups and guest speakers. of people that often need area. “We are around here,
who has served as the sub-
Most of the volunteers help and deserve respect. though,” he said.
stitute meal site coordinator enjoy the work, such as Taking care of them, and
For Carol Cutler, a client
for about two years.
Kive Dahlberg, a Seaside others in need, helps “in- in Cannon Beach who is
resident who was hard crease your happiness quo- “pretty much home-bound,”
What’s cooking
at work washing dishes, ta,” Norton said.
the Meals on Wheels ser-
The meals vary each day, his signature chore, after
The volunteers see how vice is “the difference be-
but include two options for a lunch last week; Jackie WKH SDWURQV EHQH¿W IURP tween eating or not eating,
an entree, such as Swedish Bergeson, a retired woman the socialization provided basically,” she said. Often
meatballs, chicken and gra- who lives in Gearhart and by dining in. For many of the donated meals are the
Y\ SRUN FKRSV EDNHG ¿VK used to help with a Meals the clients, that’s the most only thing she’ll eat in a
and more; a starchy side on Wheels program in east- prominent aspect of the ex- given day. Between Meals
like rice, potatoes, corn or ern Oregon; and Kelly Nor- perience, as well.
on Wheels and the Cannon
bread; a side vegetable; WRQ DQ LQWHUQDWLRQDO ÀLJKW
“(The patrons) don’t Beach Food Pantry, “they
and a dessert, such as fruit, attendant who volunteers come here for the meal, keep me going,” she said.
cake, cookies, pudding or whenever she’s home.
To volunteer or learn
they come here for the com-
ice cream.
Their purpose in volun- panionship. The meal is a more about the program,
Hinton, who has an af- teering is to give back to the bonus,” said Claudia Stan- call Hinton at 503-738-
¿QLW\ IRU FRRNLQJ DQG QX community and serve oth- ton, one of the regulars.
Meals from Page 1A
The 2015 Lady Liberty Award winners, from left, Judith
Maddox Bigby and Jeanne Maddox Peterson.
Inspirational sisters to
be honored at luncheon
Peterson’s contribu-
tions include an excep-
tionally high quality of
dance and choreography
The Liberty Theater classes, and her grace-
has announced that its ful way of mentoring
annual Lady Liberty to generations of local
Awards Luncheon, A students. She is being
Salute to People of Dis- honored as an inspira-
tinction, is being held tion and an example of
from noon to 1:30 p.m. professional excellence.
April 9. The award rec-
ognizes and honors peo- tions include service on
ple of achievement who the Oregon Community
live or work in the Co- Foundation Leadership
OXPELD 3DFL¿F 5HJLRQ Council, serving as prin-
This year’s honorees cipal of Astor Elementa-
are sisters, Jeanne Mad- ry School, her oversight
dox Peterson and Judith of Cinderella’s Clos-
Maddox Bigby, who will et with the Assistance
be celebrated as inspira- League and service on
tions and dedicated com- the Liberty Board, to
munity volunteers.
name but a few. She is
Honorees are se- being honored for her
lected on the basis of contributions to the
volunteer- community as a whole.
ism, professional excel-
Tickets for the lun-
lence and contributions cheon cost $50 each
to the community as a and are available at the
whole. Each is individ- Liberty Theater box of-
ually diverse in their ¿FHZKLFKLVRSHQIURP
accomplishments and 2 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday
represents a wide range through Saturday.
For information, call the
theater at 503-325-5922.
Lady Liberty tickets
on sale now